Sixth Race [6th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-15

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21301 213fH Latonia latonia 6-8 6-8 1 1 :03%slop :03%slop 41-45 41-6 97 97 10 10 10 10 9 9 71 71 7« 7" M M Garner Garner 11 11 Disturber. Disturber. Savino. Savino. Illuminator Illuminator SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, tir.iat— 1:11 .". -in;. CASH ON DELIVERY, blx. g. 6 109 By Santello— El Sonora J. LivingstonL ":4ol Churchl 2 4 116 hvv 21-10 MS 3 3 2 U lh La| nillel » Amazon. Sun-get, Carrie Orme "3C7 Churchl 3 4 1KeVmud 24-6 108 9 S 8 2- 2* Is Lapaillcil O.ikliml. Ilo.-nir. Wild Bear 217 4 Windsor 3-4 1 :13* .good41-10 110 4 5 6 41 2= M Oarn-r .» Pontefract. lii.Jimniie. Yenghee 21 ,65 Windsor 3-4 1 :16%mud 11-10 110 3 111" £ M Garner 8 Yenghee. Kdeios.-ros. falefieel 215B5 FortFrie 3-4 1:21 hvy 33 20 MB I 2 1 l2 " Jj Garner 0 Kate K., L. London. M. jonnson 214M Fort Erie 2-4 1 -V »fchvy 17 5 108 4 5 5 4" 4»4 M Garner 8 Laura. Gordon. Patience •NI980 Latonia 3-4 1:14 slow 21-10 112 2 4 4 4* 4» C Ganz 7 Blackthorn. C. Orate. L. Panchita 20897 latonia 3-4 l:14%mud 53-20 110 2 5 4 31 2» A Nevlon 8 Dengro. L. Panchita. Wild Beat 20S13 Latonia 3-4 US.ifast 69-10 107 6 6 7 6- 6" W Meehan 8 Mex, Carrie Orme, Casey Jones I MARS CASSIDY, blk. g. 3 99 . By Ogden— Ivory Bells J. W. Schorr. :r::: Latonia 3 1 1:12 fast 13 1":: 1 . 5 P .,•■•!• .ludv 8 Toiy Maid. Mar. Goosby, Boealr •.;4."4 Churchl 3-4 l:13slow 16-5 105 2 3 3 21 2" F Judv « Tory Maitl. L.Panebita. Wilhite 23343 Church 1 t-4 1:14 good 14-5 100 2 I 2 11 2h F Judy S Mex. Dr. Carmen. Billy J,.0 2*297 Dona-las 3 I 1: 13 -.slow 14-5 MS ■ 6 6 5 4*1 V .ludv 8 T-iyMaid. Liberator. Dr. Carmen 23216 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 29 10 97 4 44 13 i] 7 .i,„iv I OtkHte, Mex. Royal Interest 23104 Douglas 3 11:13 fast 11 93 3 4 ;, 411 -j.ij.. Jurty 7 Ed Howard, TJfsfen. KditiiW. ■f.:.." Saratoga 1 l:11-:.last 3 BB 3 3 4 6 t; 1;-- F Judy B Lahore. Wan. la Fttaer. -Napier ■"■007 Saratoga 3 1 l:15-:0slow 12 5 112 3 2 3 3 4"i J McCahey 4 Fenmouse. Bar. Cba.tier 22421 Saratoga 11:11 fast 41 M» 3 13 4 11 M J Kederis 6 BTbonrn. Spearheail. D.Mdonald BBH Saratoga 1 1 :42%good 8 101 12 2 3 3s BJ F Judy 12 Ella P.ryson. Borgo. Corsicau SILVER BILL, b. g, 5 109 By Planudes — Metrical A. L. Ferguson. 235M Latonia 3-4 1 1 V5fast 17-10 IM 1 1 1 1- 1- J Hanover 11 Nobleman, Oldsmobile. Gabiio 2471 Cliur.hl 3-4 l:13%fast 37-20 109 « 3 4 51 6Ti M Garner R! Grosvenor, Car. Orme. A.KruteS ttMB Lexgton B-4 l:12%Caat 51 107 1 1 1 :; 4- p Keogh 8 Edith W.. Korfhage. Bank Bill 9377 Latonia 3-4 1:llfast 61 102 3 2 1 11 2h J Kederis 6 Swannanoa. J. Basey. M. Tbur|Ht /I 9:109 Latonia 1 l:3S%fast 10 107 4 2 2 3 4 4 " U Kederis 4 Strong, Seniprite, Rifle Brigade I 92S2 Iatonia 3-4 l:llfast 11 102 6 5 » 10 10"1B Martin 11 Helios. Presumption, dwell 9110 Latonia 1 1:38 fast 34 97 1 1 1 2 S SlJJ Callahan S Beuanet, S. Jasmin.