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f laurel Park Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, October 7. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 1:45 i. in. Chicago time, 12:45. Todays XRuns well In mud. Superior inud limner. Iml. Horse. "Y"t. Rcc. A.Wt.Han. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. 29112 Traction 3 95X700 First Race 3-4 Mile. 19285 Roamer 123 1:44 5 124X740 2-year-olds. Selling. 2939S Borrow 120 1:44 S 121X740 Track record: Oct. 2, 19141:120114. 29552 Flittergold 109 1:44 5 10SX735 Todays 2953GJ Eagle 115 1:45 4 100X735 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. tA. Belmont entry. 29343 Spectre SSX725 . Here entry. 29559 Kathryn Gray 107 1:15 113X720 One of the best fields of this year. 29559 Chatterbox 10G 1:14 104. .720 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 29559s Glorine 109.. 715 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 29517 Ponce de Leon ... 10SX715 Track record: Oct. 2, 19141:1215114. 29559 Aimee T 105 l:15s 107X715 27700 Marse Henry 110 1:12 3 110X735 29008 Glory Belle 107.. 710 29259 Port Light 10S 1:12 3 114X730 29559 Hanobala 107 1:14 105X710 28927 3 Tnie as Steel 114 1:12 5 115X725 2S941 Cruces 93X710 29423 Piillux 105 1:12 4 115X725 29559 Meddling Miss 10S 1:15 109 X705 29535 Paddy Whack 119 1:13 3 115. . 720 29421 Kentucky Boy M 10SX705 29551 Sir William Johnson 123 1:13 5 115X720 29454 Gold Bond 110 1:15 100X705 29535 Between Us 115 1:13 4 111X720 29401 Mirza 107 1:10s 100X705 29510 King Worth 112 1:11?-. 5 115X720 29500 Napoleon 112 1:14 114 X 700 29535 Estimable 110 1:13 4 113.. 720 29559 Douglass S 112 1:15 110.. 700 29423s Murphy 115 1:13 3 115.. 715 A race of well-matched contenders. 29115 Ruck Shot 101 1:14 3 10SX715 Second Race About 2 Miles. 28103 Brave Cunarder ...109 1:12 5 111X710 Steeplechase. 29510 Scaramouch US 1:13 4 105X710 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap. 29650 Favour 107 1:14 3 103X705 Track record: Oct. 4, 1915 3:40 7 130. 29535 Sherwood 112 1:11 9 111X705 28540 Early Light 0 138X725 Some of Marse Henrys races were good enough. 295073 Sun King 5 1515X720 Sixth Race 1 Milo and 70 Yards. 28993 Quel Bonhenr 4 147.. 720 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Sim King appears to have gone back. Track record: Oct. 30, 1911 1:43 4 100. Third Race 3-4 Mile. 29113 Vermont 3 108X725 Annapolis Stakes. ,000 Added. 293Si3 Ting-a-Ling 3 105X720 2- year-olds. Allowances. 204243 Virile 10S 1:45 5 118X720 Track record: Oct. 2, 19141:120114. 29539 Jem 99 1:47 4 105X720 294S!t HOUliLESS 125 1:12 125 x 735 29012 Sea Reach 104 1:45 3 103X715 2S5593 Tom McTaggart ..125 1:13 115 X 725 29148 Sam McMeekin 112 1:44 4 110X710 29049 Ticket 107 1:13 122X725 290123 Maxims Choice ...10S 1:44 5 109X710 294S6i Woodtrap 105 l:14s 110X725 29151 Humiliation 92 1:15 5 101X710 29272 Yankee Witch .... 