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LEXINGTON FORM CHART LEXINGTON KY THURSDAY MAY 8 1913 Eleventh and last day Kentucky Association Sprinr Meeting of 11 days Weather clear Clay Starter II Morri sey Racing Secretary W II Shelley Racing starts at 215 p Chicago time 215 p m Indicates apprentice allowance Q 1 O P FIHST KACE 34 Mile 95042 112 U 115 Purse 350 3yearoMs and upward O JL JJ Selling Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 AWtPPSt 14 V str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv OddsStrt 7999 2 WILHITE w 4 111 S 3 3J li 11 ink Loftus W H Buckner 05lflO 7907 BILLY HOLDER w 3 OS 2 2 2l 2i 2i 23 J CallahanJ S Hawkins S 0202 TRANSPORT w S 103 0 5 t 11 4i 31 Gross J T Hughes 7G435 7920 THE3IEHES 3 1011 1 7 6 = 5n 4i Kederis P M Civill Civill3U G435 BEULAH S D 104 G 1 3U St 53 Buxton D W Scott 8 02 2 3 BILL WHALEY v 3 99 5 5 51 6J 3 J McCabe T F Brannon Brannon7J 6410 CECIL v3 7 7 4 7J 7i 72 E Martin J C Milam MilamS 47GD MERODE w 4 l i 4 S S S S B Steele J O G H Kecne 8022 DONWELL w 3 101 3 9 9 9 9 Hopkins J O Whitlow Time 23 48 5 114 Track fast 2 lunttiels paid Wilhitc 330 straight 2SO place 250 show Billy Holder 5500 place fl40 show Transport 370 show Equivalent booking odds Wilhite 05 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Billy Holder showWinner to 100 place 120 to 100 show Transport 85 to 100 show Winner Buckncrent Br y Radford Determination trained by W II Buckncr ent to post at 225 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the VHTE followed the leaders close up to the last quarter where he drew into the lead and held JILLX HOLDER safe through the last eighth BILLY HOLDER ran in closest pursuit and made a game effort all the way TRANSPORT finished with a rush from a slow beginning TIIESIHKES cosed a gap JUKI was gaining fast at the end BEPLAII S set the early pace and tired BILL WHALEY ran fairlv well Hie winner entered for 400 was bid up to 705 and bought in n 0vor ollts olltsrwilhUe rwilhUe I 01 ls Holder 1 Transport 2 Tiieslcres Beulali S 2 Bill Jialcy 2 Merode Donwell 42 Q OA SECOND RACE 58 Mile 021 SG 100 2 102 350 added 2yearolds Special O J VU Weights Net value to winner 335 second 50 third S25 lndeV Horses AWtPPSt Vt qtl Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqniv Odfls Strt 8003 PEBECO v 112 41 lh 1 J 1 Goose H P Headley 00 5 VJ9X w 1U r 4b 41 1 J Gass T C McDowell 27W 7889 GLADYS Y wii 10 54 yn 21 3nk Kirschm W G Yailke 1710 802 WOODROW wii 112 5 f 5 31 4 J McCabe T L Pierce J 738i DOCTOR ICENDALL w 109 1 3 2h 5 5 Buxton J M Goode GENERAL AVARRENw llf 3 2 c Loftus C AVoodford IS Time 24VS 48 101 Track fast 2 nuitiie s pa d Pebeco 750 straight 410 place 280 show Caution 340 place 200 show Gladys 250 show showirv irv J1lvm11 l lmcilf mcilf 0IV7l l l o 275 to 100 straight 105 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Caution 70 to 101 place showWinner 10 to 100 show Gladys Y 25 to loO show Winner Ch c by Ornament Ollle Belle trained by T P Hayes Hayesi i n nnt nt to I0st al 504 At post a Inlnl Start good and slow Won easjlv second and third driving I LBLCO was hard ridden from the start and running into the lead just Iteforc rounding Into the stretch drew away and won in n canter CAUTION came with a rush in the last eighth and was going fastest at the end dLADlS was a prominent contender to the stretch but tired In the final drive WOODROW wed speed and finished gamely DR KENDALL tlroil GENERAL WARREN was forced back on the theOverweights Overweights Caution 