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SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 12!*;— 1 :00%— C— 11V» UPRIGHT, ch. g. 6 100 By Btandinr— m Turco T. B. Parker. 24493 .lunre 7-8 1 "8 fast 2 107 4 3 2 2 2= 2= W J OBn *.» Ki l Nelson. Ortyx, Swede Sim 1 • 24.080 Juarez 3-4 l:15%fast 4 112 1 3 3 25 VI W J 0Bnl2 Tillotson, H.Strect. KatharineO. 24039 Juarez 7-S 1:2S fast 5 109 5 2 1 1 2* 21 W J OBn 8 BerthaV., Smil. Jlag, MollieCad i , 23999 Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 6 112 5 7 6 6 6,:l C OMahy 7 Cal. Jack. Geueia!. J. Crawford : 23:375 Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 2 112 11 6 8 12 l2-= W J 0B"nl2 Cordova, Kenneth. Francis 13846 Juarez 3-4 l:ll*ifast 8 107 6 5 9 9 95 M M thews 0 Napa Nick. Pay Streak, Cantem , :-. S8 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 10 M 9 10 8 6* 5J R Carter 10 Pan Zareta, Mimorloso. Useeit 11730 Okla. City 3-4 1:15 fast — 109 5!i Mondon 7 Eva Padwick, Visible. Roy.Dollj , I ; lUHTatat Ab7-8 1:31 mud 3 118 47 Mondon I HuskyLad, E.Tansuay. Inquieta ; 10512 Vvindsor 3-4 1:12 fast 15 103 4 5 4 4» 5T Kederis « Buckuorn. MarjoiieA.. Sherwd . J 10375 Fort Erie 3-4 l:14?t,good 6 107 4 5 3 3* P* Small 5 Marjorie A.. T.W.Moon. Miator 9M13 Windsor 3-4 l:12%tast 9 107 1 7 4 5» 6"iSmall 8 PlaieGlass. PanZareta. S.Blaise ; , ; 97 9 Windsor 2-4 1:13 fast 15 107 4 3 3 4e 4»i Small 8 KtsDiffer. G.Britain, JimBasey 9523 Fort Erie 3-4 l:15%good 7 10$ 3 2 2 2« 2* Small 4 Leochares. CarltouG.. Libcr.Hal 9422 Fort Erie 3-4 l:lS%slow 20 1091 3 3 3 21 2 1 Small t KtsDiffer. Hoffman. Carlton G. BERMUDIAN. b. g. 4 105 By Peter Quince— Rcse Marjorie S. Veiller. "IBB Juar.z 11:40 fast M M 3 2 1 2 * 5R5 H Shilling Ktitaa Anmsluslleine. Penalty 24135 Juar-z 3-4 1:13 fast 8 1"7 4 4 4 4« 4 H Shilling 13 Canapa, Tactless. Little Jake 241C3 Juarez 1 l:42%fast 1 112 1 2 3 3 33 4,s L Hartwll 7 Nannie MeDce, Lad, The Monk 2+t9J Juarez 1 l:40fast 8 108 3 2 2 2 2=J 3=1 L Hartwllll Rev. Penalty. Cordis F. SM7S Juarez 7-S 1:30 good 21 107 7 8 9 8 7 6el L HartwlUC R.Oneil, B.Johnson. D.Dgherty r 2 t55 Juarez 5-8 1 :0j»ifast 4 110 7 5 4 41 3" L Hartwll 9 Leford. Eel, Hazel C. 2: f.77 Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast 10 112 7 S 8 8 8"H. Hartwell and BusyEditb. Or. Lad, ITn. J. Gray MMI Pimlieo lm70y l:46%fast 35 96 3 4 6 4 5l 761 T PargtonlO Afterglow. B. Sister. Talecarrier r 2:44 Pimlieo 3-4 l:14%fast fid 105 9 9 9 61 74if F Robinsnl3 Kootenay. Crossbun, Ed. Adams s •-3747 Laurel lm20v l:42%fast fid 105 7 3 5 5 4i 77j L Hartwellll Alliena, Singletoo, Dicks Pet 2:678 Laurel 5fl:ll%hvy 42 112 4 10 7 8» 812 L Hartwelll2 Borax, Envy, Old I.ob 23f* 9 Laurel 3-4 l:174yShvy 35 107 4 5 