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I jjj ] J g,,, __ l:r ures J all and 1 £- J ; „ j, 34 " oj " * a 1 «jj r 1 si 1 75 75 I — In Ing. 1 n and I K 0 1 — o 4" O — 8 I — 0 g, s ; 0 %. - g e 2 8 • , e 2 3. Q I. 1, g ■ . a 7 J 1 — e 1 £ p — IS- — 1 1 — , * , ; . 10 1 v" in in nt _ ID" — -4 -2 "5 1V" won on rr well. M. = ar" — S "4 "3 ■ 1 . 1-3 1 10 10 Wie 8a« im- the the """ 00; * 241H 1Cn =r anil HAVANA FORM CHART. HAVANA, CUBA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915.— Oriental Park. Eighth day. Cuba-American Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 82 days. 14 books on. Weather clear. * Presiding Steward, C. J. Fitzgerald. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, James Milton. RscfcsJ Secretary, M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:45 p. in. Chicago time, 2:12 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs. B. blinker*. 1ig-J in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index numlier, track record, age of bets* weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 14 1 QQ FIRST RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 19647—1 ;08%— ■ MR.1 Purse S400. :: year-olds rrll/O and upward. Selling. Net value to winner $:!2.1; second, $.10; third. .1. Index Horses A Wt PP St % V-. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners C P S~~ 24166*SKILES KNOB WB 3 102 13 24 29 21 1* J Pearce W Feuchter 4-5 1 1-1 out 23731aINDIFFERENT WB 3 MI 3 1 1= 1= Is 2 * E Taplin H G Bed well r. 4 1 out 24165 *KOPJE nllll 5 I 31 8* 33 ?,- K Lapaille.l O Rurttschell 6-C 6-5 1-3 out 24162 LADY RRYN VI 3 10S 4 4 4h 43 4« 4= A NicklausJ E Nash M 10 21 3-5 23886*DAY DAY vvb 3 106 2 2 5 I 5 5 J Gartner J W Hedrick 6 8 2 1-2 Time. 24, 48, 1:00%, l:06«j. niuals track renird. Track fast. mutuels paid, Skiles Knob, .10 straight. $:;.2 place, .10 show; Indifferent, .30 place, .10 show: Kopte, .10 show. Equivalent hoiking odds — Skiles Knob, 12.1 to 100 straight, CO to 100 place. .1 to 100 show; Indifferent, to KM place, .1 to 108 show; Kopje. 5 to KK* show. Winner— Ch. g. by Hurst Park — Felicity Murrat trained by T. Proctor. Went to post at 2:47. At post 4 minutes. Sturt good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- SKILES KNOB was saved under restraint until in the last eighth, then took the lead with a rush won in a canter. 1NPIFKKRF.NT set a fast early pace, hut when challenged iu the stretch. KOPJE raced forwardly and made a game finish. The others were beaten off. Scratched — Eugenes, 107. /I 1 O /I SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1!M;47— 1:M %— -5— 103. Purse 00. 2 year-olds. 4t:1 t/TC Selling. Net value to winner $.T2.1; s-coiid, 0; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 24159 R. STRICKLAND w 108 3 1 In* I2 I3 l1 J Domink I C Johnson 31 3» 7-5 7 10 24164 QUEEN APPLE WB 103 4 3 33 22 2« 23 T Par gon W P Reed l" 1 1-2 1-4 24159*HAVANA WB 100 6 I 43 4s 3J 3- M MounfnW V Cast v 8 S 3 6-5 24164* RLUE ROCK WB 106 7 6 5» 6= 61 4 C Watson J W Pangle I I 2 1 24011 R. OF T. KITCHEN w 1061 17 7 7 C1 54 A NicklausJ T Smith 3 31 7-5 7-10 24143 TAP. HER WB 113 I 2 f 3* 43 61 E Taplin H G Redwell 4 4" 8-5 4-5 24122*VEDADO w 99 2 4 6= l 7 7 K LapailleC P "Winfrey S 10 4 I Time. 24, 48%, 1:01%, 1:07%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Ruth Strickland. .H0 straight. .. 50 place, .50 show; Queen Apple. S.I. .no place, S2.S0 show: Havana, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds— Ruth Strickland. 