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, I - 1 r i . r i I : . YEARLINGS SENT EAST FROM LEXINGTON. Lexington, Ky., September 30. Seven thorough-? bred yearlings purchased by Dr. J. S. Tyree of Washington from Messrs. Charles W. Moore and G. D. Wilson were shipped to the Benning track to be broken and trained. Two of the four bought from Moore are a chestnut filly, by McGee San- fara and a bay colt, half brother to Prince Harry, by Sweep White Plume. Three from Wilson are a chestnut colt, by Stalwart Northumbria, chest-! nut colt, by Stalwart Torrid and a chestnut filly, by Burgomaster Evelyn J.. In the same car J. S. Barbee sent a bay filly, by Peep oDay Ursula Emma to B. W. Walden. M. OMalley of New York has bought Tonybee from NicoU and Wilson to be used as a jumper. Dr. St. Claire Streett of Kansas City ia here . looking for hunters and steeplechasers. Two gray weanlings, colts by Marta Santa Fair Day and from one of her daughters have been 1 uold by J. S. Hulet to W. S. Payne. -