untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-29


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Daily Racing Form The only daily newspaper in existence devoted to the thoroughbred horse and the running turf. All American form charts by telegraph, with indexed entries. Compact, correct, cleanly edited and printed. Publisher of a Monthly Form Book of the highest value to students of racing. Handicap figures on all entries. No tips; just the mathematical calculations of experts. No opinions; just the news of each day by wire. The index numbers are always correct. Daily Racing Form is a model of correct detail in newspaperdom. L. — f 5 cents per copy TERMS... J $ 1.50 per month i 7.00 per annum Am plain envi-loju-il letter] HrNl-rlass mail. Single «aplca by mail, cents, i Circulates in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Continental Europe, Great Britain, Cuba, the Philippines. On sale each day before noon in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Cleveland, Buffalo and points between, 1 and shortly after noon in Kansas City and correspondingly distant points. F. H. BRUNELL, Editor :: C. C. RILEY, Associate Editor i , r : Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ! 74 EXCHANGE STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. i r __________________—____— ,, , TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. , Harrison 1314. 1315, 1316, All Departments. OWEN H. fAY LIVERY CO. ■ AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE • 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL u Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama. W. H. H. HARDING. Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, be-.„ tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Onen all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs fur-i nish a certain cure for kidney diseases. :d BATES: 5 PER WEEK. SKIRTS made of your ov. n material. WILSON, 1418 Stevens Building, Chicago Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT SUNSET MOUNTAIN. ASHEVILLE; N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn: walls five feet thick of granite boulders. Water from slopes of highest mountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf links in the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Sunset Mountain :: Asheville, North Carolina. t

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916032901/drf1916032901_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1916032901_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800