Churchill Downs Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-08


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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART. ___ LOUISVILLE, KY.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1915. Churchill Downs. Eighth and last day. New Louisville Jockey Cluh. Autumn Meeting of 8 days. Weather clear. •j ,s,,w,:!Ids- V.l,alles ?• VriCi- K- C. Hopper and John T. irehind. Presiding Judge. W. H. Shelley. Starter. I lurry Mornssey. Racing Secretary. Walter H. Pearce. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. in.l. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers Fixities in parentueses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. OOQ/1 FIRST RACE -3-4 Mile. 12128—1:11—2-105., Purse 1915.sh00. 2 year-olds. Maidens. JtJiDrJt Selling. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23450 HOI. IN. w 100 4 4 V 11 1- 1*1 ■ Pool G J Long 105-100 23453 EMILY R. w 107 :: 5 5 P 4 21 J HanoverRice and Krutz 708O-h»j 23450* MARGARET E. w Mi •! I 4h 4l M M H Stearns X F Dortch 35-100 23268 INNOVATION w 101 J 1 m L h ::u 4»- K I apailleVillianis Bros 6:5-100 22214 WATER WARBI.F.R w 100 t :; « ,; t; | ■ Martin T C McDowell IflSO-lOO 23450 ABPABAflfJS! SAM wb 100 5 2 ;?. :j* -31 »; A Mott Milam and Levy MS-MI Time. 24y5.~48%. 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid. Polina. .10 straight, $::.20 place. .50 show; Emily R., 4.:!0 place, .50 show Margaret K.. .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds— Polina. 105 to lhostraight. M to PH place. 25 to KK show: Emily R 1115 to 100 place. 275 to 10O show: Margaret E.. 45 to 1IX ahaar. Winner— Ch. f. hy Sir Hu..ii--Boiinie Kate trained hy P. Coyne. Went to i ost at 2:1S. At 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-:::g. POI.INA. much the best. cam,, away in the stretch to win easing up. EMILY R gained steadilv and finished fast under urging. MABGABK E. came fast in the stretch, hut tired near the end INNOVATION set the early pace, but tired in the last eighth. WATER WARBLER dropped back in the lirst quarter. The winner was entered for ,0OO; no bid. Overweights — Emily R.. 1 pound. OQAftk SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1212S— 1 :11— 2—105. » Purse 1915.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. £i€£.J*J Selling. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. $.50. Index Horses AWtPPSt % K % Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23379-GRECIAN w I 107 I 1 1" 9 B I1 R Goose W H Baker 110-100 23302 CH ILEA wit ■ 112 a I 41 1" :;n i C VanDunC E Rogers Sr 4 rJ0-KKJ 23449 CHABTIBB wn 0 115 1 4 :t» i- :". ::i VV J OBnSpiet and Powers 305-100 23405-HARWOOD wb 4 112 . 7 .,. :,h # 4" E Pool H L Craine "716-Kh 23471t;ROSVENOR wk 5 112 7 !t !, 71 fi= h* W W TlorJ M Henrv Sr Ma-KM " 23184 FEEI.OWMAN w ■ 112 :: C i «1 71 62 D ConnellyG Henze 8BM-M1 23382 I.ADY POWERS w 3 107 4 H M 10 M 71 K Martin W P Reardon 1M55-PX 23348* WHITE CBOWN w S 102 I I 7 i V t* K1. K Lapaille.I Livingston MM-1M 23378*MAR-IORIE P. w 3 102 N S M !»