6 8= 8«i L HartwlUO Dryad. Mr. Snifrgs, Jim L. 23191 Laurel 3-4 l:20%hvy 28-5 108 4 4 6 51 61* L Hartwll S Devil Fish, Minstrel. Jim Easey t 2316S H.dcGce 3-4 l:14V igood 20 112 5 8 9 9»k gsj l, Hartwelll.1 Chesterton, M. Warren, D. Fish 25089 H deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 15 112 3 3 3 3 8Ti L, HartwelUS Prairie, Gloaming. Scorpii 23005 H.deGee 3-4 l:14%fast 10 104 10 5 7 9»" 9101L HartwelllS Naushon, Luther. Tbougbtreader r 19642 Juarez 1 l:4S%hvy 1 104 3 3 3 2 1= 1» C Gross 4 Durin, Al Wormwood, F.onanza 19625 Juarez 1 l:467imud 7-6 107 4 2 2 1 2=1 2i J McCabe 5 Durin, Executor, Bonanza 19G01 Juarez 3-4 l:ll»ifast 5 105 1 9 9 7"" 4«J A Mott 9 Manganese, Seneca, Lackrose I CALIFORNIA JACK, b. g. 4 109 By Ben HowaTd— Satinet E. T. Miller. Mill Juirez 111 MTtfaM 12 1M I 5 3 3= 3=r; II Shillins M KealWorth, OUOoMj, D.Maekll. I -4 t77 Juarez 5-8 l:01%good 7 112 3 6 4 64 671 E Pool 8 P.ev. James, Choctaw, Brighonsc 240-9 Juarez 5-S 09 fast 6 107 3 8 7 7 71S T Henry 8 Busy Kdith. Yorkville. General I MM Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 6 107 7 5 4 2» 1-"J T Henry 7 General. J. Crawford, Tillotson . 21545 Denver 51 f lMOmud 33-5 107 5 2 1 2=1 4«i R Feeney 10 Kid Nelson, Wasatch, Oseuro 2414 Denver 5-8 1:01 fast 11 107 2 3 2 5=i 67J W Kelsay 12 Dr. Heater. J. Craw ford, E.Davis , ••1251 Denver 5-S 1:01 fast 17 109 7 6 8 7i 6» R Small !i Darkey. Arrovsl;aft. Cal Cum 21i:JS Denver 51 f l:0t %fast 181 107 2 2 1 SJ 2» R Pauley 7 Oounaught, Quick. Briton MM Juarez 7-8 l:57%fut 3 108 2 1 1 1 l»| 6"?. J McCabe 9 Lescar, K. Nelson, M. Coghill MM Juarez 61 f 1:07 fast 6 115 1 4 2 6- 711 J CmpbelllO Miss Edith, Tempest. Choctaw 1981! Juarez 7-S l:!7%fa«t 6 100 6 6 4 3 10 10» W Brazel 11 Panhachapi. NoQuarter, II Street , MM Juarez 5* 1 sM fast 10 100 5 7 6 5 4» R Shilling 8 Ann Tilly, Quid Nunc, But. Ball ii l!74i Juarez 3-4 l:13»ifast 15 113 6 8 8 10 10=» F Jackson 10 J.IIurie. »fflna Reed, Bob Lynch 19672 Juarez 5-8 l:03%hvy 4 115 7 7 5 7 715JT Rice 7 Mrs.Mc. Cordova. Jen. Crawford i REAL WORTH, b. g, * 109 By Kenilwcrth —St. PhiUipuia C. Dietz. 24IS2 .l j rz 5?. f l:0jifast S 110 6 7 5 C3 B*| II Shilling 8 Furlong. Metropiditan C. Ward "1131 Juarez 5-8 1 MTjfllf 8 ]es 4 3 4 2- l=i E Pool 14 lldCoin. Cal.Jaek. Dr. Mack II. 24104 Juar.z 5-S l:01fast 12 110 9 7 7 8 7» M Mthews 9 Brighouse, RussSand. R.Mantell 24 t5 Juarez 61 f 1 :07 last 4 108 5 2 3 2 4«1 W Ormes 13 Brighonsc, Palma, Hearthstone "4035 Juarez H t lM|Ut 30 113 3 4 5 5= 5= J Murphy 1 « M.B.Elianks, Delaney. I.Griinm 21241 Denver 5-S l:O0%fast 16 106 3 4 3 2*1 2=1 R Feeney 8 Scarlet Oaks. Leford, J. Gheens r 21173 Denver 6-8 l:00%fast 7-4 107 8 6 2 2* ll R Feeney 11 Eva