2 pounds General Warren 2 Qir T THIRD RACE 1 Mile 05718 137 = 5 10S Purse 500 3yearolds and upward U JL V7 I Handicap Not value to winner 400 second 75 third 25 Index Horses A WtPPSt yt K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odils Strt 79552PCESS CALWAYwu 5 ICGi 1 4 2U 22 23 Ink 15 Teahan R Colston ft 5JJOE MX RJS WflSW 2 nuj i 2 = 2 = Loftus A Paker a 8001 YMIR w 4 103 3 2 3l 31 3 35 3 Grrtss J Hochreln 325 7807 THE CINDER WB 3 S7 4 3 1 4 1 4 4 J CullahanC AV Clark 34 34Time Time 23 471J 113 137 Track fast 2 nitituels paid Princess Callaway 030 straight 250 place Joe Morris 240 iilaco no show inutncls sold soldEquivalent Equivalent Itooking oilils Princess Callaway 215 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place Joe Morris 20 to 100 place placeWinner Winner B in bv Broomstick Floearline trained by 1C Colston ColstonWent Went to post at 333 At post 1 minute Start fair and slow Won driving second and third the same PRINCESS CALLAWAY followed JOE MORRIS closely to the last quarter where slie gradually forged into the lead but had lo be driven hard at the end to retain her advantage JOE MORRIS showed the most early speed and made the pace fast but tired near this end as if a trlile short YMIR always had third place secure secureOverweights Overweights Princess Callaway 1 pounds Joe Morris 1 The Cinder 2 Q I O FOURTH RACE 58 Mile C215G 100 2 102 Fourth Running Breeders Futurity O JLvO 1500 added 2yearolds Special Weights Net value to winner includin 10 nominators of first and third horses S5S0350 seeond 1041 third 02000 Index Horses AWtlPSt V t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv Odds Strt 180551MPERATOR W v 115 11 1 Ii 1 1 B Steele J X Camden Camdenit 110100 8052 JOHN GUXD wit it US 12 10 41 2ii 2l C Peak A Baker BakerI 7025 BRIGS BROTHER wn I 315 7 7 r 4l 31 Ganz E R Bradley Bradleyu 8052 JNO MAC GINNISSwu u US 13 4 21 3S 4i Loftus C AAoodford AAoodfordv 794KJRKD STAR W v 115 5 f 7 Vandsen J H Woodford Woodfordi 7 18 URAVE CUNARDRwi i 118 10 5 u fi Ci Hopkins E R Bradley Bradleyv 802G BIILY STUART W v IIS 1 9 S 7i 7 Goose J W May 8000 MAUD B L v 115 3 2 S Buxton J C Milam 802 802SJLOST SJLOST FORTUNE w 115 9 11 9 Kederls Mahoney Shannon 8003 BREAKERS W US C 12 9 IO2 10 J McCabe Clay Bros 7024 iOLD HEX w 115 413 4137U48 11 II1 11s Kirschm V G Yanke 7U48 SINGLE w 118 S S 12 121 12l Gross J E Madder 8052 DR SAMUEL wn 115 14 14 13 13 13 Taplin Crosthwaite fc Rodgers 8052 STHE NORMAN w us 2 3 Lost riderJ Glass T C McDowell tMutuol field JAdded starters Coupled in betting bettingTime Time 23 47 100 equals track record Track fast 2 mntuels paid Imperator 420 straight 300 place 300 show John Gnnd 1420 place 7CO show Brigs Brother 3SO show showEquivalenf Equivalenf booking odds liniterator 110 to 100 straight 95 to 100 place 50 to 100 show John Gund CIO to 100 place 2SO tolOO show Brigs Brother 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Peter Quince Sparkle trained by J O Koene KoeneWent Went to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving 1MPERATOR was lucky at the start and quickly went into a good lead and increased his advantage in the stivteh to win as his rider pleased TOIIX GUND finished vjth a rush through the stretch and showed re luarkahle Improvement BRIGS BROTHER from a slow beginning elosed up steadily and was joing fast at the end JXO MacGIXXISS ran a good half and tired badly KED STAR was going fast in the last ghth BRAVE CUXARDER showed speed but tired MAUD B L quit BREAKERS DR SAMUEL and