Sixth Race [6th Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-15

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SIXTH RACE— 1 ICie and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ! 0201 — 1 :4.°.2:— 4— 1041. ROYAL METEOR, ch. ff. 7 110 By Star Shoot— Oueen Regent J. J. Mahon. Jr.L 23494 Laurel 1 i -16 l::.Muhvy 39-20 H2 3 11 1 1= 1* J MeTagrt f, PariMn C. His Nibs. Bartworth ! tUB 1-aur. 1 Jm7oy 1:5!S-hvy 5-4 ll-i 1 | 1 1 1- H T McTagt 10 M. Park. Surgv.m. M. Cavanagb MM Ptaallea lm4iyl:M fast 1SJ 106 3 1 1 2 31 6 FJ Taplin 9 D Oro. Balfron. Baingerfield BMPtadico 1-4 l:14Kcood B K-6 7 7 4 61 1 JC Turner B Perthshire. Al Bloeh, L.Travers 241132 II. leCce 2-4 l:14%sl«W 7 102 6 4 5 6*. 5s XV Ural 12 Montv Fox, Pharaoh, Carlton ti. 34*43 H.deG*ca taa3*yl:454jraal K K 2 3 2 2 5 •* T*|W Fral ! Tow. Field. O.Kriip, Ven.Strome UTT II aklfTfia 3 4 1:14%fast 15 107J6 3 4 3* 3J T MeTagtl2 Scallywag. Prog"sive, ft It anal II ls097 Laur. 1 I 1-K l:4S%faat Bl Ml 6 7 7 7 7 7*1 A Nicklaus 7 Working Led. KingBox. Orotund 17543 ELdeGce Im74yl:44%rast 21 105 3 3 3 3 3 I 35 A Nieklnus S Orotund. Chuckles. Beau Pere 17449 H.deG*oe lm70yl :47%mloW l-MM 5 1 1 2 21! 2« K Karrick 0 Camellia. II. Hutchison. E.Ligbl 17353 B.deCrce lm7"yl:45 fast 9-10 Ki8 6 3 4 3 4* 31 J Butwell 11 Walters. Orperth. King Box JAWBONE, b. f. 6 110 By Samson— Jennie J. J. 0. Talbott. 23514 Lain. 1 I 1-K l:4*£good 16-5 |.i-. M 9 S 6 3 _• . . 1 oitins l Yotb-Hoc. D.MVl. KntKlkfje I:;"! H..I -Cce l!ii7oy1:41 0fast 4 K3 I I I 8 7* 4i W Lillev M Fagle. Ambros . Baa Quince 3SK7 H. !e ; •.• lin7oyl:15 fast 10 104 3 3 3 2 1» l1 P Lowder 11 All Smiles. Tow. Field. S. Helen 23i37 H.di 1 .•.••■ lm7oyl:4r.-5fast 8 1C5 6 5 4 7 7* 6J; .T McTagrtlO Barge. Daingerliebl. His Nibs 22753 Belmont 1 1:49 fast 2l 1U 3 3 3 I 3h 5» 1 Butwell 10 His Nibs. Forecast. Baingerfield 20730 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 21 107 3 3 3 4 4* 3*1 F Hopkins C Chesterton. Dr.Dner, Btbovcn 20660 Belmont 1 1-S 1 :52%fast 4 9611123 3«F Hopkins .1 Anialfi. Al Bloch 20564 Belmont 1 1:40 good 4-5 107 4 3 4 5 5 43 G Byrne ." W. Shoes. Dr. Duenner, Orotund YODELING. ch. e. 4 115 By Roehampton— Yodler H. J. Morris. 2.-T.14 I-i-ir.l 1 1 16 l:4Bfk#aaa1 3 •■ 111 1 Is l". .1 MeCaheyld Jawbone. B.aPet, Kris Kringle 2MB Laur.-I 1 1-16 l:V.