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R. T. WILSONS STRING MOSTLY JUVENILES. President of Saratoga Association Has English-Breds, Besides Some of His Own Breeding. By Ed Cole. New York. March 28. — Judging from the twenty bend of horses in the stable of R. T. Wilson, the president of the Saratoga Association for the Improvement of the Breed of Horses will start this years campaign with a strong hand. With the exception of three all are two-year-olds, five of them being imported. Some are from the Madden farm and seven are sired by the good horse Olain-bala. which won so many races for Mr. Wilson during his racing career. The genial Tom Healey. who has them in charge, has done what he could with his material at Belmont lark to fit them for track work. Manager Ielz is confident that he will have the BelBsOUt lark training track in condition for working by the middle of this week, as there has been a letup in the cold weather the past day or two and only a sudden change for the worse will send the horses back to their shed work again. "If we only had some decent weather I would have been able to tell more about my horses." said Mr. Healey "As it is. there they are. just as you sea them. One thing I can say. they are all healthy and some of them seem to Ik- made of the light sort of stuff for race horses. Rut we can never tell until they are tried just how they are going to turn out. I have no particular choice so far among the two-year-olds. There are five from the other side which are mighty well bred, according to the records, but they dont all outlook some of the home bred stock. They may prove the better, but that is a question yet to lie answered. We shall know more bout them when they clash with each other and get mixed up with the imported and home bred material from other stables. What we want just now is some decent weather, the kind that makes both man anil beast appreciate life. As soon as we get that and I can get the horses working, some idea can be gathered of what to expect from this batch of youngsters. As for the older horses, they are ready to go on the track at the first break. Tartar will go in the handicaps and stakes, but Moniresor is only a moderate selling plater, though some folks think he is a stake horse. Oriuesdalc will be sent after some of the three-year-old events. He was a good sort of a two-year-old and he may prove even better as a three-year-old. It will take good horses to win races this year, much better than it did last year, especially in the two and three-year-old divisions. There will lie a lot of what can be termed good three -year-olds in training and there being something like a couple of hundred two-year-olds from England and France the interest in the sport will be immeasurably increased. The rivalry between owners who have imported youngsters is now great and it will be greater when the time comes for racing. I think this will be the greatest year this country has ever seen for racing, owing to the international interest in the horses. That is one thing the war has done for this country — it has enabled American owners to buy English and French horses which would never have seen this country but for the European strife " Following is the list of horses that will carry the R. T. Wilson colors this season: Campfire. eh. c, 2. by Olambala — Nightfall. Hanohnln, eh. C, 2. by Olambala — Mexoana. Night Owl. b. e. 2. by Star Shoot— White Owl. Straight Forward, b. c, 2, by Star Shoot — Frankness. Trentino. eh. c. 2. by Star Shoot- May Florence. Ray colt. 2. by Olambala— Mauviette. Ray colt. 2. by Desmond Ardent. Rlack colt. 2. by Star Shoot -Royal inn. Brawn colt. 2. by Olambala Madcheii. Rrown colt. 2. by Santoi Cornfield. Chestnut colt. 2. by Olambala — Lady Navarre. Chestnut gelding. . by Olambala-Witchcraft. Chestnut gelding. 2. by Radium Fayre. Kay filly. 2. by Ogdeu— Lymlall. Ray filly. 2. by Dark Ronald -Rest Relic. Rrown filly, 2, by Royal Fox — mare by Engineer —Miss Betty. Chestnut filly, 2. by Olambala — Fantasque. Ormesdale, ch. c. 3. by Ormondale — Madchen. Tartar, b. g, i, by Ogdeu — Yankee Sister. Montresor, ch. g, 6, by Monfort — Madchen.