Empire City Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, July 19, Daily Racing Form, 1916-07-19

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Empire City Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, July 19. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. c o Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tho figures under tho heading "Rcc." in tho Demoiselle Stakes. Value ,500. entries below show He best time of each horse ,, ,.. at the distance, tincc January 1. 1911, no matter 2-year-olds. I dlies. Allowances. i whero it finished. In cases whore record was Track record: Oct. 22, 1900 1:01 2 103. 1 made on other than a fast. or good track, abbro- , viations show track conditions. fd. Horse. A t. Lee. A.A t.II.in. o o 27727 Ilalhor 111.. 725 Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. 27X!f Marie Odile 110. .720 XRnns well in mud. Superior mud runner. 110.. 720 217 Queen of the Water M maidens. Apprentice allowance. .v , 10i, 122..ir -1r 27l3. Tragedy First Eacc-5 1-2 Furlongs. w,,11Cy cUl. M. 105.. 710 -yoar-obls .Soiling 277S13 Storm Nymph JI. 105.. 705 Track record: Oct. 22, 1900 1:0! 2 103. Sl Mother MachrceM 10.,.. .80 Id. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. A- ocliniii entry. 27.592 KING BAGGOT .. 111.. 700 - 27701 Moonlighter M...ll 1:11 Jf.s 101x090 "thors only race was impressive. 27812 Dyson M 105 1:11 97.. 090 Fifth Race 1 Mile. 27812 Doc Meals .......115 1:10 102..0S5 2-year-ohls and upward. Allowances. 20073 Flare M 101.. S Track record: July 20, 1909 1:38 if. 5-US. King Baggot is the only one that has been show- 27591 Kilkenny Boy ...121 1:391 4 110X73.7 ing anything. 277003 J. J. Lillis 103 1:37 lh 5 113X730 Second Race 1 Mile. 27090 AVoodward 115 1:40 .1 101X725 O-year-olds and upward. Selling. 27813 Malachite 107 l:39f. 3 99X72"! Track record: July 20, 1909 1:3S 5 US. 277302 Sun God 95 1:39 3 101X72.", 277003 J. J. Lillis 100 1:37 5 109X735 27142 Hank ODay 110 1:39 4 11 OX 720" 275913 Saratoga 103 1:38 4 114X730 202043 Boots .r 110.. 705 270902 Sam MoMeekin. . ..10S 1:39 4 112X725 2755S3 Pinch Al 115 1:40 4 100X705 27450 Spearhead 102 1:39 5 110X725 277202 Gunbearer 10311:39 5 110X700 27813s Sprint 107 l:40Jf. 3 102X720 27557 Meditation Al ..107 1:42 3 93.. 090 27S103 Andes 100 1:39 5 110.. 715 Kilkenny Boy has done everything asked of him. 27150 Superintendent ...109 1:40 5 114X715 . , . . . . , ., Sixth t, Race About 3-4 Mile. 27759 Illuminator 100 1:12 3 100X7B, , , , ... . ... . ,,, 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ..-..-... 27090 lair Count 4- ,;, 10S 1:41 i, 4 109..70., . : 27S10 Tamerlane 105 1:10 4 100.. 700 , , o" ilmone- . Track rn record: Oct. 22, 1900 1:0S;.-, 29.,. n- J. J. Lillis has been racing well against better . ... 27472 Lily Heavens 3 101.. 725 opposition. ., . 1 1 27107 Dolina 3 100X720 Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 27400 Busy Joe 100X715 -Morrisania Handicap. 2777,. ,.11I110,e ; 103X7W 3-year-olds and upward. 7-s, t.lcontUS. 