-. Pr.-sumpfn 9"45 Latonia 1 1:41 mud 16 100 2 1 1 2 3* 391 J Kederis I Morristown. S.U.. Meyer. Strong S929 Latonia 3-4 l:l%fast 23 96 4 11 Jl 2"k J Callahan S Sebago, El Pahmiar. Casey Jones 8873 Latonia 3-11:13 fast 27-10 102 2 1 1 41 5«1FJ Martin 5 Theresa Gill. Semprite. Fly. T--m S640 Douglas 3-4 1:12%fast 18-5 102 1 1 2 4* 5« E Martin 9 G.Britain. MarjonaA. S.B.Mevi-r S53S Douglas 3-4 l:12y5fast 3 95 1 11 li lJ E Martin C Benanet. S.B.Meyer. I.lPa! .11 ar CARRIE ORME. ch. f. 8 99 Bv Monsieur de LOrme— Mum E. J. OConneU. 23531 Latonia 3 4 lf"-fast 2S 102 6 4 4 2h 3"» Ii Stearns » Amazon. Dr. t anion. Syn.iv 23471 Churchl 3-4 l:13,kfast 41-5 101 1 2 2 2h Illl Stearns 12 Grosvenor. A. Krurer. Oaklaml 23441 Churchl 3-4 116 hvy 12 101 6 5 5 4- 431 II Steams 10 C. on Delivery, Amazon, Su:.g.-t 23314 Douglas 3-4 1:15 mud S3-10 95 5 3 2 2s 2= H Stearns 5 MarionGoosby. L.String. Chart ier 23154 Douglas 3-4 l:13%good 36-5 100 5 4 4 2and 4=1 H Stearns 1 M. Goosby. Lharmeuse, I-urlong 22942 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 22-5 102 6 5 3 4* bt H Stearns 70 Amazon. Dr. Carmen, Maznik 22S75 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 19 98 5 4 4 4 3J H Stearns 11 Korfhage, Aunt Josie. M.Kruter 224C2 Hillcrest Ah-5-8 DOlUslow 31 107 3 3 3 V 3- E Cullen Tactless. General. J-ssup Burn 22423 Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 fast 21 10015 4 4 6= 4=1 N Burger 7 Sureget. Curious Zali 22392 Hillcrest 61 t l:24%fast 3-2 102 2 2 1 V l"" X Burger 8 Imprudent, S.O Ryan, MS wood BILLY JOE. ch. g. 3 104 By Buesell— Ethel T. W. O. Yanke. 23521 Latonia 3 4 ll-fast 41 M7 9 I 7 B* 7-1 W J OBn . Amazon. Dr.l annen. CarrleOraM 234ol Churchl 3-4 1:16 hvv 14-5 1"*; I I 6 6i 6s F Murphy 10 C. on Delivery. Amazon. Banaet 2:; .so church 1 51 f 1:09 hvy 3 M2 3 5 4 3 2J F Murphy 5 sv.sius. Dr. Cnrn.on Misrvr;... 23343 Churchl 3-4 1:14 good 10* Ml 3 2 3 3" 4=i F Murphy 8 Mex. Mars Cassldy Dr. Carmen 23269 Douglas 3-4 1:12 last 39-10 Mil I I 6 61 7T1 J Kederis 10 Mar. Got shy. Othello. Hawthorn 221S1 Douglas 3-4 l:13V5tast 13 113 6 4 I 3* 2" F Murphy 11 LadyJ.Grey. Auntjosie Grrrt— 2109S Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 41 lo7 6 7 5 5l 5 • W J OBn 7 Maznik Loyal Tea, nrieaeesef 20532 Douglas 3-4 l:14%mud 4 94 6 7 7 7 7l:!lK Lapaille 7 BobHensley. D.Carinen. B.Kdith 20433 Douglas 3-4 l:13%hvy 3-2 107 4 3 2 T- 2= W J OBn 8 D. Carmen. C.onDelivery. P,.D:pr Lad Susie Bush J. M. Young . rORKVIXLE, b. e, 5 109 By Yorkshire — 23454 Chordl I 1 I 1 lT¥.llaW Tt no I I 2 3 5" 11 