«f,mul 37 2 J lor. 111 1 1» P J McCahev T Balfron. Trovato. Dicks Pet 333M Laun-I 1 1-16 l:55%hvy 7-4 108 2 1 1 1 2« 2* F Cooper S CarltonC. LouiseTray"s, tapada Z3S43 BLdeGee 1 1-16 1:41 last 11-5 ins | 2 I I P M*| J HiPahljII TTInarlinan. M. Warr-n. Peteius 23167* Foe 2 4 1 :13igood 60 1**7 4 6 8 6l 6- J MeCahevIO Isirose. Naushon. Cino 20339 Pirn lico lm4av 1 :46/4goodl3-10 113 2 3 1 1 l1 IH E Ambrose 7 Battery. Baingerfield. Cerrard 3«3H Ptaallea llHjl:44»4Caat 13-2OIO9 2 1 1 1 2« 2-1 .1 McCahey r, BuzzAround. BeanPere. Mycenae L"0247 Pimlieo 3 4 1 :13»£fast 5 107 4 44 4 i 6»1 M Buxton 7 Perthshire. Zin Del. Amans B1S9I Pimlbo ]m40yl:11%good 7--S 109 3 11 1 1= 1* J M«"ahev 7 B. Around. Dgertiebl. Sepulveda M3f ELdhaToa 3-4 1:15 slow 19-10 107 1 1 1 1* 1* J McCahey :» YorkLad. L.London PARTWOKTH, ch. r. 7 105 By Stalwart — Bomino Noire E. Wayland. 2MM 1-aur. 1 1 1 M 1 :59-.-.h y 39 r, M -j 4 2 3 4- 4=J L Mink • Bov.M CarltonC.. HisNibs 23470 Uup I lm70y 1:54 hvy 91-10 ln7 1112 2" P L Mink 7 Lullier. K. Kringle, SigmaAlpha SMS Derwal I l:4Mfcfaat 41 m 1 5 I 6 7 7* I Callahan 7 N. Light. St. Laaertea. Singletoe 32*34 Derral lm7oy l:44*4Cast 2 !■» ; 1 1 1 1 m V J Calbihan s II. D.s Pet. R. Lancdon r.W.t l..rv:-l barKy l:4S*4taat 3 111 I 1 1 1 P H J Tallaban R .T.ICbold. SopMess. J.H. Hhton 2-725 BlueBon. 7-S 1 :27« 11 111 Iff 11 11 11 11* 127 J Callahan IS King Box. LouiseTravers. Aprisa 22557 Saratoga 1 l:42?ifast 12 loo ; 1 2 2 ".H 5»i I, Allen n Borgo. Robinetta, Alh Mia M Saratoga 1 l:42%fa«t 12 105 6 3 2 9 ll1 11** M Buxton 12 Amain. Azyiade. Grosvenor BALFRON. ch. r. 4 105 By Ornament— Mary Street H. G. Bedwell. 23591 I-iur- 1 taaSty 1:52 hvy 41-20 10.. ill 1 ]"■ i= f «,,oer 7 CarMaa C. Trovato. L. Travers 3M43 1-iupl 1 1 K l:r.:«..!iiu l 12-5 K:7 2 2 2 2 21 V F Conj er 7 Yarding. Trovato. Picks Pet 2342 » 1-iurel 1 1-S 1 ::.4*r.gx d 13 5 K3 4 2 3 4 5* 7S1. F C.mper 7 Son.-beng.. Ilar.Larder. Napier 23397 l aurel 1 1-16 l:53»ihvy 77-10 103 3 11 1 l1 ll F Cooper ■ Robinetta. Orperth. Dryad :.:;1L K-deG*ee lm70yl:44%fast 10 1 m; 4 4 6 S KJ 14* F Cooper 13 Cloaming, Guy Fisher, Volant "3136 H.deiFce liri70yl:49%mud 5 104 2 2 3 3 3« 2* F Cooper jo Drvad. HisNibs. Maryland Girl 22775 RtaeBon. 1 l-S 1 •"•" mud 3 MS ."11 1 Ink y y CaaMT 7 S.ofLove. VdavJr.. L.Sirituelle 23S77 Blu.-Bon. 1 1-S 1:54 Vsfast 61-10 105 6 2 3 5 5» 5« F Cwper S Valas. G.M.Miller. Star of Love 22571 Conght 1 1-16 l:51*ifast 1 108 3 3 4 3 2J 4-1 F Cooper 7 S.ofLove. Abltotsford. First Star BM Conght 1 1-16 1 :.".2%hvy 3 105 12 1 1 ll 21 F Cooper 10 Marshon. Surpassing. Beau Pere RAY OLIGHT. ch. c. 4 105 B Feep oDay — Freyja J. G. Wagnon. -:i75 w.liin- I 1-K l:4*1fcfaet 2S-S K7 2 2 1 1 3- 2" B McDott 8 BeaaPere, Singletoe. K.Radford Z3W2 Wdntae 1 l:41%faat 34-.. 