Padwick. Dovie, Cus. Housp 21134 Denver S-4 l:14=-fast 37-5 109 1 11 M 3l T Nolan 0 Electrowan. Ft.Jhnson. Wasatch 2107S Denver 5-S 1:01 fast 33-10 104 9 6 3 6i 7° A LangfrdlO Zenotek. Cooster. G.s Favorite 17619 Helena 5-8 1:01 fast — 103 7 7 7 6J 5»1 .1 McKride 8 Briton, Orimar Lad. Joe Busher 17579 Helena F C 1:111 fast — 105 2 2 2 4-X 4J R BcKiker 9 Idun, Dovie, Electrowan 17348 D. Lodge 6-8 l:«2%fast 7 110 4 6 6 6!i 715 H Meuipa 7 Medio. Midsummer. Binocular 17302 D.Lodge 5-8 1:03 good 1 111 5 5 5 4=1 Ssl W Leeds 7 Medio. Midsummer, Grammont I72C5 D.Lodge 6-8 1:05 slow 4 111 7 6 2 1 2? II Meuipa 8 Joe Busher, II. Scarum, LayLow 17135 D.Lodge 7-8 l:2S%fast 10 108 4 2 2 5 6= 6" H Mempa 7 Tony Koch, Sam Connor, Flying KID NELSON, cb. g, 5 109 By Solitaire II. — Bohemian Lass H. W. Hoag. SUM Juarez 5111:"7 fast 15 l s 4 5 3 5= 5C1 C Gross S Kenneth. KussSaml, R. Mae.tell 24113 Juarez -S1:;S good 12 309 15 6 6 6i 54J C Gross R Finnigin, First Star. Furlong 24095 Juarez 7-8 1:28 fast 12 105 3 1 1 1 I1* 1= C Gross *.» I pright, Orlvx. Swede Sam 24 M Juarez 5?. f 1:07 fast 10 M 1 5 5 5-i 5S3 C Gross IS P.rigbouse. Palma. Hearthstone l MS Juarez H f l:06%fast 20 112 6 8 8 8 6141C Gross M M.B.Ebanks, Delanev. P. Grimm " 21007 Juarez 5-8 l:00%fast 20 115 7 8 8 8 814 C Gross 8 Kenneth. Ori. Lad, Aunt Elsie 23122 SanFran. 3-4 l:13*sfast — 115 1 8 8 8* 51 C Gross 9 Diadi, Old Bob, Custom House 23033 SanFran. E1. f 1 :07~,fast — 113 3 8 8 51 M C Gross 8 Tight Boy. Old Hob •• : 21 SanFran. 3-4 1 :irj4ifast — 115 6 4 5 C3 6sj C Gross ft Vireo, Wasatch. Light Knight 22763 SanFran. 51 f 1 :0S/5last — 108 1 4 3 34 1and 0 Gross li Ed Luce, Azurea, Lillian Bay 2:738 SanFran. 6" f l:0Si.-fast — ill 9 8 7 8=. S10,.C Gross 9 Faustina, Jen. Crawford. OldCoin n MM SanFran. 5i f 1 :%%fast — 108 3 6 6 6 5M Gross 7 ThcFellcr, Un.Jim.Grav. C.Ward * 22401 Reno 61 f 1 :07%fast 22-3 113 7 5 5 4U U C Gross S JakeArgent. LaCazadora, Orlest 22374 Reno 5-8 1:01 fast 14 109 2 2 2 2=13= C Gross 7 FrancesG., F.G.IIogan. ThtP.oy MM Reno 5 f l:07%fast 20 10S 1 3 4 4s 2* Gross 7 C. Ward. Hardv, Marie OBrien Z22M Renq 5-8 1:01 fast 23-5 109 2 2 2 3« 3= C Gross B Choctaw. Clierrv Seed. PennrvII. MM R.-no 7-S 1:28 fast 70 115 5 2 2 4 5 6i C Gross I Miss Edith. Pro Uealis. Rhodes if 51 f l:o74£Cast 21 108 2 3 3 4- 3s C Gross C Custom House. Eastman. Azurea OXER, b. h. 8 112 By Toddington— La Primera 0. Rice. 24186 Juarez 1 1 :39Vsfast 15 111 2 2 2 2 5* 511 S Ramsey B .Mud 801, Eastman. C.MeFeniiu - MM Juar.z 1 l:40Vfcfast 10 110 7 2 2 2 2-?-. 