Blue Bonnets Entries and Past Performances for Friday, September 8, Daily Racing Form, 1916-09-08

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Blue Bonnets Entries and Past Performances for Friday, September 8. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Cauadian-foalod. Selling. Sept. 17, 1910 1 :24 0 111. mder Courso Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish KATHLEEN 31., br. f. 3 107 By Rotterdam Dynasty J. Hondrick. 2SS1G Connht 1 l:51hvy 23-10 105 1 4 3 3 2 21 T Parton 7 Exmer, Miss Fay, ThornclifTe 2SG97 Oonnht i :41 rast 33-10 107 G G 3 5 S 71 P Robson S Delia veil. Miss Fay Good Shot 28592 AVindsor 1 l:40fast 15 99 1 2 2 3 3J Ci R McDottlO Tartarean, Sulutter, LadyCnrzon 28537 AVindsor 1 l:41fast 7-5 92 3 2 2 1 1 1 AV Crump 5 Mausolus. Last Spark, SirArthur 2S439 FortErie 1 1-10 1:47 fast 17 90 2 3 3 4 5 41 B Kopmn 5 P. Philsthorpe, C.Broom. C.Kiug 2S113 FortErie 1 l::i9fast 33-5 91 1 2 2 2 23 2 B Kopmn 7 LastSpark. Smithtield S rthur 28289 llamtim 1 1-1 G l:4Sfast SJ 102 4 C C C Ci 73 C Disunion 9 Gartley, Amphion, Dehaven IRISH HEART, b. g. 6 112 By Dublin Sana Coeur D. Raymond. 2S71G Mt. Royal 1 l:40fast 4 103 G C 4l 52 A Claver it Roy.Tea, Afterglow, R.Cbertson 2S574 MLRoyal 3-4 l:13fast 4 107 9 10 71 75 J Howard 11 RedPost. Amphion. L.Sendthrif t 27S71 AVindsor 3-4 l:13fast 13 112 7 4 5 Ci G" L Gentry Id Hamp.Daine. CoinBrooin, M.Fox 27619 FortErie 3-4 1:11 fast 47-10 109 1 5 4 3i 35 T Rice 10 Gartley, Corn Broom, Mausolus 2745S FortErie 3-4 l:lGfast 31-5 111 9 10 8 CU Gl T Rice 12 Billy Frew. Moss Fox, Mausolus 27395 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast fid 111 10 10 9 8 84 G Byrne 12 Ravencourt, Moss Fox. Gartley 2G5S4 Dorval 1 1:44 Taat 11-5 110 4 4 7 7 7$ 7i J Smyth 8 C.King, Froissart, P.Pilsthorpe 264S2 Dorval 3-4 1:19 hvy 19-20 111 1 5 7 6l 051 J Smyth 8 Copper King, Gartley, Old Pop EXMER, b. g, 6 107 By Exclamation Myra Morella A. T. Stewart. 28SG4 .BlueBon. 1 l:44hvy 1G 103 10 4 3 3 4 3T5 AV McKziell Amphion, Smithfield, Good Shot 2S81G Connht 1 l:54hvy 12-5 103 3 5 2 2 1 l1 AV McKzie 7 Miss Fay, Kath. II. . ThornclilTe 2S425 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast 16 101J S S S 7s 72 W McKzie 8 Moss Fox, Armine, Dor. Carlin 2336S Hillcrest Gi f l:25fast 12 107 1 2 3 4" 555 N Burger 9 Meissen. My Joe. Puritan Lass 23327 Hillcrest 7-8 l:34ysslow 10 104 2 3 3 41 43 N Burger 10 Grenville. Puritan Lass. Meissen 23173 Wdbine lm70y l:4Gfast fid 109 8 7 11 11 11 113G H Haniner 11 II. Bassett IL. Rustling. Sarolta 22845 Dorval 3-4 l:14?4slow 27 111 4 8 7 8 8ll5H Haumcr 8 Pur.Luss, L.Spdthrift, Mausolus 22653 BlueBon. 1 l:40fast 8J 104 6 4 3 5 6 l 6" F Cooper 7 Irish Heart. ComBroom. Gartley VIVIAN S ch. m, 5 lOti By Locohatchec Kermoss S. S. Shore. 2S797 Connht 3-1 1:19 hvy C5 100 5 S C S" 42 W Collins 9 Good Shot, Smithlield, Arinine 2S733 Connht 3-4 l:15fnst 18 100. C 5 5 0s 410 R Bolton L.Mildred. MissGaylc, L.Xephew 27119 Connht 1 l:47fchvy ID 101 4 5 C G 05 5" AV McKzie T Reddest, Puritan Lass, Old Pop 2G77G BlueBon. 3-4 l:16fast 9 110 10 5 4 21 35 B Leaver 10 F.E.Gaietv. TornclitTe, G.Vixeu 3C578 Connht 55 f 1:11 fast 40 109 C 8 8 8 8- A Dudley 8 T.P.ConnelT, Boozer, Suivcz-Moi 10S7G Connht 5-8 1:02 fast CO 95 4 C C C 5" Snyder 0 Mar.Gaiety, Meissen OurMabellc CERF VOLANT, ch. g, 4 10G 3y Blue Book Eva Maddison C. A. Lavignc. 28X52 BlueBon. 