1u7 6 7 6 11 W M *IB McBott 11 Oeaertm. Star of Love. BeanPere 22H9 Daceml lm70y l:44*sfast 21-10 IK I 2 1 3 41 6 « ; lx,mls S Stleain. Weyanoke. C.F.Cnger 219K1 qu. luct 1 l:40%faat 15 115 2 2 3 4 5* 6 R Hoffman! 1 Dr.Denner. S.ofVallev, G.Fisher "1M1 Aqu-luct 1 l:49%taat 6 107 2 12 2 41 45 L Allen 8 Nephthys. Alhena. Dr. Duenner "1534 Aqueduct 11:41 fast 12 113 5 5 7 7 6* 6si L Allen 10 Volant. Minstrel, Dr. Duenner 212_S Aauedot 1 1 16 1:47 fast 30 lofi 333 3 3 3*A Nicklaus H Bac. Ben Quince SONADA. ch. h, 6 110 By Star Shoot — Janowood P. Powers. •:;.-.•.■ laurel 1 1 ! 2:1sMihvy 64 w: 7 11 2 4= 4:- F CaaMT B Marshon. IS. Baker. Christophinp , 23391 l.nuf I 1 1 16 1 :f..":!0hvy K-5 MS 5 3 4 4 5* m T McTagt i Carlton C.. TadeUa*. L. Travels , 31 K4 H deGce lni7yl:46 fast 31 10sl 3 1111= ll L IVronde • M. Warren. R.Oliver. Supstiti-.n IJMlJaarea ll:3S fast 12 ill S 5 S 6 7 7"U Howard B Bwlah, Bert Getty. Chrtitepbiae lL-if.5 Juarez 1 l:3S* 15 MS 6 5 5 6 6 0»J H Cavanh ! Truly. P.n ok Held. Col. Marcbmnt I* S6T, Juarez 3-4 1:11 good 30 Ml | 8 8 8 S" F Titian S Mimorioso. Fseeit. Zim 12492 Latonia taaMf l:« fast 31 112 5 3 3 3 715 7101C VanDun S L.H.Adair. II. Private. MiltonB. VALAS. b. R. 3 10G By Puryear D. — Olathe R. B. Stelle. 2*533 laurel lm39y 1:42 good 11 |« 9 11 M 9 9« 71" T Haves 11 Eagle. Scorpii. Volant jm,, vvdjine 1 l-Vt l:4S%Caat 23-5 149 2 4 3 6 7-1 7" J Callahan 9 King Pox. Orperth. Kate K "-/-•6 Wdbine 1 1-16 1 : 17*sfast 46-5 97 5 2 2 6 6 6*- R Jarhoe S Buzz Around. Re.lland. Maitiau "VHt BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:55Sslow 91 103 5 2 2 1 1* ]| ] allaiian 7 Polly II.. Marshon. Fgmont 22677 BlueBon. 1 1-S 1 :51, 26 107 5 11 1 1* 1". .T Callahan S C.M.Miller. S.ofLove. H.Lauder . •"62". Conght lm29jr 1:59 hvy 3 99 4 5 I I 5* 4= J Acton h Fgmont. Boxer. L. oKirkcaldv ■iv4 Conght 3-4 1:16 hvy 5 103 7 7 5 6= 4"J F Cooper 7 Laura. The Busvbodv. Videt r" : «aratoga 3-4 1 :16 ihvy 10 105 7 8 8 7* 5»rU McTagrtlO Aunt Josie. Gallop. Freeman 21979 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 12 961 4 3 5 7 8 73 T Pargton S Lin.lentbal. Amalfi. Grosvenor CORSICAN. b. g. 8 _ 106 By Golden Maxim— Personal R. A. White". "U l-iur"l "1 f 1 :o7 fast S.. 113 6 9 9 S- 7T , R Hargton .» Squeeler. Scaramouch, Forum : 1 "t Laurel 3-4 1:14 good 21 M4 3 2 2 3 3i K Hargtn .". Sarsenet. B.Cnarder. Pgressive . 