- »l * H Stearns N P Dortch and75-MI 23476 SI REGET wn S 112 S i 1- l 31 M J HanoverJ K Gaftnev 47y5-10" Time. 23y5. 47%, 1:13%. Track fast. niutueis paid, Crecian, .21 straight. .10 place, .7o show: hilla. 5.20 place. SO 00 show-Chart ier. .30 show. i:ip:ivalent hooking odds- Gician. 110 lo IOO straight. 55 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Chilla 1100 to .00 place. 3S0 to 100 show ; Chattier. 115 to 100 show Winter Ch. f. hy Ogd.-n— Ilithyit trained by W. II. Baker,. Went to Boat at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the saiae. GRECIAN, close up from the start, moved into the lead on the stretch turn and stood a hard final drive resolutely. CHILLA showed much sjiceil and held on gam.-ly in the siretch drive. CHABTIBB lost KTOaad hy coming w hie 011 the last turn and tired Bear the end. HARWOOD ran well. GROSVENOR had ■ stormy race. SCBE6ET aet ■ fast pace to the stretch aud quit badlv. The winner was entered for N,: no bid. Scratched -23471 Oakland. 112. 9/Lftft THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1 11047— 1 ;04%— 2— ! 2. 1 I»urse 500. 3 year olds and £l€j£0J upwatd. Selling. Net value to winner 50: second. 0»: third. 0. ~ Index Horses AWtPPSt jj V_. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23449 PR. CARMEN w :: 107 4 1 M . . 1 r- B Goose L Phelps 1470-lm 23346 IRON MASK wb 7 110 I I 3i H l» f M Garner J Livingston 55-100 MSMMABION UOOSBY w :: 104 L 4 5 I 3i 3- A Mott M C Moore 3WMt» 1J3423 CONNING TOWBB »1M I I 4 4h 4i 4". K LapailleJ Shilling 115-Kh, 23346 LITTLE NEPHEW w i 114 1 3 1" PI 5 i F Murphy M B Gruoer 132V-1U0 Time, 23, 46%. 591;, 1:06%. Track fast. mntiiels paid. Dr. Carmen. 1.40 straight. place. . SO show: Iron Mask. .50 place. .50 show: Maricn Gosehjr, .50 show. Equivalent hooking odds — Dr. Carnieu, 1170 to 10i» straight. 225 to loo place. 40 to 100 show ; Iron Mask. 75 to 10O place. 25 to 100 show: Marion Gooshy. 25 to IOO show. Winner Ill. c. by Boanerge--— Lady Knighthood trained hy .1. H. Baker,. Went to K st at 3:11. At i ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and tliird driving. DR. CARMEN began somewhat slowly, but made a fast finish and. passing IRON .MASK in the last eighth, won eased up. IRON MASK ran well, but was taken across the others on the lower turn and interfered sharply with MARION tiOOSBY and CONNING TOWER. MARION GOOSBY came fast through the hist eighth. LITTLE NEPHEW quit badly after setting a fast early pace. The winner was entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched— 23454 -Mars Cassidy. JO; 2347H i:seeit. 1Q5: 23454 Yorkville. 104. 9QJ_ft7 FOIRTH RACE— 2 1-4 Miles, May 19. 1882—3:57% — 1—117., Twenty-second Rttn-«0"±0 I ning St. Leger Handicap. .4iO Added. 3-year olds and upward. Net value to winner ,810; second, 00; third, 50. Icdex Horses AWtPPSt % 1 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Olds Strt 23317 RAINCOAT wb 3 90 :: i ti # :!i I1 1»| .1 Morvs G Straus 2215-100 23317 HOlKiE w 4 128 J I ft P :- J f R Goose W J Weber M-Ml 23452 WATER WITCH w 3 !I8 4 i P t* V. .! P M Garner W J Young MS-MI 23318 EMBROIDERY wr. 3 94 ! 