First Race [1st Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-08

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„___ 0 The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. I The small figure under "Fin."— -unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse was I behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. [ ° — — o FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17503—1:12—0—114. index Coarse Dlst TimeTckOdda Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish MINSTREL, ch. g. 3 98 By Yankee — Love Note W. B. Mitchell. i Wdbine 3 4 1:14 fast 23-G :i4 4 4 0 5» JTi A Collins I :. Kopje. Sempsilla. Jim L. SM7 Dorval 3-4 1:13 fast 7-4 119 1 13 4 3J It McDott 0 M. flick:-. Alston, McClintock 2824 Conght 5i f l:1.-%hvy 21 102 1 12 1*1 8»j B McDott 10 Seiupsilla, In iiieta. Kopje ••269C Conght 3-4 1:19 mud 0 102 6 1 1 21 31 J Acton 11 King Rox. Inquiela, Rraudywine ***64 Coaaht 8-4 l:17%alow 3 101 7 4 4 2" 3:i A Schugrl2 G«M Cap, Lady London, Egmont "•016 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow 1S-5 103 3 3 2 3 47 J McTagrt 8 E.Delling. Sarsenet, D.of Dunbar "1*431 «ueduet 1 l:40%last 16-3 105 8 2 2 2 22 3*1 J McTagrt 8 Stonebenge. Orotund, BrianBoru 21S19 Aqueduct 6J f l:19%fast 4 103 5 4 4 43 4s M M* thews 0 Volant, Noureddin, Outlook DEVIL FISH, br. c, 3 106 By Robert le Diable — Water Nymph E. Herz. *3tt3 Laurel 3-4 l:20%mud 23-5 113 2 6 7 5- 5SJ J Butwell 8 Humiliation. EnverBcy. .lesse.Ir. Z3K8 H •;■« 3-4 l:14%good 4 ]09 3 3 1 2J 3JT McTagt 13 Chesterton. M. Warren. L. Orme "776 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%faat 20 108 1 5 5 31 9°j M Buxton 1 Tin. Roll. Gloaming, Humiliation "•"473 Saratoga 5? f l:09%mud 2 10. 1 3 3 21 21 J McTagrt S Korfhagc, Revelry James, Ancou "•471 Saratoga 3-4 1 :14%tast 40 119 1 11 21 3* G Byrne 13 Evelyn C, Jesse Jr.. Dinah Co "l9S Saratoga 3-4 1:19 hvy 5 113 3 2 3 3= 6I2£J McTagrtl2 E. Hilling. San Vega, Rev.Janies 22092 Saratoga 3J f l:ll%hvy 10 110 1 2 2 2* l1 J McTagrt S F.Wuzzy. Bi v. James, MenloPark JIM BASEY. ch. h. 7 111 By Salvation— Dora I. E. E. Peck;. 3Sn Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast S 119 1 3 4 P 7s F Adams 18 Yonghee. Katharine G.. Kopje "3076 Wdbine 3-4 l:12%fast 19 105 13 13 12 13 1314VT Hayes 13 Corsican, Sempsilla. Crossbun ~"rfi~ KortKrie 3-4 l:22%hw 29-10 106 7 5 3 31 3i G Ix mas 8 Patience. Astrologer, S. of Ixjve 21481 FortKrie 3-1 l:20%hv"y 3J 111 3 2 3 33 51" F Cooper 8 Laura. Cordon. Patience "1045 Jamaica 3-4 l:14.4fast 4 117 5 5 5 4J 57 F Adams 7 Aliara, Grapcsbot, Anden •»0S7" Jamaica 3 4 l:13%fast 10 115 5 12 14 145 14SI F Adams 13 Dinah Do. Outlook. Tinkle Bell •8*13 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 39-20 108 5 2 3 3l 3J F Adams 8 Coy, Monty Fox. Maijotie A. !kilS7 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 1 115 3 1 1 lh 2»k F Adams 8 Brandywine, Dr.Charcot, Sleuth BEB.MUDIAN b. g 4 108 By Peter Quince — Rose Marjorie S. Veiller. "IGs H deGce ■■ 4 l:14%good 20 112 5 S 9 9»* SDS L Hartwell.3 Chesterton. M. Warren, D. Fish "!0S9 H deGce 3-4 1 :14%Iast 15 112 3 I 3 2 i»Ti L Hnrtwelli Prairie. Gloaming, Scorpii "■iooi H deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 10 104 10 5 7 B* 91,,,;L Hartwelllo Naushon. Luther. Though treader 19C4" Juarez 1 l:4S%hvy 1 104 3 3 3 2 1- lh C Gross 4 Durin. Al Wormwood. Bonanza 19625 Juarez 1 l:46%mud 7-5 107 4 2 2 1 2:£ 2J J McCabe S Durin. Executor, Bonanza 14601 luarez 3-4 l:ll%fast 5 105 1 9 9 7"1 48j A Mott 9 Manganese. Seneca, Lackrose 19523 Juarez 7-8 l:20%fast 3i 106 6 4 3 3 2! 