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RACING IN CUBA THIS COMING WINTER ffclP CTI lCC FOR HAVANAS II Kill 1 1 AM 1 BIG WINTER MEETING mm J wJ 1 M KJ 1 II I m L commencing January 7, ur, and continuing to march 15 Stakes to Close November 18, 1914 II Cuba Inaugural Handicap. ,500 Guaranteed Panama Selling Stakes ,500 Guaranteed 1 0 To be run Thursday, January 7, 1915, at Oriental Park, Cuba. To be run Thursday, February 11, 1915. Entries closo Monday. November 1G. 1914. E Entries close Monday, November 1G, 1914. PANAMA SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany tlie t3 CUBA INAUGURAL HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany noniinatlmi: 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of wheh ,200 to the M tl. nomination; 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of which ,000 to thy winner 00 to second and 00 to third. Jive pounds above the scale. ,.00 weight for H M winner $.",00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to lie announced throe days before the race. S?. e limiud allowed tor each 00 to . iiincrs or three stakes in 1014 not to li Acceptances to lie made through the entrv box at 10 a. lit. tlie dav preceding the race; those so entered for less than ,500. .Starters With selling prices to he jiamed through the entry box named to be liable for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry.:: ls. ut 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; those so named to be liable for starting fees. H extra. One Mile. One Mile. H 1 Deimonte Selling Stakes ,500 Guaranteed pm i imdia HAIVIhlPAP To be run Sunday, January 10, 1915. Entries closo Monday, November 16, 1914.- f J , J J y j jj J Q 1 W WiM 1 P iTtI 1 I DELMONTE SELLING STAKES. Kor two-year-olds at time of entry. 5 to accom- 7 B pany tlie nomination; 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of which ,200 . to the winner. 00 to Second and 00 to third. $;;,O0O weight for age. Two pounds allowed f5Jk JF M JTm MVi - -- JL Jj for each 00 less to ,000, then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 less to 00. Winners of three O E I II II i 1 1 1 1 VI IVS ll 1 Officii H stakes not to be entered? for. Jestf than $::,000. Starters with selling prices to be named through fi, HB 1 W I II II I 1 1 1 1 SB I 1 1 1 B ?l K ,1 1 M m tlie entry box at 10 a. in. the day preceding the race; those so named to be liable for starting L.y J J Jf J GJSl 41 BH iVVU fees. Five and One-Half Furlongs. 7 R I Drorln Onllinry Oflnf 01 Kflf5 PlIQPnilInnH To bo run-Sunday, Eebruary 14, 1915, Entries closo Monday, November 16, 1914. H I llSUU UUllinS uluftUO . p liDUU bUQlulllouU COLUMBIA HANDICAP: For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany the nonii- ft P nation; 5 additional if not declared out on or before January 1. 1915: $."50 additional to m it To be run Thursday, January 14, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 1G, 1914. . start. Guaranted cash value 0,000, of which .O00 to the winner, ,200 to second. 00 to PR ADO SELLING STAKES. For three-vear-olds and upward. 5 to accompany the third and 00 to fourth. Weights to be announced five lays prior to the race. Acceptances H nomination; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of which ,200 to the ,I,,lm,,e "J011?11 Ui-e trv JOX at V, a "V,,1110 ,ay Preced ng The race; those so named to B winner. 00 to second .and 00 to third. ,500 weight for age; 1 lb. allowed for each 00 Ilaole for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry J lbs extra. less to 00. Winners of three stakes in 1914 not to be entered for less than ,000. Starters One Mile and One-Sixtecnta. H with selling prices to be named through the entry box at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race: H p -ro. Pinar Del Rio. Selling Stakes ,500 Guaranteed I IJ 2D 1 10 1 tiSIlulCSP U UBFOn T06Q To be run Thursday, February 18, 1915. Entries closo Monday. November 1G. 1914. ffl U , . ,,. . . , , , ,,. PINAR DEL RIO SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds. 5 to accompany the nonii- m To bo run Sunday, January ,m 17, 1915. Entries clcse Monday, November 1G, 1914. nation; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of which ,200 to the winner. H CAPITOL HANDICAP. For three-vcar-ohls and upward. 