Kenilworth Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-09-08

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KENILWORTH PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. 31 iuaidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 5-3 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 7, 1910 1:01 2 -111. i Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 28859s VALERIE WEST. .108 1:01 111X725 28901 Riposta 108 1:01 00X715 2SS39 Wat 103J1:02 09.. 715 28839 Sleepy Sam 105 1:02 18X710 2S373 Burbank 110 1:03 103X710 28908 Thistle Queen 31. 100 1:02 107.. 710 28759s Cruces 103X700 27113 Tyrone 31 99 1:00".-, 100.. 0S0 Valerie West only needs to repeat recent races. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlonfjs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 2, 19Ki 1:07 2 111. 28837 Mama Johnson 105 1:00 0 1000725 2S8S0 Boneros First 107 1:08 3 90.. 720 2S802 Freeman 109 1:07 4 100X715 28880 Sordello 10S 1:07 5 108X715 28051 Celebrity 107 1:0S 4 100X710 28859 Tom Caro 100 1:07 3 101.. 705 28880 Aunt Elsie 103 1:05 5 100.. 700 28905 Old Bob 100 1:00 4 100 X 700 28S02 Clynta 108 1:10 4 111X700 28858 Talleyrand 10211:08 3 101.. 090 28858 Test 102 1:0S 3 101X090 28572s Ilelio 4 100.. 090 Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched. 28884 Bill Wiley 31... 93 1:09 3 90X080 28S58 Wolfs Baths 104 1:07 7 100X705 28800 Corkey W 112 1:10 3 109.. 705 An open race. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tiack record: Sept. 2, 1910 1;07- 2 111. 2S8805 Enver Bey 110 1:00 5 108x725 28838 Miss Barn Harbor.. 10S 1:07 5 10l..720 1 A , , Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 288S0 Viley 102 1:00 7 10SX715 28S0O Rebecca 3Ioses ...107 1:07 4 111X715 28841 Detour 113 1:08 7 111X715 2SSSI Barton 31 1111:09 3 101.. 710 2S8S93 Dr. Kendall 115 1:07 5 111X710 2SS0O Chitra 100 1:00 4 111X710 28S5S Jerry 112 1:08 3 100X705 28537 Sir Arthur 114 1:08 5 101.. 090 28813 Virgiedot 101 1:07 4 111.. 090 17837 Gallant Pirate ...10S 1:12 s 0 109X085 Also eligible to start in order named should anv of above be scratched. 28900 Ri Brazos 105 1:05 7 100X715 28885 Dakota 107 1:08 5 101X700 2S0S5 Bird Man 102 1:05 5 111X720 Enver Bey should beat such opposition. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds ai d upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 0, 1010 1:13 0105. 28801 Raoul 112 1:12 5 109X725 28S40 Pontefrnct 10S 1:12 7 101X720 28802 Commensia 105 1:13 4 101X720 28801s Early Sigiit 100 1:13 3 103X715 28800 3Iinstrel 101 1:13 4 107X715 28888 Prince Pliil.stIiorpe.l02U:14 7 104. X 710 25784 Hayden 31 4 109.. 090 Ratiols last race was promising. Fifth Rate 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3- year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Sept. 0, 19101:15 1110. 28840s Stout Heart 1011:43 0 110X730 ! 28812 Impression 107 1:11 7 102X725 28887s Little String 1011:13 4 100X725 1 2SSS7 King Box 115 1:43 0 100X720 I 28888s Marianao 3 101x720 J 28801. Redland 121 1:17 -I 108X720 28801 Star Gift 115 1:15 7 1000715 i 288,87 Foxy Griff 105 1:45 I 99X710 28S59 Alfadir 3 100X710 Principal contenders are closely matched. Sixth Race 1 1-1C Miles. 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 0, 19101:48798.. 28910s Insurance 31 an ...100 1:40 0 101x700 28S03 Alda 107 1:18 4 102.. 095 2S800 London Girl 107 1:41 4 102x095 ! 28889 Undaunted 5 101X095 28802 Muzuuti 113 1:17 4 101. .095 i 288-13 Baby Sister 101 1:48 5 102X090 28909 Hasten:! 5 101.. 090 1 28909 Smuggler 31 112 1:55 4 102.. 085 , 28890 lloos IIoo 31 ...105 1:49 4 102.. 080 28S90 Nellie Boots 31.. 101 1:48 4 102.. 0S0 Insurance Man appears rounding into form. Seventh Race 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. i, 19101:48 7 9SV-. 2S8S7 Harry Lauder 10S 1:40 0 10SX725 2S8032 Goldy 107 1:40 0 1050720 28058 Star Bird 99 1:49 4 113.. 720 2S8S9- Harwood 110 l:50h 5 102X715 28890s Batwa 105 1:48 7 970710 28910 Dicks Pet 100 1:40 5 07X705 , 2SS90 Moss Fox .-...111 1:48 5 105X705 1 2S909 First Star 112 1:47 7 105x705 2S907S Boxer 103 1:48 4 104X700 I Harry Lauder has less to beat than recently.

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