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. 1 ■ t p t, ■ .1 I 15082 15082 Latonia Latonia 5-8 5-8 l:01%mud l:01%mud 44 44 112 112 3 3 6 6 7 7 42 42 4" 418 R R WaldronO WaldronO Solly, Solly, Foxy Foxy Griff. Griff. Jack Jack Carey Carey THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 18198— 1:11— 8— IPS. ROSCOE GOOSE, b. c. 3 107 By Dick Welle*— Please W. H. Baker. 23173 Church" 1 I 4 1 :l2*f,fast 31 p.s 1 :; | T- P B 4 Luke. Cowell. Fd Howard 23499 Iliurch" I 3 -I l:15V.hvy 5-4 ]o« 2 11 1- l3" R Goose 4 C. Hughes. Sosins. Roadinaster 23*48 Chnrcfa,l 3-4 l:13Vf.good 22 MS s 4 5 6 S15,K Lapaillell Pce Hermis. Vogue. Pan Zar-ta l:;::»9 Douglas 3-4 l:12f.good 3i 10t 1 3 2 34 310 B Goose O P.Hermis. Dr.l.arriek. Edlriimp 23020 I xgton 3-4 l:12%fast 2 106 1 2 2 l1 I1 R Goose r. D.Larrick. L. Nephew. Lllieratnr 22911 lexgton 3-4 l:12%fast 171 108 | 4 4 5l 57 R Coose 7 Iron Mask. Con. Tower. B.Tmiev 214+S2 latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 7-5 100 5 6 C f.h 1t2 M Garner 7 Lit. Father, G. Hughes. B.sSister 21402 Latonia 3-4 l:14%hvy 91 106J 2 1 1 lb 3* R Goose « Little Father. Pce Hermis. Z.ili 2126S latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 33-5 105 2 2 2 li 3b R Goose !» Charn:eii e. HankOPav. Chnrtier 21093 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good43-20 111 1 11 p 1» R Goose 10 XV. Witch, Imperator, McAdoo rDead heat. MARION GOOSBY, br. g. 3 107 By Marathon — Pheenie Fickle M. C. Moore t. 3553 Latonia 3 4 1:12 last 19 r, 101 1 1 ] 3 2! F Murphy s Tory Maid. !oc: ir. The Spirit ."IVI latonia :; I 1:l"..fnxt 2 MS ; 5 S 7 8*J K Lanaille 9 Amazon. Br.Caneen. Carriettrine 2248S Churehl M t l» 19-5 HM 4 I ", S* 8* A Moll .". Dr. Carm.-n. |-..ila--k. C.l.i.-r -.""ll Doortas ".4 1:15 mu.l 27 -J0 1.NI 1 1 1 I1 1 V -".ly B Car.Oinie. I l.-St.-ii". Chartier .■■•; Iiouglas I 11:12 Tast :•»; |.i| | •■ 1 || jl I Judy 18 01 bid hi. Ilawlhorn. The Norman :2!.",1 Douglas I 4 l:lS%aoed 141 105 i •• 1 1 I1 M llarner 12 Cbariiieiise, Furlong. CarrieOrm,- 29713 Douglas 8-4 l:12%faat 43 M7 1 4 5 5* 4«l A Neylon 7 B. and Stars. M Fielder. CHailiai 20653 Douglas 3 4 lJfast 12 M 4 3 6 6h 6-J M Garner :; Liberator. MarsCssidv. Converse 11159 Douglas 5 8 58%fast 31 Hi 6 7 7 7 717 R Waldron 7 Luke. Brigs Sister. Climber 11192 Douglas 5-8 1:01 slow 9-5 W 3 3 3 33 3s tt Waldron 3 Dr. Carmen. Frojjdeur, Martloca GRUMPY, b. g. 8 104 By Cenopus— Florentia C. J. Brockmiller. . :-. •; Uitonia iiii7" - 1 :i:, jinuil 42-20 i j 2 2 2 2 3 ::» K l-apaili.- :; luiwrta, Ft- etabetle andMB Lexgton 1 1:39 fast 101 H 4 2 2 2 2 4 ::"i ■ l, "1 6 Man. Wait.-, Crovillo. Dr.I.arrick 22*09 Uigton 3-4 l:12«5fast 21 BM 9 7 I •"■ PI * "•*! ■ MM. Watte, C.T.ucr. G. _. .