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21700 "1700 Windsor Windsor 1 1 1-16 1-16 l:47*bslow l:47*bslow fid fid 103 103 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 101! 101! 9" 9" J J Acton Acton 11 11 Supreme, Supreme, Burwood, Burwood, Flv Fly Home Home FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. 82X11 — 1:09% — B8. BIG FELLOW, b. c. S 114 By Kilkerran — Talpa W. L. Lewis. 23538 Latonia B| t lCtBKJaat fid M 7 6 6 52 45J .1 Morvs 10 M. Henry. Milestone. L. Ahvavs 2SMV Latonia H f 1 :0-:%fast 4S-5 MB 7 6 I 55 5"J J Acton 7 Kathheu, J.J.Muurd.oek. Cosmic 2S422 "hurchl M f 1 :0925mud 14 113 2 I 5 42 4=4 J Acton S Primero. Cane Run. Pan Handle "•2-71 Douglas 51 f 1 :06%fast 22 105 4 5 5 56 5"i J Acton 7 Rochester. Pockichoo. Fpressive •"■■39 Icxgton 5?. f 1 :0G%fast 13 108 2 2 2 3s 3- J Acton S Checks. Franklin. Ardent r"S13 Levgton 5-S 1:01 fast 14 112 3 3 3 3 B* J Acton 10 J. Ollowd. J.J.Murdock. Votarv •"■134 Windsor 6-S l:i 0%fast 108 112 7 6 5 5» 2H C VauDunl2 S.ofPasure. J.ODwd, M.MGee 21247 Latonia I I I MULfeel 42-5 103 6 7 9 10 8»s A Mott 11 John Jr.. BlackieDaw. BacfeSbat 2!o94 Latonia 5-S 1:02 good 33 112 2 6 6 and1 6lciA Mott 7 Dr. Moore. J. ODowd. C. Rees FETLAR. b. c. 2 111 By Collar— Petit Tor J. Livingston. •-IO- CfeMTchl 2-4 1:16 hvy 26 9S 4 6 f. 7 :■• K Lat.aill.- 7 Milestone. Checks. Po.kiclioo 2.-C247 Chun-hl I 1 l:14*igood 29 M7 6 8 9 S4 SSJ W Median 11 T.-.ka. Paymaster, Rifle Shooter I MM Lea gton B B 1 ~M%feeT 47 M9 5 I 3 3! B* -1 beak B Cheeks. Prince Harry. Hops 22TM Windsor 3-4 l:l".%fast 29 113 5 4 8 8»J 7*1 W Wartonll Investment. Glomer, Cardome 22251 Windsor B| t 1 :07%fast 4S Ml I 5 I 63 tnl A Mott B Anita. Water War. Port Light 2MM Hamton 3-4 l:is%hvy 13-5 11211 2 2 l1 21 P Goldstn 7 Caudle, l"de of Greenwar. Ilaria ■li: O Windsor 5-8 l:O0*ifast 11 105 8 8 IP 8» 9»J M Garner 12 Hegina. Port Light, Milestone 21464 Fort Erie 5-8 l:ll=/6hvy 32-5 11013 1 1 l1! I2 W Andress 7 Ilaria. S. Stalwart. J.Z.Wiggins COL McNAB, b. c, 2 *14 By Hastings — Falomacita Gallaher Bros.. 237*1 Latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 3A 112 1 3 2 21 H W Andr.-ssl 1 S insyming. St. -plien R., Shine "::214 Churchl 5 J. f DHgood 4-3 Mi 6 5 3 1J li= W Andressl-. FlossieWalk- r. Incitatktn, Shine •:••••; Douglas 5. f 1:--*sslow 82 llttl 2 2 3 3i 2U W Amlrtss 7 Primero. Al Pierce. Asp. Sam -r-JlT. Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast 13 101 7 5 7 71 7s? E Martin 1 1 D. Wiliiams. AlPierce. Asp.Sam • 41 lxgton 5J. f 1 :07:iifast 47 107 8 9 8 8 71"M; Cullen B B.Baeat*r. D. Williams. T.Crniet 22813 Lex gton 5-S 1 : 1 fast 84 112 6 5 7 71 7-JW AndresslO P.. Fellow, J.ODowd. J.J.Mdock tDis«.ualined for foul. RIFLE SHOOTER, b. c. 2 114 By Star Shoot — Babbie J. W. Schorr. •3124 "hurchl 1 1:45 mud 14-5 l«is 7 6 8 0 4 VJ I K.