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THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 17"f :: l:tf •■ Ill WATER LILY, ch. f. 4 116 By Watercress — Almadie G. A. Alexandra. ■2511 laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 2S 112 I 7 S 4= 1»J J Callahan ! Squeeler. Scaramouch, Forum 22482 l«iur.l 3 1 1 "ii-mud 23 126 S 7 S S 7"1G Alexrlr 8 Humiliation. I.nv. rl.ey. J.-vse.Ir. 22M4 Dorval 3-4 l:12!4fast 27-20 107 3 4 2 2 llj Callahan Pontefract. Zin Bet, K.Langd..ii •"7"0 BlueBon 3-4 1 12Vifast 6-5 107 8 5 4 4= 4=] W I nil : The Busy body. Zuill.l. S-mpsilla 22569 Conght " 3-4 1:14%fast 9-5 HI 4 4 4 4= 2* R McDott S Marj.A.. I.Jinimie, T. Busybody 22SM Conght 51 f l"08*fegood 8 3 115 G 2 1 ll ?h k Haynes 8 Coniinetisia. P. Petal. Brandywiae 22410 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 3J loS I 2 1 2= 1" W Iral ! A. N. Ak:n. Uweit. Pontefract "1S9 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 51 10o 1 1 l it| iij p Lowder 11 lory Maid. Pont.fract, Lochiel 22109 FortErie 3 4 1:16 hvy 9-5 102 1 3 2 1J 1« F Cooper S Miss iayle Gold Cap Laura 21S38 Hamton 5.1 f 1 :07%fast 4 109 7 4 4 2» ll A Schugr 12 J./arate. M!ss aters. Marveloua JIM BASEY, ch. "h, 7 HO By Salvation— Dora I. E. E. Peck. 25210 I aui el 5] f 10S%"ood 22-5 101 2 2 2 3» 3= J Callahan U Ethan Allen. Spnngmass. G.Ca.i 22491 Laurel 2 11 i»Jivv 21-5 111 1 3 3 3= 3= T Rice S Devil Fish. Minstrel. Krefya C 23207 Wdl.ine 3-4 l:13%fast 8 H9 1 3 4 B 7" F Adams 12 Vcnirhoe, Katharine G.. K..|,je 23076 Wdbine 3-4 ll"%fast 19 105 13 12, 12 l:i 13"1T Hayes l:: Corsica n. Sempsilla. Crossbun 21567 FortErie 3-4 l:22%hvy 29-10 100 7 5 3 3l 31! G Lomas .S Patience. Astrologer. S. of Love 21489 FortErie 3-4 l:20%hvy 31 HI 3 2 3 3* 5" F Cooper I Laura. Gordon. Patience 21045 Jamaica 3-4 l:14Vfcfast 4 117 5 5 5 41 5 F Adams 7 Ahara, Grapeshot. Andes 20875 Jamaica 3-4 l:1314fast 10 113 5 12 14 145 14=* F Adams lo Dinah Do. Outlo-.k linkle Bell 20213 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 39-20 108 5 2 3 3 J F Adams I Coy, Monty lox Marjorie A 20187 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 1 115 3 1 1 in 2" F Adams 8 Brandywiue. Dr.Charcot. Sleuth LADY LONDON, br. m. 5 107 By Hermis— Lida B. W. Smith. 