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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TUBF. The eutrles for ra-ing at New Orleans will close at Hi: 30 a. in. each day for the foll.iwing days racing and will be promptly released for publication in afternoon newspapers as at all other American track*. Trainer MoDan!el. who has Grant Hugh Brownes string in his charge at Gravesend. is one of the fortunate ones to escape the ailment prevalent there as far as his stable i concerned. The horses in his charge are re|x rted to be in the best possible condition. Tia Juana. from recent advices from the Eower California Jockey Club, will have an ample supply of horses for tlie hundred days of racing which logins January 1. There are 13C horses already -stabled at the n**w plant. 140 more are en route from various points, and a total assemblage of ie .t . les than 100 is confidently existed. The 1.- k for the first week has been announced by .rd-cnpiier Pick Dwypr. six ra -es a day being - schedule, with no purse ]ess than $.100.