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LOUISIANA COMMISSION BILL BEATEN. Raton ltouge, La., June 30. Racing legislation met a sudden and unexpected end in the House, when the Ashford-Sehalf racing commission bill not only failed to pass, but failed of a majority of those present and therefore died without the customary privilege of a motion to reconsider the following day. The death of the bill was accomplished without debate. The vote was ayes -17, nays 53. Dan Ashford of Tensas, one of the introducers, moved its final passage and moved the previous question, the latter motion being intended to shut off debate. Only a vlve voci vote the previous question carried and the roll call began without a word being uttered either in favor or against the bill. The measure was introduced some weeks ago and feinee then a quiet but none the less strenuous campaign has been conducted for votes. Two weeks ago the opposition got into action and an equally active canvass against the bill has been going on. When the measure came up for passage the proponents were in doubt as to its standing, but decided to go ahead rather than obstruct other legislation. They expected, however, to be able to poll a majority of votes of the members present, which would have enabled a reconsideration and another trial at passage. They fell short several votes through absentees, however, and lost a vote or two in the final inning. The proponents took the defeat philosophically. The measure was presented merely on the chance that it might pass aud the defeat was no shock to them.