22511 Laurel 51 f los%good 52 103 8 S S 7= 7""i C Turner 12 1 orum. Briar I ath. rossbun 22243 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 61 107 7 7 1 1= ll H Donldn 7 Cmensia. Serutmr. I n.Jiunnie 23092 Wdbine 1 141%fast 26 107 111 2 21 IH t Hayes 11 Orpotth. Star of Love. BeanPere 22961 Dorval 51 f DOSVifast 33-5 109 4 3 5 61 5«1 E Haynes S Gold Cap. Bnla Welsh. Nigadoo 22S93 Dorval 31 f l:064j fast 29-5 115 3 1 2 Ink 2- E Haynes 10 Fastoso. Jim I... Alston 22S62 Dorval 51 f 1 :07 fast 8 111 3 4 5 31 31 E Haynes 9 VIley, Bala Welsh, Sir Raymond 22597 Conght 1 l:47andmud 8 112 5 4 5 5 61 7"* E Haynes S L. Travers. Euterpe. S. and Cap 22323 Conght 3-4 1:16 good 4-5 101 6 11 ll 1= G I-onin* 0 Katharine G.. Kyle. Regular MINSTREL, ch. r. 3 105 By Yankee— Love Note W. B. Mitchell. 2:510 Laurel 31 f 1 OS-Vgood 16 KKi 11 S 8 7llo = R McDott 11 E. Allen. Springrnass, JiniBasey 23491 Laurel 3-4 l-0«-hvy 9-5 SB 3 2 2 21 2= L Mink * Devil Fish. Jim Bascjr, EvelynC. 23275 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 "fast 23-G 91 4 4 5 5»" 5i A Collins l:. Kopje. Sempsilla, Jim L. 23.HI7 Dorval 3-4 1:13 fast 7-4 MS 1 1 3 4l 3 R McDott « M dicka. Alston, MeCliatoefc 22624 Conght 51 f 1-12-hvy "1 102 1 12 2H V% R McDott 10 Sempsilla. Inquieta. Kopje 22596 Conght 3-4 1:19 mud 6 102 6 112 31 J Acton 11 King Box. Inquieta. Bran.l.vwine 22504 Conght 3-4 117Aslow 3 101 7 4 4 2and 3=1 A Schugrl2 Gold Cap. Lady London. Egioont 22016 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow 18-5 2a1 3 3 2 31 4- J McTagrt 8 E.Delling. Sarsenet. D.of Dunbar 21931 Aqueduct 1 lMOVfcfast 16-3 105 8 2 2 2 2= 3«1 J McTagrt 8 Stonehenge. Orotund. Rri.inBora 21S19 Aqueduct 61 f l:19%fast 4 103 5 4 4 41 4* M M thews I Volant, Noiireddin, Ofjflaal -■RANTJYWINE. ch. h. 6 110 Br Stalwart— Miss Canale J. Wilkinson. 232SS Wdbiae 3-11:14 fast 111 l"9 i 5 4 # 9= .1 Marya I. ; Kopje. Senipsilla, Jim L. 227M Biuel.on. 3-4 113V-slow 2 109 6 5 3 4l 6= A Sebogr 8 Sempsilla, Videt, Briar Path 225:.; Conght 3-11:19 mud 6-3 111 9 9 6 41 4= R McDott 11 King Bex, Inquieta. Minstrel 22550 Conght 31 f LOSV.good 4 MS 1 fi I 4l 1=1 F Cooper H Common-ia. W. Lily. Prir. Petal 22038 FortErie 3-4 l:1S%hvy 16-3 108 1 I 3 2"k 21 t: Hirst 7 Yorkville. Commensia. ILdlaiel 21901 Hamton 3 4 l:16%hvy 31 MS 1 5 1 Is 1* R Shillrng 7 Valas. Yorkville. Gordon LOHENGRIN, ch. g, 5 108 By Goldcrest— Legend F. Musante. 22141 Wdbine 1 4 1 :13%good fid 104 8 7 7 6= 5*1 It McDott |.: Crossbun. Betwe. n Is 22915 Dorval 51 f 11-5 MS 7 I S S= 7;? .1 Callahan 12 Rubicon I L, M. Fox. M. Johnson 20291 Pimlico 3-4 l:liv£fast 26-5 99 4 5 6 51 6*J J Dreyer 10 York Lad. Retleetion. Al P.Lh-Ii 20236 Pimlico 3-4 1:11 fast 22-5 110 5 4 6 51 ,111 LaffertylO G. Plume. Hermis Jr.. Tliesien s 20215 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 7 112 7 7 8 71 4=1 II Lafferty ! PayStreak, Silver Moon, Dakota OUTLOOK, ch. f. 3 100 By Yankee — Origin P. Powers. 