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RACING GAINS NEW FRIENDS. II. K. Knapp. a steward of the Jockey Club, and one of the most active members of that body, is one of many men of affairs throughout the east who find rccreati. 11 in horse breeding and the racing of thoroughbreds, and anything that he has to say about horses is always interesting. "It is gratifying to note." said Mr. Knapp a few-days ago. "the desire of so many Americans to purchase high-class thoroughbreds in England, and tb ■■• work has only begun, as several agents of American turfmen and breeders will be at the ringside in France next mouth when Edmond Blanc will offer what is probably the choices! collection of broodmares in the world. The fact that they will have to remain in France until the close of the war indicates how keen the competition is for the possession of the blood which has kept M. Blanc at or m-ar the top of the winning owners list for a long period. "The English sales have had American patron age." continued Mr. Knapp. "whenever anything of merit was offered, but British turfmen are naturally clinging to their best in the hope that an earlv peace will permit them to take up the pleasure and recreations to which they have long been accustomed, of which racing is the chief. I have haca greatly interested in the statement that England, although she has no government breeding aasVy such as France. Germany and other continental countries, obtained 170.00ft head or cavalry horses that were originally intended for the bunting field, most of them carrying from 5ft to 75 | er cent, of thoroughbred blood, and that 20.000 officers mounts, many of thcin thoroughbreds, were offered by nieii and women who follow the hounds. This is proof of the extent and imiiortance of racing in England, and the necessity for encouraging a sport which furnished such a valuable aid to a nation that was o unprepared as Great Britain was when Germany invaded Belgium. Had there been no racing in England all these years there would have been ho thoroughbred horses to sire these cavalry and trail--port horses. The sues of tliese lOO.OilO head of British army horses were beyond a doubt clean thoroughbreds, bred primarily for racing. It did not follow- that failure to win the classics destroyed their usefulness. They still had their sphere. The race course is the testing ground. 11ml without it the horse produce of any country deteriorates. ••What is true of England is true of the United States." continued Mr. Knapp. "We rind a changeii sentiment in many sections that were formally i-i-imii-al to racing, and I lielieve there will be a still greater revulsion of feeling when the value of the thoroughbred horse is fully understood. Visitors to the Rochester Horse Show and to other big show-in the east, and to the various county fairs tell me that the classes for hall bred saddle horses and humors were very large, ami that many animals af merit were seen. The recent race meeting at Sara toga was well palroniz.-d by the a*aa|a af central New York. It is a section where goo,| horses, principally troiters. have l een reared for fifty ears or more, and the fanners and horse breeder* know thai a thoroughbred cross in their trotters pedigree will helo Iti 111 when the pare is hottest and the eonto-t prolonged. The trotting dam has proved an ideal mate for the thoroughbred sires of our Bureau of Breeding. This work, which is only in Its inception, will grow until it assumes the importance it deserves. "In the plea which is In-ing made for preparednes-ln this country there is no more important unit than the army horse, a nation is just as strong as its cavalry and anillery in lime of trouble, ami n, -hoiibl ever keep baflSVi "Hr minds the t.iei h;lt Ell lope tilt— taken I great Uiau.t hoi— s tioui us |hi past year. Snue of them we could spare, but other-. ue couldnt. Lai us guard what we have fell thai are desirable, and lake measures to augment lac supply. The Federal government, it is understood, will render valuable aid in this connection."