2= E Cullen 10 Se-allvwag. Dundreary, ProKealis MtJoerei 7 S l::*Higood S 110 4 5 5 6 M B**UB Cullen S R.Interest, Harwood, Swcetdale MM Juarez 51 f l:06Vifast 7 112 9 6 6 7= 7lflE Cullen 11 M.B.Eubanks. O.Bob, Oldsbile MM Juarez 6* f l:08?jfast 4 los; l y :; 34 H K Cullen 7 P.ev. James, Pros.Son. IligliStreet t MM Mt.Roval Klfl:12%hvy 4 116 1 3 Vtnj IVngast 10 Rye Straw, Gil. Rose, Gal. Slave 2MB XL Royal 14 1 lt%ln JT 2 IIS I ;. M 3H J lengast 9 Sir Blaise. GalleySlave, Tankard ," B :l."7 Hill.-rest A1.5-S 1 :02%hvy 3 112 5 6 54 31 A lickens 8 Abdul. Ella Jennings. Tankard "3110 Hillcrest 6* f l:27%a!op 1 113 7 3 2 ZJ 2r- D Met "thy 8 Mrdecai, E.Jnings, G.W.Kisker 23363 Hillcrest Ab5-8 1:01 fast 11-5 109 6 2 2= 21 E Cullen 10 Cap Nelson. C.Randell. Meelicka a M Mt.Roval 3-4 l:I3%fast 3 117 6 4 4= 5"! J lengast 8 Felina. Bula Welsh. GilbertRose *e 23249 Mt.Roval C-S 1 :01 ifast 2 116 I 3 41 44 J Pengast 10 Black Chief, duty. Frosty Face MM Mt.Roval 5 . f 1:10 slow 3 115 I 6 41 3l J Howard 7 BulaWelsh, RayR. Miller, Unity 23063 Mt.Roval 5-S 1 :01"£fast 21 116 10 2 31 21 J Howard 12 Capt. Ben, Frosty Face, Unity CONNAUGHT, b. g. 5 112 By Mazagan — The Mecca T. Eggers. 25133 Juarez 2-11:12 fast 21 112 11 10 10 7= 7=1 L Gentry 13 Canapa. Tactless. Little Jake 24057 Juarez E-S 1:02 fast I 110 1 6 0 5»» 4?. B Pool 6 R. Interest, Dixie Mina. R.Sand 1 MS Juar.z 3-4 l:13Vsfast 4 1 »5 2 5 5 6 S1%C Hunt 7 JakeArgent. Balgee. Oldsniobile 23990 Juarez 2-4 l:14%fast 31 109 4 6 3 3ll 2" L Jentry 8 Balgee. Mercuriuin. Furlong : 23763 I.atonia 3-4 l:12Jilast fid 107 4 10 S 81 73 A Morr 12 Huntress, Car. Onue, M. Declare 22744 BloeBoa. 3-4 l:14%faat fid 111 6 4 2 21 l1 W V.artonll Inquieta, Capt. Ben. Coy MM fonfiht 2-4 l:14%fast 30 103 8 8 S S SM W Schorn 8 Marj.A.. WaterLilv, Un.Jimmlc ,e 2240* Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast 79 108 10 11 10 61 4=1 IT Stearns 11 Zin D d, Rubicon II., Dignity 22217 Windsor 61 f 1 :0v%slow 40 99 8 8 6 4i 4J II Stearns 8 York Lad, Broomscdge, Colle. 2i- ;S Windsor 6* f l:M%faat 150 1M 9 I 7 73 7,01F Coienian 10 Marietta A.. Imperator. Useeit ; MM Denver 51 f l: 9%mud 12 113 5 6 6 1= 4 J Fracb 7 El Pato. Judge Gheens. Curlicue ZM9 Denver 6t f 1 ifast 77-10 111 3 6 5 3 S» W Ormes t Decency, Metropolitan. AnnTilly •1279 Denver 3-4 l:14%slow 111 106 3 6 6 6l 3» W Ormes 11 Pontefract. Se-neca, Curlicue 21138 Denver El f 1 :0C4/jfast 13-10 lo9 1 6 5 lh i» V OraMi T Qakk. California nek, Briton 21025 Denver 51 t 1:08 fast 10 106 5 8 6 4= 1? W Ormes IS LaCazadora. V.Horn. B.Prosnecl ct MMZJaBM 61 t UMVftMt 3 107 5 9 8 7= 3« R Shilling 9 Yuba. Rubicon II.. Butter Ball til LITTLE JAKE, ch. g. 6 105 By Krutsch — Stella Peikms J. H. AdaJns. 21171 Juarez Si t 146%Caat 2 11_- 1 1 4 H 0;:::M Mth.