Fourth Race [4th Coeur dAlene, Daily Racing Form, 1913-05-09

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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 98206 113 3 93 MASALO ch g gSOS2 By Salvado Miss Alice III W Gargan SOS2 CdAlene 34 114 fast 5 103 4 33J W Gargan 5 Hadad Gaty Pallcn E Hamilton 8009 CdAlene 51 f l09fast 12 109 iu 21 W Gargan S Rue Acolin Frank G ilogun 7914 CdAlene CdAlene75S9 34114fast 81 IOS Jnt 55 v Gargan C Compton Gaty Iallen Hadad 75S9 Juarez 34 114 fast 8 102 4nk cl W Gargan 9 QuidNunc KdAdamsr IAHIC Star 753 Juarez 34 l12fast 20 105 3U Sl W Gargan 7 Chaiitklor Marsand AuIiitiTfst 7454 Juarez 7S 128 fast 12 102 4nk 33 W Gargan 12 Ben Wilson Adolante K Wicks 7407 Juarez 34 l12fast 20 103 7 7T2 W Gargan 7 D Gip Transparent Chanticlor 7195 Juarez 34 117 slow 10 108 Inquiota3s 4nk 514 c Peak 7 Eye White Gimli Inquiota 7177 Juarez 5S l06g hvy 10 IOS 3s 31 C Peak 4 The Fad Inmilcta Rogon RogonBy GIMLI b f 4 474SO 107 By Solitaire II Arisbe Mason Jordan 74SO Juarez 34 114 fast 5 107 52i 4 J Forsytli 11 Colinet Eck Davis Transparent 7352 Juarez 34 l13i fast 7 107 2i 6 Forsyth 9 HIghStreet Fanl 1101 Marsand 7327 Juarez 34 1162 slow 85 102 621 5 1 Robblns 7 Lescar Beda Edmond Adams 7195 Juarez 34 117 slow 21 106 li 23 Forsyth 7 Eye White Inquieta Lescar 7100 Juarez 34 l19i mud 165 107 I1 I1 B Steele G Servlcence Chanticlor Sir Barry 7037 Juarez 1 140 fast 2 MOO 13 33 Forsyth 7 OrbedLad Lta Creed Oswald IS 6998 Juarez 1 1392 fast 5 9S 11 42J Forsyth 7 B Mate OrbLad LMarchmont 6900 Juarez 51 f lllg hvy 85 106 Sl 4 Burgame G JustRed Un J Gray Rose Oneil 6878 Juarez 34 113 fast 135 102 2i 21 Groth 10 Masalo Dominica Eye White Whitela B823 Juarez 34 l14i fast 5 102 la l2 Robbins 7 TMcGee Lnarrisonll Ancnlus 6738 Juarez 34 1138 fast 12 104 4 681 Bezanosn 8 JBRobinson E White O Smile 6695 Juarez JuarezCROSSOVER 51 f 1101 slow 4 107 107m ink 11 Forsythe S El Pato Goodlntent LilyPaxton LilyPaxtonBy CROSSOVER b m G 109 By Octagon Lucy Cross T F Garner 7477 Juarez 34 l14fast G 110 9 S11 J McCabe 10 Ramsy Venetian Ocean Queen 7353 Juarez 1 l39fast S 107 1077S 7 61J3J McCabe 7 Suffragist J Louis Calethumpn 6776 Juarez 7S 12S slow S 102 G 4J J McCabe G GMarchmt RBrazos FDuslir 6762 Juarez 1 139 fast 135 3 4 Si J McCabe 5 Fly Feet Cr Box Dr Dougherty C750 Juarez 78 1241 fast 9 93 4it 4 J McCabe G GM Miller Injury IGentleman 6726 Juarez 1 1392 fast 31 95 957S 2nk 3J J McCabe 5 Injury LaekroseG M Miller 6714 Juarez 7S 127 good 5 flS 5 5 J McCabe 5M Street Loween G M Miller 6704 Juarez 1 l43i good 165 111 1117S 521 45 J McCabe G Fther Duster BalcliQ Engraver 6679 Juarez JuarezMELTS 7S 128 fast G 109 3s 21 J McCabe 5 Lackroso Feather Duster Ymir YmirBy MELTS b g 5 By Meltonian