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LATONIA ENTRIES. Frobabilities: Weather threatening: tra.k heavy. Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time. 2:00.! X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Selling Track record: 82311— -1 :05.— 3— 93. 1 Did. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. 2354S2 Trout Fly 160 148% 105 710 2354S" Lachis 95 1:08V. 100/705 23155 Winnie ODay 110 1:08% Hr 703 23503 Busy Joe 108 1 :0K% 105 / 705 23548 Folly Connelly ...103 1:08% 105x703 23450 Daisy Miekle Ho 1:09"-. 102 700 234*4 Water Warbler ...Mi LH/hll lo... Too 22!M»7 Margaret Ellen ... ]05 090 23.!99* Violet 107 l:13%h 97 RM 23399* Little Mother 107 1 :l5-.h 07 , 23515 Sauterelle 1671140% 106 AM 2113S Rapid May 1«. ;»;75 Trout Flys general form is best. Second Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3 year-olds and upWHr.l. Selling. Track record: 3220 1 :43 -. "• 110. 1 23149* Man.isseh H 1:15 0 lo* 725 23340** Transport 107 1:48% 5 lo*x72 23281 * Change 3 100x713 23522* Helen M 91 1:«% I IOSX7I5 2324tr* Dimity M :; MS 710 23516 Intone M 3 111*. .70.". 23476 Alkanet 101 1:40% 3 lttSxTOO 2305O* Oieen 103 1:46% 6 108X700 23340 Jack Kavanagh ...112 1:47 5f, 5 112 .7110 23421- Sir William M.. 3M8..6M Manasseh has been running in hatter company aud may improve enough to beat this |ioor lot. Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: 15121 — 1:11—5—116. 23473- Roscoe Goose MB 1:12s lo7©7lo 235532 Marion Goosby ....101 1:12 107X738 2.3.HK51 Grumpy 106 1:13% 104X710 23486 Conning Tower 106 1:12% 104X730 23412* Reflection 100 1:14 104x710 23240 Sparkler 107 1:14 104. .090 Roscoe Goose is in excellent form. Conning Tower apparently is net as good as he was. Fourth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Spiling Handicap. Track record: 14977— lO1:,— 3— 105. 23541 * BONANZA 109 1 :54Mi 6 1080730 235411 Beulah S 167 1:31% 5 103x720 23400 Disillusion 03 1:32% 3 9::x715 23541 Black Broom M 1:93% 4 102X715 23480 MeAdoo 100 1:31% 3 103x715 23455 Fels 3 M X 710 23541 Alston 104 1:57s 3 90.. 703 Bonanza is extra good and likes soft going. Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. Track record: 82311 — 1:65% — 3—68. 235::8:: Big Fellow 108 1 :07 111. 725 23402 Patau M6 1:09 111x720 23561 Col. .McNab I Bill : K%s 114X715 23420- Ritle Shooter 172 1:67% 111 715 2342V Savino 107 1 :o*:- 114X713 23517 Intide! II 102 1:66% 103X703 23520* M. Bert Thurman. . Dr2 1:08V-. lot; ;M9 21124 Ralph S UK:. . 701-4 23303 Tarco Mi 10111:08% 106. .i3M 23422 J. C. Welch 113" 1:13m HM.X690 23218 old Charter I07 1:llh M6X0M 2.3535* Lindly M M8..4BB Big Fellow has been racing well in better company. Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 15126 —1:11— 5— 116. 23401 Cash on Delivery ..113 1:12 6 10!»®725 23553* Mars Cassidv 110 1:12% 3 !C.i/72l 23538 Silver Bill 102 1:12 5 109-720 23321s* Carrie Or 91 1:12% 3 MX 713 23521 Billy J.H- 113 1:13% 3 1040713 23451 Yorkville 107 1:13 and M0Q713 23330 Edith W 621:11% 4 loo ■ 715 23521* Anna Kruter M*ll:13% •". «0X7M 2:;.3.*t Waterproof MS 1:14 3 I04©T10 2.:5o4* Ha Fcnnv 107 1:13 4 I04X7M 19739" Chevron 112 1:14% 3 !Ki ■ 1S111 22875 Juliet M Ml 1:15 3 Ml. .673 Cash on Delivery revels in the muddy going. Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and uoward. Selling. Track record: 3220— 1 :43Vr. — 3 — 110. 2.3302 John Reardon 110 1 :40 5 * 1 1 : X 725 23540* Joe Stein 108 1 :47 7 lo* x 720 23316 Prospect M M 1:46% 3 1 13/ 710 23247 Twilight 1o5 1 :30% 3 105 70S 23516 Allen Cain M ..1621:40% 3 103x708 23318 Wander 100 1:43% 9 113© 70S 23346 Fort Sumter 110 1:48% 5 113x706 23:03* Almeda laaiWIII IT I 111 » 100. .68B 23510 Mattie C. M 3 Mi X6M John Reardon can win if ready.