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NEW ORLEANS FAIR PROSPERING. Paton Rouge. La.. May 24. — Arrangements for the co-operation of the state department of agriculture and the state experiment stations with the National Livestock and Farm Show to lie held in New Orlean-in Nnvemlier under the auspices of the Pusiness Mens Racing Association, were made at a conference of I. P. Rennysoii. general manager of the fair, with Harry D. Wilson, the new commissioner of agriculture", and Dr. Dndson of the experiment station. The fair has Ix-en fixed for Novemlier 11 to 1» at the Fair Grounds, New Orleans. Work already has begun on a model farm, dipping vats, and other agricultural exhibits. "The dipping vat will be the first in Orleans parish." Mr. Rennysoii said, "ami we exjiect to tender its use free to stock owners in and about the city as soon as it is completed. The fair project is going ahead swimmingly. We have fixed our date of o|M-uing five days later than Shereveport closes and are to get a trainload of exhibits from there. This will help both fairs."