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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. K. II c.. Mt. Sterling, Ky. Two dollars ou Lilly Chlherteoa paid 235. S. B. F. Cincinnati. 0. Da not know Mr. Craw lords Mr. Bi lineal Urea in New York. A. T. B.. Mt. sterling. Ky. A parlay on otgn Star aud Hilly nlbcrsron w mid hare called for h return of ::. B. G.. St. 1 . in-. Mo. A wager of .$. straight sod placi Lola. Wednesday, would have cilled tor a n urn oi . F. W. IL, Keytearttle, Mo. Soar allowances are about right except for the live eighths. TW • sec onds would be nearer right there. W. M. E. R.. hicago. It was not Old Hutch, hut a son of his. They were said to be en mate |o l.iliisillo and n,a he then w. 1. V.. Ioli t la. . Midi. II w,,iild be oiieliHlf of $."..25 In dead aeatu the aiaaey i- added kagetbei iiml divided equally between the backer am! the iayer.