321 C Gross 7 Bonanza, Executor, AlWmwood PONT EFR ACT b. C. 6 110 By Sain — Toots Mock A. C. Niehaus. S53 W dbine 1 l:41%fast fid 112 2 2 3 7 11 ll1- W Kclsay 11 OSf-lnUs. Star of Love. Beaurere Z8M4 DocvaJ 3-4 1 :l-%tast 5 103 5 E 4 43 2?. W Kelsay 5 Water Lily. Zin Del. R.Langdon " 7 5 BlneBon 7-Sl:27%fast Z 111 13 2 2 25 8*1*37 Kelsay 12 Kinsr Rox, LouiseTravers, Aprisa "•"4 "..11cth 3-4 1-14% fast 3 103 7 6 6 62 6UW Kelsay B Marj.A.. WaterLily, Ln.Jimniie TSM Windsor 3-5 1:13 fast 14 106 9 8 6 5»k 4 1 W Kelsay U Water Lily. A.N Akin. Dwelt 22248 Windsor 5i f l:06%fast 14 116 10 6 4 i- i-l W Kclsay 10 Marjorie A., Imperator, Lseeit EVELYN C b. f. 3 98 By Buke of Ormonde — Lux J. W. Hedrick, Jr.. 9353 H deGce 5. f l:07%fast 80 106 10 6 6 5 :".• W Lilley 11 J.J.Lillis, F.Wuzzy. Scaramouch •"3167 H deGce 3-4 l:13%good 100 91 10 10 10 10 913 J Gartner 10 Isirose, Naushon. Gino •"■■OK9 H deGce 3-4 1 -14%fast 15 104 S 6 5 102 ll11 J WilliamslS Prairie. Gloaming. Scorpii r;816 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 12 104 4 1 2 5 5" 5»»W Lilley 8 Rusila. Santo, Duke of Dunbar M727 Belmont 6S f l-°0%fast 12 102 2 4 5 5| 57J K Lapaille 7 Y. Notions. S.W.Json, Nephthys "%90 Belmont 61 f 1:21 fast 7 100 3 8 9 ll1 910£K Lapaillell SirW. Johnson, Santo. Chesterton "573 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%fast 20 100 4 3 3 32 35 K Lapaille 0 Isirose, Fenmouse, Sarsenet BEVILTRY b. g, S 107 By Yankee — Deviltree P. Stire. ••-.•• Hillcreft ii 1 1:24 slow 25 106 2 3 6 73 6lnfW Doyle 8 CarrieOrmi-. Reflection. P. Dumas 2211J Dufferin «■• f l::.%fast 6 112 1 1 1 1= l1 W Doyle S Al Court. Stick Pin, Wavering " ■" Duff, rin CJ f l:27%slow 5 109 1 1114 1: J Howard . Martre. Pierre Dumas. G. Lassie "974 Dufferin 7-8 1:31 fast 4 107 1 1111 3 J Howard ■ Coppcrtown. And.ODay. Gordon "i959 Dufferin 7-8 1:32 good 3 102 1 1 2 2* 21 F Moore 8 Altamaha, Imprudent. Mcrcurni "l-U KinirE l C1 f l-ofast 3 109 3 3 3 33J J Howard 10 Miss Frances, Energetic, Proctor LlC13 KingFa! 3 4 l:17Vifast 2 106 1 1 1 1» J Howard 10 R.V.WInkle. A. Red, C. MDgl LIGHTS OCT ch. f. 3 103 By Heno — Stamping Ground F. E. Rose. ■•T. is H deGce ."i f 1 :074ifast 20 96 13 12 12 11= 10: T Pargtonl.: Forum. Plaiitagenct. Vignola •3134 H deGce 5- f l:10%mud 8 102 7 6 6 61 21 W Lilley 12 Kenwortby. Santo. Fuzzy W tizzy • i"7 H deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 20 109 6 2 2 21 2=1 J McTagrt 0 Samoucb, M.McGgle, Kwortby r"«ir, H J"Gc" 3-4 1:14%fast 100 96 8 6 10 41 6°1 T Pavgtonlo Xausliou, Luther. Thouglitreader "•191 ! haueduct 1 l:39%fast 100 93 6 4 4 4 51 elT Henry 8 Alhena, Volant. Song of Valley •1841 Auueduct 1 14ifast 40 95 8 8 8 8 8 81T F Hopkins 8 Nenhtliys. Alhena. Dr. Dnoiwier 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%fast 100 90 12 13 13 12 10101P Lowder 14 Outlook. Plntagenet, Men. Park KEWPIE ch. f, 3 103 By Transvaal — Lady Eon G. A. Graver. • :47 . LassrH 3-1 l:20%mud S9 104 7 8 8 8 8:* J Callahan !» L. Travels. Springmass. Wo.ian 2*8H Tlmimn Al.Cf 50%slow 10 102 102r- C WlivmklO Deduction. Onar. Elsewhere " iSS- Mboro Ab.":S 1:04 fast 10 102 9 2JH Chappell ! Carl. Coming Coon Lois V. •V*".S Mboro 51 f l:10%fast 15 102 8°1 H ChappelUO Task. LadyRryn. MadgesSister "■OMij Mboro ."i f l:10%good 6 102 811 H Chapi ell 8 K.MeDwell, V.Hite. HriettaW. T8TM MTmro 5J f l;09%good 6 101 6:J W Doyle 7 Heartbeat, M. Rrnsh, Montcam r "41s il •. trie ?■-$ SSslow 15 94 6s J Johnson 12 Rarette, Rulgar. R.R.andTucker 20*22 Pimlico 5-8 lOl ifcfast 100 100 1 3 10 10 10311W Ward 10 Alhna. S.W.Johnson. Rosemine 19S95 Bowie B f l:10%slow 60 102J 1 14 14 15 15» R Hartonl.5 Tliesieres. Ortyx. Faithful 14X41! N Orlns 51 f l:ll%hvy 8 107 7 2 4 44 3i H Chappell 0 R.R.andTucker. Jefferson. Iltelu* 1913 N Orlns 5 8 l:03%slow 8 10S 3 1 3 42 4° C Turner 0 Day Day. Jefferson. Roi. Relle ]4o49 N Orlns 01 f 1 :07%good 30 97 6 7 8 8 8" H Bresch 8 Sunno, Requiram. Jezail

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