1 1-1 2:13 slow 11 121 7 1 1 4 5 C10 H Snyder 7 Silk Bird. Saeal. Reddest 2S797 Connht 3-4 1:19 hvy 17 103 7 7 G a1 7l: AV Obort J Good Shot, Smithlield, Aniline 28 1 30 Connht 1 l:42fast 10C 100 7 3 G 7 S S" R C Watls S Back Bay, Lazuli, Ormnlu 28625 1 l:4igood 3 113 7 7 k 25 K Martin ! Bis Rogers. Thorncliffe. Saeal 285S7 Mt.Royal 5-S l:00fast 20 112 7 8 7 II Snyder 9 Bird Man, M. OBrien, K.Tuscan 2S,? Mt.Royal S-S l:01fast 4 ill 9 7 75 55 S AVolstrn 11 Bin Money, Lady Dal, B. Reach 22931 Dpryal 55 l:07fast C9-10 107 2 2 2 22 2i R AndersnlO Kama, Sir James, Sir Arthur THORNCLIFFE, br. g. 3 03 By Bolsover St. Cecilia II. W. Bennett. 2SS1C Connht 1 l:54Vihvy 47-5 101 2 1 1 1 4s l10 K McDott 7 Kxnier, Miss Fav, Kathleen II. 28797 Connht 3-4 1:19 hvy 15 HI S 4 7 7 S13 A Collins 9 Good Shot, Smithfield, Armine 2762 Connht 1 l:50!islop 20 32 4. 1 1 2 2s 2 R C -Watts 7 Good Shot, Dehaven, Meissen 2S737 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 11 yr. S 7 71 S2 F Merimce S Hamp.Damc, Armine. Latellours 2SG25 MLRoyal 1 l:4tgood 3-2 102 11 P 35 A Claver 9 Di.v Rogers, Cerf Volant. Saeal 2fC19. MLRoyal 55 f l:0Gfast 15 100.4 2 21 C5J A Claver S L.Spendthrift, Single, Lit.Rebel DOROTHY CARLIN, b. f. 3 104 By Gay Boy Taunt D. A. Campbell. 2S50S Windsor 3-1 1:14 fast 29 10C I C 7 C G3 W Lillcy S Corn Broom. Dehaven, Armine 28425 Fortune- 3-4 1:11 fast 20 9S 7 7 C -l- 35 B Kopmn S Moss Fox. Armine, SirLauncelot 27G19 3-4 1:14 fast 20 101 S 7 8 Sl S3 W Obcrt 30 Gartley, Corn Broom, IrisliIIeart 2745S FortEric 3-4 t 97 8 12 11 10 10 L McAtce 32 Billv Frew, Moss Fox. Mausolus 2G35S Wdbino 1 1-1C l:52rast 33: 120 5 4 0 C C 6" A Mott 0 S. Colleen, Latellours, H.Flame 23107 Ilillcrcst AbG-S 1:02ts1op 10 1C S 8 S S1!iJS Wolstm S Blue Cap, Old Iop. Mrs. Jack 23241 Wdbine 3-4 1:16 fast 33. 10S 2 C 5 5 CTi J Morys S-Dehaven,- Armine. Sweet Colleen 23140 Wdbine 3-1 l:16good 31 93 4 3 2 22 1" Collins 3 S.Artlmr. Rcnconrt, Shrovetide SACAL, br. m, 5 106 By St. Savin Called Back W Wray. 28852 BlueBon. 1 1-1 2:13 slow 21 321 2 1 3 3 31 2" AV Schorn 7 Silk Bird, Reddest, GoldenVixen 2S625 Mt.Royal 1 l:41"-igood 2 112 3 4 7nk 43 N Foden 9 BixRoxcrs, C. Volant, TlimclilTe 282-12 Ilamton 3-4 1:16 fast 11 312 C 7 4 3; 42 W Waron 9 SirArthur, TornSilk, ThomeliiTe 27968 MLRoyal 3-4 1:15 fast C 103 1 1 21 3 N Foden 7 Froissart. Red Post. Phil McCool -J?J2 Mt-Koynl 3-4 l:15fast 15 10C 3 1 P r5 N Foden 9 Auster. P.Pliilstliorpe, Froissart 26S6S BlueBon. 7-S l:29Vigood 44 95 G C 8 S S3 7si T Buckles 9 Amphion. Kama, Corn Broom 2G7G BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGfast 21-5 110 5 7 7 5 5lN Foden 10 F.B.Gaiety, Trncliffe, VivianS. CAPER SAUCE, b. g, 14 100 By Morpheus New Bance S. Hintz. ?Jt-Koyal I:" slow 20 111 It 7 Si 45 II Steinht 32 L.s Tail. Fawn. Col. McDougall 2. C42 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:lSf.mad C 309 7 S S 7silt Estop ! Otero, Pr. Philstliorpc, Sarolta 233S9 Hillcrest Ah5-S l:01fast 20 11310 9 71 G9 C Peak 10 Tankard. StrangeGirl Carisslma 233C5 Hillcrest Ab3-S 1:01 fast 25 111 9 9 S3 S X Foden li Cap N-lson, Oxer. Col. Kandel 23327. Hillcrest 7-S l:344slow 35 105 4 S 7 7 8J 10 Cullen 10 Grt nville. Puritan Lass. Meissen 23173 Wdbine lm70y l:lGfast fid 103 U C S S S 7l:iA Collins 11 II. Bassnlt II., Rustling, Sarolta MEISSEN, b. m, 5 109 By Inferno Royal China C. J. Kean. 2S7C2 Connht 1 l:50Jslop 19 30G 1 3 4 4 4 4- T Tarton 7 Good Shot. ThornelhTo, Dehaven 2SG97 Connht 1 1:44 fast 27 101 4 4 7 0 51 G3 T Purton S Dehaven. Miss Fav, Good Shot 2S571 Hillcrest AbG?.f 1:24 andfast 2 115 5 4 4 4 41 J Deavpt i! Fawn, Flizaboth Lee. Auto Maid 2S4S1 Hillcrest AbCif 1:25 fast 4 110 9 S C 5l 4;i J DomicklO Dash, Fawn, Ella Jenninc-? 