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DAILY RACING F0BM IN NEW Y0BK CITY. Daily Racing Form may be purchased each forenoon at the agencies named below iu New York City: Broadway between .Sth and ■ Streets. ttt Avenue and 0MI1 Street. N. E. ith Avenm- and Mtt Street. N. W. o k; 7th Avenue, Cigar Store. MeAlpin Hotel. Imperial Hotel. o.ird Street and Greely S piare Park. ::.rd Street and 6th Avenue "L." N. W. 4::o 7th f venue between o.5rd and :Mth Sreets. :t4th Street and 7th Avenue. N. W. Mtll Street aud Sth Avenue, N. E. 2.!rd Street and 8fh Avenue, N. W. 2.!nl Street and Ha Avenue, S. E. 2:lrd Street and 4th Avenue, N. W. Ztei Street and 3rd Avenue. S. W. 14th Street and ted Avenue. S. E. 14th Street and 4th Avenue, S. W. 14tli Street near Brondway. Pippv. 14t:i Street and flth Avenue. S. E. !l Greenwich ..venue. Cigar Store. !»th Street and .",rd Avenue "L." N. E. Grand Street and Bowery, N. E. Canal Street and Bowery, S. E. 7 Chatham Square. Canal and Allen Streets. Houston and Bowery. Chauiiiers and W. Broadway. H. E. Greenwich and Conrtland Streets. S. E. Warren and Greenwich Streets. S. E. Courtlaiul ami Church Streets. S. E. Conrtland and Church Streets, N. W. Galbos. Brooklyn Bridge. Tribune Building. 140 Haaaaa Street. ::: Park Row. Woolv.orth Building. 220 Broadway. 104 Fulton Street. Broadway and Rector. N. W. Fifth Avenue Building. Broadway anil ."th A.venuc. 42 Broadway. F. S. News Company. Horan. Whitehall and South Streets S. Ferry. Grand Central. 42nd Street and Park Avenue. Wallieks Motel. 4Mr 1 and Broadway. • .."ith Street and Sth Avenue. 42nd Street and ith Avenue, S. W. 42nd Street aud fith Avenue. N. W. 42nd Street and 7th Avenue. S. W. 42nd Street and ttt Avenue. S. K. 42nd Street and !lth Avenue. S. W. 4."rd Street and Times Square. 47th Street and Times Square, S. E. 4!tih Street and 0th Avenue. rith Street and Broadway. S. W. ."itith Street and Broadway. S. E. Mtt Street and «th Avenue. N. W. 50th Street and Mil Avenue. r.Oth Sire.-t and ttt Avenue. N. W. o2nd STr-vt and 7th Avenue. fiord Stri-ct and Sib. Avenue. S. E. .r Street and Sth Avenue, S. W. .V.lth Street and ted Avenue. BBtt Street and ttt t venue. N. W. loth Street and Broadway. S. W. 7:nd Street and Broadway. Subway. !Kj;h Street and Broadway. Subway. S. E. IMtt Street and Broadway. Subway. S. E. 128t and Manhattan Streets, Subway. l::7th Street and Broadway, Cigar Store, N. W. HMtt Street and St. Nicholas Avenue. S. E. lHst Street and St. Nicholas Avenue. S. E. 242n l Street and Van Cortland Park. N. W. Uith Street and Columbus Avenue, S. E. ■ttk Street and Columbus .venue. N. W. 7.nd Street and Columbus Avnue, N. W. 7ilth Street and Broadway. Slst Strn-t ami Columbus Avenue. N. W. ■ttt Slreet and Coluiubus Avenue. N. W. O.ird Street and Columbus Avenue. N. W. 00th Street and Columbus Avenue. Cigar Store. S. W. 10-Jth Street and Columbus Avenue. N. E. .117 West IMtt Street. Cigar Store. IMtt Street and Sth .*.venuo. S. E. 12".th Street and Park Avenue. N. And at the following stands in Brooklyn, N. Y.: Kinds. Long Island Terminal. Gavigans. Borough Hall. Weber. Myrtle and Adams. neater. No. 1 Myrtle Avenue. 12.-1 Street and Park Avenue. S. l.Tith Street and ttt Avenue. N. W. IMtt Street and Sth Avenue. S. W. IMtt Street and Lenox Avenue. S. W. 139tt Str.vt and Lenox Avenue. S. W. IMtt Street and Mrd Avenue. Bronx- - Mt Street and :.rd Avenue "L." S. W. lSlst Street and Broadway.