Stearns 8 T r.v Ma:d. M. Caa nly. V. ilbite 22455 Windsor 51 f l:09%mud 12-5 111 1 2 1 U 21 L Gentry 7 York Lad. Videt. I seeit 22410 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 58 111 4 3 3 6» 7rlt W Warton It Water Lily, A. N. Akin, Deceit 2224S Windsor 51 f l:06%fast 101 111 4 5 6 51 E*| R McDott 10 Marjone A.. Imperator. FseHt 221S9 FortFrie 3-4 1:13 fast 91 111 5 2 3 31 5- H Stearns 1 1 WaterLily. T. Ma.d. Pontefract 22137 FortKrie 5* f l:09%hvv 3-4 MS 4 3 1 2i Lh F Cooper 7 Commensia, Zin Del. Colors 22038 FortErie 3-4 l:18%hvy 33-20 109 2 1 1 11 l1 F Cooper 7 Rndywme, Commensia. Redland EDITH W., ch. f, 4 109 By Uncle — Dicker F. D. Weir. 235M Latonia 3-4 ldBBtaet 27 114 I M I 51 4l J MeCabe 1 Iluniress. harmeuse. Matte 2S504 latonia lnu»v 1 :445fast 111 MB S 11 12 11 11M1SJ M. rys IB hristie. Joe I inn. Orange 23177 Churchl 1 3-16 2: Kjaiifast 32 M4 12 2 4 .". B* J M rys 7 Expecf.on. L.Pnciiita. Mockery 23384 Churchl 1 1-16 l:G2%hvy 16-5 107 111 1 1» 1! K I apaille 8 I. Gentleman. Fly. Feet. Fidget 23M2 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4Sligood 2 103 1 1 1 1 2 2» K Lapaille 7 Malabar. Raoul. St. Ciiar!.-.... 23214 Douglas lm70v l:t3%fast 5-4 104 13 4 5 41 3« F Judy i Jus. Goebel, HardBall. BankBill 23104 Douglas 34 1:13 fast 33-5 104 2 6 6 6s 43J D Stirling 7 E.Howard. BLCaseMy. T. Norman 2293S Lexgton 3-4 l:12%fast 15 106 4 118*0 Stirling S Korfhage. BankBill. Silv. rp.ill 22S38 Lexgton B-4 l:13%last 19-10 MB 5 I 6 6- SJ II Stilling il White Crown, Deeatt, BankBill 20652 Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast 8 107 3 2 2 21! 21 D Stirling IB Casey Jones, Colic, Aeis 20462 Douglas 11-16 1:47 fast 41-20 100 14 3 2 1* Is F Kobiusn •. Raincoat, CordieF., M.Dulwelar ANNA KRUTER, b. f. 3 99 By Transvaal — Lillie Kruter T. F. Brannon*. 23521 Latonia 2-4 l:124aCaat 22 99 7 2 2 .".i BH 1 Acton 8 Amazon. Dr.Carnien. CarrleOnee 23471 Churchl 3-4 l:13ifast fid M2 7 4 3 3 3S J Acton IS Gieaeiiaer, Carru-Orm.-. Oakland 23357 Churchl 3-4 l:M%mad fid 107 S 7 3 4* SB1 D Connellyll Oakland. C. on Delivery. Beeatt 2HBB Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 16J 97 2 2 5 6 6* T Henry 8 Black Toney. Syriiii. Amazon 22943 Lexgton 3-4 1 :l%fast 7S 1041 4 4 4 3 .".3D Connelly S Vogue, llanovia. PleetaaeBe 22S14 Lexgton 3-4 l:132ifast 111 MB I I 2 31 5" F. Pool 7 Ormulu. Vogue. H.etal.i.e 2"S9 Lexgton 1 l:3S%fast fid 11? 10 10 S 9 10 10=«1E Pool 12 Whlossom. Embdery, One Step 20051 Lexgton 3-4 l:16%hvy 17 103 6 4 3 21 1 E Pool » Wblossom. PanMaid, L. J. Grey WATERPROOF, ch. g, S 104 By Cunard— Tinker C. E. Hamilton. 23: 4 Churchl 1 1--6 l:52«shvy 29-3 lehi 2 I 4 I 5= ..