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S -; : 1-1 1 ■ 1-4 [ Havana Entries anl Past Performances for Saturday, December 25. WEATHEK CLEAR. TRACK FAST. 1 I 2 •iv in in and „,,! ;!„_ __ up up S S 1-4 1-4 M M H M 1-6 i-o 1 .. 8-6 :• 4 4 3 3 ,.iv. ,..,,1 and BEV ST under „l,r for for up- a S 1 1 1 3-5 3-5 2-5 2-5 1 1 I 2 3-5 3-5 . i The fitrures under the heading "Rec." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I viations show track conditions. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time. 2:12. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race— 5-8 Mile. 3-vear-olds and uoward. Sellimr. Track Meant; 241bV.— 5!«.— 3—101. Rid. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 24158 Rnnlce 109 1:01% 5 111X711 24180 Big Lumax 10.11:00% 4 111X710 _41M.1 Frontier 117 1:00% 4 111x710 241M Paul Davis 102 1:H. S 111x710 2411S Mac 113 1:02% 4 114V710 241i7* Rase White 105 1KB 3 1oi©7o5 21177 Captain Elliott . . .MS 1:00% 5 111X70.1 A well-matched lot. Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds anil upward. Selling. Track record: 19047— 1:06V-.— .1-103. 98M8 Rriar Rath KMi 1:H.% 5 110x72.1 241»" fcTy 107 1:00% 5 10OX72O i 2401ft** Minstrel 102 107% 3 100x71.1 241SS Enver Rev KM! 1:07 4 114X71.1 I 24165* Yellow Eves 10Sl:Ki% 0 102X710 I 238*3* -frlrrtlsa 102U:0S% 8 97x70.1 i Rriar Rath has been racing well in lietter company. Third Race — 1 Mile. 2-vear-olds. Maidens. Selling. Track record: W-tJMfc I *— 1 2417.:l Emilv R 107 1:44 107.. 725 ; 241«3*» Sinilax 102.. 720 24183* * Darning Star 90 1:4.1% 99. .71.1 , 24194 Relic of the Kitchen 99 1:45% 10iX715 -, 24122* Mary Btockaraai .. !5**__5 » 24103* Argument 90 l:48%m 102. .70o i i I I i ; , -, » i Ind norse. Wt. Rec. 24170* Oranadi _n_ .»;:» 24194* Vedado 9311:56%h 99. .SSO Emily It. appears rounding into form and races as if the distance would suit her. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24149— 1:39% — i_iofi. 241SO-* Maxims Choice ...109 1:41% 4 107. .725 24189* Sepulveda 109 1:3S% 8 112X720 241i;21* Feather Duster ...114 1:40% T 101 ©715 24188* Afterglow 1 us 1:40% 5 191X78S 241.17 Bine Mouse 105 1:41% 7 103x788 24148* Chance Ml 9.11:41% 4 SB. .888 24188 Autumn 112 1:42% 8 188X888 Maxims Choice may stay lietter as a result of last race. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds and onward. Selling. Track record: 24124— 1 :12-.— 3— 92. 241771 E_W0N_ ADAMS. 115 1:12 7 114x725 24188* Miiik 112 1:11% .1114x715 24141- Sha.lracl. 110 1:14 4 117x715 2:H!i.! Louise Travers ...102 1:13% 4 188X718 1241817 Rierrot 102 1:14% 3 109. .710 241i7: Rrotagoras 109 1:14% 5 114. .705 23838* Alnmla Lawrence.. Id 1:14% 3104.700 Edniond Adams races consistently wh-n g.Kul. Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. .__ 3 vear olds an.l upward. Selling. Track record: 24124— 1 :12%— 3 -92. 1 24157 Isehgabil.ble 188 1:14 3 112x725 24101= Beaumont Belle .. .104 1:13% 4 114 XT28 241.17* Ford Mai 1121:11 8 888XT18 2417.1 L.rd Wells 112 1:14% 7 114 71.1 2417S Wander 113 1:14 8 1140710 24141 Ren Incus 112 1:17% 7 114 710 24123* Montreal 112 1:11% 4 Km X 705 24147* Kazan 100 1:14% 3 101x000 21101* Louise Mnv 182 1:1816 3 101X000 28180* Margaret Meise ...101 1:13 4 109X890 24121 Dr. Cann Ids 1:1.1% S 10»XK! 0 Ischgabibble seems a bit tbe best of this poor lot.