-wsH MM Man. Choi-taw. Hazel C. 24135 Juar.z 3-4 1:13 last 7 113 3 1114 :l .1 MeCabe 13 Canapa, Tactless. Bermudian StUt Juar.z 5. f 1 :"7=.:.g.e d 3 112 9 4 2 24 2= A Mott 1" B. 1 ID—, Francis. Iloi;vJhnson MM Juarez 5-Sl:01Hfast 7 113 4 7 4 41 3= D Stirling 15 Finuighi. S.O"Day. G.W.Kisker S IMtJaUd 5-S l;03Hslow :» 112 9 10 M M 10»1D Stirling 1 2 T. Bethel, Brighouse. Russ Sand 23"7"» Mt.Roval 61 f l:10Vislow 20 113 6 3 g 2" R Watls 12 Jessup Burn, Ortyv. Eunice MM Mt.Roval H f 1:11 hvy 10 105 4 4 71 71C S Weistm S P.lack Clii.f, Neville. Mazurka MM Xt. Royal 3-4 1:14%fast 15 114 6 2 7= M**|I Penffaat M Parlor Boy. Energetic. Martre 23461 Hillcrest 6* f 1:29 hvy 7 113 3 2 1 I ll T Me-Cnllh 8 Jolly Tar. MeCHatork. B.Posey •y 23S71 Hilcrest 6 f l:25%faat IS 1M 2 I 5 8 8:,j T McCillh 8 Parier Bov, Leialolia, Rtaktaa 233M Hillcrest H t l:2r.=5last 3§ M9 1 11 "i 3« T McCuIl "a ! K. Radf.rd. Prnctor. McClintoek •1; 23324 Hillcrest 3-4 1:20 slow 15 110 1 3 3= 9,S1N Fodcn 10 Ortyv. Palma. Hearthstone MSI DulTerin AL5-S 1:02%k1ow 25 110 ST1 J Howard ,s .LNcnnally. Tois.dOr. MrtyLou du 2-972 Dufferin A!3-S l:02%slop 15 112 6I01J Howard f» Orimar Lad. Barette. Cliitra CECIL, br. t. 6 105 By Royal Flush III. — Tarpeia II. H. Foss. M1J3 Juarez J 1 1:13 fast 6 112 1 7 9 9 UJ A Palms ]."I Canapa. Taitless. Little Jake ~::j.; SanFran. 1 l:40%fast — lot 2 11 3 21 4- tlross C, L. Young. Conflagration. Brando |- 2." 131 SanFran. 1 1 :42%fast — 108 111 1 tl 1* 0 Gross 11 Fairly. Tom Chapman. Ceos 22119 SanFran. 1 t 1ltTfcfait — 115 1 1 ■. 2J 2s C Kirschmlo Aug. Helnze, Acumen, Sonoma ""i83 SanFran. 3-4 1:15 fast — 115 1 5 3 5 .,-• T T DllM 7 Canaoa. Aug. Heinz.-. J. Harie 0 22S2t SanFran. S-t l:14%Ia»t — IIS 6 6 7 7* 41 R Small 8 Min.jimmie. Tightltoy, Madelle He "to. Reno 7-8 1 :L7=t,tast 37-10 115 3 3 3 3 2= 2 » C Gross .s Ecl rowan. LadvM.M.. M.Emilv ly iw Reno 7-S 1:27«/Uast 6-5 112 3 11 1 ll U C Gross S H.Hawkins. F.Cathay, Mdadero ro 22211 Reno 11:41 fast 13-10 103 2 2 1 2 3=1 4*| O Gentry A Ceos, Den.StalTnrd. DickBenson on :r:Vs p. no 7-S 1 :27Vifast 7-10 112 111 1 1 » C Riddle « Chr. Eve. Manda.lero. Tee to 2JJM Reno 1 l:41%fast 17 108 2 13 3 3= 441 W Leeds 6 Zoroaster, Stolen Ante. L. Paul ,1 *1303 Reno 5-8 1:01 fast S3 115 2 2 I 21! 341 C Riddle i Dominica, Metropolitan. Quiek MM Denver 5-S 1:M fast 16-5 107 6 8 8 84 743 W Kelsay 0 A. Elsie,, Arrowsbaft ft 21142 Denver Cl f l:0G«£fast 6 108 5 8 8 74 7*1 W Brazel s Onante, .Manuauese. Ann Tilly •urn Denver 3-t l:12%fast 33 103 t 3 I l*| 6*1 ■ Carter i» Lnftna. Seneca, Clark M. 19979 Juarez 1 1 •39 fast 4 M 3 2 11 li; 21 S McOraw 7 Art Ri.k. Canapa. little lVr- Juarez 7-S 1:26 fast 3 106 E 2 3 3 3= 3-1 S M.-Gr.iw 7 Zii.i. La Caza.l..ra. E.