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GENERAL MEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A l:iri- h of j-oterUu v snvs: The war • •ai c report* ttan Hie Fn-nfli "inOintry. aflT a li.-avv Iwmuni J:n«lit. captui.-d IV assauli ilie villas.-at Mm unci raackai the --nijiiiii o; tin- hill f the s:i.ic ilium-, which i-uiiMiiutod : supp. rr.r s |ioiut iu ill.- HMi "icriiiau line. Thi- cajttiir of Hill 199. al-o gfaea ■ graal BDTaaasteal aataajstage which is 8** l*- -i«l to Icail to the smashing of the German line. Its tortiriiations had MaefjeJ the way to ■ BetSBB-nent French advance. The .-upture of Tatiure BB pai.inly has silenced the critical ami captious and.••-tiou of the putili. . which was beginning to d-- -late the advantages won in the battle ..f September 25 were M| Ileitis followed up fast em ngb. Tiie latest mi e nis lo satisfy all and elates most military com men ta tors. It is puiuted out that while Hie capture of the village was a line feat, the storming of the height nearby the famous Hill l«i- gives greal strategical advantage. This hillock was fortified in every imaginable way and bristled with cannon whose barrier ore blocked the way !•» any |«-| maiiciil advance ..f the French. It was considered MB of the principal pillars of the QetSBBfl ■HMi line of defense no! .-lily b. the French, but by the Germans. Mrs. Norman Gait, who is to wed President Wils ,u. was Miss F.ditli Itolling. She was born in Wythoville. Va.. whirc Bel jarihsai was SBBat. and where her father. William H. Itolling. won distinction as one of the ablest lawyers in the state. -Mrs. t;alt lives at BH Twentieth street. Norih-wesi in the fashionable section of Washington. She h::s ]ied there sim-e her marriage in ls.ti. to Norman Gait. Her tirst husband was the son of William M. Gait, head of the firm of William M. Gait 1 Co.. which is t Washington what Tiffanys is to Xew Y -rk. Mrs. Calt is an Be-coni|dish i] musician and a pianist id marked ability. She is moderately fond of bridge, but liuds more pleasure in ont of-door diversions, adding to her love f motoring a f.mdness lor golf, at which she can gne a good account of herself. She is BtBSBB, five feet foar inches in height, and weighs Hit pounds. She is a typical brunette, with masses of black hair and large Mad eyes. Although hci husband died in i:tnS. site has never until the last year appeared in anything save hlaek, tri-ay. aaal dull blue. This summer for the tirst time sue lias Ml white silk. Information reaching tin- Kritish government indicates that MMM Armenians have been etr urinated by the Turks since last Mav. the marmiis of Crewe told the house of lords yesterday. This informal ion. he s.iid. was c dlcct.d by Viscount Bryces commission, which reported that virtually the entire Aimenian race had M wiped out. ••Our only hope -f saving the remnants." he said, "rests with neutral |Hnrers who may exert influence with Germany. The government has official information only from Titlis. where it is known the Armenian ix.piilation of one district was exterminated. History show-- no parallel t0 this hhhois crime, but Tiigland an do nothing at this time. The govern tiient knows well that an app -al t . the Battel MM b • aaetpaa. "Tlve Matt of MM l e..pic." said Vi--ceiint ltrv.-e. "resulted from the deliberate and Pvmeditated p licy of ihe gang now in possession • •f the Turkish government. Or.ers for the massa-orcv came in every ca*c direci from toustantiiK pie. In some instances local governors, being hum inc. pious men. refusi-d to carry out the orders and at leas; two governors were summarily dismissed f r this reason." King Ferdinand of Bulgaria rejected Russias BtUsaatuni demanding that she break with the ceiitr-il MNd and expel Oernian officers who have taken charge of Bulgarias army staff, and at the same time, say several correspondents, sent an ultimatum to Serbia, allowing twenty-four hours for the cession of Macedonia to Bulgaria. The program of the Germanic empires apparently includes consolidation of their fioM BBeaatBBM with tlieir Turkish allies Ity sweeping clear a patli from Berlin and Vienna to Constantinople. For the a c.implishiicnt of this program they have already obtained the co-o|M ratiou o. Bulgaria. They need the neutrality of Greee,. and Koiiman!a and then must crush Serbia. Hevelopments of the day tend to confirm the statements of the German press that the C.riiiau emperor has guaranteed to Bulgaria Greek and Roumanian neutrality. Thus Ibe crucial field of warfare h-is shifted from the French and Russian fronts 1 the Balkan Peninsula. where German success would mean realization of Kmperor Williams ambitions for expansion toward India and A-ia. Congratulations came from officials, diplomats, friends and relatives of President Wilson today following the announcement of his engagement to Mrs. Norman ti.