First Race [1st Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-27

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FIRST RACE — 5 i-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13887 — 1:0.1-:, — 8—160. Z Indei OM Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St % V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish INEZ ch. f 4 103 By Alvescot — Eloisa S. Veillerl. 2T.201 Juarez .V f 1 jfast 9-5 lu6 1 11 4J 621 M Buxton 14 Lesbia, Nifty, K. of Pythias 25121 Juarez 3 I 1 :13V5fast 2 107 1 2 3 t l f" C Gross 11 El Mahdi. Lesbia. Zenotek 25078 Juarez 61 f l:06%fast 3 VK V. 11 4- f J C Gross 9 BillyCnlbertson, Nifty. ElMahdi 23841 Pimlico 1 l:42%faat 25 107 10 C 7 10 11= ll-1 F Cooper 14 St. Lazerian, Hiker, Kopje 23779 Laurel lm20vl:4J hvy 7 MS 2 7 5 5 .". B,#1L Mink 7 BoseJnllette, Laura, Jew.ofAsia • 23744 Laurel 2 4 1:14 fast fid loC 4 1 4 51 6ri L Harlvelll4 Striker, I.mtefract, Outlook 2335E H.deG06 51 f l:07Vifast 100 : S 11 7 8 S- 7s I largtonll J.J.Lillis, F.Wtizzy. Searamoucb r. ODD CROSS b. m. 5 102 By Oddfellow — Crisscross Rowan and Knight. . •" ruarez 5-8 1 :"••-fast 6 MS 7 4 4 lk 4:,i W Bichey H DixieMlna, G.Favorite, IM.abv 2 «510S Juarez 5 f 1:07 fast 15 N6 4 11 l»t 4 :i W BJcbey £ Wild Irish. Willis. Sbar. Knlgbt 2 25057 luarez G-8 Immi fast 30 Ml I 0 6 8 !• W Riehey 8 Carondolet, Old Bob, T. Daueaa 2 24951 Juarez 5-S 59%fast 30 Ml 6 2 3 * | 7» W Riehey 8 Phyllis Antoinette, Old Bob. Eel 2 "4449 Juarez 5-8 G9y5fast 12 113 6 459 9UE iiaynes 1 1 Little Jake, StollaOraine, Moller t •445 Juarez Ei f l:07=6fast 6 108 6 3 6 9 9,J1 K Hawkinsll Sal. OTtay, G.W.Kisker. Moller , 21182 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 15 108 7 2 1 121 3" E Pool 13 Lady James. Nifty, Classy Curl NOBLE GRAND, b. g. 7 109 By Oddfellow — Commena W. Elliott. 25148 Joares r.1. fi:t7 fast S-5 112 3 2 2 2* 2* A Pickens 13 Jose. Eugene Soes. CoL BandeH 2 25M8 Juarez 5 . f 1:07 fast 21 Ho 6 4 3 51 710 J Morys 8 W. Irish. Willis. SharperKnight 2 2597* Juarez 51 f 1 : 07 fast 2 107 6 2 1 l3 21J Morys 12 Miss Brush. Wild Irish, ISoas 2 24989 .luarez 3-4 1:14 fast 8 112 3 5 4 43 4J II Shilling 12 Lacliis. Van Horn. Zenotek 2 "4911 Juarez 3-4 l:14%fast 7 107 6 111- 2-1 J Morys 13 Irish Kid, Lovers Lane, Manson j 24SSO Juarez 3-4 1:14%fast 8 110 3 2 1 2» 54J J Morys 14- Gilbert Rose, Teeto, Waxemall 24795 Juarez Elfl:09%fast 12 K 7 1 8 5 6=1 6T2 J Morys 14 Lady V-»ung. Foeman, Smil. Mag j CAPT. DRUSE, b. g. 7 109 By Ben Howard — Satinet J. Bishop. "5IG Juarez 5] f 1:07 fast 15 110 6 5 E 53 4-1 R Iaul.y 10 Jose, Lesbia. El Mahdi I 25153 Jaurez 1 l:40%fast 30 110 4 1 1 1 ll 3=i R Pauley 8 Cantem. Vir-iedot. Marcus I "iO07 Juarez 1 l:40Vfcfast 10 185 2 I 4 10 10 M*« W SdVorn 10 Eek Davis, Irish Kid. Virgiedot £ 24972 Juarez 7-8 l:2*%fast 15 108 9 8 6 7 8 103J.T Acton 10 Wild Bear. NannieMeDee. Leduc 1 24H12 Juarez 1 1:41 fast 6 105 3 2 3 4 El 1*1 R Pauley S Ceos, Virgiedot, Endurance 24831 Juarez 11:40 fast 12 M6 6 7 5 6 9 9° R Pauley 11 IIuskyLad. B.Jobnson, B.Spiller ■ 24799 Juarez 11:42 fast 15 110 3 2 2 2 21 l1 R Pauley 11 Lone Star, Mandadero, Barnard • 24058 Juarez 61 f l:15/5hvy 7 107 12 Fell. T Henry 12 Jen. Crawford. J. Nolan. Lenore j CALIFORNIA JACK. b. g. 5 109 By Ben Howard— Satinet E. T. Miller. 