■ it .Saratoga 11:41 last 7 Ion 2 2 2 2 21 ln W l.lliey 7 Moiilnsi,, S. McM-ekin. C.Maid 2_ - . S:u;il*;i 3 i 1 :lDr.g.....l IS 5 i l:. 1 3 2 2s "~ • Dutw.-ll ; . T.. er.I.eo Sk..lnv. Ahlobaran 22475 Saratoga 7 n 1 :292-.miid 12 loo 4 4 4 3 :;nu ;:", .1 MeTag rt B Tactirader. IlarrvShaw. Hanson C* Saratoga 1-4 l:l3*itaet 7 113 :: 2 2 2 J»l J BatweB :» Rilira, Figtnny. llaub.rk 2S42 Baratoca 3 4 117 slow r. 114 1 4 E •" S*l •• l"y- 11 Maandeat, L.Barbarv, L.Skolny 1.172 : Saratoga 1 1 :46 mud 11-3 1" 4 111 1 1* 1" J 1itz 8 Maria Park. Coin. I, of Dunbar BBB Saratoga 3-4 1:1S hvy S 115 7 6 6 43 4» J Pita 7 Fenmouse. LadyBarbary, Quartz UONNING TOWER, br. g. 3 104 By Yankee— Okitau J. Shilling. I •; "iiun-iri .".. f i:i«; 5fast ii ita :: 4 4 I 4- K LapaUle 5 Dr.Caraam. Iiaalfaak, M.coosi.y •4::: Church 1 2.4 1:15 niu l 30 5 1m; 3 2 2 4 4" K l-aipuille 4 Converse. Dr.I.arrick, Tliedrador 33M Cfaan hi I 4 l:13 5good 3.". in:: 9 H I 9 917:A M.iIi 11 |-,,. Hcnnis. Vogue, ljin Zarcta 23273 Douglas 3 4 l:ll%fast 15 io6 2 I I • 8*1 B WMIItBg I Briagharst. Ouareiee, T. Under 2082 l ..uglas 3 4 l:12-sfast 6-5 104 2 11 H U -v M«tt 4 Ed II, .wan!. Cliartier, For Fair rMH Lex*gtaa 1-4 l:U%faat 19-20 107 I l l l*| 2*1 A Mott ".llanovia. Lea nine. Ghetto Girl 22911 Lexgton 3-4 l:12V,fast 11-5 104 1 1 2 2= 22 A Mott 7 Iron Musk. 15. Tom— M.Thorpe EMM Lexgton 1-4 l:I2%faat 9-10 95 1 11 1*1 2* K Lapaille S Man. Watte, O. Hughes. Crumpv OM Saratoga 3-4 l:14*sgood 3J 128 2 1 1 1= l2 M Garner 8 Crumpv. Leo Skolny, Aldebaran HEFLECTION. b. f. 3 104 By Star Shoot— Reflex A. F. Dayton. :..!2 Hill, n st :l f 1:28 slop 6 Ml 2 11 1*1 -1 B Jenkins 7 Cro. psis. Sempsilla, Commensia EMI 1 uT tin 61 f l:2.~.--last 2 Ml BJ F Jenkins Curious, Energetic. MissFraneis BM DsnYerfa A1.5 S l:oD-sl«w s ]n:; 4" F .Tonkins K OeatiaL Curious. Orimar Lad . .-- 3 c.-.npht ji f 1 ITHMilj i Mi 5 C 7 74 8H C Miller s Frickley. K. DMfcr, SirKaymond -2524 Conght andJ f l:loijgood 12 105 2 3 3 5 . 7:JiC Miller S Sir Itaymond. J.Zarate, J. of Asia SPARKLER, b. g. 3 104 By Mizzen— Sparkle Esher A. G. Woodman. ;:■-•»•; V." .linn.- 1-4 1:14 fast fid M 1 1 1 T l1 A Sehu-.-il:. OeUeeter, Woilan. Friiin- M-iver .:::r.t Lat -nia 3-4 1:15 hvy 13 105 6 5 5 55 31C1L Gentry i Converse, Fleet abelle, Amazon 21211 I. a., nia 3-4 l:12%Caat 113 lo4 3 11 L.riiler.D Stirlinjr S Amazon. Kesicn. Flower EMS 1-atonia 3-4 1 :12ifast 99 110 10 7 6 91 9";y CampbllT Fneleltrvn. M.Cassidv. .inverse MM 2033ft Churchill fhurohill 5* 5J f f l: 6fast l: 6fast fid fid 95 95 11 11 10 10 11 11 11 11 10loJM 10loJM Garner Garner 14 14 B.andStars. B.andStars. R. R. Goose, Goose, Huntress Huntress