-k Davis 19905 Juarez 7-S l:24 ifast 4 108 4 4 2 2 21 54 C OMhey 7 HdBall. Pontefract. Uubieonll. ii. 19S71 Juarez 61 f l:05%fast 8 113 8 7 6 6= 3si C OMhy 8 Lackrose, Maznik, M. OBrien eD 19509 Juarez 51 1 :06%fast 5 105 7 8 5 64 4" W Ormes • lackrose, Delaney. Osaple 19715 Juarez 51 i l:05%fast 20 92 5 5 4 7 78J J Acton 7 P.Zatcta, Kootenay, Manganese se 1 1 ! 1 1 1 I ; I 1 1 1 ; 1 1 | I J i 2 - . I 2 J I - - - - . - i ; 1 : : , . , . ; , , ■ i 1 , 1 i | , • . • 1 • i , : , , ; I ; J . ; , ; r r s t HUSKY LAD, ch. g, 7 105 By Hermis— Braw Lass A. W. Hoots. 1SS03 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:!7"5fast 12 103 2 2 4 7 7 7,:,1W Hinphy 7 Kavenal. Ora McGee, Strife IS7M Charb-n lm2oy l:46%8lop 6 113 12 12 12 12 12 12=111 Snyder 1U J. Bunn, Beiiedietina. Sonb-llo 18771 Charlen ll:15%sloi 8 113 8 8 7 4 21 2= J Connors •♦ Duquesne, Stentor, Kinmuuily 15451 Charlen lm70y l:4S%hvy 12 106 11 Fell. F Robinsnll Cpcrtown, Pat. Regan, Maisln.11 18607 Charlen 1 1:43 fast 10 104 8 5 6 5 5"k 543 P Robinsn 8 Allllocb, YellowEycs. Astrologer 18591 Charlen ll:42%fast 6 113 8 13 11 13 13= 13»1A Nicklauslo Banjo Jim, Armor. Transjxirt 18490 H.deGee 3-4 l:12%fast 40 109 12 12 12 7= 8 A Nicklausl4 H. Stream, Grazelle, Undaunted IMM H.deGee lm70yl:46 fast 30 105 10 9 6 6 51 61D3A Nicklauslo Uncle Mun. Balfron. Joe Finn 184:15 H.deGee 1 1-16 1:50 good 12 104 4 4 9 10 10- 10181W Ward 11 Autumn. Howdy Howdy. Petelus 18399 Pimlieo 3-4 l:14%fast 87 111 4 5 5 51 5s R Estep 12 Joe Finn, Dicks Pet, Delaney 1837S Pimlieo 1 1-16 l:49%fast 15 110 4 1 1 3 91 10" 1E AmbroselO Napier. Oakhurst, King Radford 17696 Howie 1 1-16 1 :51»/ 4 107 2 2 1 1 41 5= J Howard 8 Abbotsford. B. Mouse, C.Hloway 17449 Wdbine 1 1-8 l-54%good I 104 1 1 1 1 1* ll F Murphy 5 Centauri, Uncle Ben. Ser»icene* 17422 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:49%slow 14 115 1 8 7 3 D* 3J P GoldstnlO Rodondo, J. H. Houghton, Zodiac CUSTOM HOUSE, br. c. 4 108 By Joe Carey — Ellen Atkin Sieman and Da vies. 24173 Juarez 51 f l:06%fast 10 115 7 4 3 6 5"»1A lickens 14 Bird Man. Choctaw. Hazel C. 24131 Juarez 5-S 1:00 Vhfast 8 106 I 8 I 7= 6T1 T Hayes 14 Real Worth, Old Coir . Cai.Ja t 24077 Juarez 5-8 1 :01%good 15 113 4 6 5 51 57 A Pickens 8 Bev.James, Choctaw, Brigboi.se1 24062 Juarez 5-8 l:03%slow 8 110 1 12 I 74 7=1C Hunt 12 T. Bethel, Brighouse, Russ Sand 24057 Juarez 5-S 1:02 fast 5 108 6 4 2 2n" 641 O Gentry V, K. Interest, Dixie Mina, R.Sand 2319S SanFran. 51 f l:07%fast — 110 11 4 2 ]» l1 J Washer 12 Jake Argent. Darkey, Hritou 23122 SanFran. 3-4 l:13%fast — 118 7 2 2 3=1 34i J Donovan 0 Diadi. Old Bob, Old C in 23033 SanFran. 51 f l:07%fast — 116 5 7 3 3=1 2=1 J Donovan 8 Tight Boy. Old Bob. Stelcliff 22930 SanFran. 3-4 1:13%fast — 113 5 3 4 4" oJ J Donovan S Pcess Industry. B.Bali. T.Belle 22788 SanFran. 