SINGLE were in a jam at the start and were practically left THE NORMAN fell in the first Six ¬ teenth teenthScratched Scratched 704S Bradleys Choice US SOOO Watermelon 115 Q l O FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 05042 112 0 115 Purse 350 3yearolds and upward O JL Jy Selling Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eouiv Odds Strt 8011 = IUST RED WB 4 10S S 9 9wn S1 SJ 1 I3 J HanoverMiller Moreland 155100 7999 ETHEUDA wn 7 10GJ 1 2 2w 2 I1 2i 2 = B Steele AAr Grater 4J 4J5S 7950 FELLOAVMAN w 3 100 3 4 4w 5S 4 4 3k J McCabe R Colston 37 8051 LASSIE w 4 107 9 5 7 G 6 = 4i Goose P J Millett 32 89811 DR W BRIGGS wn 7 103 4 2U 3l 51 Buxton M C Moore 7 3 fX 5i C3 E Martin Keith Spence 149 068 JEFF BEKNSTEINw 7 111 4 S 9 9 71 7 Loftus A Baker C CGJ 800 HOWDY HOWDY wn C 109 5 7 GJ 7i S S8 W AndressAAr AVoodard 295 295in 5701 FARMER JOB WB 3 97 2 3 in 31 9 9 J CallahanE D Woods SO j jTime Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 niutnels paid Just Red 510 straight 320 place 200 show Ethelda 470 place 300 show JVlIowman 000 show showEquivalent Equivalent lxx king odds Just Red 155 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 45 to 100 show Ethelda 135 to KM place SO to 100 show Fcllowman 350 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Cunard Doris trained by G B Moreland MorelandWent Went to post at 454 At post 4 minutes Start fair and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing JUST RED began slowly and had to go around the otfiers but closed a big gap and Jinishini with a rash won as his rider pleased ETIIELDA was always a forward contender held on well and ran a good race FELLO3VMAX also ran well and standing the linal drive resoluely out gamed LASSIE for third j luce The latter closed a big sap DR WALDO BRIGGS showed speed but tired in tlio last quarter is if not quite ready FARMER JOE set the early pace and quit badly badlyOverweights Overweights Ethelda i pounds Lassie 4 Jeff Bernstein 2 Q QI I V SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards OS3G5 l42if 3 OS Purse 400 3yearolds O JL JL L and upward Selling Net value to winner 00 second 75 third 25 t Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 8004UONAjNZA wn 4 115 5 3 1 = 1J I1 I2 I J J DgganT S Harrison 500100 500100K0272SPINDLE K0272SPINDLE w G 111 4 2 5 = 5J 4 2l 2s J Glass Spiet Powers 3310 OOiBAXOREDLA w 6 109 3 1 S 2 3J 3 Z Buxton J M Goode Hi HiXO273LOVE XO273LOVE DAY AV 4 108 C 5 C C O2 5l 4 Gross J Hochrein 12 708 FOREHEAD w 5 111 1 4 4l 4J 2 4 5 Loftus J C Cochcl 1920 1920Bt222RAVENAL Bt222RAVENAL w 3 107 2 C 2 3l C C C Goose W E Scott IK IKTime Time 23 47 113 138 143 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Bonanza 1SO straight 400 place 300 show Spindle 430 place 370 show Banorella 4K show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bonanza 500 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Spindle 115 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Banorella 145 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Ophirdale trained by L Erb ErbWont Wont to i ost at 520 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BONANZA went into the lead soon after the start and showing great speed held the others safe all the woy SPINDLE came fast in the stretch under urging BAXORELLA was well up throughout LOVE IrAV was going fast yt the end FOREHEAD ran far below his previous good form and quit badly in the stretch RA VENAL tired after going threequarters Overweights Ravenal 1 pound