23493 Laun 1 2-4 1:21%hvy 18 103 3 2 8 8 si .1 McTagrt 8 Bea Quince, Lily Orme, Videt 22MS H.deGce 51 f 1 :07-jfarit 15 111 1 5 4 7l 8"! G Byrne 11 J.J.Lillis, F.Wuzzy. Seaiamoiieli 22471 Saratoga 3 4 l:14J4fast 1S-5 105 10 2 3 51 11 "• L McAtee 13 Evelyn C, Jesse Jr.. DevilKish 22016 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow 6 101 S 4 4 51 7=1L McAtee 8 E.Delling. Sarsenet, D.of Dunbar 21819 Aqueduct 61 f l:19%fast 4 mi 8 2 2 3-1 35 J McTagrt ■ Volant. Noureddn. Minstrel 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 l:l4sfast 5 101 9 4 2 21 1" J McTagrtl4 Pltagenet, MenloPrk, Fasating 21492 Aqueduct 5-8 LOlVkgood 5 103 6 7 3 51 5«J J McTagrtlO C.Merrick. WaterLily, Men. Park 21274 Aqueduct ll:40%fast 6-5 85 7 6 5 4 6» 511 P Lowder M Yodeles. Stonehenge. Tinkle Bell 21169 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 1 97 6 6 6 5s 2= W Lilley 6 Ethan Allen. Dinah Do. Sinai AHARA, br. c, 3 120 Bv Voorhees — Handsome Florry J. Fitzsimmonsl. 22543 Laurel f.l f 1:07 fast 3-2 110 9 7 9 W S7 J McCaheyll J.B.Hairell. Ed. Adams. F.Helen 22352 H.deGce 51 f l:06V ;fast 60 90 5 6 6 6 6=L McAtee I Quartz. Celto. Leo Skolnv 2M2J H.deGce 3-4 l:12%fast 60 M I 4 4 5* 55 J McCahey 7 He Will. Bac. Pullux 22913 Belmont 7-8 l:27%fast 2 105 3 2 4 4 51 39 J McCahey » Gloaming, Carlton G., Doublet 22428 Saratoga 11:41 fast 30 102 2 4 6 7 7= 711 J McCahey S M.CassMy. ReyUmrn. Spearhead 21325 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 16-5 110 4 4 5 5 4* 4*1 J McCahey ." DistantShore. AllSmiles. Alhena PHARAOH, br. h. 7 110 Bv Meddler— Hatasoo W. T. Ryan. 26915 Ml.oro T It T-*lTVaal 2 114 541, W Doyle II MissBarnHarbor. IVtelus. Thrill 24R5C Mboro 7S 1:29 fast 2 115 2= W DasW IL England. Coeks|»itr. Petelus 20MB Mboro 7-S 1:30 good fi-3 115 2"k W Doyle 7 Monty Fox. In. Queen. Regular 20732 Mboro 51 f l:0SVsgood 3-2 116 ll W Doyle S Monty Fox. Thrill. Muzanti 2KM Prospect Ab5-S 1:01 fast 4-5 115 1= W Doyle r Moncreif. Barette. Bulgar 2-0477 Electric 5-S 1:00 good 1-2 117 21 W Doyle • Ossary Maid. Schaller. In. Qu-en 20CM Pimlico 3-4 l:13%good 21-5 MS 6 2 2 3= 3=i W Doyle ! BriarPath. Mart.Casca. Supreme 20219 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 2 