-dorU !t L.Whington. Savino. Infidel II. 21317 «hurchl 2-4 l:14good27-10 105 10 9 I 41 B*|J Kederis 11 T:ik: . Pavmast.r. Cvpsy Blair "3-60 Douglas 7.1 f 1 :"7=%tast 14-5 107 9 S S 5 4" J Ke ! 11 II. ;dner. L.Wovtliton. B.butv 22941 L.xgton b| l.-«7%Caat 7-4 112 I I 1 P Y- .1 Kederis B It Willie—. T.firmet. J.Bunnv 2M74 Ltxgton Eft t l:t7%fajt 101 112 6 6 7 4 4T .1 Kederis 7 J.J.Mdock. Votarv. D.Williams 22472 Saratoga 51 f DOS fast 11-10 112 5 9 7 63 6 J Kederis V, Fairweatlier. Keziah. Bol oliiik 22232 Saratoga 51 f l:12%hvy 12 114 6 7 8 5 7 » J Kederis 10 L.R.Vale. WnCcrsIL, P.Conly 6AVTN0. b. c. 2 114 By Voorhees — Corinna G. Barnes. •-1.; Church 1 11:45 mud 5ft M6 8 7 6 5 M 23 L Centry . L.Winglon. U.Soer. Infidel II. •2::47 Churchl I -1 1 :.4%good IS M7 11 11 7 61 T,~ I. Centi- 1! Taka. PaymasTe:-. BBBe Shooter ■•315S Douglas f.?. f 1 : !S%good 17 106 7 4 3 32 3« D Stirling 1.3 Paymaster. II. C.ardner. B. Shop 23* "3 I exgton 5. f 1 : iS/6tast 21 107 7 7 5 5. 2i D Stirling 10 Cardome, II. Carner. B. Velvet °"877 Li xgton 5?. f 1:07 fast 46 MS 3 5 5 5" 6=D Stirling 10 Poppee. Cardome. II. Gardner •14 i5 Latonia 51. fl:10 hvy 28-5 106 4 7 5 61 5SJ W J OBnll Mary IL. TlieCarmet. Lit.Bigger 2MM Latonia 5-4 Dslop 16 110 4 7 4 31 22 W J OBnll Bisturher, Illuminator. Fn. Will 21124 Latonia 5-S l:02Vifast fid 107 10 5 1 11 l1 W J OBnll Ingot. Investment. Disturber INFIDEL II., b. g, 1 103 By Radford — Miss Matthews Gatewood and Buckner. •.".IT Latonia 3 4 1:12 fast 72 Ml 9 7 S S1 .V I K Murphy !» Impressive. MaivIL. Phill ngar 2."4-; hur. hi 11:40 mud 101 M3 6 8 5 3 31 4J!I Murphy !» L.Wtliington. Savino. R.Sliooter 23260 Douglas 51 f 1 :07"ifast fid M2 8 10 10 9= 9* II Stearns 11 H.cdner. L.Wortliton. B.Buty 23168 Douglas 5?. f l:os%good 32 Ht4 10 8 8 f.1 61- F BeMaealS Paymaster. II. Cardnir, Savino "1341 I-atonia 5-S 1 :ol%good 20 100 5 3 4 4l 4» F Murphy 8 BlackeDaw. BnckShot. P.IIarrv 21037 Latonia 6-8 l:03%mud 41-10 102 6 8 4 4J DJ V Murphy 8 Disturber. Illuminator, Babv Cal 2.f«9 Latonia 0-Sl:04:5hvy 15 107 5 5 6 21 22 W J OBn 7 B. Beauty. Lit.Bigger. Intention "MS69 Latonia 0-8 1 13-5 110 2 4 4 3= 3101W J OBn B Tkornwood, Aspar.Sam. Lit.Covc 20S14 Latonia 5-8 1 :02%fast 15 W9 9 7 4 4t 3« W J OBn 0 M. Hamilton. B.ColTee. Mediation M. BERT THTJRMAN, b. c, 2 106 By Bearcatcher — Aimee C. Cisco and Bianchi. 2-.V" Uitoiiia 51 f l:**VAl*Mt 02 M9 2 1 1 2" 7" ; 1. Centry ..Votary. Thistle :reen. C.Wilmot •• v . I,,. 1,1 :. 1 ..lMMCnu.l 24 9S 1 1 1 2- l1 F Judy s Mjk. Mullen. Cossaek. Circulate ::.;• Douglas ;. f l:ffln t f Id 1«2 3 71 7 , E Pool 11 H.cdner. L.Wortliton, B.Butv • -::i it". Douglas r.-S l:01%fast fid 9s 2 11 31 3 T Henry 11 L.Whington. Cii -ulite. Iriaetrj S»»"3 I-xgton 01 f l:08%fast 211 16 3 6 7 9 9-1 F KoliiusuB- C.irdome. Savin... II. Gardner 22813 L xgton 5-8 1:01 fast 121 109 9 10 10 lo 10" B 10 P.. Fellow. J.ODowd. J.J.Mdock RALPH S., b. c, t 103 By Frontenac— Idle Fancy J. Griffin. 