3 11W..705 Track record: Oct. 23, 1900-1: 43-3-1 09. fi M.t.li.k:l ., lux7oo 27099 Trial by Jury 4 120X735 27551 Keziah M 3 95.. 090 27410 Roly 103 1:42 4 110X730 27551 Mindinette 8 lOlXtWO 27779 Fernrock 3 100. .725 27770 Alberta True M. 5 107. . 075 27442 Hank ODay 95 1:43 4 100X725 27192 Griselle .Al 3 101.. C75 Trial by Jury is a good weight carrier. An open race. FIRST RACE 5 1T2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. Oct. 22, 19001:002103. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St A Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish KING BAGGOT, ch. c. 2 111 By Peep oDay Freyja Brighton Stable. "WG Auduct 5-S l:02fast 1S-5 115 2 1 1 l2 Is E Taplin 9 B. Jonathan. B. Brady, Sandal 270S3 Jamaica 0-S 1:02 good 20 113 5 S 1 71 G E Taplin S Sky, Friendless, Meliora n?SM?TEE,b; ?!,. 101 Bv Yankee Rapine J. Garson. :andSnro r.5 f l:nsfast 15 101 3 2 3 31 4" K MeDott fi Mirza, Kntl Griv IlanobaH " iast - 115 5 4 4 65 6" R Hoffman 8 Sp lister. Rebel, Dvson o-?.l, tVq lu.ct "5-S 1:01 fast 15 101 7 10 10 10 9 B Wrschcrl3 MaricOcHIe Sinili U MnniPiih If s? ,3$ ? " ssr saSST 1 11? iffs s? i isutas itefisink"- 20744 Belmont 6-S st 1:02 mud 20 110 3 4 7 7 .7 B Wrscher 7 Running Shot, Mirza. Old Drury WSP$"bF e 2 97 B7 Dr. Loggo Napa Girl W. I, Oliver arcll A? slr ?o V 8- 7 9 l12 ?"rt- .and "tana . i ; r o J1"? iast M U 3 3 3 2 3 F S Sinister, Rebel, Lady Rowena 27$ rlZ 13 35 12-" or 13 MarioOdilo. Sandal VS t ri7 Ian f m. lca 5-8 1:04 good SO n, 107 4 7 9 7 C- E Leaver ! Mirza, Old Drurv .Titnev M ,,B,,;on- 51?:S?vy " 309 S 30 S S 9 K leaver lit ArlstobMiis, LnejlVi., Sr.Swsar S?J"nU-n- "iOmfast 32 112 2 4 5 4 C" E Leaver ! Amalgamator. So , Gull? Ly, otte rw-n!"5 4H Mrnst 12S 100 3 7 71 SJE Leaver 11 Beaut. .Morn. Jo-uina II.. J 3 Lily w,1.?? W,,..,no S-S1:03 good fid 101 7 9 0 0- DIS K Leaver 11 Yel.Sallv. Blue G Girl Culillae 2Mill Pimlico 41 r 55fa.st 219 105 7 8 8 8 8 D Hoffman 8 Trf-Sully. AimceT. K;tuclyJ!o IEA.LS, ch. c, 2 102 By Doctor Boots Flexible I. M. Hcdrick. SiS" Jmpiro 51 f l:0Sfnst 100 11-7 1 10 11 10 S" .1 Gartner 12 Gert. Marie. Una. Shot Lantnna 2,,G1 Empire 51 f l:0Srast 100 104 r 4 5 r G13 J Gartner fi Alirzi Kith Griv I iii.VlVi ,lMU GAqMuct 5-8 1:01 fast 100 110 3 9 9 0 8" J Gartner 1 Marie 0 uci Si , rfst 100 1K! 4 10 10 10 10 .T Gartner 11 The Dean, Cheer, bright Star A1,I,CJ: f-5 J:S!-,i?0"d ?L J"; !C 7 7 7 717 J Gartner 7 Yellowstone, Eiverdalet M.Odilp -7Ju ;A,, duct n-8 1:0 fast 100 115 2 6 C C Clr .T Gartner 0 Chatterbox, Spectre, Pas. Fancy S i amil l!a f-S 1:01 rast CO 112 1 8 8 8 9" W Kelsay Cheer. Solve. Bright St ir Bil?:llCa Airl1:??v?10? 1 7 7 C" 5k4" Shillins 8 Aimee T.. Ki osta. Mar blel.ead Bait. Abu-S 57fast 8 i 103 lh a Corey G Eden Park, Curls, Stalwart Van IH?,13! ; 2 104 By Fair Flay Donna Mia Carolina Stable. 4! ; e niont SJ f st C3 fast 30 107 S C n n 5" A SchuBT ! Dun-.