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BELMONT PARKS AUTUMN STAKE RACES. Although not a matter of certainty at present, it appears to be quite probable that New Yorkers an; to enjoy fall racing at Aqueduct and Jamaica. However that may turn out, there is no doubt whatever about racing at Belmont Park. The meeting at the big track is to open August 2! and terminate September 11, thus providing twelve days of the sport. As stellar attractions the Westchester Racing Association has provided a list of thirteen stake races, entries to which will close at midnight of next Saturday. Ten are to be run 011 the flat ami three are well-endowed steeplechases. One feature is- the renewal of the Lawrence Realization. This formerly highly-important, valuable race for three-year-olds, was last contested in 10BI, when it fell to Rock View with Monoeni-y second and Rock Fish third. Its greatest value was in 180-1, when Dobbins won with Hornpipe second and Key El Santa Anita third, its net return then being :1.100. It has now been cut down from its old distance of a mile and five-eighths to a mile and a quarter witli ,500 added. Particulars of the stajecs now 011 offer appear in tin; advertising section of this issue of Daily Racing Form. These are events worthy of liberal patronage and owners should hasten to send in their nominations.