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UNLUCKY MELBOURNE CUP WINNERS. The fact of Patrobaa lieing under a cloud draws renewed attention to the fact of a number ol Melbourne iup winners having done little good on the turf aubaequently to tuelr ancceaa bj thai race. Running back thirty y.-ais. it may be mentioned that h.uii:li Ars nil ran well on si-vend occasions, he never won aiivthing after the Melbourne 1 up of issc,. The cup of the following year alao file lahed Dnnlop aa a winner. He was ananceeasfn] in of his f.uir anbaeqoent races, one of tneae being the Sydney Tmf Clubs AanlTeraary Handicap, for which with 1 3 pounds he started favorite. Mentor won 1 couple of weight-forage races after his cup. I. at Braro did not add to his winning bracket after beating Carbine in the Melbourne Cup of 1886; in f. • t. be only ran once auain. that iKing in the ls«.o Eaaendon Stakes, in which he was last to tiaiaa ua a field of five. Carbine continued a successful career after the 1S9 cup. but Malvolio. which was f ir-t home in lsyi. iK-ver after gol to the front, notwithstanding be was thought g 1 enough to make favorite with 134 pounds for the foil. .wing cop. Gtenloth, the 1892 winner, alao failed to maintain the reputation he gained on that OCCaaioa, and it would seem as if the exceptionally heavy going had a ileal to do with liis Immii- enrolled among the winners of Australias richest handicap. He did not win an-Otber race, nor did Tarcoola. after downing Cam-age and Jeweller in the * Xl «up. fa* which he started at 40 to 1. Though Patron aron the is;i4 up. he was unsue, essful during the remainder of his career, and after her victory in the Melbourne Cup of ISM. the only race won by Auraria was the Oaks at the same meeting. Uuulus, too, failed to do any good after land ing the 1S97 cup. that being his last win; and Merriwees single ancceaa after his Melbourne Cup was the C. B. Fisher Plate at the same fixture. Clean Sweep fared better, as be also won the Loeli Plate and Australian Jockey Clubs St. Leger before being sent to England. Revenues prospeets of further distinguishing himself after the Melbourne Cup seemed particularly bright, but the Victoria Amateurs Turf Clubs St. Helier Stakes was the only race he added to his record. The 1904 cup was Aeraaiaa final win, but Bine Bpee and Poaeidoa did further good service for their respective owners. Apologue won the Baoendoa stakes the autumn following bis Melbourne Cup. but in India be was of little account. The Parisian, which accounted for the 1911 cup. did a lot of racing anfawqnftly, but no success attended his efforts. Iosinatus may have been a trifle lucky to win in WIS, and since then he has only added the Grandstand Stakes ,f 285 pounds to his credit account. It is improbable be will race again, and Klngaburgh has done little racing, and only recorded one place since he landed the big stake for Mr. L. K. s. MacKinnon in the 1914 cup. Patrobaa has not started since winning in November, and it will only be in keeping with the bad luck that has later attended mi many cup winners if he should not have the opportunity of fulfilling the great promise as a race horse that be gave in the spring. Before he won either the Derby or Cup I heud one of Melbournes- recognized good Judges prophecy that in the autumn he would prove himself in- of the best itayera Australia bad s,. ai for a long time. It is to be hoped the colts trouble does not prove really serious, as his loss to the turf would be something to be regretted. — "Pilot" in Sydney Referee.