23281 V dl.ine lmTPy 1:47 fast 12-5 Ml 14 4 7 B 8«J .7 Morvs 8 Stir Op, Beau Peie. Change "W, W.B.ine 1 1-16 l:47»fcfast 2 107 4 3 4 3 3= 41 J Morvs 6 Buzz Around. Redland. Martian " ■..; Wdi.ine 3-4 l:12"ifast 21 107 3 3 3 2"k h* j Morvs 13 S.-mpsilla. Crossbun. Harbard ■■r-i RiueBon 1 l:39%faat 8-5 98 3 2 2 2 2* 1 j Morvs Redland. St. Lrr/erian Marshon "r-€7S Blu-Bon. 1 1 :39* 1S-5 107 3 2 3 1 1 : h j „„rVs S Buzz Around. Videt. Ella Bryson 1 ■■:,■. oiight 1 l:17%ir.ud 3 97 1 2 2 2 1* 1» J Morys 0 Pardner. IMate Class, Harbard OSTJLLIVAN. ch. h. 5 113 Bv Oddfellow — Rosinante J. MacManus. l!.b F lmKyl:44%faat F5 114 112 12 10 9 12,S C Bgame ].. Cb.aming. Cuy Fisher. Volant : p| II deCee 1 1-16 1 :47ifast 44 V»i 9 6 7 7 9 Ssi. c game ! Amalli. Stonehenge. Cuv Fisher r 1 -7 11 .ICee lm70yl:45Vfcfaat 12 112 8 8 6 6 5* V p BzaaM 10 Barge. Daingertield. His Nibs •"■vj, ]vi„if.nt llsl-53 fast 10 111 9 9 8 8 7* 6r-j c rfair.e !i Baingerfield. Amalfi. Guy Fisher r r --v Belmont 1 1 -16 1 :47asfast 6 103 2 4 4 5 5 6 C Turner •" Wooden Shoes. Amalfi. Hedge 22894 Belmont 11-16 1:49 fast 2 114 2 3 2 2 Ink 1J Bgame 4 Ben Quince. Faster star, Napier - JOF DEIBOLD. b. g. 6 11* By Irish Lad— Custance G. J. Day. . . ,,ir,i 1 1 !•: l:47good 61 K 4 6 6 6 8 S 7,:K Wealhv s Ai TO anient. Rinelta. Sln.-!M-nge . " Ul Roval lm2 3 117 « 6 6 5 5 •, J Howard 11 Pastes... Trovato. Wladay Jr. : Vt t ] 1 ll fast s "» H1 :: ,; " ti 6 ■•, i» VnUU !1 Mu.l Sill. L. SpiritiKdle. T. Koch 1 : •■•■•. i.,.rval 11:40 fast 51-20 112 ; 4 I I ::» 4", F Coleman 7 M.Srao.l, R.I.angdon. Fulerpe ■ 229T- Dorval lm79y l:43%faat 4 l«7 7 I 2 2 2* f K Weathr 7 YaSiprrp. Orperth Kinmuudy r : 1 |...r il lui7ov 1:16. 31-20 111 7 2 2 2 2» 2J Wealhv H Dtworlb, Sep.less. J. II. Hhton . BlueBon- 1 l:42%aloW 19 IK 4 2 2 2 2*1 4-J K Weathy S Supreme, Astrolog.-r. Dicks Pet t EPHlNnMASS. ch. m. 7 112 By Handspring — Masiada R. T. McReever. , I ,m ■ 5 f 1: «%*OOd 132 H 1 4 I 21 |j" pita 11 Kt:::li All-n. JiinlS:.-e.v. CohlCap p I ".,„,,. 1 I 4 1 J9%HMa Fl 1"9 5 1 1 - j- v K.-lsav «• L.Travers. Wodan. Klhan Alien t, .- Wdbine 3-4 lMHfast 35 116 5 5 5 61 11- y Kels.-iv IS Yeiigiae. Katharine C. Kopje :;-»niK Dorval »* f l:06]/5fast 29-5 115 1 3 7 6.1 7;i V K, lsav 8 Rosemary. Coy. Mazurka -11 Mn. Bon 3-4 l:14%fast 27 11111 9 10 91 M»|W Kelsav 14 Connanght. Inquieta. Cant. Ren tmS M-.vina " 1 tM slow 9-5 113 1 11 1 l* r Jones s Racy. Sepulveda. Luiise Paul visri Havana r.4 f 1:28 hvy 3-5 111 2 2 1= |is r Waldron • Monerelf. Atax. Wolfs Baths •••■CI Havana f 1 :o9*igood S 5 117 13 3* 2" RWal.lron 8 IlillStieam. Belfast. BearletOaka STAIWABT HELEN, ch. t. 3 10» Bt Rtal wart— Helen Miller L Wei««. a -| .7*1 lnr.n 1:1 fa-l W l«C 2 6 5 7 6* .