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if DAILY RACING fORM j; ** may be purchased at the following; Hotels J 0 and News-stands in BALTIMORE, MX., 8:00 it t A.M. Day of Issue : i » ][ W. A. WINTFR: i T MM 4 X. Charles Street. Y. HFNRY WWII: it ][ 14U N. Charles Street. 0 FRANK B. TRICK: ] ik Calvert Station, Calvert and Fiankliu 4, Streets. J | O aV JT. PRFZER: , i .r»44 N. Calvert Street. » O SAMFKL BOETTEGHEIMER: 4 i ooii PT. Calvert Street. ► O HOTEL LEXINGTON: II ► Holliday and Lexington Streets: » i HOPS NEWS CO.: i I Holliday Street. I • *[ M. F. JIBARDT: i * * * .W0 E. Baltimore Street. J y G. DIAMOND: J Emerson Hotel. | j! NEW HOWARD HOTEL: K Howard and Baltimore Streets. 0 WOKLD NEWS CO.: ] , 4 y Bt. Paul and Fayette Streets. , O CHARLES A. LERTZ: K ,;-0 N. Eutaw Street. 41 4 BALTIMORE SF ;.R BOWL: 4» ► Howard and Madison Streets. |i CASWELL HOTEL: I » ► Baltimore and Hanover Streets. I 0 Bl TI.ERS NEWSSTAND: it 1 1 Sharp and Baltimore Streets. 1 t [ -T. ;tU.DP.ERG and BROS.: * f N. E. Cor. Eutaw and Fayette Streets. ]. IloTKL RALEIGH: A . Holiday and Fayette Streets. l l. wi:il;e: 0 ik 122 S. Eutaw Street. 4 4V I. H. SACKS: o * S. E. Cor. Madison Avenue and Bid- o die Street. i HOTEL BELVEDERE: ► Charles and Chase Streets. A C HOTEL STAFFOKD: ♦ ► Charles Street and Madison Avenue • All ■»■ READ THIS DA f g |U I unless you want to Vs# IU I MAKE BIG MONEY. Cut-Rate Offer--Direct rack information for one wck. ini-liiili.ig Latonias Opening Day Snecial on Batarday. THINK OF IT. SEVEN GOOD WIRES FOR . LALLY COLLYER 201 First National Bank Bids :: Covington. Ky. NATIONAL RAGING HEVIETW TODAYS SPECIAL: Vnir.u. Mosaic, Mate, Robin. Teaterdayi Special. Dolina. 105-100. won. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO Yesterdays Form Special lost. FRIDAYS FORM SPECIAL: April— Pear— 51-28-12-17. Daily won. XX Special won. THE TURF REPORTER. Room 509. 22 West Quincv Street. Chicago. Illinois. Yesterdays Form Special was scratched. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Oranre-Saturday- Kate-On-Be-Wou. Gel Saturday two bv wire. . They .ll| l,e Ihe one-. AMAZON. 410-100 WON Wedne S.-.- to., n.l-sioi. Hkraea, Bask 222. g. t the White l-s.«A 2S, far the lix.- aaaa. Todays Best: SAT 07. fane Ml lay a and full eard daily mailed iivernigai iu plain envel. pe. tat two week-. Try it. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bids., Chicago. f VOLUME I., 1915, IS NOW ON SALE ] Annual Racing Form THE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY OH AMERICAN RACIH6 Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austro -Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chili, Peru, etc, etc. THIS BOOK CARRIES INDEXED FOBM CHARTS OF ALL RECOGNIZED BACING IN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, CUBA AND MEXICO, HAS SUPPLANTED ALL OTHERS FOR THE USE OF BACING OFFICIALS AND IS UNIVEBSALLY USED BY 70CKET CLUBS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. COMPACT. ACCURATE, PERFECTLY PRINTED, WITH ABSOLUTELY CORRECT INDEX, ON LINEN PAPER, LETTERED. AND BOUND IN FLEXIBLE LEATHER. CONTAINS. BESIDES CHARTS OF ALL RECOGNIZED RACING ON AMERICAN TRACKS, THE AMERICAN AND CANADIAN TIME RECORDS. SCALES 01 j WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNING BODIES AND RECORD OF JOCKEY "" MOUNTS IN THE UNITED STATES. CANADA AND MEXICO. FOR THE YEAR. aw The Special Attention of Students of Form IS DIRECTED TO THE METHOD OF INDEXING THE CHARTS. THE INDEX SHOWS EACH AND EVERY START OF ALL HORSES THAT HAVE RACED, WITH FIRSTS, SECONDS, THIRDS AND TRACK CONDITIONS DESIGNATED ON THE OCCASION OF EACH AND EVERY START. BY MEANS OF THIS INNOVATION IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER OF THE FORM BOOK TO INSTANTLY DETERMINE A HORSES ABILITY TO RUN ON ANY SORT OF TRACK CONCERNING WHICH INFORMATION IS DESIRED. AS SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLES: INCLEMENT, b. r, 6, by Peep oDay— Rain Drop L. F. 0Leary © 94099m 94137sy U41S73m 94237=m 94375ah 94420*u 9444311 94018m 94548h 94370b 9480oh 94SS1 94920 95125 95170 951S9 95893 95969 06303 96369s 90650* 96939h 9.S015 LIKELY DIEUDONNE, ch. g, 5, by Dieudonne — Superfine Darker 4c Ferguson x 93681 93704= 039O5sy 93955m 94049sy 94175*m 94235m 94373b 944453h 94520m 94545h 96240 96382 901.8 96741 96841 96998* SLEEPLAND, ch. g, 2, by Dolce Far Siente— Land of the Free W. L. Schaefer x 93855sy 93951m 93999=h 94047sy 94130sy 94311h 94542h 94338 94SS0 95042 951 88 95590 95C2S 95007 9577S 96297m 96379 96738 96995 98975 99110Ja 99165 99184 996S7 99739* 99808 99879* 99963 h for heavy, m tor muddy, By for sloppy, a for alow; rates not otherwise designated were orer fast o* good tracks. ANNUAL RACING FORM has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1915 edition is respectfully called to the desirability of placing orders early. PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES PricePer Volume, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court :: - :: Chicago, Illinois 74 Exchange Street :: :: :: Buffalo, N. Y.