107 4 3 1 1* 1* W Doyle 12 Humiliation, Inez, Patience 201S1 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 5 115 4 3 3 41 441 W Doyle 12 Kderoseros, Humiltion. Ortyx 20132 H.deGce 3-4 1 :14iislow 12 110 1 5 4 42 21 W Doyle 12 Monty Fox, Carlton C... Ykville 19!»67 Bowie 51 f l:08%fast 41 115 8 7 9 71 6=1 W Doyle ! JoeKnight. ElMahdi. P.Gannon 19930 Bowie 7-S 1:29 fast 2 115 3 2 2 1 1» 2= W Doyle 8 R.Brass, Fitzgerd, M.B.IIarlH.r PONTEFRACT, b. g. 6 107 By Sain— Toots Mook A. C. Niebaus. 2""-43 Laurel 51 f 1 :07 fast 71 106 10 I 5 5« 5«1 W Kelsay 11 J.B.Hairell. Ed. Adams. F Helen 23092 Wdbine 1 l:4Q%taat fid 112 2 2 3 7 11 11= W Kelsay 11 Orperth. Star of Love. I.eaoPere 23014 Dorval 3-4 1 :12»Afast 5 10", 5 5 4 4= l |W Kelsay E Water Lily. Zin Del. RJaagaaai 22725 Glue Bon. 7-Sl:27%fast 31 111 1 3 2 2 2= 4=i W Kelsay 12 King Box. LouiseTravers. Aprisa 22569 Congth 3-4 l:14%fast 3 103 7 6 6 6= 6"1W Kelsay S Marj.A.. WaterLib". Pa Ra— la 22410 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 14 106 9 8 6 5*4IW Kelsay 0 Water Liiv, A. X Akin. 22248 Windsor 51 f l:06%fast 14 116 10 6 4 4= 4=1 W Kelsay 10 Marjorie A.. Imperator, Daealt SEPULVEDA. ch. h, 8 112 By Prince of Melbourne — Dinawick E. X. Brysonl. 22146 Wdbine 11-16 1:48 good 17 112 10 10 10 9 91* 9"J CallahanlO HarrvLan.Ier. Apri-a. Cuttvliiak 2KM Dorval 1 1:40 fast 13 117 7 7 7 7 Sj M J allaiian 7 M.Srwood, R.Langdon, Eot-rpe 2EaM Dorval lm70v 1: ll/-,fast 24 109 7 1 I 6 6= S*| J Smyth B II. Lauder. D.s Pet. B laaajaaa 22846 Dorval 1 1-16 l:4B%8lOW 14 112 3 7 5 3 11 l*J Callahan S Voladav Jr.. AMjetaferd. B.P-re 22725 BlueBon. 7-S l:27V,fast 87 114 12 12 12 12 12 10= T Rice IS King Bo-:. LouiseTravers. ABItM 22266 KingEd. 1 1-16 l:502jfast 1 111 2 4 4 21 II Lafferty I Dixie. Master Joe, Ajax PIERROT, b. g. 3 103 By Galveston — Phantasma J. O. Talbott. 28511 Laurel Sj f LOSlgood 35 90 7 7 7 9= 11".A Collins 12 Forum. Briar Path. Crossbun 2O104 H.deGce 51 f l:0S=f.good 1 10S 6 3 5 61 9S1 E Taplin B Minstrel. Hiker, 2i 67 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 4 102 8 6 4 5l 6« P Louder 11 Fair Helen, Minstrel. Flv Home 194S7 Havana 3 4 1:16 good 4 88 7 3 31 8= F Hopkins f JoeFinn. BriarPath, Lfaiiselanl 1937S Havana 3-4 13V%aloW 10 102 1 1 4 7== W Obert 7 B.Cunanler, Manasseh, C. Field I927S Havana 51 f l:lS%hvy S 111 3 1 5 5" W Obert B Manasseh. Wander B.Cunanler 1S744 Charlen 3-4 1:15 good 1 102 1 11 Is 1« E Pool 11 Minstrel. Bamboo. Kopje ISM