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SICKNESS AMONG HORSES AT GBAVESEND. New York. December 24. — There has been some sickness in the stable of Andrew Miller at Grave-send. Tlie great Roamer has In-en coughing, but is now on the road to recovery. The yearling rait by Ballot — May Hempstead is" in a serious condition with influenza. There has been considerable sickness among the horses stabled at Gravesend this fall. Fairweather. in Max Hirschs stable, is ailing and coughing, while it is reported that trainer John Whalen has lost a good imported filly. George Odom had a great deal of sickness among the valuable vearlings in his big string earlv in the autumn which seriously interfered with their preparation, but fortunately they came through without serious eou.-eqiiences aud are in excellent shape just now. It is said that the trouble first shows itself in what looks like an attack of skin disease, and this is followed by coughing and inuueuzu.