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BAY RONALDS K0ST BRILLIANT SON. That the Derby victory of Minoru in the livery of the late King seven summers ago was immensely popular goes without saying. That the lHaror of the royal -colors was the best of his year few. however, would care to assert. The champion of the period, despite the fact that he was unplaced to Minoru in the Epsom race, was Bayardo. a son of Bay Ronald and Galicia. dam also of Lemberg. Bayardo belonged to Mr. Fairie, by whom he was bred. Tin; colt had a brilliant two-year-old career, running in seven races, all of which he won. His initial appearance was made in the New Stakes at Asc.ot. favorite for which was Perola. which subse. quently won the Oaks. The filly could, however, only gain third position. Bayardo winning by a length and a half, with Perdiccas second. Bayardo next, took part in the valuable National Breeders" Produce Stakes nt Saudown Park, which he won comfortably from the Excollenza colt, afterwards named Glasgcrion. At Goodwood he easily defeated Aivid and two others in the Richmond Stakes, while nt the First October Meeting at Newmarket he won both the Buckcnham Stakes and the Rouse Memorial Stakes from moderate opposition. By this time Bayardo had "made good," and when he was saddled for the Middle Park Plate only three animals appeared to oppose him. Starting, at 0 to 1 on, the son of Bay Ronald defeated Vivid without much effort. A fortnight later he turned out for the Dewhurst Plate, in which he again ran across Perola. The latter accounted for all but the Manton-trained colt, which, however, had three lenghts to spare when the judges box was reached. This was his final essay of the year, and he retired for the winter bearing the reputation of a really good colt. He was not seen out again until Two Thousand day. Having regard to his juvenile exploits, it was not surprising that lie started favorite, odds of 1." S on being bet. lie, however, failed to get nearer than fourth. Minoru, Phaleron and I.ouviers filling the leading berths. The colt next took part in the Derby, for which he started third in request. Tin; American-bred Sir Martin, it may be recalled, was favorite, but fell in the course of the contest. Ultimately there was a great finish between Minoru. I.ouviers and AVilliam the Fourth, the first-named winning by a short head, AVilliam the Fourth being a half length further away, Bayardo finishing fifth. The colt was not thoroughly wound up on this occasion, and in the circumstances he may be said to have run creditably. AVhen he subsequently returned to form, however, there was no stopping him, and before his second year had concluded he had recorded eleven consecutive victories. Among the races which fell to his share were the Prince of AVales Stakes at Ascot, the Sandringham Foal Stakes, the Eclipse Stakes, the Duchess of York Plate and the St. Leger. By Doncaster time he had long since rehabilitated himself in the good graces of the public, anij he was installed favorite for the last of the classics. 11 to 11 being laid on him. though Minora uaturally had many supporters prepared to accept 7 to !. Others of the field Mere Anloiis, Bachelors Double and The Story, all of which distinguished themselves in handicaps. Nothing, however, had any chance with Bayardo, which beat Valens by a length and a half, Mirador depriving the Derby winner of third place. Two days after his St. Leger triumph Bayardo took part in the Doncaster stakes, in which he experienced most trouble from Verney, though the future Cosarcwitch winner was well beaten at the finish. In his next race, the Champion Stakes, lie was opposed by Dean Swift and AVhite Eagle. Mr. .1. B. Joels old horse made a race of it and though Bayardo landed the odds laid on him it was only by a neck that the victory was gained. As a four-year-old Bayardo ran on five occasions The first race in which he took part was the Fiftieth Biennial at Newmarket. In this odds of 100 to ! were laid on him and he won easily from Great Peter. In the Chester Vase, however, he only defeated AVilliam the Fourth by a head. At Ascot, on the other hand, he had no difficulty in winning the Gold Cup from the French five-year-old Sea Sick II. and Bachelors Double. The other competitors were Pure Gem, Southnunali, Royal Realm, Buckwheat, Sir Martin. Carrousel, AVilliam the Fourth, Aveu another French-bred Brousiuu and Apache. Bayardo won easily by four lengths. Then he won the Dulliiigliaui Plate in leisurely fashion and next appeared as one of three contestants for the Goodwood Cup, the two others being Magic and Bud. Those who desired to support Bayardo had to lay 20 to 1 on and, truth to tell, it looked all those odds on. But to the dismay of onlookers, Magic, ridden by Rickaby, defeated the favorite by a neck. This was P.ayardos last race and in the following season he embarked upon his stud career. One of the first of his offspring was Good and Gay, which won the Bessborough Stakes and Ruckcnhaiu Stakes, while he was also the sire of Ali Bey. "J. F. P." in London Sporting Life.