-a Din. Bally, Uiverdale t, VeI"nt 4i f st ta fast 25 108 C 0 C C6 K Taplin C, Itasil. ColnmDine, 1 "leas. Breams CJ47 Jamaica G-S l:00rast 20 112 5 4 5 5 0" 11 Trosler .", Itiv.lale. Leo.iie. Nonesucli SECOND RACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olils and upward. Selling. July 2fi, 1!0J l:3Sf. 118. pS!S lw fi.t-r . B.By Bannockbnrn Tootsy Mack Karrono Stable. ! Al.!-I 1 :1 l-fast -nr,1,?9, 14-5100 1 4 2 o - r .l V 3 3 H Shilling 4 I.ofCftmo. Maisellenrv " Othello ir AUQ :, :,st V 1W 311 1 3 2 II Shilling 7 Kenmouse, Iiac, I Thistle 4 !.; : Pst, 7 J C5 CJS L Jlink 7 Hauberk, SMmanlL, LV, "use ,1u.ct 5 2 4 4 4 CHJ:7? e,,oa2, 2i L Lykes 4 Ormesdale. Dr.Larriek, Kewessa Jama.lca , f:iKt 4i 1,,s 3 41 3 H Shilling n Corsica,,. lMilliix, Andes tSiS fj",a,l im?:y : Ill 1 2 3" H Shilling 4 S.M.M,-ekin. L.Xearer, StarGaze cS.e rM: hvy," 10S 2 3 2 2":::J -1 MeU-stlf r, Kenmouse. Sir Kdgar. Celt , "re- rV"i1,:1:5,.KOO,1S 1,lS 8 8 0 41 i"-T aietealf ! A.X.Akin, S.irga?, T.oth.Min- 0S, H.deGco 51 f l:071f.good 14-5 112 1 2 3 3 34 J llotealf i Kewessa, FlittJld. Venn..,!? ?A.SA.T9?A br cl .,, 114 By Ogdon Unsightly It. D. Earle. 5V?iA,,. ucJ 1 l:39fifast C 114 7 7 0 0 3J L Mink 7 KH.l.ov, Slidmanil Benublicnn -MP" !1 f,st 5r 3!J i ? " " 2,i"1 K Troxlrr ! KHk...inyKoy i; uv. Spear ea Kni J- MVm in5, Vi I ?, W KeIs:iy 11 KU- Vv.odwanl lion Tess 1 H 1 1 l:4-rsoodll-10 111 2 2 4 4 3 V ? , :V! 3J J Slerrett ! Gallon, Shyness, Daingerfield 5 """t 3 "4 2: ?4 . ,2 2 2 ? 2 1 E Haynes "4 rand,:,,,. L.Xearer, Dainge-field L!lmont 1 1-S l:55rast 3-4 107 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 Havhes 4 l-ii,i"prfield S IIpIimi v I-ii-i- 204 ,0 Belmont 1 1-10 IHSfast 9-5 110 5 4 4 3 3 3J J Hoover v C ,US .0244 .Tamaiea 11-10 1:17 fast 8 110 0 4 4 3 3 KJ Hanover 7 Gallop. Ida Claire. Cliff Haven ,"cM.EEK ,b.,c f, 112 By McGcc Gimrod Marrone Stable. 2,0 lOnipire 1 1-10 l:10-fast 0-5 111 5 4 2 2 1 2J L Lykes f! Woodwird J-illoi, F-iir Count A,".ct I1," f".st 13-5 11G 4 5 0 7 S S3 13 Haynes 11 Kil ! : good 9-20 IIS 2 2 2 2 ink 11 E Haynes 4 SirW.Jhnson. Nepl thys. X pier r -lamaiea ln,70y 1:14 fast 7-5 112 3 2 3 2 1J P E Haynes 4 Lit. Nearer. T.J.Lillis St uG-,Ve V$ B ? 2. 2 2 2 13 II:l-vus II,,k,. II idden fl r Kon! Tess 4 "T"S i-.J e mon , ,J J11.001 " 5 3 , 2 1 1 1 K Haynes ! Sasin. Ambrose. Charmeuse J.52.1 Lelmont 1 1 1-10 1 :40last 0-5 r 1 5 4 2 1 1 Iti i. E Haynes 7 I Hire Monoc-iev I ihi-orOelil 20150 Belmont 11-10 l:4SJfefast 17-10 119 4 2 3 1 1" 2i K Haynes B Ida Clahe P? hr h . , 110 By Aeronaut Dartoo E. B. Cassatt. tlS in?- ! m f 5 4 J? 4 ,r"J:! f-ampl.-l 5 Kilk...,y I!oy. Saratoga. Inllux ""7". tV W VXJ;Kl 7 rr L"5 1 2 2 3 21 2 E Camph-l 4 Old Broom. Neplithvs, Bedland lU ,OIlt , , ,i :1i:,st 8 "8 2 n ,! 4 4 4" K Campbl i Sasin. Lord Itocfc Val- Gallop !" .,LO 1,,;1S!:?JP,8i n7 110 1 2 2 2 2"k:: L McTaBt fl Holiday. Short Grass, W sLU -SMRiw n1,1-",-: l-a V6-5?,? 2 2 1 li Ii L McTagt S Stoneh.-nge, B.Tl,istle. B Ihoom "i 1 Vi r",1 Jr iS1,1. 5 8! 3i Mr Imperil Bil.llil,bs.Bra::enose. Huguenot i.,, .S,.J ..Maish 11:12 fast .-5 12G 9 2 2J 1 J Ryan 10 Arament, Huguenot, Matehfield rmnir" 3 - 5 . 