0 to accompany the nomiua- 00 to second and 00 to third. ,500 weight for age. Two pounds allowed for each 00 tion; $:;o additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,000. of which ,000 to the winner. less to 00. Winners of three stakes in 1014 not to be entered for lesa than ,500. Starters B 50 to second and 50 to third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the race. Ac- with selling prices to be named through the entry box at 10 a. ill. the day preceding the race; H ceptances to be made through the entry box at 10 a. in. the day preceding the race; those so those so named to be liable for starting fees. Six Furlong3. M named to be liable for starting fees. AYiuners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. I taH9.rn mon TnTn2on Washington Handicap ,000 Guaranteed Miinir .ta ij udlilidgU OUIiill UluKCO UudldiilUUU To be run Sunday, February 21, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 16. 1914. VASHINGTON .HANDICAP. For three-year-olds anil to v To be tri i t , oi 21, iaie 1915. Entries vtr;n, m closo Monday, November innmi,. in 16, ioii 1914. upward. 0 accompany the run Thursday, January nomination; $:;o additional to start. Guaranteed cash va:ue .0CO. of which ,000 to the win- SANTIAGO SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany the ner. 50 to second and 50 to third. Weights to be announced three davs before the race. H nomination: 5 additional to start. Guaranteed casli value ,500. of which ,200 to the Acceptances to be made through the entry box at 10. a. m. the day preceding the race; those winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. ,500 weight for age; 1 lb. allowed for each 0J so named to be liable for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry .! lbs. H less to 00. Winners of three stakes in 1014 not to be entered for less than ,000. Starters extra. One Mile. H H with selling prices to be named through the entry box at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; i U I " -Independence Selling Stakes: ,500 Guaranteed I 1 LISID IV16ITIDGFS SlSnOlCdD, S J.UUU UUSrflfilBGQ To be run Wednesday, February 24, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 10, 1914. 1 INDEPENDENCE SELLING STAKES. For two-year-olds yearlings at the time of W To be run Sunday, January 24, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 16, 1914. entry. 5 to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash vahie CLUB MEMBERS HANDICAP For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the ,5t;0. of .which ,2tft the wiimer, fm to second and 00 to third. $::,000 weight fot Bj nominatien; 00 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,000. of which ,000 to the "Se; .! lbs. allowed for eafli $.,00 less to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00. Win- Mm. M winner, 00 to second aiid 00 to third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the nefs of three races not -to be entered for less than .000; winners of two races not to le en- A H race. Acceptances to lie made through the entry box at 10 a. m. the lay preceding the race: tvtcd for less than ,0CO Maidens allowed u lbs. Starters with selling prices to be named W M those so named to be liable for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry through tlie entry box at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; thosa so named to he Halite for B 3 lbs. extra. One Mile. starting fess. Four Furlongs. V 1 9 Vedado Selling Stakes.... ,500 Guaranteed Mono Castle Handicap ,000 Guaranteed j Si To be run Thursday, January 28, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 16, 1914. To be run Sunday, February 8, 1915. Entries closo Monday, November 16, 1914. K H VEDADO SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany the MORRO CASTLE HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and unward. 0 to accompany the K M nomination; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of which ,200 to the win- nomination: 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,000. of which ,000 to the K ner. 00 to second and 00 to third. Ten pounds above the scale. ,500 top selling price. winner, 50 to second and 50 to third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the H One pound allowed for each 00 to ,500; then 2 lbs. altowed for each 00 to ,000; then race. Acceptances to be made through the entry box at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; H lbs. allowed for each 00 .to 1914.sh00. Starters witli selling prices to be named through the thoc so named to be liable for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry M entry box at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; those so named to be liable for starting o lbs. extra. . One Mile and One-Sixteenth, H fees. Six Furlonss. U mtaff Se"in8 stMakf 1 5C " tce1 I Menocal Handicap ,500 Oaarantced ; ; r r 7 To be run Thursday, March 4, 1915. Entries closo Monday, November 16, 1914. To be run Sunday, January 31, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 16. 