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REAM AT FAIR LATONIA ALL BUSTLE AND ACTIVITY IN PREPARING FOR THE OPENING THIS AFTERNOON. Horses in Abundance Now at tho Track and Many More Coming Presently Large Attendance Expected to Witness Todays Contests. Cincinnati, O., October C. Latonias autumn meeting, beginning tomorrow and to hold sway for nineteen days, gives promise, according to present indications, to be one of the greatest ever held at the Milldalc track. Secretary Campbell announces that there are ample horses available, 525 being quartered at the course, which will insure good daily cards. The newcomers from Canada and Maryland will help materially to till tho programs, for they are iu fine racing fettle and their owners are desirous of winning purses. The same liberal purse offerings that characterized tho Douglas Park and Churchill Downs meetings will be given here and, if conditions warrant it. Manager Hachmeister has issued standing instructions to Secretary Campbell to raise the offerings. Today was "given over to the transfer of horses here and the track presented a scene of activity. The Louisville delegations came in steady streams, specril trains helping out the regular transportation schedules. Over 400 horses came from Louisville and the racers were unloaded without a mishap. Local interest in the coming meeting is keen and the opening days attendance promises to be of banner proportions. Eugene Elrod, who is iu charge of the betting arrangements, announced that there would be thirty-four machines in use on the first day and that thirty-five cashiers would be employed. Additions to the riding ranks include jockey Warrington and tho apprentices Lykes, Jeffcott and Crump. The last-named is under contract to E. W. Moore, while Jeffcott will do the lightweight riding for G. M. Hendrin and John Walters. A number of horses which raced at Louisville will be shipped to Lexington to be retired for the year. Latonia work-outs today over a fast track were: Acabado Three-quarters in 1:24. Reauty Shop Half mile in 45. Ren Hampson Three-eighths in 37. Big Fellow Three-quarters in 1:10. Rirka Mile in 1:45. -A Rooker Bill Half mile in 51. Cadenza Mile in 1:45. Checks Three-quarters in 1:18. Class A Three-quarters in 1:18. Ed Howard Three-eighths in 3G. Feint Half mile in 49. Grumpy Throe-quarters in 1:10. Guide Post Three-quarters in 1:10. Immense Three-quarters in 1:22. James Oakley Half mile in 51. King Gorin Five-eighths in 1:07. Kris Kringle Seven-eighths in 1:33. Latonia Three-quarters in 1:1S. 1 Manager Waite Mile in 1:15. Mico Girl Half mile in 51. Nobleman Half mile in 49. Paddy Dear Half mile in 49. ; Penrod Half mile in 53. , Pockichoo Three-quarters in 1:19. Purdey Half mile in 49. 4 Rancher Half mile in 49. Rhyme Three-eighths in 40. Sister Susie Three-eighths in 37., Solid Rock Seven-eighths in 1:31. Snawr Five-eighths in 1:00. Triad Mile in 1:49. Typhoon Three-eighths in 3S. Undaunted Three-quarters in 1:17. Waterproof Mile in 1:48. Winnie ODay Mile in 1:51. Yenghee Mile in 1:44.