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CHURCHILL DOWNS ENTRIES. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abtre- I viations show track conditions. o o Probabilities: Weather wet: track heavr. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprcntice allowance. First Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 9S3S0 1:44 5 105. Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 17913 Erin 103 1:4S 3 94.. 725 17550 Robert Kay .. 3 102 X 720 17913 Weyanoke 103 1:40 4 111X715 13070 Bob It. 104 1:44 7 108X715 17SSS High Class 3 90X710 17S91 Fellowmau 113 1:40 4 111 705 17S54 Jiminie Gill 104 1:40 4 105 x 705 17943 L. II. Adair 10S 1:40 4 105X700 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. Track record: 11917 1:04 2 92. 17909 Bens Brother 100 1:07 103.. 725 17909 Billy Joe 105 1:0! 99X720 17534 Netherbow 105 1:08 10SX715 17SS7 Christie 109 1:08 113X715 178S9 Chesterton 113 1:07 109.. 710 17909 Malabar 105 1:07 100.. 705 17534 Jeff Roberts 105 1:00 103. .700 17S53 White Crown 10S 1:08 105.. 090 17502 Cannonade M 100 1:07 103.. 0S5 11094 Zangaree 107XOSO 17027 Star McGee M ..103 1:09 103.. 075 14000 Tower M 100.. 075 Third Race 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 9S3S0 1:44 5 105. 17909 Marshon 100 1:47 i 10SX725 17942 Florin ,112 1:49 3 90X720 17051 Garneau 100 1:48 5 100X715 17943 Charley McFerran.. 112 1:40 4 107X715 17008 Joe Deibold 102 1:40 5 105X710 17551 Curlicue 108 1:40 5 105X710 17473 Jack Cavanaugh ..104 1:49 4 10SX700 17912 J. Nolan 3 9970. . 17913 Gabrio 108 1:40 5 103.. 095 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Handicap. Track record: 11947 1:01 2 92. 17S53 PIF JR 104 1:07 Km 111X725 17940 Grecian 100 1:00 10SX715 17889 Aunt Josie 103 1:07 112X715 17553 Pan Maid 100 1:07 108.. 710 17905 Dorteh M 107 1:07 100.. 710 17853 Booker Bill M ..103 1 :0Sm 100X700 17500 Helen RaybouldM100 1:0S 97.. 090 Kris Kringle, ch. g. by Dorante Rnhus 97 Converse, b. c, by Ivan the Terrible Colloquy 100 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-vcar-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1212S 1:11 2 105. 17942 Royal Tea 99 1:12 5 109X725 17943 James Dockery ...105 1:13 5 1120720 17901 Merrick Ill 1:12 11 109715 17908 Salon 105 1:14 3 101X710 17880 Princess Callaway. . 10711 :13 f! 109x710 17912 Sureget 10!"l:12 7 100x710 179J2 Rio Brazos 101J1:12 5 100X710 14077 Maria C 103 1:12 4 10OX7O5 17009 Tillios Nightmare. 103 1:13 5 101700 17912 Dr. Kendall 107 1:13 3 101X700 17854 Sleepland 104 1:13 5 100700 15785 Helen M 114 1:15 3 90X095 17554 Transport 110 1:13 4 109 X 095 17244 Miss Kruter M . ..10011:15 3 101.. 085. 17005 Priwer M 1001:10 4 100.. 075 Sixth Race 1 1-1G Miles, "-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 9S3S0 1:44 5 105. 17552 Wilhite 1051:51 5 108X725 17857 Bonne Chance 10S 1:14 5 101X720 17907 Belle of Brvn Mawrl 03 1:45 4 111X720 17910 Yeugheo 107 3:40 4 105X715 17913 Impression 109 1:10 5 302X715 17537 Father Riley 94 1:45 3 102X710 37913 Phil Mohr 112 1:48 7 1021710 17910 Just Red 103 1:45 5 11071O 152S5 Prospect M 9S 1:4C 4 102 X 700