24224 Juarez 7-8 l:271fcfaat 5 108 S 2 1 1 ll 661 D Stirling 11 D.Montgomery. Cecil, Downland ! 24210 Juarez 3-4 l:12~fast 4 109 4 1 1 1» 7i D Stirling 11 Upright, Kid Nelson, Little Jake 1 24131 Juarez 5-8 LOOVifast 12 110 E 5 3 3= 3= II Shilling 14 RealWortb, OldCoin, D.Mackll. ! 24077 Juarez 5-S l:01%good 7 112 3 6 4 6* 6Ti E Pool S Lev. James, Choctaw. Brighouse ] 24029 Juarez 5-S 59 last 6 107 3 8 7 7 7" T Henry S Busy Edith. Vorkville. General 23999 Juarez 5-S 1 :01%fast 6 107 7 5 4 2» 121 T Henry 7 General. J. Crawford, TUlotaon 21545 Denver 51fl:10%mud 33 5 107 5 2 1 2=1 4«1 R Feeney 10 Kid Nelson, Wasatch. Oscuro CLASSY CURL. ch. f, 4 98 By Prospero — Miss Zemansky J. L. Beckham. 1 25165 Joares 3-4 l:13*andfaat 10 110 5 6 4 4=14 E Smith 7 Jen. Small, G.Pickett, A.McGee 3 24319 Juarez 7-8 l:2ij*sfast 2 bi? 5 2 1 2 S3 Ssl E Smith 14 Jobn Louis. Rooster. Taper Tip 1 1243 Juarez 3-4 l:12-;3fast 20 102 6 6 4 4" 3J H Phillips 8 Colle. Tbelma Marie, Tactless 1 24182 Juarez Gl f l:o7 fast 30 101 6 6 6 5* 4-J C Nelson 13 Lady James. Nifty, Odd Cross 248M Juarez 3-4 l:15£fast 20 111 10 7 9 8 8ia T Bobbins 12 Tillotson, ILStrcet. KatharineG. 24071 Juarez 5-S 1:03 slow 15 M 7 10 10 9 7121T Henry 11 Category, Safranor, Aunt Elsie 24038 Joares G-S LOOandfast 20 109 5 4 7 52 3° T Robbins It Sweetdale, Moller. Noble Grand t TEMPY DUNCAN, b. m, 5 102 By Billy Mayhue — Edna Edwards D. Moore. L Juarez 51 t l:"745fast 8 Ma 9 4 4 9 9=J T Hayes 14 Lesbia. Nifty, K. of Pythias 20037 Juarez 5-8 l:"* fast 20 M 4 2 2 21 3J O Gentry S Caroodolet, Old Bob. Eel ■ Juarez 3-4 l:14%fast 7 108 7 4 4 13 13"1W Ormes 14 Gilbert Rose. Teeto, Waxemall : "1719 Juarez 5-8 l:02good 60 IM 2 3 4 4* *** E MeCown 11 ranbachapi. Carondolet. Moller : Ib-JIO N.Orlns 51 f l:06%fast 30 lo6 3 2 4 63 721 S Johnson ! l.uria. Martin Casca, Colors ; 188*1 N.Orlns 61 f l:0C%fast 40 104 3 3 3 7 7" S Johnson 7 Tseeit. Viley. Birka 17831 Ilillcrest Abo-8 1:01 fast 4 109 2 1 l2 1" E Carter 9 Prince Chap. Little Ep, Tee May I SKINNY B.. b. c. 4 103 By Lithos — Apple Bloom F. J. Borland. 25149 Joares 11:41 fast 6 Ml 4 3 2 2 T- 23 X Hayes 7 Mollle Cad, Electrowan, NinaK. • - .luarez 1 l:38/sfast 20 MS 2 5 4 4 7 714H Shilling R LonisePaaL B.Spiller, Virgiedot : ■ .,.117 Juarez 7-8 IdSfefaat 30 VS 6 8 5 4 51 683 J Collins S B.Jnson, D.Muoeiv. B. A. Jones : 24956 Joares 1 l:40V5fast 20 103 3 7 5 11 11 HOIT Hayes 12 B. Johnson. Irish Kid, Virgiedot : 24867 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 15 lu8 2 8 8 7 71 71* W Ormes ! Alda. Wild Bear. Bogv Johnson 24772 Juarez 7-8 l:29Msfast 12 108 6 6 6 6 8 8° W Ormes 10 Gano. Prospero Son. B. Johnson 247-h Juarez 1 l:4C5hvy 30 106 2 1 1 1 l2 4" R Booker 10 First Star. Type, Downland I LOUIS DES C0GNETS, b. g, 8 104 By Ben Brush — Coppelia I. Striker. 