4 .V r, ,; 4- 4* k I.a.pailleA B Hancock 1485-100 23452 L1NPENTHAL w :: 99 E I 4 M 5" 5- 5- F Murphy .1 W Schorr M9-MB 23452 HANK OPAY wb I 102 i J I1 1». 4: 6 I A Mott J S Hawkins Mi Ml Time. 25%, 51%. 1:17%. 1:43%, 2:08%, 2:34%, 3:00. 3:25%. 3:53 mew track record,. Track fast. mutuels paid. Raincoat. jM.M straight. 1. Jit place, .00 show: Hodge. .20 place. .00 show: Water Witch. .90 show. Equivalent Ixtoking .-Ids— Bain. oat. 2215 to 100 straight. 495 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show: Hodge. 00 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show: Water Witch. 45 to loo show. Winner -Blk. g. by Pink Coat — Black Sleeves I trained by I. E. Stewart. Went lo post at 3:40. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. RAINCOAT was saved under restraint for the first mile, then moved up with a rush in the last half ami. taking the lead in the stretch, held liODOE safe in the tinal drive. HODGE ran a great race and made a game effort in the last half, but found his weight too much. WATER WITCH was always a forward .N.utender. but tired after racing into the lead. EMBROIDERY was badly ridden. I.1NBENTHAE was taken all over the track. HANK ODAY quit iu the last hall, after leading for over a mile. Scratched— 23424 Kingling. 109. lve-w eights— Einhrodery. 2 pounds: Hank OPay. 1: I.iinleiithal. 1. — ~ a QO/fOO IHiH RACE -3-4 Mile. 1212s— 1 :11 -L — 105. , Purs, 00. 2-year-olds. Handicap. *JOtOO Net value to winner 50; second. 0O; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23402 CHECKS w 108 4 1 1 p.*. |U 1.. E Martin T C McDowell 27 Mmj 23271 ROCHESTER Bra 110 | 4 M |* S» 9 E Pool G J Long 1M-MI 23331 -loll N JR. w 95 I 1 4= 4 4s ::• .1 Morvs D E Mulholland 3710 1 * 23360 .1. .1. MUBDOCK w 99 8 7 71 7«J 5* 4* F Murphy Milam and Lew 4!«C,-!oo 23216-EADY ALWAYS w 110 a f, :th h 1 .v R Goose Middl.ton and Jones Mi Ml 23422 CHARLIE McGEE wb OS 5 !i and 9 :» «- F Judv M Young HMvMs 23422-CANE BUN w 1071 7 I # 6 fii 7 D ConnellvW Show alter :KN p« 23347-PAYMASIER wi: » :: | s s- 71 K K LapaP.leA B Gordon MM Ml 21430 MABOABBT N. wi: loo - 3 M 31 8r :• M Garner J 8 Hawkins MM-MI Time. 23, 47%, 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Checks. .40 straight. . KJ place. 13.30 show: Rochester. .20 place. .00 show; John Jr., 0.00 show. Equivalent booking odds -Checks. :J70 to loo straight. 95 10 100 place. 05 to 100 show ; Rochester, 00 lo 100 place. 50 to 10O show : John Jr.. 4:H to iOO show. Winner -Ch. c. by Marathoii--Monarda trained by L Deitnv,. Went to post at 4:09. At xist 1 minute. Start good and" -low. W.u driving: second and third the same. CHECKS, away fast, showed the most speed all the war and held ROCHESTER safe in the final d".ve. ROCHESTER came fast from ■ slow beginning and was gaining at the end. JOHN JR. held oa well through the stretch. J. J. MUBDOCK closed a gap. LADY ALWAYS quit badlv in the last eighth. Overweights— J. J. Mtirdock. 4 pounds: Cue Run. 41: Paymaster. 3. OO/IOQ S1XI,I RACE--! 1-16 Miles. !l8:iso 1:4M%— 5— 1«5. » Purse 00. .".year olds a,,.! 0~±0«I/ upward. Selling. Net value t» winner 8450; areas*, : -third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23424SI.KI:TI! w :: I 111 i 1 P . 