-ili ..f Washington. The fact that Ihe President of the Iniled States, on whom the eyes of the world have frequently been focused in the last few months of the Furopean war. had decided to marry Matte, gave the natioial capital a topio . f absorbing Interest which the moment overshadowed all questions of international or domestie politics. The news came as a surprise to ail but a few intimate friends ■rite knew that the friendship of the President for Mrs. Gait had developed into an intimacy that presaged marriage. That Mrs. Gait had heeonie a companion of the President was known, however, in official and society cirebs, he-cause she appeared frepteiitly with him not only on motor rides but at baseball games. le to determine iiimiii any course which might fmsrate Mayor Th MMl closing order, owners of 7.152 saloons in Chicago yesterday decided to •hey the law for one Sunday at least, and not open iheir bars. This program will be followed unless an eleventh-hour decision to change it is made. Scores of attorneys retained by the various organizations of "wets" searched statute books. decisions and precedents t • learn whether some court action co-ild ! c taken to prevent the enforce meni of the ordc" and announced that no action could be taken. Many saloon keepers offered to remain aaaa, submir to an est and make test cases in M attack n the law. but were advised against such action. Mayor Mitcbel of New Y.rk las announced the appointment of an ec.;;tive committee id seven with melius VawIcrMlt . l-.-iirnian. w Inch is to form the nucleus tor a citizens committee of 1 »m«i "representatives of all businesses, trades. professions and occupations to promote a general understanding of the problem of uali nal defense. and of the necessity for the enactment into law of a snlistant ial and vigorous national defense program."* A billioii-biisliel wheat crop, the greatest ever grow ii in any oouutr.x. has MM produced in the Fnited Slates this year. IM g ■ verinneut"s preliminary estimates of the re.-it crop, made yesterday, placed it at 1. N«2. KSI.NNI bushels, or 111,000.- ■■■• Malaria larger than the record crop „f nyj2. The com rop. now hi nroa. liing maturity, is estimated at 3.026.189,000 bushels, or .iS.OOO.OiiO bushels less than the record. A dspaich from Athens of October ;. via Paris. Jesterday. say-: r.riiisii troops bam to land Mall Itej al Saloidki. PMtaefe troops are disembarking a mile and a half fn m the town and are being concentrated in h caiuo locateil on ground c. needed to Serbia after l:n::. upon which to Imild warehouses. From this poiui they are entrained as quickly as Jsissihle for Gievgoli on the Serbian frontier. A significant dispatch from Berlin of late yesterday MV** Large Germai: and Austrian forces have invaded Serbia. The Teutonic troops have crossed ibe Prteft, S:i and Haintlte rivets at many places. the war oflioe annonnied MMir. It is stated tfeatl til. nvatlinu tr ps have stablisbed firm f. otholds n the other bank-: of the rivers. ilavas dispateli fiin Zurich to Iaris says re lxirts received there indicate that considerable forces « f German and Austrian troo,»s have been with-dra.Mi fi aa the Galieian front and sent io aaattrta BMVMJ across Transylvania to take part in th" offensive against Serbia. A s|.-ii! lo the Fatria Petit J. urnal from Athens ■ajra tee rapten beta eea King Oaaateattee and M. *Teaaap*Ma fateaaal a rlatt of the Uetnaaa mini.-ter to tli.- kiu invnosliately after the session of tea • handier at which Venizelos out lined MM policy M o.pected Saaeee to follow. The Petrograd c .: respeii.leiit of the I.ondoli Morning Io t My-: Anti-war demonstrations have • urred on a serious scale in some districts of Bui Mtrla and a state of siege has l.eon proclaimed iu order that this liiscnteni ma. he deallli wilh. 1 lie government of the Philippine Islands is rc-liorted to i,e men "tiating for tta itarrMae at atork «f th * Manila Railroad, the securities of which Baa are MM Melr af a syndicate headed by James Spcycr. tie Ne» York Matter. King CoiiM.uitiiie oi Greece BM asked UeX-aaaVr EaiatK, a f warn awashfr. to farm a cabinet. win. i araaaMy will lie a coalition, with Venizelos eatel aleal atteaetter. say di-oaches from Athens. ihe liiitch steamer Texelstroom. l.tHat tons, has b s-n Baak by a German -ubinarinc. Twenty of tea i tea aaaa MmV •!.