0y Hock Sand Sprite Brighton Stable. lUlN tvi? -l? ii--nr :"",1 J0"41,0! 5 P " " " "I 1 Taplin 1 Mala.hit.- M. Iusslo, I. Nought r,r !:Ja8J 5 3,3 ,4 3 C burner ft BlaeUCoffee. Candle. KoseWater "4v Hf:,,Kt- v,-1 ! 1r 1lf 1J! 1,1,0 J "C I" Iaviir, Candle, i:,K,mvaIe 1o r- -t 41 ? Yfe?IT J1-? 4 r C fl 5 4S3 Molealt : lal.l.VsCh,i,:e. lS.CoUee. Candle f-n il ?:fari .V2- S 1 SS J-1 J -M,,,--lIC S l!ot"Corn. Bigtodo. VirginiaM. V imi J nnlico 3-1 l:l.?-sfnst 2C-n W7 3 0 4 3 V.-S .1 McTagrtlO Krinklin THi-m iilfo HijS,?1 2, S 7 S ?"lA SCW T CokVennipuK Vr nklln ""r-7 -Cuf Uiuiel " ! ! 3-4 ? i ? iji 4 7-4 "i" 1 109 m 2 S 9 A 2 f: r,y A "" 1S NeiUmie. Spur, Tea Caddy l:J4Tislow 2 1 i T MeTagt S Kranklin. S,,pny L. Bock Vale 0m,!ir.,S 5 iVo Contestor-Hide and Seek A. Finkcrton. r,i;.., V r . 1 nMo-r.c l:10-ifast a 4 US 3 o 3 , 1 2 2i 31 J B,iw II lt S,Sina,e. Gcdd.Gate Ch-irricuso Jlli P1 ? ?! i H 5 3 rk i, , jrWUvU n-nge,n,dd. N.Simpl o-V.l; Ml 1 dnet . ? ast 2J A11 J 2 2 2 2 "1 C Vhther ! Ba.onfse. Tacth-ss, O.of l"adise 2,1 2:1 ,r .Tamajea 3-41: 4 fast 20 100 G 7 7 5 4:J J McTagrt !1 orsiean, IiiIIiik. .l .L Lillis H -nl lV,I"el,,;t :V3l:lL 1 Ur " - S 8 82 r,4 i ! ,:"-l" II Dr.DVnnt.r. S.ofVnUov i C sher 2 ,10 Uelmont 1 Ulifcfast B IIS 5 3 3 5 4 Gvl M Buxton 17 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bell 2ir,.i. A,p,e, net 1 UiO good 40 110 2 2 4 4 4 4AJ McCahey 4 Itlue Thistle. Ham-SI aw S Gift 2,217 Jamaica 3-1 l:13Sfast o 7 123 1 3 1 1 31 J Butwell C. Talecarrier. T.asSteH. BVkthorn 5.TOE?TE,NnENT, b. g. 5 114 By Ogdcn-My Beauty F. Mannis. A. .. 1 !:fflst r, :" 3 3 C A Kelmg-r ! Kilk.-nny Boy, Saratoga. Pullux Sii. A,.,R,t :12!f.fast 50 107 3 0 7 7 7 U Ball 7 Startling, U. Maiden, Inv ess a ",,lie, Vftast 13 1.T 0 H S S S S-IV Bol.insn S lie Will. Holi.Hv.. J. J. Lillis 2.N.S .nun. 1 l:39irast 47 li 0 7 7 fi CJ 7"U McTagrt ft C. o the Walk. Hngle. Iluekhorn r-:i7n "Hire 3-4 : , hvy 14 100 1 4 4 4" 3 J McTagrt 7 Duekhorn. BackDav. Waterl.ndy i$ 2...SJ 2j l: 2,,fn8t !fi J1I J 4 5 ?I 1? Schugrl2 Sir Kdgar, High Noon, ilanson Uunel 3-4 l:17Vhvy 1 117 1 111 1J J Butwell ! B. Cimarder. BtlinuAIIen, D.Kisb .IJ5;TJ1J?INAT0R. b- f.103 109 By Von Tromp Candlewick W. P. Austin. Jr.. r,V- ,;-"I;nV 102 1 1 2 I 4 5 L Mink ! Kepuldieaii. Gallop. Nephthvs S7;" Al ,hict -IV-l1 7-Sl:20 fast 10 101 Withdrawn. M Garner 10 Murphy, 1eminist Br, , v ile Tama ca my V-YY,W 3 110 3 3 2 2 2i2nkn Shilling 7 DolhYBosi t 7- ;T,maic:l ""J" l:40slow 7 101 3 11 2 iu 23 M Garner 4 Bepuldican. TniiAit Jesse Jr T0,m,.,nt 1MC,: fnst 8 100 1 1 1 3 4 4JM Garner 4 Virile. Ne hthys Jen 5rSe5 Tama ?l J "1?!:J? ?,sf S S J 4 8 0 9 10,0 R C WattslH AV.Shoes. B Thisth S.W.Jnson StS."1 11",i6?:uJs,1,J 25 5 2 2 2 23 2" J MtCalioy 4 Vermont, SamMeMeekin, Ahara 20019 Bimlieo 1 l:41fast 20 100 5 4 0 7 5" 53 L McAfee S Vodeling. 11. Cunarder. it. Pine EA1.11. ,C0UNT- ch- 4 109 By Voter Ccrito J. Butler. !?m.,iir" 1 H1 !:15fnBt1 4i 121 4 2 3 4 4 lfiJ J Loftus i Woodward; S. MeMeekin. Gallop !5V,uctt 1 ?:4,!