51 f l:0SM;fast — HI 9 4 1 l1! 1=1 J Donovan 9 Finnigin, La Cazadora, M.Emily 22764 SanFran. 51 f l:07%fast — 111 1 3 2 2=1 2l J Donovan Jl Carondolet, Delaney. Roscas 22W4 SanFran. 3-4 l:15%fast — 118 4 1 1 1= 21 J Donovan 8 Lady Young, Sweetbait, B.Lvnch 225S3 SanFran. 3-4 l:ll%fast — 121 8 8 8 6 6 J Donovan C Sweetbait, H.Walbank. Choctaw 22340 Reno 51 f l:07%fast 53-10 110 6 5 6 5= .54 R Carter 7 Miss Folly, Choctaw, Quick 2213 Reno 51 f l:07=/;fast 33-5 112 E 3 3 5J 6si E Smith « Ed Luce, Qnick, Azurea 22M Reno 61 f l:07« ;fast 81-10 106 I 5 5 2l In O Gentry 6 Eastman, Kid Nelson. Azurea 21996 Reno 51 t l:07%fast 30 106 5 6 4 4=1 2" O Gentry 7 Frazzle, Azurea, Electrowan AUNTIE CURL. ch. f. 4 100 By Prospero— Charleys Aunt J. L. Beckham. 24171 Juarez 3-4 1 :13Vf,fast 60 101 7 4 4 4nt 4S1 C Nelson 8 Tactless, Colic. Metropolitan 24110 Juarez 51 t 1 :06%good 10 110 5 4 5 6=1 771 L Gentry 10 Metropolitan, Choctaw. BirdMau 24083 Juarez B t l:074Kfast 20 112 5 2 7 7 » 7 8 T Robbins 13 Delaney. Oldsmobile. Brighouse 24069 Juarez 3-4 l:171/5slovv 1 102 1 2 3 3=1 3«1 T Henry 8 Willis. Hazel C. Ialma 24O40 Juarez SI f l:06%fast 20 109 1 3 3 4=1 617 T Robbins 8 Busy Edith, Colle, Furlong 19905 Juarez 7-8 l:24%fast 20 102 6 6 5 7 7 781 T Dealy 7 HdBall. Pontefract, Rubicon 1 1. 19871 Juarez 51 f l:05%fast 15 104 5 4 7 74 7" R Shilling 8 Lacrose. Maznik. Cecil 19752 Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 15 100 4 3 Threw rider. THenrylO Kiva, Pontefract, Edm. Adams 19658 Juarez 3-4 l:20V5hvy 21 9s 4 2 2 23 M P Louder I Th. Belle. Mercuriura. Lackrose 19628 Juarez 5-8 l:02%slop 6 105 5 5 6 5s 3s R Shilling 7 Orimar Lad, Forge, Minnie W. 19576 Juarez 3-4 l:15%slow 10 95 6 6 3 2=1 l1 P Louder 8 Wild Bear, Cleopat, Choctaw I954S Juarez 3-4 1:14 mud 6 105 4 5 5 65 6» D Stirling 7 JudgeGheens, HardBall, B.Lynca 19470 Juarez 61 f l:06%fast 8 107 8 4 4 6= t**f| McCabe 12 Jge Gheens. Amohalko, Cleopat 19447 Juarez 5-8 1:03 slow 7 96 4 3 3 4 4T J Acton G Manganese. Velie Forty. Mater 19173 Juarez 5-8 l:03%slop 1 105 2 6 4 2l 2s M Garner 10 Bob Lynch, Sleepland, Doll Boy ORTYX, b. g, 4 105 By Yankee— Partridge Rowan and Knight. 24111 Juarez 7-S 1:27 good 4 100 5 I S 6 3=1 6oiJ Marys 11 l"kendale, L.Young. Cbrist.Eve 24095 Juarez 7-S 1:28 fast 6 100 2 5 6 6 42 2=1 J Morys !• Kid Nelson. Upright. Swed-Saiu 24078 Juarez 7-S 1:30 good 6 109 10 9 7 6 8 841G Corey 10 R.Oneil. B.Johnson. D.Dgherty 24054 Juarez 51 f l:06/5fast 20 114 S 10 M 10 10=9 G Corey li M.B.Eubanks. O.Bob. Oldsbile 23730 Mt. Royal 51 f l:10y5slow 4 113 8 S 71 3h W Ilinpiv 1* Jessup Burn. LittieJake. Buniee MM Mt.Royal 51 f l:ll%hvy 6 113 10 9 7= 641 T McCullhlO Martre, Theresa Bethel, 23618 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:14%fast 31 114 S S M at] T McCuHlilO Parlor Boy, Energetic. Martre 233C9 Hillcrest 7-S l:32%fast 6 10S 7 5 I I4 1* T McCullh « Sen. James, Martre. Wavering 23324 Hillcrest 3-4 1:20 slow 4 110 7 1 11 1= T McCullhlO Palma, Hearthstone, Marty Lou BERTHA V.. oh. f, 4 104 By Andrew Mack— Mrs. Sharp E. H. Short. 