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Juarez Entries aid Past Performances for Thursday, December 23. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. 0 , o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the i ! entries below show the best time of each horse I ; at the distance, since January 1. 1911. no matter I I where it finished. In cases where record was I ! made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I I viations show track conditions. o — o Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 3:S0. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile. :: vear l N and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724—1:30—3-102. I Bid. H-.rse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 94187* Ainbri 105 1:40 4 MMXT88 2li:::;» Coal 107 1:40 4 MBX898 l 22888* Iii-b KM MS 1°:4J9% f 18SX89Q 5 MlSt** BOM Siill.r Mi. .109 1:42 3 MX9M MlSt* Fndu.aii... 91 1:11 1, :; 97. .090 . 0 21170- Skiim.v B. ■ 93 1 :4S :i 98x090 0 M8M* Bunny »7 1:41 % :. 99. .899 «» 2417.1* St.ntor ItS 1:89 0 107X090 o 24127 Marie .e-liill 9S 1:99% 0 Ids 898 21107 John l»uis in 1:38% 10 ios a»o 0 24092 Moliie :td 110 1:40--. 8 11SXS99 21150* John Walters M. 01 1:44% 3 90. .680 0 0 , • I i • , I 1 • r Aml.ri is the only one that has shown anything Mid?. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. :. xe.ii-.lcl-. and upwai.1. Selling. Track record: 13889 1 :o..-.;. S 133.1 Bid. Bane. Wt. Ken-. A.Wt.Han. 24 1113 IVinieis 111 1:1Mr;; 4 108X72S 34133* ladv .lames 104 1:07--. 9 9Sxr20 248T3** Vefle Forty 110 1:07 5 103X720 34133* Bat Masterson 104 1:00*: 11 10::x710 24005* iilbeit Hose Wt 1:07% 8 1030710 24173 :* Hazel C 108 1HM% 8 103X710 24088 Odd Cress 110 1:14%* 4 10SX710 24117 Niftv 110 1:08 5 108 X 708 24135 I.tlnia 1111:07% S 1OSX70O 24080* las-v Curl "• OH. .090 24133* Louis Sea Cogneis..ll4 1:07% 7 loriXCK 34038 Beaumont 110 1: »7% 9 108X098 24109 Noble drain! 115 1:07% 3 MSXS99 22919 Miss sedalia M.. 108 143% 3M3..SBJ 241:17 Magikon M 110 1:08% 3 100. .080 An open race. Third Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Truck rceoM: 13734— 1 530%— 3— 38S. ! 24092-* PENALTY 93 149% 4 103X725 24153* Lady Young 113 1:39% 0 110X715 24B.1* Cisko 105 l:.;s 7 105x710 24151* Qaao 108 1:09% 3 l»7..7io 24095* Dr. Doilgherlv . ..H4 1:40s S10SX710 2409.". Augustus Heinze. ..103 1:93% 4 112X710 34135* Beriuu.lian 10S 1 :40% 4 109X705 30399* Madeline Mu.-grave.107 1:41!3 9 110©0!H Penalty has little to heat. Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-oUa am, upward. Selling. Track record: 13807—1 43%— S— ISS. 24155* Jake Argent 110 143% 0 105X727. MlSt** Old Coin 100 1:00% 5 10:1X729 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 24101= Buss Sand 103 148% 4 M8X738 24137 Miss Fielder 100 147% :: Ma. .715 2llol« Keniielli 105 1:00 5 103X713 23000 Mi-s Bars Harkor..lK 1 :07 ; . 1 MS. .715 2417.:* Viigiedot 104 143% :i 98. .7M 24135 C-eil 103 140% 5 1O0X710 21113 Cordova 114 1:07 9 108x710 24113 Kid Nelson ION 143% 5 108X705 34131 Robt. Mantel! 109 1:07V. 4 108; 705 Jake Argent has been racing well in better company. Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-yoar-oMa. Selling. Track record: 1931S— 57V.-.— 5— 120. 24105 Babv Cal llf 143% 119x725 2412S2 Starauis.- 112 1:01--, 11 U0 34085* Prepaid 109 1:00% 105 4 V 24097 I»la 105 1:01% MQXTIO 24 ki7 Tobacco liox 103 148% MM. .714 24109 Fan Ml 109 1:04% 95. .CO 2412S* Rose Janlen Ml. .102 143% 90. .ftst 24109* Jennie Small Ml.. 30 l:i 4 90. t;s«i 20085* Rubifax M 33 1 44% 33..0S3 24097* Jose M 333 141% 93. .080 Baby Cals general form is clearly best. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 4-vear olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13134—143% 3 lOt. 94133** Charley McFenan.. lo7 143% 5 107x725 34138* Mad Sill 93 1:37% 7 107x720 24150 Fairly 105 143% 4 113*9728 24138** Eastman 107 143% 0 107 715 24O0B* Oxer lloi:H 8 111X713 24135 Canapa 107 148 7 los 71o 24129** M *iilight 107 149 3 MSxTOB 2400B Dave Montgomeiv .10S 1 :::s% 8 108X708 24K ::* Bertha V 01 1:41% 4 M3x093 A close thing between the first two.