-f 00,1 7. 11,5 1 2 3 " 20 -1 1".uh 11 r-IIillington. Kngelbert, AirM .n JMmoni :Slst i5 10S 3 2 3 3 3 314 G IJorel K Sam MeMeekin. Gino hS4 nMW I101? ,0, M , 9"SD Stexvard 10 StrninlMilI. Sharpshooter. F.Fair.v 11 22-5 oor, 110 2 5 4 4"k G -rir i , EHJ:Vl..Iast 4J Borel S Hanson. D. Kagle Between Us irSai"7fI rfiViml 310 fi 2 2 28 IM. Borel 33 Marvelous. Shin 160-S Saratoga CJ f 1:07 fast 41 10S 10 S 7 71 01G Byrne 11 Kues. Gloaming. White Crown A,RLANE ch p 4 106 By Cyclades Fairyland I. M. Hedrick 2 1 l:;nfast 20 US ! ! 7 7 7 7 V Kelsay 10 Sot V,T Golden cAte Andes fiin 3,"l!r,i 1 j: ft 100 its 0 C 0 C 0 4 J Gartner 5 Bepul.liean. Gall p Nephtl vs ri 2 "ro, ll:4Kfat 50 HIS in 7 7 7 8 5- J Gartner 10 Ilanworth, K. Wuzzv, B Meteor 22 A,l, net ll:4l7.fast 40 111 G 0 0 0 0 GJ ,T Gartner C Golden Gate, Ahara, SlarelHiri 27554 M duct l l::0iifast 20 ir. 1 s 0 0 12 12" J Butwell 14 Bae P... We mnal . Jesse Jr oil .1 A". "f 3 :1?J,f:lst1 52 11? B 5 5 5.T Gartner 0 Baeonteuse, Tactless, Andes 2,424 A, duct 1 l:llgood 50 105 5 5 5 5 5 5- J Gartner r. Gallon Bennhlie-.n IV sif 2737 A" "ctt 1 515 2:Vtrast 50 105 2 4 3 3 4i 5 J Gartner fi fi l y m ss. P en" Jem 2,2,. A,lnct 11-10 :47 fast 30 107 0 5 5 G 0 5i W Kelsay ! L. Nearer. 5.1 1 ven G M Miller 2,149 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4Sslow 15 105 C G S 4 4 4s L Lykes ! Kil.Boy, G.M.Miller, Sringmas l ..-iiA f 1 MiI an1 70 Yanls Morrisania Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Oct. 23, 1!00 .?HJ,A, E JUK,cCV-r,c,V,4 . 1SG Bv Fair Play Princess Chic E. B. Cassatt. 2,..:.: Empire 1 1-S :5Hf.fast 10 123 2 2 1 1 7 9:l E Campl.l ! Short Grass. Bo:mier7 S ur -"s TJiT1 Wi?,!2! 7 ! f 43 1 13 Campl.lll Ormesdale. S. Grass, sphor n V.-Uf 111? 20 3$ i H 3 3 3 3" I: tlKl J " l"!"". nifliit Shore. Koly IV ivlmont nont 1 1 :..STf.f:ist - ,-5 127 2 3 3 2 2l 1 T Melag t . The Finn Il itil,..rl- If,,,, JMm" I1-:1SJ:Wsi 2 3,! 1 2 2 1 1" 1 T MeTagi S Shar, "ter TheVlnn LJtotl.a 55, 5 LnlnV,nt Jh83! fnst 7 100 2 2 2 2 iu 2iG Byrne 7 Stroinholi. The Finn Slum er 1 1 .a,a osa 1 3-10 2:03 slow 3-2 110 4 2 2 1 m 2fc T Davies 4 T.Finn. Shar shr "t"r Iro Duke 22301 Saratoga 11:12 good C II I 4 2 2 2 2 21 T MeTagt 8 Itegreti ! Lady Both-,! The Finn ??,3r;Y, h CV 4 . , UG OnMen Maxim Lotowarina D. J. Learv 2,4 0A,iMuet 1 l:20fast 8 110 9 S 9 9 9 S11 E Haynes 11 Short Grass -Re tinier Gniner 27130 Jamaica 1 1-S l:5::.igod 0 100 4 7 5 3 3s P E Haynes 10 Short G ss CMX llo Vrill 20-.1 12 Jamaica 1 1-10 1:46 fast 4 11111 9 S S S-P-H Haynes 1" San lMarsh F 1 Fair: Slund erll 20S7SBemont 11:11 fast 11-20 120 1 1 1 1 l i r Haynes r, W li sv? SaiSil Stm " f1"1"11 l lifflSifast 13-5 114 4 111 lt 33 E Haynes I Sl.anwlKte M "fcmV. Gainer m? II ffartl ? ?SS 4 ? ? 4 4- 4i"M V!lrru.r 4 Koa,Mr- SlromlKill. Short Grass 2.rT4C L Laurel re 1 1 1-S 1:1 Tast 13-20 10,! ill l P 1 t Pargton 8 Blue Thistle. Hedge. Lahore FERNROCK, ch. c. 3 100 By Rock Sand Ferment A. Belmont. 