« ll Connelly 8 E.lithW.. LGentlem-iti. Fiy.Feet 233M Churchl 1 1-16 l:47%good fid H;S « 7 10 lo 61 13=6 D Connelly 14 Meefcerjr, Grosvenor. Flitaway 23241 Douglas lm70v 1 :45Ufast 53 112 3 5 6 7 911** D Connelly 13 Commauretta. Obolus. D.ngro 23MB Douglas lm70v l:44%tast 18 :S 14 6 4 : V K Lapaille S Jessie Louis.-. Hying Feet. Fels MMB Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 66 MB 6 7 S 5= 5=1 D Connelly lo Laekrose, Erin. Miss Kruter 22842 Lexgton lm70vl:H*i,fast 45 104 7 6 6 8 9 9,:.D Counellvli, Disillusion. Stanley S.. M-.-cowa 21457 Latonia ll:40%goodl4 102 2 2 5 5 61 8101F Robinsnll Sfaaveaar. thaerireanr. Birka 21429 Latonia lm70y l:49%mud 14-5 MS 13 3 3 3- 3 R Goose 7 Syrian, Alledo, McAdoo 21317 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 29-5 102 6 8 3 li 11 E Martin D Birka, F.Crocket, Quartermaster HAPENNY, ch. e. 4 104 Bv Rock Sand — Half Sovereign H. Lang. 2:;:.-t Latonia lmMy l:44tUSaet 7S MB| 7 I I .". si B**|L Gray i : Ckrtatte, Jo,- Finn. Dreaajc 2342". Churchl 3-1 l:16»V-mud 2 M7 5 5 2 31 21 L Gray 1" F. Duster. J.B.Mayl.w. Pr-.sp.ct 2335B Churchl B-4 l:15%nrad 104 109 7 4 4 5= 5- L Gray 7 IM Howard. Ghetto Girl, Qiaaria 2MM Douglas 3-4 1:14 "good 117 104 4 S 7 61 4" I. Gray ! Becnir, Chilton King. Bkadnefe 23214 Douglas lm70v l:434fc2aat 59 106 6 5 6 6 6 6" L Gray r, Jus. Goebel, Hard Ball, E.lithW. 22511 Saratoga 1 l:45%elow 15 112 7 7 7 7 6s 6"1L 4ray 7 D. of Dunbar. Menlo Park. Santo 22177 Saratoga 1 1:45 mud 20 112 7 4 3 4 6» 69 L Gray 7 CarltonG.. Sqn.eler. Albena 223C2 Saratoga 1 l:42good 50 107 7 7 7 S 51 SaT L Gray 12 EllaBryson, MarsCassidy. Borgo 22231 Saratoga 1 l:48V5hvy 60 107 9 6 5 4 43 410 L Gray 10 W. Wonder. S-iueeler. Tink.Bell CHEVRON, b. e, 3 99 By Out of Reach— Commena Cloher and Keene. 19759 Juarez 11:39 fast 7-3 MS 13 2 3 M MA Mott S.I liuKeardon. AnnaReed, Spindle 19493 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 4 8 141 6= 3=i Q Bezansn 7 Twiliu-ht. Curli.ue. Mercnrimn MM Juarez 1 1:39 fast 3 95 3 7 7 7 4-l 1= II Stearns M C.McDougall. .Druse, Gtl.elnin I91M Juarez 3-4 l:]3«ifast 10 103 11 10 10 S= 5" L HartweI114 Twilight. S. Beckham, Osm-.n ;•! 1S672 Juarez 51 f l:0.".6fast 7 10S 10 7 S 10 M,!,1R Small lo GtrudeP... Cliarif vWard. S.Anto 1S640 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 7-10 112 4 5 4 41 Z R Small S Sinai. Brecxer, Edna II. 1S572 Juarez 51 f l:09good 2 108 5 3 2 3- 3-l W W Tlor «: Ilel.Kaybould. Lav Dav Breezer 1S514 Juarez 5-8 DOlgood 12 112 9 I 9 73 5S1 W W Tlorl2 Tower. K.ofPvtliias. II.RaylMnr.l 1S292 Latonia 1 l:41%fast 16 101 7 11 10 10 8» 781 E Pool 13 Cannonade. Gold. Girl, W.Crowe JULIET, ch. f, 3 104 By Peter Quince — Avon II. C. B. Reid. 22S70 L-. xgton B-4 l:13!sfast fid Ml 11 M 10 9 y"lF Herbert 11 Korfhage, Auntjosie. Car.Orme

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