| Ralweli v Wpell .. Camellia. Dinah Bn ,. .,,,,, 1 1 i:49%mud 11 l- • "■ 5 a ; v* J M.iaeii 7 IMaafclta ParlaTeniek, Riiatta ■ 1 ■ II .le •.•••• 1ui7" !:4l-"-sfast 25 bJS II 13 13 11 I* 7:i .1 m.mmIk- IB Cbaniing. Cuy Iisl.r. V.daiil .lli.l.Ce. Im7* l:44 fast 12 IPS 9 R s s ;h fjW IJUey !• Republican. Ragle. S.|iieel,.r k u deCee lm7oyl:47,/5iiud 25 1" 4 6 5 5 ..••:.» |, MeAteC li P...r_ . Ambrose. Nephlhys S7 H deGce lm70yl:46 fast 12 1. 8 IK I 6 4" y LIBey II lawhaae. All Smiles. Tew. Fiebl .1 "-Windsor 1 l:41%fast 3 I»4 6 7 7 G 53 5% T Hayes S Aprisa. Miss Waters. Flitaway ISWindbor 1 l:C?islow IS lol 6 7 7 7 5i juj Acton 7 Lady llesicau. Bendc-1, LocLiel I s 5 - * • « 1 ; : ; STAR OF LOVE. br. g. 3 106 By Star Shoot— Lady Vincent L. W. Garth. 23593 I.aur.l 1 1-1 2:1Shvy 2F5 fi 5 5 6 6 6* 6" B Foreh nd S Marshon. IS. Biker, Christopbine 21117 Iviurel lm7 iy 1 : !6V5good 11 lor. 14 4 2 21 ll K Forehnd 7 Volant, Nonreddin. North. Light 23179 W.ll.ine 1 1-16 l:48%fast 19-5 mi r. 5 3 I lnk li ■ Forehnd 8 Fascinating. D.sPet. H. Brother 23993 Wdbine 1 l:41%fast 36 5 M2 3 9 S 6 3l 8* E ForehmHl Orperth. ISeau Pere, Dicks Pet 22775 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1:57 mud 13-5 I04 3 5 3 I 2* 21 A Collins 7 Balfron. VdavJr.. L.Spiritu.-lle 22677 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1 :54 /;fast 38-5 99 2 4 3 4 41 M E Forehnd 8 Valas. C.M.Miller. Harrvl.auder 22622 Conght lm20yl:fd hvy 8 94 2 5 6 4 4 57i E Forehd S Marshon. Astrologer. Kinniiindv 22571 Conght 1 1-16 l:51%fast 7 99 1 2 2 1 l3 l2 J Morys 7 Ablxdsford, First Star, Balfion HARRY JUNIOR, br. c. 3 106 By Ogden— Partridge H. C. Hallenbeck. l::.".K. I.aur.l lm29y l:43%ceed 42-5 1M 5 I 4 ". 61 6;,i L Mink 8 Noureddin. Dav Dav. Pardner 29499 I.aur.1 1 1-K 1 :54*femud 7-4 95 2 11 1 Is l5 L Mink 8 M. Sirl. M. DuIwoImt. KareM 23415 Laurel Im791r IllTtfnwd 11 HIS 6 3 4 2 5= 5s T Davies 8 All Smiles. M. Dulweber. Borax 23391 B.deQce 51 f 1 :f7%fast 12 1u7 11 11 11 101 96 T Davies 1.5 Forum, Plantagenet. Vignola 232 f. H.d.C.ce ». f 1:07 fast 15 ISfjaj 8 S 8l 55i T Davies 14 Fagle. Forum, Fuzzv Mnzzy 2316S B.deGea 3 4 l:14%ceed 9-5 102"ll ll 11 11 10T| W LUley 13 Chesterton, M. Warren. Bev.VMi 22730 Belmont 3-4 st l:10*fast 25 112 4 6 6 6 51S M Buxton 0 IFmonieon. Flergold. Il.Prvnne 21S43 Aqueduct 6J f l:26%fast 8 124 5 7 7 6s 6la G Byrne 7 Harry Shaw. H.Barbce. Polarius

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