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GOOD NEWS FOR HORSEMEN VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS WITHOUT ENACTING ANTI-RACING LEGISLATION. Governor Bleasc Among Days Distinguished Visitors at Palmetto Park Consistent Chartier Beats Sherwood by Narrow Margin. Charleston. S. C. March 1 6. Sumniorlike weather w Jiit-li prevailed here this afternoon helped i attract a surprisingly large crowd to Palmetto Park. There were many distinguished visitors in the throng, including Gocrnor Cole 1-. !.l-:isc and other high stale otlicials. The racing was spirited and pleas iiig judging by Hie liheral applause bestowed on the winii-rs. Jhe three-quarters of a mile handicap, in which some of ihc- best sprinters at the i .jiirse were engaged, was won by the consistent hail nr. which, during this meeting has developed IliKt a most useful racer, lit; showed rare gamencss in standing a hard drive for the last three eighths to brat Sherwood. loMowing Golliwoggs defeat in tin- second race he v,as claimed for ;2.1 by F. .1. Kilev. represented i.i ihc race by Lord Wells. .lohn Ilogan secured the return of Gallant Hoy lioin II. G. Kedwcll at a slight advance over his claiming price. Horsemen were jubilant today when advices were received from Norfolk announcing that the Virginia legislature had adjourned without enacting any laws .gainst racing. .Many owners who were undecided about going to Jamestown on account of possible interference with the racing will now arrange to take pari in the sport there. Joseph McLennan received blanks today for the Windsor stakes and will look after the entries. Advices were received today to the effect that jockey .1. Mctahey has contracted to ride tiiis season for Gilford A. Cochran of New York. Jockey J. Hanover will be under contract to K. 1.. I arsons this season and will do most of his riding in Kentucky. W. K. Midgely sent word here today that t!:e weather continues severe in the east and that "-lining operations on the New York tracks have V en practically suspended. Horses wintered in "that section probably will be in a backward const Ion until the Havre de Grace meeting begin-;. Those owners training their strings at Kenning have also experienced bad weather. Among the racers at I5enning that are attracting attention arc two colls in William Shields stable that an- expected to develop into crack racers. Jockey J. Smyth made his reappearance in the saddle this afternoon.