21124 Latonia 5-B l:B2%faet 48 M2 4 8 S S S"1D Stirling 11 Savino. Ingot. inv.-slmen» MB Latonia 6-B IrBntand M MB 5 « I 61 8*1 P. «»tt s Fiidel II. . Dftstarher, illuminator •mimO Latonia 5-S 1 :o24femud 21 103 4 7 7 7 7-1: :t 7 Baby Cal. Vi-rmak, I.vnii 2■ "742, Douglas 5 -S 1 :oliifast 20 M3 1 2 2 Jh 2- B Ott s Amulet. Lynn. Disturber 2»l7t. Douglas 5-S LOlfast 42 112 8 9 7 5l 571 It «kK se 10 A.Mancini. p.. Beauty, Investmt 2f«5 Douglas 41 f 56*%hvy 55 110 2 4 41 68 F lEeaah » l:.Beaulv. Imporlnt, Illumin.itor Bfl 44 ciiui. Dill 0-S l:0135fasi f Id 107 7 8 8 6 WW .1 «ii:nl2 Luzzi, Fatlier Ki llv. Aunt Sal 2fi*i2 Churchill 41 f 55 fast OS 110 3 4 5" 4:J J McCahe !t Tobacco Box. Pavmast.-r. Savino 19596 Juarez 1-2 48 fast 0 113 5 5 7s 7»S L Gentry » Aud. Austin. Ataka. Illuminator TLRCO. b. c. 2 106 By Hastings — Turquoise C. F. Buschemeyer. 235«0 Latonia 01 f 1 :"7"„fast fid Mil 7 7 S BJ B»f B Martin 13 J. ODowd. Al.xOetz. StcpbenK. J. C. WELCH, br. c. 2 106 By Bearcatcher— Torsido 0. A. Bianchi. 23122 church 1 51 f 1 :09*-.mud 14 11". 5 6 6 7- .-"« Gens IT llhntia. Oaae Ban, Pan Bearile TtTM f atenle Bft f l:M%hay 31 K* l 3 2 S S« B c.oose B Caaefca, Taw a a net. Caraeaea rt1W7 Tntnare i B I Mile el 22 MS 4 4 7 9 ll17 K LapailleM John Jr.. BlackieDaw. BuchSbot TTBB I al nala | 54» lC-5 112 3 1 11 l1 C Gaaa IBMfcsAtttfa, Traction. Lou. Stone 2"14 Datonia 5-S lHKVfcfaet 41 112 4 5 Fell. C Dishmon B M. Hamilton. B.Cofii-e, Intidelll. 2«712 Douglas 5-S l:nl-i-fast 21 114 3 5 5 41 4* C Dislimon 7 Pockichoo. Col. Matt. Polroma 205S4 Douglas 41 f 59 hvv 15 114 1 5 4h 32 C DishmonlO Ingot. Pockiihoo. Ko.b.-ster 2 -432 Douglas 41 f 57=ihvy 46 114 6 6 6« 4» C Dislimon !» John Jr.. Stephen R., Ingot OLD CHARTER, b. c. 2 106 By Gold Heels— Pouting J. N. Staebler. 2221S Douglas " s l:..| fl lM71 6 7 9 9 9«| H D. nnler 1! Bl.inchita. Pmaster. HlmiicMor 2315s Douglas 31 f 1 :osa:,»oo.l fid 1"2 13 9 9 9 :" II St.arns 1.3 Paymaster. II. Cardner. Savino 2M49 l.xgton 5-8 Dmiifast 47 1"7 2 I I I -ID Connelly 5 Clicks. Priuci- Harrv. Petlar :.l-t Latonia 3-1 1 :16=5mud 39 111 5 6 5 6« ."1 C Jones 11 CaaeBaa. P.. Smoke 21320 Latonia 51 f 1 :Mmivy 48 107 7 8 7 4" M B Ott !» Checks. Thornwood. Cardome 21267 Latonia 5-S 1 MtfVfast 63 MS 11 9 10 11 M« C Jones 11 John Jr.. BlackieDaw. BnckShot 20966 Latonia 6-8 l:03%hvy 37-10 107 1 12 P l| M Garner tt Elkton. Little Cove. Greenwood LINDLY. ch. r. * 101 By English Lad— Flammula W. E. Phillips!. ■." Latonia 2 4 l:14%Caat 31-5 93 S 7 9 BJ 7JI K La ..ull.-l 1 Tnksgi 1 i;.-.-. Asn.Sejn, Cir.-nlate BBS Douglas 3-4 1:14 last 9 95 8 6 6 0 HM Garner 11 D. Williams. Alliene. Asp.Sam 21301 213fH Latonia latonia 6-8 6-8 1 1 :03%slop :03%slop 41-45 41-6 97 97 10 10 10 10 9 9 71 71 7« 7" M M Garner Garner 11 11 Disturber. Disturber. Savino. Savino. Illuminator Illuminator