1 i| 1- 1- ]■ l: G.,..s.- W H Baker 1 lo p., 23452M1ANoyia m 3 lor, ! :: 4" «a" V ::- V R LapalBeM A Coltoa Mh-MI 23404 BONANZA w u o 109 3 J p mj L.i «k ::- R smui: M juiuti luStVpjo MSTIMeADOO w :: I0B J i :;u" 41 p •■■ a Mott R L Bmher 235-100 23272 l.KII. All S. w .-. les :, 4 5 5 i 5 5 D Stirling f l Weir MM-S • TJase. 24%, 4S%, laS*. 1:39. 1:45%. Track fast. M BtataeJa MeetC, .S4.m straight. M pl.c-e. -5«J show: Hanovia. 8l.::o place. 20 si, .v : Roaaoaa, .::o show. Equivaleal hocking odds Sle»-th. 140 lo loo straight. S* !•• Mi phoe. 29 M too ahaar: Hanovia 115 to KM place. 00 io MS s!,.,w ; Bonanza. H5 to 10 show. Winner B. g. i. D s.hian.l MerMa trained by v.. K. Baker.. Weal t» |os| at r::;s. At post :: minutes. start go.-. and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SLEETII dashed into the lead at oaea and ahowiag the most speed all the wav. w..u in a ranter. HANOVIA was hard ridden in the last quarter and rOBM fast at the end. BONANZA raced -.esc up all the way. McAPOII had 110 mishaps and v.,s much afloat Ufa tnv form. BEIT.AII S. was beaten all the wav. The winner was entered for 81 Jim,: n» hid. Scratched 2::424- :dderest Boy, loo. blO/fQ-TV MJTKKTI1 RAIL -1 1-8 Miles. MMT— 1:M% 4 MB. MM Added. I var -olds and AlfJOTl/V upward. Selling. ., value to winner 85; -.coti.l. 27: third. . Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 % ■"; Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23455-*lISH.I.I SIGN w I 93 . 4 :•;. :h ■■ p. u k l.apailh-W iiTl MS-MI 23404»ri:no vIM :: 1 c 4= v PI VI •" Morya WHHoaa MM M» 23404TK.SIT w I 110 r. 1 r,, -, ..„ ..,- ..- T. r,OS , Av H Baker uTmS l/VweAy.. Wl! T~ 2S T 7 "• " 7 *- «■ H hillng .1 M Shilling Ml Ml MMT CONSOLER w 7 WI 1 ; p ,;i -, i ■ pool W M Ewaoa MM-MI 52ST ffi?X LOUIS" wa 4 102 ! •_• i„l + 4 8-- •:- H MeaVM J M Oooda MM 23477 M. VI. ARAL wn 3 102 t I p ji 5, 7 7 . Mott J W May MM-Ml ., , . .,lhr"- 24,i. «%. 1:14, l:394i. IdMK. Track fast. s-_ mutii-is pa Ml. Dfsillnston, Si.:;o straight 83 40 place. 82. So show. Reu, . .K, place. S3.7o show -rraasit, .2:1 show. Equivalent b..okiQg odds— Disillasion. 215 |0 Km straight. 7o to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Reno, 305 lo 100 place. 8., |o 100 show r; Transit. |i ,, ]0o slllvv Winner -B. I. b] tliiitoi, Night Iowa lraim.1 bv W Bllllli, Went to post .1 .lo l poal 1 i,,lu„te Stall g.,.1 an. I slow W Irlvitig; -.cud and thirl the ■ ime. P.s.ii.1.1 SMra Bras well ridden and, staading :, hard drir, ,..,...l 11, roust, the Li el hth, won praariac near 1.1.M va* foreed haek at the halt mil.- ?r«und when going w. II. then ci..s.| ,,., n,t.. tt.. Lad. but tired aear the ead. IRansit laat grounl ..,. Ihe first tan and iatfahed well JRHSIR l.oi ISF Net Hi • early pace and .put MALABAR also ouit in the stretch. The winner was . BtoTefl for MM; no hid. Seratched— 2..47, Worlds W.-iid-r. iio: 23363 Christie, 93. Ovciwcighla— Goldy, 2. iK-uuds; Malabar, 4.

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Local Identifier: drf1915100801_3_2
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