Charlen 5-8 l:01%fast 4-5 109 2 11 ll 1 W Obert » J.B.Harll. Mrs.Cpbell. Estable 18619 Charlen 51 f l:07%fast 3 102 1 2 3 31 4=1 W Obert B A. X. Akin. .1. B. Harrell. Valas 17039 Belmont 51 f st 1:05 fast 6 108 6 6 6 6=° 6-HC Fbther 7 Gaelic. Headmast. Alhena K.912 Belmont 51 f l:06%fast 8 108 5 5 5 5= 5»1 C Fbther 7 Runes, Sam McMeekin. Razzano 15761 Empire 5-8 l:00%fast 18-5 110 2 2 2 2* 1J C Fbther 7 Mamie K.. Runes. Militant 15270 Aqueduct 5-8 59Hfast 16-5 110 2 12 2* 2s C Fbther 4 L. Teresa, Geo.Roeseh. Astrology 15616 Empire 51 f l:08andgood 7-5 108 3 1 1 11 2= C Fbther 8 Phosphor. Doublet. Miss Frances ANXIETY, ch. c. 3 103 By Electioneer— Little Em A. Turneyi 22243 Windsor 31 f 1 :092/ihvy 121 112 10 H 9 8= t** T Riee 12 Videt. Cardigan. Langlmrne 21466 FortErie 3-4 1:26 hvy 13 104 5 4 5 5" 515 R McD otl •, Bramlvwine, Kate K.. Jaa Finn 21201 Hamton 3-4 1:11 fast 11-5 115 7 6 7 5= 5» J Callahan 12 Commensia. Wodan. Selie r 210SS Conght 1 1:43 fast 4 101 | 3 2 2 3= 4»1 J Callahan 4 Irtafl Celto Ida Claire 20961 BlueBon. 1 l:42%mud 10 94 2 2 3 3 3« 3» R McDott J Water Lady. Sqtiecler. Harl.ard EVELYN C, b. f, 3 102 By Duke of Ormonde— Lux J. W. Hedrick. Jr.. 22191 Laurel 3-4 l:20%hvy 17 9S 6 3 4 4- 4» R McDott S Devil Fish Minstrel Jim Ras.-y 22B3H.daGoe 51 f 1 :07Vifast 80 1ik 10 H 6 5= E W I.illev 1*. J.J.Lillis. F.Wuzzv. Seaiainouch 23167 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%good 100 91 10 10 10 10 9= J Gartner 10 Isirose. Xaushon Gino mm H.deGce 3-4 l:14y5fast IS 104 8 6 5 10= lli J WiUiamsl.". Prairie, filoamiig. 22S16 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 12 104 4 1 2 5 510 5"1W Lillev ■ Rusila, Santo. Duke of 22727 Belmont 61 f l:20%fast 12 102 2 4 5 51 PI K Lapaille 7 Y.Xotions. S.W Json, Neplithvs 22690 Belmont 61 f 1:21 fast 7 100 3 8 9 ll1 9" 1K Lapaillell SirW. Johnson. Santo. Chesterton 22573 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%fast 20 100 4 3 3 3= 3s K Lapaille fi Isirose. Fenmouse. Sarsenet ORMEAD. br. c, 3 102 By Filigrane— Miss Fleischmann J. Phillips. 2322, Hillcrest 7-8 1:23 fast 5 ml 6 2 2 iu Ink k Cullen lO Jessnp Burn. Cordova, IvtitBl-u 22224 Hillcrest 3-4 1:20 slow 3 103 9 6 6= S8 E Cullen lO Ortvv. Palma. Hearthstone 23016 Dufferin 61 f l:27%slow 3 106 5« f Jenkins 7 I ljlallJM. Miss Jean. Wavering 22952 Dufferin 61fl:2S good 4 112 21 A Pickens S Pat Gannon. J.Harris. J.s.I.urn 22901 Dufferin AbS-S 1:03 hvy 6 105 3s F Jenkins 8 Eunice. Dusky Dave. Pass On