7:50 to 100 straight. 115 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Queen Apple, i.1 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Havana, 105 to 10n show. Winner — B. f, by Czar — Searchlight trained by J. W. Johnson. Went to iiost at 3:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second an.l tlii-.d driv ing. RUTH STRICKLAND set a fast pace from the start and. winning all the way. was castas up at the finish. QUEEN APPLE raced forwardly and made a resolute finish. HAVANA was outpaced by the first two, but raced gamely all the way. RLUE ROCK, finished well. TAR HER quit. Overweights — Relh. of the Kitchen. 2 pounds. O /I 1 OPI THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. 241C.I.— 59,— 3— 101. 1 Purse 00. 4-year olds and np-= jkl OO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, .1. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o C p S 24160= *MONCREIF wn7 111 2 3 P 2l I1 1 C Watson J E Nash 1-2 12 out— 24161 DUQUESNE wit 8 122 5 2 lh l" 22 23 H Watts J M St owe 3 3 I 5 out 23735 WOLFS PATHS w 6 119 3 1 4 4 4 3h W Gargan M 15 Trowbridge 10 U 4 6.1 24160*SKEETS w 8 114 14 21 31 3* 4" T PargtonW C Westmoreland 21 s S 13 nut 22515 DUSTPAN wr 6 119 6 6 f.3 5° G« 53 C Meripolel C Johnson 20 28 6 | 24147*FRONTIER wii 4 111 4 5 C I C C M MountnJ U Strode 15 1.1 I 8-3 Time. 24, 48%. 1:01. Track fast. mutuels paid, Moncreif. $:5.00 straight, .S place, .40 show; Duquesne, .20 place. .S0 show: Wilfs Baths. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds— Moncreif, SO to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Duquesne, 110 to 10o place, 40 to 100 show: Wolfs Baths, 10.1 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Cesarion — Lizzie Keller trained by J. E. Nash. Went to ]Hst at 3:41. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- ir.g. MONCREIF was saved to the stretch, then moved into the lead quickly and won under restraint. IdQUKSNK set a fast early pace and held on gamely for second place. WOLFS BATHS ran well and finished with n belated rush. SKEETS showed s| eed. but tired. The others were badly outpaced. f A t f A ££ FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 24100— 5»%— 3— 101. Purs,- o0. 3 year-olds aud up-tr: -L tfO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. .1. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O ci P S 23677*NATHAN R. wb 3 101 4 5 Ik l1 ll H R Ball W A Carter Jl 3J 8-5 4-5 24177 SNIFTY ALLEN ws 4 117 7 7 41 2h 2l 21 C Borel J T Smith 8 8 3 6-5 24175CHERRY SEED wb 6 114 6 2 5* 4» 32 31 E Taplin A L Valentine 3 3 4-6 2-5 24157 = *TENER ws 4 109 2 6 7= 74 62 41! K Lapaille Denny and Nicoll 4-5 9-102-5 out 19909*CALETHUMPIAN wb 6 106 3 1 61 6s 53 53 L Allen A Lezama 20 30 12 I 24161 *PAUL DAVIS WB 8 114 13 38 5* 74 6- k C Jones G H Morton 8 10 4 M 24157*IDIOLA wn 3 104 8 4 21 31 4h 7 T PargtonL Diaz 6 6 2 1 24141*MALIK wb 4 109 5 8 8 8 8 S M MountnE Ashe 20 30 12 3 Time. 24%, 48%, 1:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Nathan R., 0. io straight, .70 place, .10 show; Snifty Allen, 4.90 place. V shew: Cherry Seed, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Nathan R., 430 to 100 straight, 285 to 100 place, 103 to 100 show; Snifty Allen. 1145 to 100 place, 20.1 to 100 show: Cherry Seed. .1 to 100 show. Winner — R. g, by St. Simonian II. — Katriona trained by W. A. Carter. Went to post at 4:08. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third drlr- Ing NATHAN R. dashed into the lead quickly and. drawing away in the homestretch, won in a canter. SNTFTY ALLEN soon raced into nearest pursuit, but was easily held safe by the winner. CHERRY SEED raced forwardly and made a game finish. TENER was pulled up at the start and closed a big gap. 1DIO- I..V quit. fj/l 1 fsl7 FIFTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. 24124—1 :12/-.— 3— 92. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up" 4fc A K7 4 ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. $.10; third. 3. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners OCRS 241663*WTER LILY w 4 112 4 2 3J "1 P* ll T PargtonG A Alexandra 1 3-5 1-3 out • 3817*NASH wsb 4 108 6 1 4= 3 3= 2»k J Gartner J W Hedrick 15 20 6 3 24 160 PARLOR BOY wb 7 106 3 6 6 6 52 3»t E Taplin H G Redwell 4 4 3-2 7-10 »4165 = LUTHER WB 5 110 2 4 2t Ink 25 4"k J Domink I C Johnson 10 12 4 2 24157 LILY ORME wb 4 106 5 3 5 B 6 5* A SchugrJ Powers 6 7 2 6-3 *1~* C241»4*D "■ r FIRST ws 3 104 1 3 U 41 41 6 K LapailleDenny and Nicoll 3-2 2 4-5 1-3 TmiP, 24, 48%, 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Water Lily, .50 straight, .00 place, .30 show; Nash, 3.50 place. .00 show; Parlor Rov. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds — Water Lily, 75 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 23 to 100 show; Nash, 575 to 100 place. 195 to 100 show: Parlor Boy, 55 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f, bv Watercress— Almadie trained by F. W. Foster. Went to post at 4:30. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driv-3 in" WATER LILY, after racing close up from the start, took a small lead in the last eightli and won going away NASH ran a good race and finished fast and gamely. PARLOR ROY elosed a gap and fin- fslieil with a rush. LUTHER and LILY ORME finished close up. il/1 1 fiU SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 195SS— 1 :.19-Vi— 7— 107. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and j5tc A »Z70 upward. Selling. Net value to winner 2.1: second. 0; third. .1. in lox Horses A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S . . _ __________ "4168 FLYING FEET w 7 113 2 1 l3 1* H I2 l»| J Hatt T M Irvin 3 I 3-5 out • 4162 = *ZOROSTER wb 8 108 4 6 5« 4 V V 8* T PargtonW C Weant 2-3 1-2 out- i«lM*RAVKNAL. wb 5 101 1 4 2 21 3« 3* 3» R Ball W A Carter 8 10 11 7-10 3ll443*jBOT w 7 105 I 5 41 3" 43 4» 4= M MounfnJ U Strode 3 3 3-3 out .»4iB» CENTURI wn 4 109 6 3 3h V %• 53 5 J Smyth H G Redwell 12 15 4 1 "4119 1ADY A1JI RVNKIN w 6 113 3 2 6 I 6 I 6 H LaffertyE K Rryson 15 15 4 1 -*llv TiVne 24%. 49, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:53 new track r .r.l. Track fast. mutuels paid. Fiying Feet, 2.00 straight. .20 place. .70 show; Zoroaster, .S0 place. .70 show* Ra venal 90 show Equivalent booking odds— Flying Feet. 500 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place, 33 to 100 show; Zoroaster, 40 to 1U olace. 35 to KK show: Ravcnal. 95 to 1M show. Winner— R g bv Woolsthorpe— Winged Sandals trained by T. M. Irvin. Wen* la post at .1:05. At |-ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FLYING FEET took the lead at once and won all the way never fully extended. ZOROASTER was crowd-"■1 id bad at the start and made u» ground steadily into a fast going second. RA VENAL was a forward contender all the way, but finished a distant third. JAEOT tired badly.