2S113 FortEric 1 l:39fast 10 101 5 4 5 5 Cs G11 F Robson 7 Last Spark, Kath.II., Smithfleld 27133 Connht 1 l:44?5Sood 37-5 10C C G G 5 G5 J Dennisn 7 Ravencourt. C. Broom, Pur.Lass FROISSART, b. s, 5 112 By Kavoc Frou Frou A. Bulcroft. 2SSC4 BlueBon. 1 l:41hvy SO 105 3 7 C G 5i C11 II Gray 11 Ampiiiou, SmithUeld. Bxmer 2SGS3 MLRoyal GJ f 1:07 fast 4 Ibi- fi 5 51 .1 Howard S L.Sndtlirif t. Auster, T.Flanican 2SG23 Mt.Roy1 lm70yl:44fast 10 110 9S Sh 9J G Gould 30 Amphion, Blackford. Phil Mohr 25574 MLRoyal 3-4 l:13fast G 110 S S Gi 5l G Gould 11 KedPost, Amphion. L.Sendtlirif t 279GS MLRoyal 3-4 1:35 fast S-u 105 5 4 3l ll H Gray 7 Red Post. Saeal, Phil McCool 27S49 MLRoyal 3-4 l:15fast 4 101 1 7 5l 31 H Gray 9 Auster, P. Philstliorpc, Reddest PURITAN LASS, b. m, 6 109 By Ypsilanti II. Puritania P. Gorman. 2SS1C Connht 1 l:54,ihvy 10 107 7 2 4 fi G 728 L McAlee 7 Kxinor. Miss Fav, Kathleen II. 287G2 Connht 1 l:50slop 77-10 101 5 5 5 5 G10 C: W Collins 7 Good Shot, Thorncliffe, Dehaven 2;537 Windsor 1 l:41fast 15 103 G 5 G 5 5 5 N Barrett Kathleen II.. Mausolus, L.Spark 28125 FortEric 3-4 1:14 fast 41 103 2 C 5 S S3J A Nergrer S Moss Fox. Armine. Dor. Carlin 27C10 Fortliric 3-4 1:14 fast 11 107 7 S 9 Gi G J Drcycr 10 Gartlev, Corn Broom, IrisliIIeart 2719G FortErio 1 l:43Vf.fnst 9 110 S S 8 G C J Drcyer S Moss Fox, Mausolus, ThornclilTe 2715S FortErio 3-1 l:16fast SO 30111 11 9 S- 41 J Drcyer 12 Billy Frew, Moss Fox, Mausolus OTERO, br. f, 4 112 Bv Bassctlaw Cuba Free R. Hanlcy. 2SS1G Cimnht 1 l:51Vihvy 11 107 5 7 7 7 7 iss .1 Dennisn 7 Kxnier. Miss Far. Kathleen II. 2J797 Connht 3-11:39 hvy 22 30.V; 9 9 9 9 9:a D Dennisn 9 Good Shot, Sinitlifiehl, Armine 2S7C2 Connht 1 l:fu;sIop 19 31C 7 Lost rider. J Dennisn 7 Good Shot, Thorni-lilTe, Dehaven 279CS MLRoyal 3-4 1:15 fast 1 303 2 5 53 56J J Dennisn 7 Froissart. Red Post, Saeal 27782 MLRoyal 3-4 1:15 fast 7 307 12 Pulled up..T Denson 12 L. Spendthrift, Anster, Reddest 27595 KingEd. Ab5-S l:07hvy G-5 114 3 G Ci 3 J Dennisn 7 Auster, PhilMcCool, CosinAgnes 274S0 KingEd. Ab3-4 l:27hvy G 114 7 - G C3 Csl J Denson 7 Energetic, Yanker, Tarleton P. FIDDLER, b. g, 9 109 By Qucksilvcr Dolly J. Frankln. 2SSG4 BlueBon. 1 l:4lhvy 212 109 9 10 11 11 11 13" J Connors 11 Amphion, Smithlield. Exmer 25575 MLRoyal 5i f l:0Gfast 20 3 OS 4 8 8 Sl" H Gray S King AVorth, XellieB., RoyalTea 22338 Reno 1-2 47fast 27 120 4 3 41 51 I Louder 7 Or. Blossom, Eureka. Bal. Beers 22130 Reno 1-1 229-ifast 22 123 1 21 3? C Gross , Bailey Beers. Eureka, Seneca 220u Reno 1-1 22andfast 12 323 4 2i 2 C Gross 7 Eureka, BallevBeers, ApachoKid 21990 Reno 1-2 4S fast 13 ICG 4 1 21 5J C Gross S .7. Gheens. R. Jlanteli, Red Buck 21SS9 Reno 1-4 22fast 19 113 5 G 4 W Appleby 0 Seneca. Orange Blossom, Envy ALL STEEL, br g, 3 101 By Allowmaisc-r- Shirley R. M. A. Viaa. 25552 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:13 slow 21 112 4 7 5 C Gs 51 R McDott 7 Silk Bird. Saeal, Reddest 2S574 MLRoyal 3-4 l:13fast 20 93 11 11 11 11 J Drcyer II RedPost. Amphion. L.Sendtlirif t 2274G BlueBon. 5-S 1:02 fast 21 US 5 5 5 5 58 T Rice BiilyFrcw, Birdlaiid. DixRogers SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Sept. -1, 19153:125105. GRAPHIC, b. f, 2 107 By Glorio Picturesque Thorncliffe Stable. 28772 Connht 3-4 1:17 slow 3-4 10S 3 2 1 1 1IF Robson S Ladv Moll. Capt. R.iv, Solveig 2andG03 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 3G-5 109 2 3 2 2: li R McDottRJ .T.Rufus, Otsego, Butterscotchll. GLOOMY GUS, br. c. 2 110 By Ogdea Happy Kate 0. C. Rasch. 