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FORT ERIE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprcntice allowance. First Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. Track record: S4542 1:00 2 101.. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 27300 Bright Sand 109 1:02 109X725 27275 Wall Street 100 1:01 109X720 27440 Dandy Fay 105 l:04sy 102X715 27035 Little Wonder ... 102.. 715 27459 Gratitude 107 1 :07h 109X710 27275 Kestrel 99 1:01 97.. 090 20195 Comaclio Ill 1:05 h 105.. 090 20925 Minnetonka 102.. 085 Bright Sand has been racing promisingly. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 84318 1:05 5 109. 27258s Vilev 102 1:00 7 111X725 27170 Ratina 112 1:05 5 114X720 271S3 Undaunted 105 1:07 5 109X715 27202 Rosemary 108 1:05 0 109.. 710 27-198 Old Bob 100 1:00 -1 111X710 2732S Orotund 107 1:07 5 111.. 710 27390 Pampinea 101 1:00 0 109.. 705 23015 Crvstal 105 1:08. 4 109.. 705 27498 Perpetual 101 1:0.3 5 111.. 705 27398 Anxiety 108 1:09 4 110X705 27328 Brookeiess 101 1:08 4 109.. 700 10154 Chanticlor 100 1:00 9 109X700 21487 Del Friar 107 1:07 8 111X700 Viley should be able to beat such opposition. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-voar-olds. Selling. Track record: 813181:05 5 109. 27103s Luciie P 101 1:10 107X725 27178s Bon Otis 107.. 720 27219 Valerie West 107X710 27403 Burbank 107X705 Zamora, b. f, by Order Zahra.. 101 27147 Dental 111.. 700 Luciie P. has less to beat than recently. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 100141:11 1102. 27257 Robert Bradley ...100 1:12 0 112X735 27257s Peskv 98 1:13 3 98X730 27449 Fair Helen 101 1:13 4 98x730 20303 Billy McGce 104 1:11 3 95.. 720 Robert Bradley can win again if he is on good behavior. Fifth Race 1 3-1C Milss. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 97527 1:57 5 120. 27399s Captain Parr 97 2:01 4 1O0X725 27381 Nannie McDee 7 103X720 27401s Chad Buford 0 104X720 27402 Osmonde 4 103X700 27451 Chevron 4 103X700 27402 Nigadoo 5 99X090 An open race. Sixth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-ohls and upward. Canadian-foaled. Selling. Track record: 90700 1:37 5 100. 27395 Ravencourt 103 1:14 4 107X725 27357 Copper King 90 1:43 3 101X720 27458 Billy Frew 104 l:40h 3 108X720 27395s Gartley 100 1:41 4 105X715 27395 Garish Sun 110 1:43 4 115X710 27395 F. E. Gaiety 3 95.. 705 27325 Froissart 101 1:41 5 107.. 705 27215s Birdland M 3 84.. 700 27502 Amphion 100 1:41 .5 108X700 Ravencourt is showing consistently good form. Seventh Race 1 3-16 Miles. 4-vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: 97527 1:57 5 120. 27104 LOHENGRIN 0 110X725 27402 Billie Baker 107 2:01 0 1100710 27404 Dicks Pet 5 108X715 27402- Goldv 102 1:59 0 1100715 27329 Fc-nrock 4 109X710 27404 Sluniberer 4 100X705 Lohengrin is right on edge and should repeat.