1914. MATANZAS SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany MENOCAL HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomiua- the nomination; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of wheh ,200 to the ton; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500. of which ,000 to the winner. winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. Ten pounds above the scale. .5C0 top selling B 50 to secend and .50 to third. Weights to lie announced three days prior to tlie race. Ac- price. One ikuiikI allowed for each 00 to ,500; their 2 His. for each 00 to ,000; then 3 I ceptances to lie made through the entry box at 10 a. m. the day j receding the race; those so lbs. for each 00 to 1914.sh00. Starters with selling prices tojje named through the entry box at I named to be liable for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; those so named to be liable for starting fees. extra. One Mile and One-Quarter. Six Furlongs. H La Tropical Selling Stakes ,500 Guaranteed Juvenile Stakes : ,000 Guaranteed I To bo run Thursday, February 4, 1915. Entries close Monday, Novemb;r 16, 1914. To bo run Sunday, March 7, 1915. Entries closo Monday, November 16, 1914. I LA TROPICAL SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany JUVENILE STAKES. For two-year-otds yearlings at the time of entrv. 0 to accom- H the nomination; 5 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,500, of which ,200 to the pany the nomination: 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,000. of which .!CO H winner. 00 to second and C0 to third. Fifteen pounds above the scale. ,0:0 weight for to the winner. 50 to second and 50 to third. Weight for age. Winners of a race of the age. One pound allowed for each 00 less to ,000; then 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 less to value of ,001 to carry .3 lbs. additional. Others, non-winners cf two races allowed 5 lbs. H . Starters with selling prices to be named through the entry box at 10 a. in. the day pre- Maidens allowed 5 lbs. additional; if beaten three or more times, allowed 5 lbs. additional ceding the race; those so named to be liable for starting fees. Soven Furlongs. Starters to be named through the entry box at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; thosu H so named to be liable for starting fees. Five Furlongs. fl !:! la Havana Handicap.. . . . ,000 0iaranteed Marjanao Sc!i sta!es 500 0uarantced i To be run Sunday, February 7, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 16, 1914. . " uikuvu n LA HAVANA HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomi- To 10 ran Thursday, March 11, 1915. Entries close Monday, November 16, 1914. E nation; 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value ,0U0. of which ,000 to tlie winner, MARIANAO SELLING STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany 50 to secend and 50 to third. Weights to be announced three drys prior to the race. Ac- the nomination: 5 additional to start. Guaranteed casli value ,500. of which ,200 to the ceptances to be made through the entry iiox at 10 a. m. the day preceding the race; those so winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. Acceptances to be made through the entry box at named to be liable for starting fees. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. 10 a. in. the. day preceding the race; those so named to be liable for starting fees, extra. One Mile and One-Eighth. Seven Furlongs, TO BE RUN SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1915. ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1914. INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP. For thrce-ycar-olds and upward. 00 to accompany the nomination; S1C0 additional if not declared out on or before January 1, 1915. 00 to, start. The Association to add an amount sufficient to make 5,000, of which 1,000 to the winner, ?2,500 to second, to third and 00 to fourth. Weights to bo announced fiyo days prior to the race. Those not declared out by 10 a. m. of the day preceding the race to be liable for the starting fee. Winners of a stake after publication of weights to cirry 5 lbs. extra. Thirty to enter or the race may bo declared off. ONE MILE AND ONE-EIGHTH. SECOND OPENING OF THE INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP JANUARY 15, 1915. 00 TO ENTER, 51,000 ADDITIONAL TO-START. I This is the Biggest and Best Stake Offering ever made in the history of winter racing one Stake Wort8i ,000 1 one Stake Worth 0,000 I AND ONE FOR 5,0001 Stake Books with Full Conditions will be in the hands of the horsemen in a few days H. D. BROWN, General Manager, Hotel Plaza, Havana, Cuba