Juarez Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-25


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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, MIS.— Twenty-fifth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meet- 7 J ing of 100 or mole days. 7 books on. Weather clear, 1 — Presiding Steward. Charles F. Price. Presiding Judge. W. II. Shelley. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Rae- e 1 ing Secretary, E. Jasper. Racing starts at 2:30 | . m. Chicago time 3:30 p. 111. . W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures £ iu parentheses following th - distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse p and weight carried. *In«licales apprentice allowance. — O/l 1 Q7 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 118813 HIM. I I II Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. IS- MTlO I Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second. 0: third. .",. — 1 Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1 , , — , 24109 ETHEL WELLES w 11 ll2 J 1 Y- 1*1 1* Is?. E Martin M Rieser 0-5 7-5 7-G 1 -j 1-" 24109 VIOLET W 11- I 2 2" 2° 2* 2» G MolesthJ C Ferris 6 6 6 3 6-6 * , 24109ElGENE SUES w 112 11 6 3-?. 3-1 3-J 3-1 R Feeney F DeEeque 10 12 12 5 2 MIK1FULA WB 105 7 10 y 4 4s 4° J Acton S M Henderson 10 15 13 8 4 24109 GKEYFUOT w MIS 6 7 41 Si 7" o1! J Howard V Smith 30 30 15 8 4 HAZEL DALE w 105 1 4 f,uk 9 6U 6=J C Nelson W A Wright 30 60 60 20 10 24128 OVETA m 112 10 12 10 10 10 H H Shilling W McLemore 8 12 12 6 3 24109 LITTLE LUCK w 115 4 5 S« 6J1 S5 82 J McCabe I E Clark 10 12 12 6 3 ; 24128 ELBA E w 10G 2 » 11 11 » i*5 R Shilling J Bird 20 30 30 12 6 SLIPPERY ELM w 107 8 3 7*J S» 5« 10« E HawklnsR G Brown 15 20 20 12 6 . 24085 HAPPINESS vb 105 12 13 18 12 12 11= C Mergler J H McCarren 30 30 30 12 6 10771 wii -i R yk lor, :; s ._ ?i 11 12-i A Pkkens Quinlan and Higel 8 12 12 6 3 24 109 = RAPID MAY u 112 13 11 1J 13 13 13 G Garner Allen and Hensley 5 5 5 8-5 7-10 10 1 Time. 22%, and%■ 1:00. Track fast. Wiiiner — Ch. f. l.y Dick Welles — Ethel Carr trained by M. Mescr. Went to jxist at 2:30. At post 3 minute-. Start bad and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. v" ETHEL WELLES, away fast, quickly raced into a big lead and won in a canter. VIOLET raced in in nearest pursuit all the wav and ran a good race. EUGENE SUES raced forwardly, but was a distant nt third. MIK1FULA closed a big gap from a slow beginning. RAPID MAY was away badly. verweight s — Creyfoot. •". pounds: Elba E.. 1: Slippery Elm. 2. _ rt M -| Q Q SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. 1.S724— 1 :36% — 3— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aud up-*t ID" JL 00 ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third, 5. — Ir.dex Horses AWtPPSt1! % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 24150 ► •DUNDREARY w 3 101 3 3 23 23 2*J 2* l1 T Henry W A McKInney 7-5 8-5 S-C 1-2 1-4 -4 24102*ZIM wr. 6 101 6 4 l*. 1* lJ 1J V H Shilling T S Parker 4 4 3 11-2 -2 19765 LINRROOK w 5 105 1 2 5k 3*1 3* 8» 3*1 T Hayes McCoy and Emmiek3 4 3J 1 1-2 24174 NANNIE McDEE wn 0 I06 5 1 4b 5 » 41 4*i 4* R Shilling Mills and Byrnes 7 S 8 2 1 24155 LOUISE PAUL W S 107 4 S 6 6 5l» 5J 5s E HawkinsC Hawk 12 15 10 3 1 241 86 = EASTMAN w 6 110 2 6 3 41 6 6 6 W SchornT Hatfield 2 3 3 12-5 "5 Time, 24. 48«i, l:14 /5, 1:89%. Track fast. Winner — R. g. by Sempronius — Amtn-ras traimil by W. A. McKinueyl. Went to jiost at *2:51t. At i* st •! minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. 