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KENTUCKY RACING COMMISSION ACTION. Louisville, Ky.. October 7. — The Kentucky State Racing Commission met here today, all the monitors being present, with Senator J. N. Camden presiding. Racing Steward T. IL Talbot was requested to notify one of the presiding stewards appointed by .-e Kentucky State Racing Commission to be present at the race track each morning between 9 and 11 oclock while the race meetings are going on. Senator J. N. Camden was named to represent the racing commission at a meeting to be arranged between chairman August Belmont of the New York Jockey Club and a representative of the Canadian Racing Associations in an effort that is to be made to tiring about a mutual agreement on the subject of early racing of two-year-olds. Senator Camden was given full power to act upon this matter. The resignation of Charles E. Wright was offered and accepted as patrol judge. V. E. Phillips was appointed patrol judge to fill the place vacated by Mr. Wright. T. H. Talbot was appointed a committee lo arrange with the racing stewards for one of them to be with the starter and patrol judge during the running of the races each day. Robert W. Bingham, attorney for T. J. Brown, apjieared before the commission in behalf of Mr. Brown. Maury Kemper, of Lexington. Ky., attorney for George W. Inues. also appeared before the commission and presented evidence in behalf of bis client. Tiie secretary was instructed to send a cjui-plete record of these cases to each member of the commission. The meeting then adjourned subject to call. W. E. Phillips, the newly -appointed patrol judge, is a well-known trainer who managed the pretentious racing string owned by Fred Cook when racing around Chicago was at its height.