7?l Setoff8- Jri 1:14 fast 4 5 S 3 2 1 L Lykes 9 Jas.Fancy, Yowstone. Ilanobala 280G2 Empire ul f 1:09 mud 2i 111 1 11 1 1 H Shilling 5 D.L.Legs, G.Marie, Moonlighter 27927 Empire 5-8 l:014,fast S 107 G 3 1 3s ljl R Hoffman S AimccT., Kath.Gray. T Boness 792V,uct . 5-S G 115 7 3 C 6i 7i C Bgatne 9 K.Ilaggot, B.Jonathan. B.Bradr 2G639 Belmont 5-S st 1:00 good S-5 112 2 11 lJ 2"t M Garner 4 K.Gray, M.Murray, Moonlighter BUTTERSCOTCH II., b. c. 2 103 By Radium Macaroon H. Oots. 28S19 Connht 3-4 l:21hvy 13-10 101 4 2 1 1 1" T Hayes 4 Kath. Gray, G.Bollv, OplieliaW 28727 Connht 51 f l:0S5fast 2S-5 112 9 9 9 X3 1 T Hayes 11 Capt. Rav, Sea Gull, Berthier 2SG03 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 2G-5 312 8 -1 5 4 4 T Hayes 12 Graphic, J. Rufus Otego 27991 Windsor 5-8 l:01M;fast fid 103 10 11 11 9 910 T Hayes 12 Blue Fox, Blaise Swift Fox 277G7 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 4G 303J 7 7 7 G4 C"3 T Hayes S Incog, Beautiful Morn, Iligh.Lad 27499 FortErie 5-S 1:02 fast fid 103 G 1 1 51 O-J F Robsonll Bondage, Manokin Swift Fox COMACHO, b. c, 2 110 By Celt Mildred Shults J. O. Kcene. 28357 FortErie 5-S l:02fast 14 30S 1 11 lnt li T Parton 10 B.andKarlv, Oriana T Baroness 27510 FortErie 5-S 3:02fast 14-5 103 4 3 2 2"t 301 F Robson 7 WallStreet. Gratitude " Dan F.iv 2G495 Douglas 5-S l:02i W 114 6 7 7 7 7" W W Tlor 7 S.Gilsey, O.Leader. W.H.Pearce CADILLAC, ch. c. 2 10G By Totldington Winnie G. J. X. L. Ross. 28S79 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGslow 2G 110 4 7 S G G14 L McAtce S Incog, Q. of the Sea Blue Fox 2C777 BlueBon. 5-S 1:01 fast 23 112 7 G 2 A Mott 18 G. Bantaln, 1 . Lilv, Coiiowingo SDorval 4i f 5Gfast 22-5 31G 1 3 5 5 62 W Ward ! BonOtis, Gold.Baiitam V,?,rX 41 f 5S-hvy 2i 115 5 3 1 1 l" W Ward 7 Lueile P., EasterLi v" AV Street S H;!110 5-S l:02U,fast 37-5 312 1 4 G C 5C Jones i BlueFox. BlueG.Itelle. Highway 2019;. v AVdbine 5-S 1:03 good fid 110 5 4 4 3 3 C Jones 11 Yel. Sallv, Blue G. Girl, 1J. Star .F..?:TT,R0.T ch f- 2 103 By Star Shoot Passan H. Rites. Vo-: T,,u,,J,n- SI f 1:0710 w 34 107 G 7 G fik 4 W Obert 7 LadvMoII. O. of the Sea Savilli 5""n ,J: ir?:J? lvK 4:-103 C, 4 4 s A Collins Hops, Billy "jleGee. IMying Flora "n". rr , m - 4 4 41 55i A Pickens 9 Incog, Waukeag. Savilla 7 croc ?"!r w 5Hi:,Plst !K JI5I 4 4 1" 1 A l-iekens 7 Rhymer, Kath. Gray, Med. Miss -S421 1-ortLric .i-4 1 :15-f, 0-5 309 G G 3 3 3J F Robson IS SiiringWlieat G Dress H Shuck nrtriC ISllf ?, m- I 4 21 25 W Obcrt 10 TheGaddc 827 Ham ton 5-S l:014fast 12 lo-j G 5 6 6 C3i J Connors 7 Tarahcra, The Gadder, Savilla THIRD RACE 11-2 Miles. Blue Bonnets Breeders Stakes. 3-ycar-olds. Canadian-bred. Allowances. Sept. 11, 1910 2:33 Ji u lOo. ?-?P,R ,I.ING; p-3 , . 122 By Bowling Brook Tarletan P. Gorman. 7,vo hR.!1""- 1 4;S l:s: ?low 4?-10 JS 2 1 1 1 11 11 A f,l!ins 7 Amphion, 11. Dame. Pep.Sauoe i,v: :i r.1J 2 1 j! McAtce U Broom Corn. Will Cash, Mimla n-.iJ1-; 11"1ii1:iifaSM3in1??. I 1 i , 54 W M"chcll G P.Pilsthorpe, Kath.II. rH; ,or r,. 1:5D,S W 5 ,r I r :;3 f J Connors 9 C. Brwmi. M.Fox. P.Philsthorpe norr!e H:ilS?Jas iHE I 1 1 21 F Mcrltnee G Baby Cal, Trout Fly, Gypsyl.lair r7fl ly,rl,lno 1 3: 2,6fast 17-5 101 3 4 4 C J Droyer 9 Garish Sun, Amphion, BiilyFrcw 27.W7 Hainton 1 l:42Jtfast 41-5 9 G 1 3 4 4s 2" II JefTcott i Sea Beach Babv Cal n-indfnll 2GS32 BIu.sBon. 1 l:4!hvy 17-5 100 G 2 1 1 1 li J Cruise S P.Pliilstliorpe. Amphion, B.Frew S-?TBln,? h,G: ? 