27779 Empire Al,3-I 1:12 fast 12 100 3 -5 5 5 1". L Lykes C. He Vill HHh Noon Tncoln 2742.3 Aq.luct 3-4 1:15 good 12-5 111 5 G 5 51 01 K Haynes 7 1 iil.silVoi" r SHrTlVng P eione 20T.0I Belmont 3-4 st l:12fast S-5 121 3 3 3 3 WE Haynes 3 IteiJn JI i VtI?1 S1 13MVSJOW 4ir Vn7, 7 8 I 11 ? llaynes -. Must:.rd. Dml.Choico. P.ofComo - lJe-l"r. 1 1:51ts1ow 8-5 104 3 2 1 1 1? P J 1 Byan .r Fig nnv. Ahara. Tetan : 23757 Uaure 3-1 m l:12Jf.fast Gl lo:, 3 3 4 4- 4i W Lilley Geo. Smith. Anita, Col. Vennie 2.,1,1 51 f l:llhvy 41 10S 2 5 7 7 73 W Lilley 7 Prohibition, Anita. TIajan MfiW ,0,:D.AY; JVV4 , 35, . , By PecP "Day Eric Belle J. W. Schorr. r,i.U? 1,ja!n,a 1 3:lfi V1-7 fast t o-. 37-20 107 Oil 1 3 Kl Conn Ily S I. Williams. Franklin. Pif Jr r.iT J-itoni:v 1 1-4 2:03fast 31-5 105 4 1 1 1 2 lnk C VanDun 7 Pif Jr., Fels. AVater Witch i ,.:itVi:l , , ,i "f:,Ht K-10 3." 2 4 4 7 r1 "iTO-nlry 8 L.Kotha. Fmbroidery. G.Hughes : 20S:S Douglas 1 1-10 l:47Amud 10 112 7 0 S S 7.. 7,s G Garner 8 Gipsey George Cheeks Christie Hlilvi EOUK,,a.s, 1 J-" 2:0rast 50 lot ! 110 10 y s K Lapaillell KdCrump, Boamer. Waterwitch 4.1,,rCl ll-l:r.lJfctaHt SI 100 5 G 5 5 4 42 C Hunt fi Boyal II. Wblossoin, M.Goosliy 2,J20 Churchl 51 f 1:06 fast 27 110 2 7 G 4" 2U L Gentry S Amazon. Dr. Moore, Kinney rOUKTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Demoiselle Stakes. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Oct. 22, 1 HATHOR, b. f, 2 110 By Meddler Kamara W. S. Kilmer. 27727 Empire 5-S 1:01 fast 0-10 101 1 1 1 1 1 II Shilling 2 Queen of the AVater j MARIE ODILE. ch. f, 2 110 By Star Shoot Collino G. A. Cochran. . 27C00 A.ffluct 5-S 1:01 fast 41 111 1 11 1 1 J McCaheylO Cheer. Merza Aimec T 27513 A,duct 5-S 59f.fast 8 91 3 2 2 3h flG B AVrscher ! M.MeGrath. S.Forward J Afomit 27422 A.iduet 5-S 1 :01 good 9-5 100 2 1 1 1 31 E Campbl 7 Yollowstno. Kiverdale, Lmt,,,, 27341 AI ""t -S -"i I? 1 1113 1 K ramph113 Sandal. M.Moiiteiits, ALT iHrary i 20371 Belmont 41 f st 51 fast 6 112 1 117 7 J Hanover 7 Jack Mount. Basil. Bally QT1EEN OF THE WATER, br. f. 2 110 By Watorboy Planutess G. A. Cochran. t 27S17 Empire 5-S l:0pf.fast S 20!1 3 3 2 3 32 J McCahey 8 T.McTgart, AVoodtrap "","-I. E .kouil Roche :i a 27727 Empire 5-8 1:01 fast 9-10 100 2 2 2 2 2 J McCahey 2 Hathor 27454 A.iduet 5-S 59 fast 12-5 109 S GO r.J 51 J Hanover S Bon. AVitch. Y.AVitcli. Kittenish 1 27411 A.iduct B-Sl:00faat 8-5 105 1 2 2 21 lh" j McCahey fi Serenest. Vague, star Maid 1 TRAGEDY, b. f. 2 122 By MeGon Tosio L. Oneck Stable. J 2,,.U, AqMuct 5-8 1:01 fast 21 114 3 3 2 2s Hi T Davies 4 Soienest. Whit. Belle, F. Ballot 27154 AqMuct 5-S 59 fast 8 105 G 8 8 8 S14 T Davies 8 Bon. Witch. Y.AVitcli, lattenis, j v WHITNEY BELLE, ch. f. 2 105 By Ogdcn Eeatrico K. Brighton Stablo. I1 27035 Aiduct 5-S 1:01 fast 12 111 4 4 4 4 3"i E Taplin 1 Tragedy, Serenest, First Ballot J. STORM NYMPH, b. f, 2 105 By Joo Chamberlain Maud Primroso Kentucky I1 Stable. 1 277S1 Empire 5-8 l:01rast 20 112 3 3 3 43 3 A Sehugr 8 Fairy Wand. Hussy. Sevlla I I 27470 A.iduct 5-S ;ist M 110 3 4 5 5 5" A Sehugr fi Madeira, Hussy, Serenest V 27289 Aqduct 41 f Glfast 15 111 4 4 4 5 7M A .Schuj;rl2 Madeira. Admiration. Kittenish V MOTHER MACHREE. b. f. 2 in-i By McGeo Lady Quox A. Miller, i"77 .Empire 5-8 l:01fast 12 113 S 8 S 8 8" J Butwell S Falii Wand, Hussy, St-niiNrinpl, 1, - : : w FIFTH RACE 1 .Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. July 20, 1909 1:3S fi lis. .KEIVr?Y.:B0Y ,cl1 e 4 116 By Hinpodrome Maid of Erin T Butler t-Aduc l"5 f I ?ri1iM US MmanlLalratoS. 11-10 fast 1- - -7337 duct 0 f l"-l9 tt i - i i 1 i VA Yx Jr oftus ,!j Saraloga. Pullux. Spearhead 1S27C Laurel 5J l:rat A 118 4 3 2 2 U C Bore! 4 Hansonlpulluxf 1Leon,id,fe-i5k0,ny 27474 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 0 110 7 3 4 SS Cl L Mi k 7 IH i;fetSf,t!i1 1 i 5 1! I? JSSf SiAiS5S-fe 209S7 Jamaica lm70y l:44good 9-5 100 G 3 2 2 2 2E Tap in " p lie, rv uWX 20035 Belmont 1 1-16 l:4Cgood G 3and I 2 S 2 2 2 ttrSA Ch-i,lW 30979 . oiETiE??TTan"fs,??anover Belmont. or, 3 o 27728 liS Ab3-4iafiS tl Z 3 3 2 L Sff " P-ln MMid IVV ?riBt 27587 Ariduct GJ f l:20fast 1C-5 109 9 9 7 71 42 M Garner li IM.ine A i,,e, ? V ".""Bj? 20507 Belmont 51 f l-.OGandrast 2-5 112 1 4 It 1 E Hnvr.es r. ... at , IV ,,!,,,,. TOi-ac 23725 Laurel 1 l:43Aslow 10 110 S si" t.J w ?A i-V.w v . I,i rrnnp. K.Bradley 23531 Laurel 3-1 l:l,4ood g loS 5 2 S i ll T See Ivffipr 2F3VeCh-C"?l:,3 11 slop 7-10 4 4 -. TfttW 27030 Aqduct 7-S l-"5 fast 10 ,7 t "t . "-1 1 . . wlsl" 1 l,". Brooks 27475 A,!duct Hifast 5 95 4 4 5 3 3 37 E O-imjili 1 , 1 Hv T-m.l ! ! p""1 "-.oiee 2J3S1 AqMuct 7-8 1:20 fast 10 110 S S 0 0 7 0 E Ca n 1 1 1 A Inn h LS"Vp !il-arer 27233 Aqduct 1 l:39!f.good 4 10S 3 3 3 3 2?. 2" E Cam, l.1 1 Irf 1 roomvale 20240 Jamaica 1 1-10 1:17 fast 8 i9 7 5 c 7 01? ? S , , V. l,:,1,tT.1,.,!,w,n1 "Mle 271SS Latoni.i 1 l:SS.faHt 59-10 110 2 4 4 7 5 4s L Gentrv S T i,.Kotha ri! iii t 1 ! Witeh 2t:!S Douglas 1 1-10 l:17Amud 19 11" 7 0S S 7 71" r 1 J" Embroiderj-, G. Hughes 21331 Douglas 1 1-4 2 04y.fa"t 50 101 9 9 10 10 S " K t" ?n, 11 imV? "fK. "ls.-nirltl 20110 Churchl 1 1-S l:51lfast S.. 10 5 5 5 5 4 4--- C Hunt 1 V..V.r:V,iP U-iV"1" t-r Wi toll 20320 Church. 51 f 1:00 fast 27 110 2 7 0 4. 2 ffife 8 An,f,:i,r;:;;!cm,nS,,S,y fJSnaica f 1-10 l:45fast 30 8 8 7 5 Otbo and W... iU 1 Kh.rt n Grass NewmktdCng. U 2:0Ssort 2V 123 V, 1. If""., NewmktEng. li "-37!ood "d idl .1" w K. , IjMisoi,, Truth. Fonyfoot Newmkt E,,g li TmnI 20 123 is Wine: ?o !w,lv,s 1 ,V"r"it- Sa.isbryKng. H 2:ll.lea.l 5 Ifis 1? Jf 11 iaSiS!K Aqduct 4 nC-o Ey1-? A. G. Blakeley. ii-h-t in P o - 27131 JnWuea lm7.U gol 4 li 4 5 5 5 5 5": j landA1 5 IWT-. Kuli " 20791 Belmont 11:11 mud 7 115 1 4 3 A v r w i,Mk 1;:r:,S "Chaleen 2C070 Belmont 1 1-S l:57rast 12 102 3 1 1 1 "2 J a chu I .,M.VUv:";l, Gammon, Woodfair 20248 Jamaica 3-4 l:ll?f ,st 17 116 "a -n s rJ "Plithys 3 3 NewmtEg. 1 1-8 Jmrd 20 is 14 T,IM ?l xY "ZZy; I?""-Vromr. STolTomo NewmkEngOSlfair 14 ElST 27475 Aqduct ll H ?, 7 Mv" " :"V S:,,""":" f st 9S 0 4 4? L I vi-es"" 27240 Aqduct 11:39 fast 4i 1 ,3i 5 4 2 3 , fc t iM.J7:M,.lt- m,U Sn" iU 27175 Jamaica 3-1 l:12fat 20 10S"lO 10 10 10 V$ I MoT1 in Id 5e, l,,r Tup Mat Newmkt Eng. 7-S .1:21 lirm 25 107 17 i? stole? ViV wi 1 V!,p Startling NewmkKKng. 7-S l:27.f.soft 25 101 ., S v iwn Hr .Ws!!r- l,s,,"I,,r NewmktdCng. 7-S good 14 1 117 -0 i i : -V I,R!lf ss; I.ak, Itnsell i1 " i,,sso" Sf.Aitloim.. Clairvoyante MEDITATION b c 3 - -" 2755?IA,Ad:,,ctN 1 l:3Sfast 100 ,o 5 0 7 9 0 OoPSi ""V, 203 Helmont 11:41 slow 30 Ik, ;: - . 4 4 413 r i-.du-en U ,!.ar7 S,,:nv IIoir v 2USI1 Latonla 5 S in .f m-m1, I.,n:lS- I,alr K,,,,,: UOJ.f.fast 29 112 5 S 0 r.n 1 Alef 1 m 20132 Douglas 41 f 57 k 111 5 8 s. St StC 22. BHS0SA-LOUt 3" Mi,C 3-yCar-0,,1s anrt nwa"l- r nd Marcs. Selling. Oct. SSVf.! ft1 r?,,"?- W- 7 4 7 s 1 27 1..7 Aqduct "-4 115 fast 1-5 1 4 1 vS- ""Vr Jrill:"i- H-Hensley 27152 Jamaica 3-4 l:15good 10-5 10 - 3 i f i T V Mit S V f sll",,i,,,,,: Keziah. Dolina 20S04 Belmont 01 f 1 22 slow 1 13 4 4 l " c t. m -n? 3M i.K ;!. Hnt 274.17 "? ?y435.irT ate C. W. Gaer. Aq-duet 3-4 1:15 fast 0-5 - 1 1 V0,"0 27291 Aqduct 1 l Wart 7- 0 102 1 1 1 TJ Minl - a1 ? I"yv,M,s- Kra,-" 2714S Jamaica lm70y l:40Cslow 13-5 1? Minf- Vn"" 7 Virg.AV. 1 U 1 1 1 1 t - -:",s0 27005 Jamaica 3-4 l:15-slow 8 107 3 ulh.Mit """"ator. BoseAVater, Dancer lit.mia" 3ll31.13fn,t 37-10 1 o - . ,ByJ Sai-Banlelli?. E, R Bra1Iey 27X31 Latonla 3-4 1 1 Mast 3-" 100 0 s ? a"1 r t nW" FOWn ,3H v" ;,,,,lw . Pdiver 27220 Latonia 3-4 1 : r st l"-5 r 0 5 " i ,T T v 3i7 A"Vls!,f --l-TI"in:., J.Straill, 2CS17 Douglas 3-4 1:1 fast 17-5 107 n 9 V - ?u 2rown V, lllK 1 ,I;rf Itl:" ita. Boy.Tea wTi IlNi-P X3, . . By King James Flumeria J. E. Davis. 27407 Aqduct 3-4 115 fast 5 10 2 1 4 3 R V1 b "H i ""jf V """" ""-"J 2G00S Pimlico ? .I st"lV,l,I; .vliMvens. Keziah 3-11:15 rast 21 107 0 0 0 fi- W Mv, 20013 Pimlico J 3,,"!-: ra"k. -Alarianao. J.fUraith 1142isfast IS IU " - 5 l bnnS" 15 -"MO Traleo LSJS82 RACONTEE Wki ft,f,.it 10 , , By ElHsdale-Anecdote R. Newman. 27037 Aqduct llMl?Vfast 7 107 r, 4 o ? lt A ?.,,TV,SSV, S:"-II,1"". n.armeuse wruj tctt a f V 5 K IIaynes 8 Achievement. Clan.hia, Bernieo 20702 Bait K3niniIiior.. St. Helene. MolKean Al 5-S 58fast 3 07 o r ni 2 S Corey 8 Traleo, Finalee, Glomer 2C0S2 Bait AbG1 f 1 w 01 i , 2057? MMboro Al Sif lmS.l 2 rtcyr 7 fTi-VV""- ,RfeT VreITla Mafk SzIAhT A,?C1:1 5 5,3 irSkB 27554 A,rduTt . . pBy Ildrim-Kerchief Cleveland Stable. 1 i.-nur,B, in " c- - ? o " 27W Aqduct 3-4 wWn-l ? A l! WsehcrM Rae .. AVenonah. Jesse Jr. c r r Mif- ? 3,"J JJ ,T;yos ,! K"HmnWe. Lilylleavens, Dolina 200:!l roii nont 3-4 st 1 -i: .nd o m- o . Glurner S M. Herrmann. Flag Day. S.Mark MINDINETTF b K r ,n KE Tl:39-;fast IT W RSCn- 15 9 10 1- ,0 II .Wf?"??""0 ALBERTA.0 TRTIf"i " " rVai:: ,1 t;1" 2AnOE,,UAre Xb3-h"; nV ,By,4Cll?r;raTnda-AurieSvm f .st JOO " ! -

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916071901/drf1916071901_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1916071901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800