1V" DUNDREARY followed in closest pursuit of ZIM to the last eighth, then took the lead and won on going aw.-iy. ZIM set a fast pace anil only tired in the final drive. LINRROOK humped LOUISE PAUL rr i!ght aft-r the start, but recovered quickly and ran a good race. NANNIE McDEE raced fairly well. M. EASTMAN quit earlv and ran a bad race. The winner was entered for $:M0: no bid. Overweights — Ziin. 1 pound: Nannie McPee. 1 : Louise Paul. 2. = ail QO THIRD RACK— 5 1-2 Furlonps. 13T— 1M% 9 150. Purse $:«*. 2 and o-year-4t ar" JL Otf ods- Selling. Net value to winner 2.".; second, 0; third, 5. — Index Horses AWtPPSt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 24152s * "H RITY WARDwb 3 104 7 I 4 » 45 2»* 1 H Shilling J G Parker 21 2J I 3-5 1-4 "4 24080SK NTH RiNE G. w 3 107 1 2 2h 35 3* f E Martin T Eggers 5 6 6 2 4-6 °41S73*OI I ROl: sr 1 104 S 4 3« 1" 1:! ! J Morys F T Shorten C-C 6-5 6-5 2-5 1-5 "3 *4114 TTAHA w 3 107 3 I 6=1 6i» f% 4* G Corey F E Raird 10 12 12 5 2 ■ *~40:t7 BALVADO QUEEN w 3 107 T. s 7" 7 7:1 5» M M thews J Green 20 20 20 6 3 24073*TOVKR w 3 1 H 4 I H 5" I* 6=1 C Driscoll I Striker 15 20 20 C 3 1 . 2418t*THERESA BETHEL 3 101 2 1 I3 1=14 7J W SchornR E Chapman 3 4 4 6-5 3-5 1-3 2tlM**HBL4SN JAMES w 3 102 6 7 S 8 S 8« C Hunt G Palmer 20 20 20 6 3 1 1991*3*JACK HVRRlSONw 3 102 V 9 J» 9 9 T Ruckles J A Hall 40 100 100 20 10 10 Tine. 23«i, 48y5. 1:07. Track fast. Winner— R. f. bv Link and Charity — Ollle Ward trained by J. W. Parker. Went to posl :it ::2S. At i»ost 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: second and third Wie 8a« sinie. CHARITY WARP, after being saved in the early running, responded gamely to her riders urging im- in the stretch and won going away. KATHARINE O. ran a good race and showed much gameness iu the the .inal iriv.-. OLD BOB raced into a cointirtable lead in the stretch and tinil unex|Hctedly. TIARA fin-ished """ well. THERESA RETHEL set the pace to the stretch and quit. The winner was entered for 00; * IO scratched— 2412SHirculate. 92: 2417:1 Ida Pinack. 107: 24041 Rag. 107: 214ir» Lady RIanche. SB.: 241H 1Cn Col. Randell. 107. Overweights— Tower. 2 pounds. =r £± m ~m ff FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1 2!»0 . — 1 : 19 «£, — H— 1 1 .%. 1 Purse $::►. .", yen r olds anil t A t/U upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. .".. Index Horses AWtPPSt || % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S *4I06»SEEC V w S 115 3 4 1-1 1-1 l3 l3 A Pickens J Tigue S-5 2J 21 7-101-5 : -; *»334*MEX w 3 ]«tc 2 5 21 2s 2=1 21 R Shilling J Shilling 2 2 8-2 S-i 1-1 fZ41SS FURLONG ■ I and5 « 2 V 5" "•«" 31 C Hunt W J Weber 4 6 6 2 1 [ ■ t41M*MAZNTK w 3 KK! f. 1 3« 3« Z 4* T Henry S Vriller 2 11-511-03 ., 1-4 M17* BBOOKFIEUD w 5 92 1 I 4s 44 4» 5-° 15 Marco FD Weir 6 8 8 3 1 I 23943 NORTHERN LIGHTw 3 92 4 C « « « « II Phillips P Lairde 20 20 20 6 2 Time. 23V4. 47%. IdMjfc. Track fast. Winner — Br. •_. bv Disgnisi — Swiftfoot 1 trained by J. Tiguei. Went to 1 mst at :5:." 4. At i*ist 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily: second and third driv-iti» •iv SFNFCV sprinted to the front quickly and. making the pace fast, won easing up. MEN raced in in iw-iro-t pursuit of the winner throughout and finished gamely. FURLONG closed a gap. finished fas! and „,,! 011tga111.1l MAZN1K in the closing drive. MAZNIK and BROOKFIELD showed speed, but tired. The wln-i.er ;!