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BALLOT MAY GO BACK TO ELMENDOBF. Lexington. Ky., December 22. — When asked a day - or so ago i-oncerning the report that the stallion Ballot, which, at the dispersal sale of the Elmen-dorf Farm thoroughbreds, October 2S, was knocked ,j down to T. C. McDowell for 5,610, was retained by the James B. Haggin estate. Charles H. Ber-ryman, .. manager of Elmendorf Farm, said: "Mr. McDowell was bidding at the sale under my y instructions, but really in an optional interest. In n other words, the Haggin estate, by which I am employed, ,. should have first call on Ballot at whatever .r price he would bring, in the event he was knocked . down to Mr. McDowell. The estate exercised its » option to retain the horse, and I have now taken n an option on him at a new figure. Negotiations is are now in progress. In a short while announcement will be made as to whether he will make the T next season as the property of the Haggin estate J or as my property."