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. . : » ■ i 1 1 i i I I 1 1 : • • 1 . 1 » 1 1 LATONIA FORM CHART. LAT0NIA. KY., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1915.— Fifth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 10 days. Weather threatening. Stewards. E. C. Hopper. Charles F. Price and John T. Ireland. Presiding Judge, W. U. Shelley. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Walter II. Pearce. Racing starts at 2:0O p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. *Indicates apprentice allowance. rt Q PC d 1 FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1 15120— 1:11 —5—110. 1 1915.sh00 Added. 2-year olds. Maidens. QO O X Special Weights. Net value to winner 05; second. ;e;: third. 2. Index Horses AW t PP St V4. Vj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23344 COB. McNAB WB 112 11 1 ■ 2* 21 11 W AndressGallaher Bros 330-100 21812 SANSYMING w 112 1" 11 .... 8k 3 2* G Garner J Livingston I38M-SM 235U3:,.sTEPHEN R. w 100 8 2 4b S1 41 31 A Mott F J Kellev puti-b-l 23503 SHINE wb 100 1 lh 1* 1h 4 » D Stirling L. S Seligstein 8B8-188 18888 II I ■ I GETZ w 112 1; 7 7 P J 5- r,h L, Gray W P Johnson 700-loo 23503 COMBEY w 112 S C «.. Ch C 6= L, Gentry J Livingston f 23535 COSSACK w 100 3 S S 7?. 75 7s J Metcalf J W Goldblatt K20 100 23535 MANFRED w 112 4 I !3 it* S- S1 C VanDunJ S Hawkins 8RS-M8 214582CAPT. REES WB 112 I 9 18 10 10 9= W W TlorJ C Milam H..VP,h 23344-TNCITATTON W 109 2 I 2» 4J ! 10 K IipailleWilliams Eros 1S60-1OI 21977 JOHN W. KLEIN wb 112 7 10 Lost rider. J HanoverJ W Schorr 4B8-8M M oupled in betting. Time. 24%, 49, 1:17. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Col. McNab. .00 straight. .50 place. .20 show; J. Livingston entry, 1.70 place. 0.20 show: Stephen R.. show. Equivalent booking odds— Col. McNab. 350 to ICO straight. 1sO to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; J. Livingston entry. 4S5 to 100 place. 410 to 10O show: Stephen R.. 200 to 100 show. Winner — B. c. by Hastings — Fal.unacita tiained by .1. C. Gallahen. Went to post at 2:05. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. COL. McNAB raced close up from the start and. wearing SHINE down in the last eighth, outstayed SANSYMING in the final drive. SANSYMING made up ground and finished fast. STEPHEN R. closed a gap and came fast through the last quarter. SHINE tired after setting a good pace to the homestretch. CAPT. REFS ran pnorlv in the going. ALEX GETZ retired in the stretch. JOHN W. KLEIN stumbled soon after the start, losing his rider. 6 Q PT £* fcT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 15120—1:11—5—110. 1 Purse 1915.shoo. .-year-olds and ttp- flfJU O Jj ward. Selling. Net value to winner .30: second. -SIOC third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2353G- NOBLEMAN wb 3 114 13 3l G3 21 1". J HanovcrS Combs 133-100 23243*/.lN DEL wb 3 109 4 1 lh 2* ll 2* F Judy W H Frey 8RS-8M 23251*INQITFTA w 5 114 7 fi «3 6s V V T Henry J Polk «*3-100 23637 SCALLYWAG wit 5 11! r, 4 21 lh 3= # H CavanhS N Xealv 400-100 23184*BIRKA wb 4 114 2 S 7 9 6"J 3h h Stearns J Lowenstein 1388-MS 23536-JOLI»SMOBILE w I 110 ♦. I 3 i3 4- til G Garner K L Craine S9BS-4M 23454: FIKLONf; w 7 118 3 7 S S 7- 7" E Martin W J Weber 7U5-100 23284=*BlLA WELSH wr. 5 114 S 2 4J 51 8 8 K LapailleM E Reicher 3845-100 Time, 24%, 49, 1:15%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Nobleman. .10 straight, .40 place. .00 show: Zin Del. 2.70 place, show; Iuqiiieta. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Nobleman, 155 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Zin Del. 535 to 100 place, 230 to 100 show; Inqnieta, 110 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Boanerges — Royal Child trained by W. C. Overton. Went to post at 2:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driving. NOBLEMAN wore ZIN DSL down under hard urging in the stretch and won going awav. ZIN DEL set the earlv pace and raced SCALLYWAG to defeat in the first half, but tired. INQlIETA closed a gap and finished well. SCALLYWAG quit. FFRI.ONG sulked. The winner was entered for Mi; no bid. Sera tehed — 23537 "Broomsedge, 114: 22074 Imperator, 115; 23257 Dignity. 