122 By Oiseau Silk Koso Dorchester Stable. f! J;"; 1 i" i: LfnY :;:,4 S 2 f I l 1 U " Satnl. Reddest. Gohlen Vixen vf.",- .i J:HUS ir, I04 L 2 2 2nk z-i II Gray S Old Pop, Sea Lord, Corn Broom JiitI,Ut!n 1 I-Wifast 13 37 u 1 5 5 G C W Collins ; Splutter. Kama Fair Montague .-i-o SK: lm?04:4i;-ra 43-S1 3 111 3uU 33lII Gray 7 U Curzon, "S.Aague.1 Splulr i j! IortErle -l LTfast 5 300 5 G 3 3 3 L McAtce r, Splutter. LadyCurzon, Tartarean frlVuyU ZiViW111 I , I 4 41 42W Obcrt 12 Kama. Splutter. Sir Lauucelot 2.SGMlluoBon. 7-S l:29good31-10 lOo 7 3 2 2 4 S T Parton 9 Amphion, Kama, Cora Broom .?ALA..VATER Lr 3 112 By Galatine Sea Wall J. E. Seagram. V ;s"r V-"fHAsl ?i i S 8 S SC ;" B KopmhlO Tartarean. Splutter, LadyCurzon !t? w?1? " , ?1 n la-UMt - . , 5 0 5 5?3J Callahan G Splutter, Tartarean. Old Pop tw !"0 H"? o:Voihvy, 3-20 1 4 3 3 3 Vfi 2i J Smyth 4 Mandarin, Kama, Old Pop K!"C 14i r"n2,.?0id Ho5 3,3 ,3 S 2 J Smyth i Mandarin, Gala Day. Old Pop 209O Wdbine Gi f l:0Sfast 22 103 12 11 10 10 10 J Smyth 12 Typhoon, Trout Fly. Dehaven .So-? ch ?A . 125 By Martimas Cannie Maid C. A. Crew. 7J,,ulI?rr- 1 .V? 4:,5?.Iov 99 4 3 2 4 5 5" R McDott 7 Cop. King, Amphion, II. Dame H,?.11" ht r4 4:142fast, :r!7"u C 4 4 41 W Collins S Hamp.Dame. Armine, Latellours Zf-Z w!nlsor "4 :1Al??ooa ;"4 90 C 0 C 50 5!H Jeffcott ; Tartarean, LadyCurzon, Armine .fV? lnT-S0-r ! :2Bast " 9i S 7 7 7 6 4 W Crump 10 Tartarean. Splutter, LadyCurzon ,1t0tU?1q r i:JLSast 71"5 3 i 4 3 21 H Jcn"c" 5 Splutter. Trtarean, P.Plsthorpe 20J"am,tn 3- L-JSMifast 39 90 S 6 0 4 3 II Jeffcott S Sea Lord, Corn Broom. II. Dame ii-J?am.wn 3"4 J:lifast, 22 9 . 10 1 0 S iJ Dre-er 12 Kama, Splutter, Sir Launcelot .M33 Conn ht 1 l:44?igood 31-a 33 1 4 4 7 7 G W McKzie 7 Ravencourt. C. Broom, Pur.Lass ALL AMAZED, b. g, 3 106 By Allowmaise Lady Leota M. O. Viau iBB -5oy1! 5i n:?T-,fast 10 100 1 3 3"t 74 j Dreyer S L. Spendthrift. Auster. Froissart Jt. Royal 1 l:44good 4 103 S 2 5 5; J Dreyer 9 DixRogers. C. Volant. Thrneliffe U;.Ro.yil1 . ,24 J:4.,iast 30 32 5 2 l S1 w Kchey R: L. Spendthrift, Auster, Reddest JioS.! Delmier AbD-S.l:03fast 15 102 7 7 71 G2 J Cruise 9 Otero, Auster. Duke of Chester 2GiG BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGfast 52 105 C 4 G 10 10" S WolstmlO F.E.Gaiety. Trncliffe, VivianS. FOURTH RACE About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Sept. 12, 190S J : o-l H 5 145 . CHESTER XRUM, ch. g. 9 149 By Sir Hercules Ravoletto D. Raymond. 2S094 Hamton Ab2 4:0Gfast 9-4 351 C G G 5 5 4" R Scully 7 Indian Arrow, JoeGaiety, JimO. 277S4 MLRoyal Ab2 4:11 fast 4-5 148 2 2 ll 1 D Scully r. Antiseptic, C.F.Gringer. Sarolta 2o94 Hamton Ab 2 4:33?sfast 3-2 352 8 5 2 Fell. W Allen 9 X. Haven, Bamboo, Brushbroom 27324 Hamton Ab 2 4:22 fast 3-2 350 S 3 G 2 2 1 F Willms S J. Winston. ThcAfrican, L.IIugh SS2I Connht Ab 2 4:00?fast S-5 144 2 3 1 4 42 4" II Boyle Frijolee, IndianArrow, Morpeth 2GS31 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:20;hvy 22 143 1 2 4 4 4 4 C Koerner i Sun King. Xew Haven, S. River 264S5 Dorval Ab 2 4:33M;hvy 8 150 2 3 2 4 3 3IS C Koerner 0 Stucco, C.F.Gringer, J.Winston JOE GAIETY, b. g, 7 136 By Martimas Miss Gaiety S. Mintz. 