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STATISTICS OF THE LEXINGTON MEETING The spring meeting of the Kentucky Association which opened at Lexington Ky April 20 and came to a close yesterday embraced eleven racing days during which tiG races were decided and 42120 was distributed In stakes and purses representing a dally nvrragc of 3S20 In this distribution 87 owners shared and the following 45 headed by J X Camdeii were winners of 275 and over Owner 1st 2d 3d Cainden J X i 0 2 Bradley E It i 2 r Coode J M 4 1 3 Baker A 0 2 O Headley II I 4 2 4 Vanke W G Gruber M B Weaver 1 T Knapp II K Woodford C MeKeiina C W Clay Bros Weir K D Kminons II II Bianchi O A Ituckner W II Marshall U P Harrison T S Sotille S Weaver W C Colston 11 Nuekols S C Brandt A II May J W Joplin A U Buschemeycr C P PI I we A It Milani J C Ferguson A L Worlhington C T TThompson Thompson M G Perkins W Moore K W Humphrey A I Jr JrMacias Macias K Williams O Hayes T P Miller Moreland Carpenter J li Applcgate II C Young W J Coehel J C Cuda 1 Scott 1 W Woodard W 1 Imperator by winning the rich Breeders Futurity figures as the chief money winning horse of the meeting Of 140 horses that were placed the fol ¬ lowing OS were winners of 275 and over Horse HorseImperator 1st 2d 3d Imperator Flora Fina John Onnd Little Nephew Brigs Brother Gowell Bell Horse Foundation Korf hage Kmlolfo Wilhite Sprite The Widow Moon MoonFloral Floral Day Bonanza Lady Lightning Praetorian CallawayRose Princess Callaway Rose of Jeddah Ruby llyams Bracktown Belle Cash Koamer DeliveryKoamer on Delivery Miss Thorpe Hawthorn Bird Man Banorella Klugling Al Bloch Barbara Lane Tabot Silver Bill Theresa Gill Birdie Williams Magnet Merriek Theodorita Worlds Wonder Brave Cunarder Guide Post Destino Just Hed Uufllos Ida Lavinia Old Ben Pebeco Susan B Old Rosebud Bettie Sue Flying Feet Flying Tom Forehead Harry Lander Sir Catesby Supervisor Manager Mack Donerail Howdy Howdy The saddle honors of the meeting fell to jockey Loftus who piloted nine winners while Buxton and Janz were respectively second and third The rec ord of the jockeys who piloted one or more win ners follows JockeyLoftus Jockey 2d 3d Unp PO Loftus 4 2 1 2 Buxtou 9 10 20 17 Ganz 3 2 5 35 Borel 119 31 Hanover J Ti 0 12 23 Glass J 5 4 10 21 Goose 4 2 15 10 Steele B 3 3 17 15 McCabe J 0 3 19 12 Kederis 3 1 11 17 Henry J 1 1 17 14 Diiggan J J 1 1 3 29 Andres W 0 1 0 22 Callahan J 2 0 14 11 Hopkins 1 5 14 0 Teahan 2 0 0 11 Kirschbaum 0 5 10 07 Peak C 2 5 10 OG The following jockeys placed but failed to win Jockey Mis 1st 2d SdUnp SdUnpDishmon Dishmon 1 0 1 0 0 Pickett 0 0 1 1 4 4Estop Estop 5 0104 0104Brady Brady 7 0 0 1 Karrick 11 0 1 7 Vanduscn 14 0 1 3 10 Carroll 10Carroll G W 13 0 1 1 11 Martin 11Martin E IS 0 2 4 12 12Taylor Taylor W W 17 0 1 3 13 13Gross Gross 31 044 23 23The The following jockeys hnd mounts to the number shown and were unplaced in all their starts startsJockey Jockey Mts Jockey Mts MtsAdams Adams 1 McDonald 4 4Franklin Franklin 8 Xeylon 2 French 1 Zurborg 1 1Guodc Guodc 1 Taplin 1 The record of the trainers who saddled one or more winners follojvs follojvsTrainer Trainer Wins Trainer Wins Bianchi O A 2 Lehan I Brandt II It 1 Lewis W L Brooks F 2 Lowe J v Brown E 2 May J W Ituckner W H HCoehol 0 McDaniel W Coehol C 1 Moore E W Collins J 1 Moroland G B Colston U 1 Perkins W Cottrell S C 1 Reed W Dickerson W 2 Stevens J II Erli L 2 Trevev W S Goode J M 4 Wallace W M Hammon C 4 Weaver J T Hayes T P 4 Weir F D Johnson A J 1 Wilson C S Jnplln W O 3 Wizard W Karrkk W 11 3 Young W J Koene J O The following stakes were decided decidedStake Stake Dale Winner Value ValuePhoenix Phoenix Hotel Spring Handicap April 20 20Flora Flora Film ii51 ii51Ashland Ashland Oaks April 29 Oowell 1018 1018Idle Idle Hour Stakes May 1 Little Nephew 11 Blue Grass Stakes May 3 Foundation Camdeii Handicap May 0 Flora Finn J1S J1SBrewers Brewers Selling Stakes May 7 Boll Horse SI20 Breeders Futurity Stakes May 8 Imperator SO SOThe The percentage of winning favorites was above normal as fhown in the following tabulation tabulationNumlKM NumlKM of days 11 Number 11Number of races Winning first choices 30 30Winning Winning second choices 11 11Winning Winning outsiders IS ISWinning Winning at oddson 10 10Defeated Defeated at oddson 11 11Pc Pc ccutago o wjtuilng favorjtes 45 The track records werr not reduced in a during the meeting and are as follows followsDist Dist Horse AWt Date 12 K Daughtcr2 105 May 3 1005 4 12 f Calisse 2115 May 11 1911 S Boxara 2 102 April 28 1000 1000Imperator Imperator 2115 May S 113 5 12 f James V 4 117 May 3 1103 1 ChapulpecG 115 May 1911 78 Convolo 4 104 Sept 10 11107 7 12 f Darknight 3 10S Sept 25 1908 1 Ozana 5108 May 11 1011 1011Im20y Im20y Cowdin 5 100 May 11 1011 1011ImiiOy ImiiOy Prince Lief 2 95 Nov 1 1S95 1S95Im70y Im70y lima 3 9S Sept 23 1911 1 11G Joe Morris 5 110 Sept 13 1912 1 1S Soy Gray 3 119 May 10 1911 1 310 Hlghflight 5 10S Oct 20 1S8U 114 Bon Kclso5 127 May C 1911 112 T Bowling 4 104 May 11 1S74 1 5S Ton Broeck3 05 Sept 9 1875 1 31 One Dime 3 100 Sept 12 1879 2 Ten Brocck4 108 May 12 1S7C 2 1S Aristldes 4108 May 10 1S7 214 Startler 3 93 Sept 14 1911 2 12 Aristides 4 104 May 13 1S70 2 58 Ten Broi ck4 104 Sept 1C 1S7G 3 Frogtown 4 104 Sept 21 1872 1872Hurdle Hurdle Race 1 11 Partisan 4 130 Nor 20 1SOG