24093 Juarez 7-8 l:2C%fast 12 103 6 4 4 6 6 6,S1C Driscoil 7 Mercurm, Oldsmbile. Swtdale MMI Juarez 51 f l:07%fast 20 io7 6 10 9 »;t» 5=iC Driscoil 13 Delaney, Oldsmobile. Brighouse 24039 Juarez 7-8 1:28 fast 2 103 4 4 4 3 II H C Driscoil 8 Upright, SmilingMag, MollieCad 21006 Juarez 7-8 l:28%fast 8 102 9 9 9 10 7s 5* T Henry 11 Sb. Knight, J.Nolan, John Louis 22687 Timium AbClf 1:22 slow 8 117 61 C Labell 9 O Tis True. V.Strome, E.Adams 22634 Mneuve 1 1-16 l:50%fast 31 106 1 1 2* 2= J Dodd « Mud Sill, Thos. Hare, Civil Lass 22562 Mneuve Ab7-8 l:34-hvy 8 101 3 4 2 2* C Labell t; Energetic, M. Frances, R.Pardee 22540 Mneuve Ab5-S l:03%slow 4 111 3 4 4 44i C Whymk 0 OrimarLad. Toison dOr. Curious 22370 KingE l. 3-4 1:16 fast 2 111 3 3 3 l1 R Estep f, Virginia S., Auster, John Marrs 22203 KingEd. 61 f 1:23 fast 5 100 4 5 4 4« J Dawson 7 Ven.Strome. Anavrl, DellaMack 22175 KingEd. 3-4 l:16%fast 6 98 4 1 1 1 C Whymk 8 Miss Brush. J. Wise, Brvnavia 21937 Mneuve Ab5-S 59%fast 4 111 6 5 3 3» R Estep 7 Barette. Hazel C, Gemmell 21893 Mneuve 61 f l:22%fast 4 112 6 5 3 3= It Esten 8 Nila, Noble Grand. Proctor 21715 KingEd. 61 f 1:24 fast 4 112 8 6 5 9"U Domick 10 V. Strome, Fastoso, Len.s Pride MANDADERO, b. g. 8 105 By Mazagan— Sekra L. E. Bird. 24026 Juarez 3-1 l:14%fast 5 1M 7 5 7 6= 6=1D Stirling S Strathearn. Old Coin. Willis 23987 Juarez 3-4 l:14%fast 6 112 1 2 4 51 7"=1D Stirling 8 EdithW., Osmobile. C.McDgall 2322S SanFran. 61 f l:0S%fast — 103 4 Itll Guy 5 Arrowsbaft, Van Horn. J. Spohn 23161 SanFran. 51 f ROSVfcfast — 10S 5 5 4 4 3? T Nolan 8 L. Kniglst, Dr. Renftr, J. Sj.ohn 2311S SanFran. 3-4 l:15%fast — 115 9 8 7 5=1 431 R Imes 11 Bogy Johnson. FredT.. JohnLouis 22921 SanFran. 3-4 1:16%fast — 115 4 2 2 2h S*| ■ Feeney .» Vireo. Wasatch. Light Knight 22402 Reno 3-4 l:14%fast 31 115 4 3 5 6" 6«J R lines 7 H.IPklns. L.Hvwootl. Ft.Jnson 22336 Reno 7-8 l:27%fast 51-10 112 5 I I 3 51 44 It Imes 8 Cecil, II. Hawkins, Far Cathav 22245 Reno 7-8 1:28 fast 16-5 115 7 6 5 6 6i 64 It Imes 8 Neb. Lass, Miss Tempo. Hannis 2215S Reno 7-S l:27%fast 12 112 2 5 5 4 3= 3=J C Gross li Christmas Eve. Cecil, Tee to 22126 Reno 51 f l:08Vsfast 14 108 7 7 7 «i 3=1 C Gross 7 TallowDip. InDntch. CherrvSeed 22160 Reno 61 t 1:08 fast 11 108 1 7 7 S S» C Gram .8 N.Eose. M.Kennedv. ILHawkins 21869 Reno 7-S l:27/sfast 17-5 113 13 3 4 51* 5«J G Warren ; Tom Chapman. Gano, Rhodes