2SS67 BlueBon. Ab21 5:lChvy 18 130 G 2 1 3 3 3 J Russell r. Garter. C. F. Grainger. Areturus 25553 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:08 slow 27 130 4 3 1 Lost rider. J Russell 7 Rob.Olivcr, Collector, XewIIaven 2S7G0 Connht Ab 2 3:47iislop a 137 5 Fell. J Russell 5 Frijolee. C.F.Grainger. Arcturns 2i28 onn.,ht Ab 2 3:49.ifast 24-G 130 3 1 3 3 3 3 J Russell r. C.F.Grainger. Tomllorn, Bamboo iSC99 Connht Ab 2 4:49H;fast 13 130 4 1 3 3 4J 5" J Russell S Garter, Collector, C. F. Graingei 28285 Hamton Ab 2 4:02fast 12 1 30 1 5 4 4 4 4" N Brooks 5 In. Arrow, EarlyLight, N.Haven SAROLTA. br. m, 6 138 By Bassctlaw Jai Alai W. Wray. 28a7o MLRoyal Ab 2 4:a3 fast 4 340 3 1 11 -Fell.J Bemish i C.F.Grainger. yueed. J. Winston 28243 Hamton Ab 2 4:30?ifast 13 140 2 1 Fell. J Russell S J. Winston. Antiseptic, Cot. Top 2s0U MLRoyal Ab 2 4:17 hvy G 334 5 2 3i 31 C Grand 0 C.F.Grger, Antiseptic. Arcturus 2iSI MLRoyal Ab2 4:11 fast G 135 1 1 4 4" J Murphy fi C.Kruin. Antiseptic, C.F.Ginger 27071 Connht Ab 2 4:10?5hvy 52 137 1 1 2 7 7 70t R Scully 7 IdleMiehael. Bamboo, J.Winstou 2:73l Mt.Royal Gt f 3:09islow 30 11G 4 S 9 D ll Steinht 10 Curious. Monty Fox. Indifferent 23702 MLRoyal S f 1:13 hvy G 113 1. 4 2 fiJ R Watts S Pur. Lass, Pr.PUil.stliorpe. Otero TOM HORN. b. g, C 141 By Filieraine Wallhalla A. Henry. 8853 BhieRoii. Ab 2 4;ftS slow 13 13: 4 Lost rider. F Walker 7 RobL Oliver. Collector. X.IIavoii 287G0 Connht Ab 2 3:474,islop 7-G 139 4 3 3 Lost rider. F Walker Ti Frijolee. C.F.Grainger, Arftnrus 2b724" Connlt Ab 2 3:49fast S-5 i:t5 12 1 1 1 21 F Walker 5 C.F.Grainger, .1. Gaiety. Bamboo 20344BlueBon. Ab 2 4:02fast 13-10 110 111 1 3 3J N Brooks 4 Sun King, Bryndown, Bacchante 205S0 Wdbine Ab 2J 4:5Gfa5t 37-5 lil i Lost rider. F Willins D Wcldsliip. Bryudown. Stucco FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. June 7, 1911 1:37;S 3 107. ?JA B JUEY. c,h. !, 4 106" By Fair Play-Princess Chie W. Viau. o?? puepon- , , 1 V44 slow 13-10 io HC 1 2 2 2 Ink 2 J Metcalf 15 Arriet, Ormuhi. Lazuli 2?4 ratoga. 1 1-8 1:53 fust 9-5 322 2 3 3 2 2 3 T McTagt i Gainer, Grumpy, Water Witcli K Saratoga 1 1:3, .fast 35 31G 1 2 2 2 4 410 E Campbl , Pennant. Stron boli. Ed Crump 2S22 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:0o5fast 35 33S 5 3 2 1 3 6" E Campbl 8 Stromboli, Ed Crump. FriarRoct 27SS Empire limOy 1:43 fast 7-5 126 3 4 4 2 3s 2J E Campbl 4 Fernrock Rolv Hank ODnV 27099 Empire 1 3-S 3:51.faSt 10. 123 2 2 1 1 73 92 E Campbl 9 Short Grass. Roanier Siiur ;74.a Aqduct 7-8 20 1 121. 7 9 6 5 4 H E Campblll Ormesdale, S. Grass. Phosphor 23.WS Laurel 1 1-1C l.-ul slop 43-20 12G 1 2 2 3 3 .3" T McTagt 4 The Finn. Distant Shore. Roly .P-?2111 BRADLEY, ch. g, 6 101 By McGeo Lady Qnex W. E. Miwll SSrf " ???lT,n!S 1 I 2 ?! 5!,A picns 5i K.Xeptune, P.IIermis. Jlmroseh ?l?w-nn,ht Vv,";11551;1?,1?,7 2 2 i 2 2i L McAtce 0 T.othMing, T;Merader, Tnhill 2Sb3G Windsor -"I 3-4 l:12good 24-5 111 3 5 G 7 5" T Parton S Kewessa Mars C issidv VoiiPtln 2S442 FortErie 3-4 1:12 fast 27-5 109 1 2 2 2and 3i T Parton 8 T.Muerader iiewessa C Vennio 220 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 43-10 109 1 1 2 2. 35 F Robson S atiSG 2S170 Ilamton 3-4 l:133fast IS 107 1 1 2 2"k V- L McAtce 9 T.othMing. B.Bay. T.Merauer H-RI,f.TI h- s , , r??o3 Ey Star Shoot Chulita E, T. Zollicoffcr. -SS.i4 BlueBon. 1 1:10 slow 23-5 o H2 ;i a o u a- G.1. R McDott S K.Xiitiine P Ilermis P RrMIov 2St.Ai Conn ht 1 l:40i;fast 21-10 107 2 2 2 2 2 2?. F Robson Kin- Xontiinn Srimmv jMr iin 2S553 Windsor 1 1-8 l:521ifast 47-10 101 1 2 2 2 1 1R McDott 5 aS22 y"80.r 37;!7, 3 I li 6 6: csfc Gentry 7 McAdoo? KtetoZnC,MMiLu 2S359 I-ortEric 3m0yl:43fast 23-10 111 4 5 5 2 2 3i L Gentry 5 Fels Black Broom Stir cV 2S24S Ilamton 1 1-S l:52fast 7-5 110 4 2 2 2 2 21 L Gentry Kols. All SmcJSlSnAV .?t.?-VITiy,b e 4 , , . 101 By Canopus Florentia C. J. Brockmillor. 2S;.4 BlueBon. 