Loftus and Father Riley: Race Head and Head All the Way with Loftus Proving Victor, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-29


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LOFTUS AND FATHER RILEY RACE HEAD AND HEAD ALL THE WAY WITH LOFTUS PROVING VICTOR. Big Crowd and Fine Weather Features at Oaklawn Yesterday — Goodwood Takes His Third Consecutive Race — Jockey Burns Set Down. lint Sining-;. Ark., March 28. — The fhrtr fpjsrtrrn handicap w 1 1 i ■ 1 1 featan d todays card .it Oaklawa resolved Itself, int. i ■ hard fought du -l betweea Lottos and F.itliiT Kilty, which, after battling fur the supremacy for every stride of the way, cause to the finish heads apart. Loftus race this afteraaaa represented a vast improvement over his afcwaiilHL in ;i preceding start, bat be probably weald hare baea taken into eamp l.y the Baker Imrse had afar- pay been n bit more alert at the start and get Father Riley off more forwardly. lie was tarred to race at high prtasarc to overtake Koftus la the first three-eighths. Loftus having secured a g I advantage before the others pat fully in their Pather ROej showed in froat just before n, muling lata the stretch, bat Laftaa repassed him and retained an advantage of a head to the finish, lontefract might bare beatea both with intelligent ridini;. Ideal weather was again the order this afternoon and helped considerably toward bringing out an imnieiise crowd. The sport was keen throughout, with favorites capturing a fair share of the prizes. Barly Kiser was a disappointment in the opi nor. in which he was away badly and failed to get Bay portion of the pane. Insurgent had matters his own way in the second. Italgee. which Ifootoa got practically hft in a fat in start, showed his iiest form this afteraooa and heat Old Bah, Which was intended as a good thing. The smart set weal down with a thud in tin-fifth race, when Dryad was taken into camp in decisive fashion by Good wood and Mm Graham. Renes -honing in the race was decidedly bad and Hums riding of her caused much adverse comment. Jockey W. J. OBrien was suspended for four days, by the starter for disobedience at the post. Jockey Frank Keogh will depart tomorrow for Howie, where lie will join the Kmil llerz stable ami begin riding for that turfman. Jockey E. Ambrose, wlio is under contract to the Robert Davies stable, will also leave for the Maryland course tomorrow. Jar key llailaa. who will pilot the horses trained by J. 1. Mayberry, haves for Howie tomorrow. 11. 1. WUUaata was an arrival this morning from Louisville and stated that there are more good-looking horses in Kentucky this spring than ever before. .Many of them are well advanced in their preparation and a great season of racing is expected by the various associations. Judge Allie W. Young, a member of the Kentucky State Kaciag Commission, was among todays arrivals and visited the track. lie will remain here for some time. lie spoke glowingly of the prospects for Kentucky racing this year. Following lit mis bad showing, judge Campbell had a lengthy session with jockey H. Burns and owner llogan and. alter the last race, the indefinite suspension of I.urns was announced. Oeorgo Ado. the well-known humorist, was a visitor with a party of friends. Training gallops over a fast track this morning were: Altamaha — Three -qaartere in 1:18. Itill Simmons Five-eighths in 1:46%. ■" Backsbot Three -qaartere in 1:18. Bernini— Three -eighth* in 39. Carrie Ornie Half mile in 50. Camellia Mulh-r Three-eighths in 88%. Dr. Carmen Mile in It."-... Detour Three eighths in :,T. Bdea lark -Half mile in S3. Krin - Three-iiuarters in 1:21. Kleanor N. Half mile in 52. Kl Pato— Half mil.- in 62%. Florin Mile in 1:47. For Fair Quarter mile in 25"-.. Greenwood Three -quarters in 1:18%. Jeanette Three -eighths in 3s. Jim Graady Half mile in M%. Kooteaaj Half milt in :.•;. Laekrooe Three-qaarters in 1:21. Little Bigger Three-eighths in 88%. Lyndon Half mile in 58. Monsieur lcrci Mile in 1 : III. Manioc— Half mile in Mi... Miss Frames Three-quarters in 1:20. Modesto Hoy I hit e-cightlis in :!!». Maudic Three quarters in 1:21. Pedro Half mile in 88%. Rubicon II. Fie eighths in 1 :68, Rio Braaos Pi ve -eighths in lot. Ralph s. Three-qaarters in 1:21. Resign rhree-i|iiaiters in 1 21. Roy Three qaarters in 1:17 .. Sang Hleu Half mil- in 98. Sti h tiff Five-eighths in 1 17 llhH WSbaiJ Half mile in 55. Sevillian Three qaarters in 1:28. Hebagu Three quarters in l 18%. Sir L. Joe Half mih- in 51%. She Will Three • .glide, in :.s. sell Bar hi Three qaarters in 1 :_. flic Wolf Five eighths in 1 :05. 1 oris Ike Hal! mile in 53. ampirc Three quarters in 1:21. Wise Hand live eighths in 1 :0S. YalUba Three -qaarters in 1:17 ...

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Local Identifier: drf1916032901_1_2
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