24795 Juarez 51 f l:0»-fast 20 107 9 13 12 11 M»« C DrlacoU 14 Lady Yoong, Foeman. Smil. Mag 24761 Joares i-2 61%fast 6 200 4 5 5»» *»• Mr Cline c old coin. Eel. Lovers Laae 24699 Joares I 1 1:20 hvy 8 105 8 6 7 4* E»» C Drisco.l 13 Leduc. 1ros. Son, Great Friar 24853 Joares Et f 1:17 hvy 8 107 4 3 4 44 ."- C Uriscoll 11 Andy II.. Groat Friar. Pros. Son : 24403 Juarez 3-i l:14%fast 20 111 4 12 10 12 971 L Hartw111-t M.C.ghill, Col.Randell. Waxeml 24182 Juarez El f 1:07 fast 20 103 13 13 9 7" 82 C Driscoll 13 Lady James. Nitty, Odd Cross 24123 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 15 107 4 11 11 11 l2l* C Driscoll 14 Superb Lady James, B. Spiller BAT MASTERSON, ch. g. 12 104 Bv Frankfort— Vanessa L. Haymaker. 25148 Joares 51 f IM fast 10 lo7 13 13 13 13 13s* 3 Morys 15 Jose, Noble Grand. Eugene Sues 119 Joares 3-4 l:13%fast 12 107 6 12 11 ll 11 -3 J Morys 12 M.Tilghman, F .Article. L.Lane •EM* Juarez ," f 1 :06%fast 20 ]o7 S I * S 911 W Schorn B BillyCnlbertson. Nifty, ElMahdi ill 13 Juarez 3-4 1:14%fast 6 105 6 2 1 1] I28 J Morys 14 M.Coghill, Col. Randeli, Waxeml 24339 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 40 103 Propped. C Mergler 13 Kid Nelson. L. James. Tillotson 24261 Juarez El f 1 :07a.-,f ast 4 107 6 2 2 3* 8,21W Schornl2 Valladolid. Little Abe. Eel 2112 Juarez Gl f 1:07 fast 10 103 4 11 13 13 132« VV ScITornl3 Lady James, Nifty. Odd Cross MISS FOLLY, br. m. 5 107 Bv Bonnie Joe — La Dotta J. V. Hunley. L Joares ■"■. f 1 : 7* S 115 8 10 11 II llki Gentry 14 Lesbia. Nifty, K of Pythias 25M9 Joares •".1. f 1 ."7-| 3 no 5 6 I 72 V % D Stirling f Pajaroits II.. Evran. Barbarita 676 Juarez 51 f 16%fast 12 lb 6 6 4 G3 Gi D Stirling 9 BillyCnlbertson, Nifty, ElMahdi 25006 Juarez ;, f : " 30 105 7 E 4 6"* 6"1D Stirling 7 JakeAnrenl. CarrieUrme. Useelt luarez 5*. f i KM%fast S no 7 7 5 5« 5»JD Stirling 13 Robt.Manteli, Zenotek, ElMahdi luarez 51 f l:l*W»vy 10 110 6 2 5 5H 931 J Mulhare 12 Jen. Crawford, J.Nolan. Lenore 24485 Joares 5-8 69%fast 15 10s 10 lo M 10 lo:o .1 kfnlhare 10 S. Gralae, Old Bob. K.ofPythias GILBERT ROSE, blk. g. 9 109 By Ravelston — Lavena C. Polk and Lamar. 25132 Juarez 3-4 l:13%fast 6 107 2 4 7 8 B»» O Gentry DM. Ticket, U. Sedalia, I.. James 25108 Joares 51 f 1:07 fast 10 112 5 6 S 7 S" C Gross 0 Wild Irish. Willis, Sbar. Knight 25035 Juarez :.. f 1 12 105 I ■". 7 7 71-1 C Gross t Leduc. Frances G., Real Worth 25016 Joares 5". f 1:06 fast 6 112 3 6 5 6* 631M Buxton 8 Azurea. Kel. Heal Worth 1880 Juarez 1-4 l:14%fast 3 110 2 5 5 3? V C Grass 14 Teeto. Waxemall. MaBSOn 24771 Juarez 3-4 Lltl-fast 60 ]oS 1 2 2 22 4si C Gross 1.3 M. Alan. Waxemall. Man on Juarez 51 f Hl.ihvy 15 112 7 8 S 8 8-3 J Acton 12 Jen. Crawford, J.Nolan. Lenore

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