1 1:40 slow 4S-5 10S S C 7 7 7 G" W Schorn 8 K Xntuue P Ilerniis II PrMlm- 28774 Connht 1 l:4355siow 15 30S 1 7 4 4 4 3i A Pickens V CUvUx l". Thoralim Pcc Ierm ?s 2S73G C9nnht 1 l:40fast 41-10 109 1 3 3 3 3: 37. T Parton K in Ncnti ic CI ris He Vir n,V .857G Mt.Roy 1 1 1-1C l:44fast 2-3 117 1 3 3s 2.V G W Carl rt Gunbe-irpr Arml ill f-mt ,Vn Hiss fei uiitm in Ssr!r: 2G3G0 Wdbine 1 1-1C l:475fast 12-5 115 9 9 9 4 15 H I, McAtce 9 Omuk 1 Tande Tbn n-h 2C311 Wdbine 1 1-S l:52fast 28-5 110 9 7 5 3 2 2 L McAtee V Runes P MonS irtlSf 2G0G7Pimlico ImiOy 1:44 fast 19-5 301 2 3 4 4 3 3 L McAtee 5 ShoGmSl KSW 19215 30 4C G 2 arUm 2S700 Connht 1 l:39fast 33 9S 2 7 7 7 7 7" R AIcDott 7 rnmim- n. "v . 25700 Connht 1 l:39fast 33 98 2 7 7 7 1 71- R McDott 7 Criimiiv T!IvSf 1Ct 27952 Windsor 3-1 l:13fast 37 91 G G C C G J Rogers i Ftnii , 501lt,",, Vcil,e5a 27449 FortErie 3-4 l:14slow 62 300 S S S 8 ?i I Wain S 1 V S t1"1""; S11 27257 Hamton 3-4 l:13andiast 27 103 7 vtJ ,lad P-V,ng,aT 8 9 9 9" M Mn a n 9 Robert rS- 2711C Connht 3-4 3:17hvy 31-5 101 5 4 4 3 21 M Mntain i k S,Vn UVMnctla.; .8,t3r 27034 Connht 1 l:hvy 31-5 99 5 5 4 5 G 4 L McAtee" S klafSSSSi SIXTH RACE 7-3 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Sept. 17, 1910 1:245 0 111. 2S,nJS h?:4slow 17-20 35 1 1 S 2Si:!S FortlCrie "3-1 1:13 ! fai lb-l5 315 1 ! 1 n lb Gen r iT- As?r""" 2S399 FortErie 5i f 1:07 fast 34 108 1 3 :: 5 C t fiintrv 10 Si n W. Batlnii 2S349 Duffcrin 1 W6 1:54 fast 10 112 7 7 7 7 7 C Peak 8 EdSe Vfnu" 1tetw;nU? , 2S325 FortErie 3-1 1:13 fast 33 111 2 5 G G- 7" J Metcalf 11 Ahrtti rfsm r i Tze-Lsi 2S09S Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 27 97 1 4 5 5i 7 O Gentry 7 Gin George Cp TMir 27579 FortErie 1 1-1G 1 :47f ast 10 100 6 4 5 5 4 41 J Dreyer HwhVHpnJm.nTH?81 SbS ffiS Uai !-45l:14slow IS 3 3 1 28171 Hamton 1 1-1G l:47fast 35 105 3 2 2 2 2 3V 6 Dishmon Jt-i ith ?rmH "7?. """P 27034 Connht 1 l:45hvy 10 112 4 4 5 4 4 5" M Andson h K?Xeptune, Aliiies if Quince SANDS OF PLEASURE b. g, 3 110 By Fair Play-Golden Sand G M Sri i 25551 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14slow 3C-5 31C 1 S G 4 5-. R McDott iHMri ?ml nnf if- ? 2SG07 AVindsor 3-4 l:13fast 41-10 109 S S G 3n5 2l F Robson 8 Digntv DroH StniiV TToVrf 513 Windsor 5 f l:0Grast 25 107 11 11 9 7l G:2 AV A Car 112 lletwecn Us AI Cassil? nimitrt 28245 Hamton 1 l:39fast 30-5 9G 3 4 3 2 25 S L McAtee -1 r ? nnL li11 28097 Hamton 1 1-1G 1:1GSfast 14 84 7 4 4 4 5 75 H Jeffcott 9 BlickBroom Q Fn ,n -aJ 27989 AVindsor 3-4 3:33fast 11 111 5 G 5 3 L Gent?" 8 AI rian-io TnneTtm; Gne 27873 Windsor 11:40 fast 42 84 S 7 C 2 2J 7 H Jeffcott 9 KKorin." VeieUFouiUFav PAYMASTER, br. c. 3 10S Bv Galveston Nun fV7 T T!.,tmo 25552 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGslow 21-10 114 5 S 7 5f 2l F Robson33 lh-Vliirco t Dolinn Vrnn n 2SS1S Connht 3-4 l:21hvy 11-5 107 5 2 2 2. 2" T Haves 7 L Mexican AI C i vie ? S. 28773 Connht 1 l:4Gsslow 12-5 107 3 1 1 1 315JT Parton S 5 25701 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 14 307 C 3 2 G 5J It McDott 8 Kn Worth ? niri SfLp 8259 Hamton 53 f 3:07rast 33 10S C 5 G 6 7" F RobVson S MarHnao Fnve Bpv rand?l0ra 2S217 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 24 103 9 9 9 9 9 L McAfee OlStaotMWl1 ioas, nam ton o-4 l.lo73fast u9 110 9 6 6 4- 47i J Connors 9 Privet Petal, PeepSight B Path luSfiiVy 21-101111 2 -BDM S?Conn;ht 3-4 3:15fast 53-10 107 1 3 3 3 "n F Sman MtesCa" te. Llt?1 , 2h31 Connht 3-4 l:15fast 21 107 G 4 4 4 m R Shilling 9 M Cavle L inV T i 2S590 AVindsor 5J f l:0Gfast 31 98 8 5 7 7 7-i H Stearnl 12 lut to 2S20S Hthorne lm70yl:47 fast 35 305 6 C G 3 7 7 H 1 earns 11 Vo"ant Dchra andksrivta 2S102 Hthorne 3-4 l:16andfast 3 102 1 2 2 2h lh H StearnslO Est e- L Snnir" t ,,J-ilo- 28033 Hthorne 55 f 1:0s" fast 25 99 5 8 4 h 33 H Stearns 14 Jungle Utel Chen,uit 27995 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast S 95 9 C 7 75 7" R Hack 13 Rosemary, C EACE 1 1-4 MiIes 4-yea"-Ws and upward. Claiming. 