Miss Nelson E H Short 7U53 CdAlene 51 4 j T T I5urns s Lairu riVi Sll tt0lt sidPetcrs sidPetcrso 7S21 CdAlene 5S l02good 10 113 1135S o 21 T T BurnslO Old Settler L Bud JBIackstock 6532 Lagoon 5S 110 hvy 6 109 109F 71 2 J Hanover 9 Masalo Susan F Pretty Soon 6507 I agoon F C l19i hvy 165 111 111FCl16Jmud3 OBrien SoonOBrien 9 Orsitolat TStandrd OCuuham B447 Lagoon FCl16Jmud3 107 107F 4 4 Hill S KLar AbeSlupskpy NoQiiaricr 6130 I agoon F C 117 hvy 10 104 4s NoQiiaricr4s 32 Hill S Tipiv Clara W Billy Mycr 63S1 Lagoon 51 f ll2g mud 4 109 5s Mycr5s 4 Hill G ArtiiurHyman PhilConnor Nacfl 6010 Lagoon 31 l13g Rood 8 112 5 5 Hill G CTucker LHarsonlL FLmilse 5935 Lagoon 34 117 hvy 5 109 23 31 Hill 7 BGrnleaf Bellsnicker FLouise 5S51 Lagoon 51 f 111 hvy S 111 111F 7 53J Hill 7 Bin Stone Quick Trip Lomond Lomond6b 5375 Anaconda F C 112 j fast 41 109 6b 5 Hill 10 KamSy DNenfer LIIarrlson II 5007 Vancouver 34 1163 slow 107 4 1 22 Hill G Eye WJiite Moralight TMurphy 4964 Vancouver 34 11S mud 107 3i TMurphy3i 23 Hill 7 Blksheep JIlderson Lmlnstcr 4D42 Vancouver 51 f 111 mud 109 109b 42 1 Hill 7 Twickenham Bucolic Mcada SALLIE ODAY b m 5 104 By Peep oDay Sallie Appleton E Lewis SOG7 CdAlene 58 l01fast 7 109 1095i 2 321 32i W Taylor l Kosenta IJosi v Posev Hogon S009 CdAlene 5i f l097ifast S 109 1095S S HogonS 51 G2 W Taylor S line Masalo Acolin 7909 OdAlene 5S l01fast 71 107 4 V 3s W Taylor G HugliGray Anno McGee Ravnrln RavnrlnC 7S7S CdAleno 58 l01fnst 9 ill ill5S C 5 441 W Taylor G Platinum E Harwood Hararla 5754 Victoria 5S l03i slow 109 4 42 42J Riddle G Dotty M Canomanu Parlor Buy 5G39 Victoria 34 115 fast 104 2 ini I3 Burgame G Dottj Oswald B Beda 609 Victoria 1 I2 1s Riddle G Oswald B Zulu Doii Enrique 5501 Victoria 31 110 fast 112 1 If 1 1 Riddle 7 Zulu Cnuana Larmlnstcr 5ISO Victoria Victoria493G 5S 102J fast 112 2 2 2 Kiddle S AlCnich Gill crtRo e Moralight 493G Vancouver 3 3J l iadl9 7 Connor Darsip J Henaergq BABY DOLL b f 4 102 By Orlando Babbie Kentucky Stable S037 CdAlene 34 l14 fast 30 104 0 9 9 Pauley Chilla Dutch Kock Mary Emily 7rSl Jua ez 1 1S 154 fast 4 101 S 4 2 33 Bobbins 9 Adolnnte Sake Sleopland 7i Jua ez 1 1S l53 fASt 41 102 S S 4J 44 Bobbins 8 1 Baker B Wilson LMEckcrt 7481 Jua ez 1 14 fast 115 101 7 7 71G5 G Gi Forsyth 8 Abound Odelia BnlclitT 737S Jua ez 1 140 fast 1G5 103 7 7 7G SJ 32J Burgame 7 ShootSpray Orbed Lad HI Pato 7275 Jua ez 1 l41g fast G 104 7 7 71SS ll I3 Burgame 7 Gelico Ocn Queen Anne McGee C95G Jua ez 1 l40i fast 1SS 102 8 8 3 = 5J Bobbins 8 Duncraggan Cnntem El Pato CS41 Jua ez 1 141 fast Suit 4 = 1 Burgame 10 MaizieGirl Suffragist UEmma

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Local Identifier: drf1913050901_5_6
Library of Congress Record: