Blue Bonnets Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-09-08

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BLUE BONNETS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloud v; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprenticc allowance. First Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Caandian-foaled. Selling. Track record: Sept. 17, 11110 1:24 i 111. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 2t;S10s Kathleen II 3 107X700 2S710 Irish Heart 100 1:28 0 112X095 2SS01S Exmer 101 1:31 s 0 107X095 28797 Aivian S. M 5 Km.. 195 2SS52 Cerf Volant M .. OS 1:31 -1 100. .090 28S10 ThornclitTe 31 . 3 93X090 2,8508 Dorothy Carlin .... 3 101.. 000 28852 Sacal 31 0.1 1:30 if. 5 100 X 000 2372S Caper Sauce 100 1:27 11 100X000 28702 Meissen 110 l:32sv 5 lOOXOSri 28804 Froissart 107 1:2S:-. 5 112..0S5 2S810 Puritan Lass 107 1:32 0 109X685 28810 Otero 4 112X0S0 28S04 Fiddler 31 0 100.. 0S0 2SS52 All Steel 31 3 101.. 075 An open race. Second Race 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 4, 1915 1:12 5 105. 28772 Graphic 10S 1:17s K7X72r, 2S473 Gloomy Gus 109 1:14 110X720 28810 Butterscotch II. ..101 l:21h 10SX715 28357 Comacho 110.. 710 2S879 Cadillac 110 l:lSs 100x705 28855 Fox Trot 100 1:15 103X705 Graphic mayo be of a fair sort. Third Race 1 1-2 Miles. Blue Bonnets Breeders Stakes. ,500 Added. 3-ycar-ohls. Cnndian-hrcd. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 14, 1910 2:33 5105. " 28878 Copper King 122X700 2S852 Silk Bird 122X005 28592 Gala Water 31.. 112X090 2SS7S Old Pop 125X085 28083 All Amazed 31.. 100.. 080 topper Kings general form appears best. Fourth Race About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upwtrd. Selling. Track record: Sept. 12, 190S 3:51 5 1 15. 28091 Chester Krum 0 110X700 28807s Joe Gaiety 7 130X095 28575 Sarolta 0 138X090 28853 Tom Horn Ii 111X090 Some or Chester Krums races were good enough. Fiftli Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. I rack record: June 7, 19111:37 3107. 28881 Trial by Jury 127 1:38 4 100x735 2S8513 Robert. Bradley ...105 1:37 0 1O1X73O 28854 Christie 105 1:39 4 103X725 28851 Grumpy 101 1:38 4 101x720 2809S Uncle 103-.l :39 4 100x720 23279 Light Wing 1071: l is 4 101.. 715 2S700 Prohibition 08 1:11 3 9SX705 Trial by Jury should be ready to rmi a good race. Sixth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-old and upward. Claiming. Track record: Kept. 17, 1910- 1 :2 1 0 1 1 1 28851 Between Us 101 1:27 4 110x725 28851 Sea Beach 3 111X720 2NS51 Harbard 5 112X715 28S51 Sands of Pleasure. 3 110X715 28882 Paymaster 3 108X710 28800 Lady Mildred 101 l:31h 3 100X710 Between Us did not run his race last time out. Seventh Race 1 1-4 Miles. I -year-olds and upward. Maiming. Trcnk record: June 10, lull 2:01 198-.. 28850 3IONOCACV Ill 2:00 i 110x725 28718 River King 4 110X715 28S703 Prime Mover 117 2:09 4 101X710 28883 Nannie 31clee 101 ..2:07 7 105X705 28912 Phil T. 31 4 105X080 Monocacy is iu good form.

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