9S.SEV:E1,TTH June 10, 1911 2M 1 MONOCACY, ch. g, 6 11G By Hamburg Monadour T. Trovotol 2SS5C BlueBon. 11-8 1:50 slow 9 315 3 3 1 1 1 1 AV AVaron 9 Olmlus ZotlHe I -.dv,.,ilv 2S777 Connht 1 1-4 2:12,slow S-5 117 2 1 2 3 3 3" L 3Ie Ucc intto i Pll f . It 28732 ConnMit 1 1-S 5 119 2 4 4 4 35 2i L McAtce sAarK 2S703 Conn ht lni20y 1:41 fast Gl-10 10C 4 C G 4 3 L McAtee 8 Kenton loSMTltuzzAnnna 2SC0S AVindsor 1 l:40fast 41-10 115 12 11 9 5 3 3-5 L Gentry IS AV; tcrnroof St CImKA n lllil 2S59G AVindsor 1 1-1G l:47faat 19-10 112 4 S 9 7 35 35 E Taplin 13 R.oLight? xManagc L Bigger 2S77sEAURovai ?iSM-t r ? - yJC? King-Maj-me M. M. J. S. Whatley. fn.r 9 r AiVrovI Im4v1:andl5r 2 i-,J5m !C i 8 c. MJkc Cohen. Ciittyliunk "58 ur r MtlrSvM Wlrnsf T :." 5on, !cMV fmi-ertson. Concha l i n 0 t 4$. HiHcr" Ib7-S H" 71 ni ?C C I K-P"ertsoii. X.McDee. Muzaiitt st V-6ft - 10 7 7 o 1 Doni ick Dufferin 1 1 ifi i:,4"-1-, J0., : . I, 7 Eddie Mott, Phil Mohr, Sordcllo Zandn J J 1 U fr. 3; om s Servicence. Mike Cohen. Cantem Duffer 1 i 1G 1 - iJunerm 1 l..4 fn fast 25 i- IGo a 4 3 2- 35 J Doinick 0 Servicence Mike Cnlnn rP T li rr. 2S! Hamton 1 3:41fast C3 115 2 SS S 8 714 J Dminick 9 Caiit. l"irr. Obohts iendel 29,2 Mt.Royl lm.OylMS fast 3 110 9 9 10 9J J DeavptlO Regular 7 Flying Fcct YnLkcp IW MO, c, 4 104 By Ildrim-Pagoda J. Barry. 28S70 BlueBon. 1 1-8 2:00 hvy 13-10110 5 fi C 4 1 3?. K AVeati?y ! Fairlv "ud"e S ile rter-Imv 287G1 Connht 1 l:47y;slop 13 10S 2 5 6 5 4 if T Buckles 7 St Cha lcoTe Obolus Alhen-t 2-S55G AVindsor 1 1-10 l:47fast 3G 303 S 7 7 5 3 ? T Buckles S King iox Ciw-ib-i Cadenza 2S514 AVin.isor 1 1-1G IMS fast 25 107 10 10 10 S S G AV A Car110 In urv B-itw- Oroi h 2f?OIHe VV?lSt C10 8 7 C G! GM F Merimeo 8 Aristoxat. Solid Rock T. 28327 I- orUCrie lmi0yl:43fast IS 304 7 9 7 7 6 3 R Shilling 10 MossFov St CIrirleoto A Itrirei 28207 Hamton 1 1-S 1:51 fast 45 109 8 5 11 11 11 101 It Shilllnl 11 Hedge Rose. Fcn vrA3TNTE IIcDEE. ch. m. 7 105 Bv Pink Coat Rnhir Rfn-Tif tn w iiii If lis LS iJS ii-liaa, , , J in.- i 2C, n. apt. Parr, A aterproof, Injury , li . zmu-i ?nt IortJne lrnrtTrio i JmiUyl.l-lTsfast m7n uiif.. u8-5 c 10a 1 - 6 4 4 442 AV SchornlO Casalri Zodiie ll-il-ee 28330 FortErie lm70yl:43fast 65 103 2 7 C 5 G 4 AV Scl ornB ArlstocY 2S209 Hthorne 1 1-1C l:47fast 20 110 2 G G 5 4 31 W W Tlor 7 Eddie T Jerr - Feilow.nnn 28030 Hthorne 11-8 1:53 fast 15 106 4 5 5 5 5 6 C : Hunt 5 Grasmere, aiSVanSlnJury PHIL T.. br. g, 4 105 By Orison Peggy R. M O Vinii ii in 9 9 i u xr1 - i 6 fial Vt Pov 1 "4 V n i- , f- r! ?,r1,te ,S -"eRunip, Xan..AIcDee, Bobolink ilio 2 Coreopsis.- Lord AVellslMunllock J v?" 2S57:AURova 5 S roo fa m r- rx 27890 MLRoyal 3-4 1 in fast 3S H2 12 12 12 32 C Peak 1 BIFastosoCCoreiVsis1" uoa 2779S MLRoyal 1 l:445good 0 113 1 2 3 10" C Peak 30 Re-i I- r Otilo BobolTnk- 273IC m!er Aif l:2ffst 15 112 9 Lost rider. C Jacl son i Se" NeVillo lSnker 2,2al Dclmier AbGif l:24fast 15 114 5 7 G C 5 J Acton 9 Cantem Sir Dvni nn,. 2C-S54 BlueBon. 1 l:425slow fid 105 9 9 9 9 10 10" AV McKZiel4 anddy 3ci

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