114; 23540 Jack Kavanagh, 1 15. OQPkftQ THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 00155—1:42—3—0013. Purse 1915.sh00. 3-year-olds O OOQ and upward. Allowance-. Net value to winner 5o: second. 0Q: third. *5Q Index Horses A Wt PP St S4 Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23541-HANOVIA w 3 105 2 3 3 I I 23 D A Mott M A Colton 145-100 23533 FLFETABELLE w 3 105 1 1 Is ll Is l1 2s E Martin J Greene 195-100 22C03!GR1MPY w 3 102 I 2 J* 2* 2s 3 3 K LapailleC J Brockmiller 213-100 Time. 23%, 48%, 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:45%. Track muddy. niutuels paid. Hanovia. S4.90 straight. .50 place: Fleetabelle. .00 place. Equivalent booking odds— Hanovia, 143 to 100 straight. 25 to lOo place; Fleetabelle. 30 to 100 place. Winner — Ch. f. by Fair Play — Miss Hanover trained by E. T. Colton. Went to post at 2:54. At post 1 minute. Start bad and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. HANOVIA. away poorly, was forced to close a big gap. but finished fast and. outgaming FLFETABELLE in the stretch, won going away. The latter showed the most speed in the going ami had an advantage at the start, but could not withstand the winner. GRUMPY tired after going well for three-quarters. O Q PCai/i FOFRTII RACE— 3-4 Mile. 15120—1:11— 5— 110. Purse 00. All Ages. Handicap! OODtC Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23474-CON VERSE w 3 J00 3 1 25 lh 1» lh F RobinsnW Gtrst SW 23521-DR. CARMEN w 3 102 2 3 3J 2" ? 2° C VanDunL Phelps 235-lnn 23345 COMMONADA w I 105 4 5 5 5 3= 3" A Mott R J Austin 1575-100 23286 ZALI wb 4 07 f. 4 4* 4* 4= 45 H Steams A L Tavlor 3235-100 23505 DIMITRI w 4 97 1 2 lh 3s I I K LapuilleJ T Hughes 131V10 Time. 23%, 48%. 1:13%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Converse. .30 straight, S2.20 place. .10 show; Dr. Carmen. .40 place, .30 show; Comnonada, ..S0 show. Equivalent booking odds — Converse. 05 to 100 straight, 10 to 100 place, 5 to 100 show; Dr. Carmen. 20 to 10:i place, 15 to 100 show: Coinmonada. 40 to 100 show. Winner — B. c. by Ivan the Terrible— Colloquy trained by W. McDaniel. Went to post at 3:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and tiiird the same. CONVERSE was favored by the going and. showing much speed, held on gamely through the last Fights and outstayed DR. CARMEN in a close finish. The latter moved up with a rush on the far turn and lost some ground by coming wide into the stretch, but finished gamely and almost got up. COMMON-ABA ran well. DIMITRI quit after setting the early pate. Scratched— 234731 Luke. 122: 15150 Shoddy, 95. Overweights — Commonada, 3 pounds. O Q PT X FT FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. S2311— 1:05%— 3— 03. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. Q O OOQ Fillies. Silling. Net value to winner 00; second. 30: third. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Knuiv. Odds Strt 23517-*.MARY II. wr. 104 4 1 ll Pj 1?. lh K LapailleJ N Huffman US-188 23407BLIE CAP w 100 11 2 2= 2* 22 21 L Gentry W F King 881 100 23242 LITTLE BIGGER w 188 14 4 3* 31 V R Guy B Levy M88 H8 23450*VELDT w OS r, 6 3 4 4s 4» C Hunt P J Millet t 1773-100 23282"*CLARA MORGAN wn 88 fi » tt 71 8 B ¥ Willms S Newman 88981 b» 23484*DOl.INA w 101 7 8 » S1 71 6 J Morys G J Long I5f,3-100 23158 LOUISE STONE w 103 0 7 7 fii 6 72 C VanDunJ S Hawkins 472S-M8 23484*MARGARET E. w 08 10 I 5h r.J, 5?. I* H Steams M F Dortch «I55-100 23475 MIRIELS PET w 103 3 3 ; 9 0= »= E Martin A B Metz 1103-100 23426 ARGUMENT • 103 2 11 11 11 11 105 B Marco 9 l Watf I 23475BROWN VELVET W 105 S 10 10= 10- W It A Mott J H Nichols 880-100 -Mutucl field. Time. 24%, 49, 1:02%, 1:09%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Marv II.. .30 straight. .80 place. .80 show: Blue Cap, .10 place. .50 show: Little Bigger. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Mary IL. 115 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Blue Cap. 155 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Little Bigger. 100 to 100 show. Winner— Br. f, by Elkliorn— Black Mantilla trained by J. N. Huffman. Went to post at 3:45. At |mst 6 minutes. Start good and sTow. Won driving: second and third the same. MARY If., awav forwardlv and favored bv the going, showed the most s|ieed and held BLUE CAP safe to the end. BLFE CAP raced in closest pursuit from the start and ran a good race. LITTLE BKKJElt finished resolutely. VELBT was a forward contender all the way. CLARA MORGAN and DOI.INA made up ground. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched — 23475 Margaret O.. 100. Overweights — Brown Velvet. 2 pounds. OQPkftft SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 88155—1:42—3—00%. 1915.sh00 Added. 3-year- OJOU olds. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 30: third. 4. Index norses A Wt PP St % % 3j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23504 ST. CIIARI.COTE wn 107 3 8 jh 41 3 2.. 1» F RobinsnW Gerst t::235-1O0 23536*W HlTi: CROWN W «H 4 4 2 1= 1* 11 2 K LapailleJ Livingston HOMOO 23455*COMMAI"RETTA wit 00 1 2 S- 7 «♦ 4* 3= C Hunt W .1 Weber HS-SM 23553*BLACKTHORN w.: 88 7 3 1* 2l 27. M 4" F Willms M A Colton liIS-MOO " 22980*.IOSC!VA wn 88 « 10 10 10 10 6- 5" F Judy J O and G H Keene soO-pto 23028*1UNBREARY wi: 0! !» 6 4» 3» 4l 5= fi3 T Henrv Elkins and- Johnson 3580-100 23348*F. A. WEIGLE w !l! 8 » 9" 9 9 8 1- H Stearns J M Goode 828-188 23537 FREEMAN w 107 10 7 6» 5J 51 7?. 8= L Gentry G J Long 2110-100 2342DHATTIE BFRTON w 88 2 1 7* 8 8= 9 9* .1 Morvs K I Weil t 23471 FIDGET w 107 5 I 3h «s 7 10 10 W W TlorW E Williams S70-100 vMutuel field. Time. 23%;, 49%. 1:15, 1:42%, 1:47. Track muddy. mutuels paid. St. Charlcote. field. §88.18 straight. 0.70 place. show: White Crown. 7.40 place. show: Commaiiretta. .00 show. Equivalent bookint: odds— St. Charlcote, field, 3235 to 100 straight. 1235 to 100 place, 375 to 100 show; Whit. Crown. 770 to 100 place. 240 to 100 show: Commaiiretta. 45 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. c. by St. Savin — Charlcote trained by W. McDaniel 1. Went to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: soend and third the same. ST. CHARLCOTE gained steadilv and, coming fast through the stretch, outstayed WHITE CROWN it; the last few strides. WHITE CROWN showed hgh speed in pneemaking from the start and raced into a long lead, but tired in the las; eighth. COMMAFRETTA closed .1 big gan in the last quarter. BLACKTHORN had no mishaps. MOSCOW A came from far back in the last quarter. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched— 235PS Fly Home. 104: 23244 Subject. 00. 47 Q pr f* rj SEVENTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. 0404— 1 :50=S— 0— 888. 1 1915.sh00 Added. 4-year-olds and OOD I upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 30; third. 4. Index Horses AWtpTrSt% % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23490 TRANSIT wn 4 112 S 4 4 5 F- P lJ R Small W H Baker S0-10O 23427-ANY PORT w 7 100 » 7 | p » 23 2»" D Stirling R F MeCargo S5O-1O0 23508*RENO w 5 104 I | a* 4= 47- 3 3« K LarailleW H Hogan 4"O-10 232981*1. A MODE wb 5 104 7 8 r, ;* fi» 5« 4 F Judv T P Haves 13U7-100 23477 WLDS WONDER w 5 112 1 I 81 3i :!•£ 4- V J HanoverJ T Looney 1210-100 23536*FLYING FEET w 7 107 I | iti ih 1 «i: fi= R Hennv T M Irvin 28SVM8 235*0 .L W. OSIIEA wn 4 100 fi | 71 7 7 7 7 L Grav J M Staebler 19055-100 23485 FELLOWMAN W I 100 1 1 m Pulled un. D ConnellyG Henze «033-100 Time. 24. 49%, l":15%. 1:42%, 2:03%. Track muddv. 0 mutuels naiii. Transit. .00 straight 83 00 place. .40 show: Any Port. n0 place. .40 show Reno. .00 show. Equivalent iMioking m1«Is— Transit. SO to 100 straight. 50 to 10 place, 20 to IOO show; Anv Port. 240 to 100 place. 70 to 188 show: Reno. 45 to 100 show. Winner -Ch. c. by Transvaal — Resignation trained by W. II. Pnker. Went to WS at 4:41. At post 1 minute. Start uood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. TRANSIT, running well in the going, drew out into a long l«ad in the stretch and won eaahag up. ANY POUT came fast after going thr cc quarters, but e.iild not get up. UENO rai-eil close tip most of the way. LA MODE stumhled an d nearlv fell In the first half and ran a good race. FELLOWMAN was pulled up after going a half mile. FLYING FEET quit badly after setting the earlv nace. The winner was entered f„r 10: no bid. Scratched— 23500Exiiectatlon. 112; 23522cJenny Geddes, 109; 2352201ga Star, 108; 23537 La.-kr.ise. ML Overweights— Flying Feet, 3 pounds. -