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NEW ORLEANS COMMITTEES NAMED. New Oilcan-. La.. March 28. — PaTaaaUlt to actloa taken last TTrdarsdSJ night at the specially c tiled meeting of the ihsirhnldnrs t.f the B— It as Ileas Racing Association. Archibald Marx, who was appelated chairman of the stockholders eonuoitl * with authority to select the men Whs an- to sen,. on sofeeommittees, has given out the names , f those hosen for the rariooa committees. As a result of one of the resolutions passed ■Wednesday Bight, there will In- three subcommittees appointed as follows: One to demand restitution from those directors who accepted the homey rated them at tin BMetiag of the boarti of directors; one to iaveeligate all pro jeets and decide upon the best method for utilizing the surplus fund on hand in the associations liry; and one to saggest the nanus of nine shareholders at the annual meeting, these nine shareholders to serve as tin- future board of directors. It was stipulated m the resolution providing for • the appointment of a committee to th inaiiil restita-t Ion from the directors who received anil kept the "salarieb" voted theiu, that the fees paid the at- ■ • ■ torneys. John P. Sullivan and John J. Reilly, sl.ouhl be exempt. ■ The personnel of the three committees is given here : Committee to demand restitution: Albert Tujague. president of the Loubat Glassware and ark Company, chairman: Alfred 8. water, president St. Charted Hotel: R. s. Eddy, .ir.. secretary Adams, Heck and Company; J. s. Waterman, president .1. s. Waterman iV Company; Charles Sugarman. of Kohl-man Proa, ft Sugarman. Committee to suggest disposition of surplus: Victor LeHcau. president De Soto Hotel, chairman; Ernest Lee Jahake, pteaMeat Aasociatiaa of Commerce: W. L. Miltenberger. cashier Halted Btates Savings Hank; I. B. liennyson. president Basiaeas Mens Facing Association.; Jus .Mayer, president Ous Mayer A: Cosapaay. Committee to suggest future directors: Dr. G. A. McDiurwid, president American Faint Works, chair man; John t. Qftbsas, Jr.. t.f Joha T. GBmoaa A Compaaj ; Charles A. Bartwi II. preatdeat c. C. HartweU Cosapaay; Frank LteteUier, of LeteUier, Phillips Cam pa ay; Edward 0. Bchleider, preaideat American F.rewing Company.