„_ w-.s eiitei.il for XVKI: no bid. __ 1 /f 1 HI FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1291Mi— 1 :r.r»~.:_ 5— 11.1. Purse $:: ». ,t-ycar-olds and up up 1 y X ward. Selling. Net value to winner 2.1; s. cond. $.10: third. .1. Bids Horses AWtPPSt g »i ai Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S S ••1897* E 5 MONT w I Ml 2 3 1» II 1] 1=1 J Morys P Musgrave 3 3 3-2 3 5 1-4 1-4 7 » 4 155 RISY EDITH wit 3 111 1 0 4 4:1 8* 2=1 J McCabe F I Weir 3 41 41 S-C M M *4I37 i*l.E"RY JAMESwn 8 M5 I 4 r- C= d3 8* H Phillips C W Gasser 6o 2 2 3 S H M "ill" MFKTRICM wsSMZ 8 ! 31 3J 4= 4= M MthewsX K Moody 8 10 10 3 1-6 i-o »4IS6 i CKROSE WB 7 110 7 1 2" " 2| -1 51 G MolesthR P Dickinson 7 S 7 11 1 ~»417l=COIIE wr. 4 llo 3 1 51 5= 5= 6* D Stirling OMeara Pros .. .1 .1 3-2 .. 8-6 :• IMIS*BAM BBCKHaR wr. 3 MS 4 s 8 8 7 7= C Nelson J L r.eckham 40 m 60 10 4 4 1 M 169 1 T »R DI LLO ntMl M 7 7 S S C Hunt J AV Stokes 20 3 30 8 3 3 Tine. 23V5, 47%. 1:12V5. Track fast. Winn r— Br. g. bv Plaudit — Nettie Dutchman trained by P. Musgravei. ,,..,., Went to port it 4:18 At |xst ;5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ea-ilv: second and third driv-in- ,.iv. BGMONT t w.k the lead at once and. after being closely pressed until in the stretch, drew out ST ,..,,1 and von easing up BUSY EDITH ra «il well and finished gamely, but .mild not overtake the winner. BEV ...BY JAMES raced under restraint earlv and finished with a belated rush. LACK ROSE raced under „l,r vii-nt icMralnt until well down the stret.-h. but when culled on failed to respond. The winner, entered for for J-riOO was bid up t«. $«05 and bought in. Scratched 241M Jake Argent. US. Ov-erwejglils- -Busy Edith. 1 pound: Sam Beckham. H. 5~3~5 HO SI NTH RACE— 1 Mile. K5724 -1 ::w.*f,—::— 102.1 Purse $:500. -year-olds and np-54: up- A *7 28 u:ir 1- slling. Net valiH to winner 2.1; second. $.10; third. 1. Bides Horses AWtPPSt V* M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 1 a S • «1**«! AD ■ 3 94 4 4 lh 21 3» 3« 1J T Hayes Phillips and RentonS 8 8 3 1 1 7»llll IFUOKENDVLE *1W E E 8» 3 2s 2« V A Pickens C Mulholland 3 31 3 3-5 3-5 MI88™RWBK wr.r, 110 C 2 7 6=16 V 3=1 T Henry P J Mil. m I 3 ■ 1 2-5 2-5 ~Al* -K Y wr. 6 110 1 7 31U 1= 1 41 H Shilling T S Parker i I I I 1 1 »2ii-i ikhd-? w C 111 7 6 8 " 8 8 S Bsk J Mulhare GibsonandHam ton IS 15 13 I I 2 •4118 FITZGERALD ■ 5 105 3 1 55 4* 5l 4! 6« R Booker Booker and Allen 3 4 4 7-6 3-5 3-5 24 241 cs same. s:|| r., tj,, s;„ j01 lor jt The — 703RONNIES RUCK WB 4 112 2 S 6 7 7 7 7=1 M MtrmwsC E Carter 10 12 12 4 2 24132IHEN. WALRANK W 7 113 8 3 4" f.3 4nk * s C, Mob sthll Tullett ! Lj Q 1 1-2 Time 24*,, 47 li. l:13«i, l:39«i. Track fast. Winner— B. g. by Dorante -Marietta trained by J. La ely. Went to |Mist at 4: 4.1. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the LAD set the early pace and was taken back and saved to the stretch, then caine again whc:i called on and otitgamed FROKENDALE in the final drive. FROKENDALE raced forwardly and gamely throughout. CORDIE F. closed a gap but was swerving out all through the race and finished wide. REY showed much early speed, but tired after racing into the lead on the backstretch. The winner was entered 00; no bid. Scratched— 241S3Gano. 109; 241S3 Lady Young, 110; t2417iB.n Levy, 112; 241071Aldn. 10:5; 24170 Monk. 101; 2417:5 Virgiodot. 91. Overweights— Lad, .i pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915122501/drf1915122501_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1915122501_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800