115 X 720 29429 Obolus 112 1:45 4 103X710 294913 Waukeag US 1:13 115X720 9i523 Dolina 101il:45s 3 107X705 294S03 Wistful 110 l:15s 112X720 29342 Old Broom 113 1:47 4 111X705 294SG Ronnie Witch 110 l:17s 115.. 715 28595 Ray o Light 114 1:45 5 109X705 29110 Fairy Wand 107 X 715 29348 Ford Mai 107 1:47 5 100X090 29519 Bondage 114 1:13 115X715 29511 Maccabee 99 1:50 3 97.. 580 29485 Friendless 110U:10s 110.. 710 -9512 Woodfair M 105 l:49s 4 105.. 575 2928G Battle 107.. 710 A close thing between the principal contenders. fA. Belmont entry. Seventh Race 1 1-4 Miles. Hourless is seemingly a colt of high class. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Track record: Oct. 10, 1914 2:05 010S. Baltimore Handicap. 2,000 Added. 291573 Cliff Haven 4 102X725 3- year-olds and upward. 29512 G. M. Miller 100 2:01 9 115X720 Track record: Oct, 1, 1914 1:43 3 117. 29052 Captain Parr 110 2:08 4 115X720 29285 Spur 123 1:45 3 11SX750 29555 Goldy 109 2:05 5 1100710 2S32S Boots 105 1:45 5 115.. 745 29511 Slumberer 110 2:11s 4 108X705 29285t Stromboli 117 1:43 5 125X745 29459 Prime Mover 117 2:09 4 105X700 29552 t Short Grass 124 1:44 S 121X745 28593 Peacock 107 2:10 5 107X090 29537 Crimper 3 110.. 740 Cliff Haven will be better served witii track con- 2939Gt Fernrock 3 102.. 740 ditions than in his last race. FIRST RACE 3-4 Milo. 2-year-olds. Selling. Oct. 2, 19141:120114. Index Course DistTimcTckOdds Wt St M Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SPECTRE, ch. f, 2 88 By Ballot Star Dreamer Oneck Stable. 29343 H.deGee 51 f l:07fast 37-10 9J 7 7 4 5 5J B Wrschr 8 Yellowstone, Grntree, P.. G. Belle 29110 H.deGco 5-8 l:01mud 83-10 10S 4 4 4 2l 2 T Davies 5 Fairy Wand, Hyannis, Rattle 27-557 Aqduct 5-S 59fast C 104 9 6 6 G3 58i B WrschrlO The Dean, Cheer, Bright Star 27293 Aqduct 5-8 l:01fast 41 107 G 5 5 5 2 B Wrschr 5 Chatterbox-, Pass. Fancy, It. Shot 27229 Aqduct 4i f 54good S 112 G G 6 G3 Gs2 T Davies 7 Leonie, Sky, Hussy 2G900 Belmont 5-8 st l:00fast 3-4 102 2 4 5 2 11 B Wrschr S Mirza. Bendlet, Eden Park KATHRYN GRAY, ch. f. 2 113 By Ballot Old Squaw H. G. Bedwell. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast 34-5 110 3 2 1 1 l3 J Butwell 12 Glorine, BlueG.Belle, n.mobala 29460 H.deGee 51 f l:09mud 14 113 3 2 2 11 41 J Butwell 5 Beaut. Morn. Napoleon, Vixen 9244 H.deGco 3-4 l:15fast 6-5 1091 3 2 2 2 4 It Troxler 5 Napoleon. Chatterbox, Precise 29173 H.deGee 51 f 1:0S fast G9-10 109 4 3 5 3 31 E Haynes 7 B. G. Belle, Aimee T., Tootsie 28SG5 BlueBon. 51 f l:09hvy 27-10109 4 7 8 5 3J R Shilling 9 Rhymer, Med. Miss, Silk Rustle 2SS19 Connht 3-4 l:21hvy 14-5105 1 1 2 2 28 T Parton 4 Brcotch II., G.Dolly, OpheliaW. CHATTERBOX, ch. f. 2 104 By McGee Royal Una Quincy Stable. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 27-5 105 2 1 2 4 72 R Ball 12 Kath.Gray, Glorine. B. G. Belle 292S4 H.deGee 3-4 l:15slow IS 103 2 1 1 ll 11 11 Ball 7 Aimee T.t Sandal, Skv 29244 H.deGee 3-4 l:15fast 8 101 1 1111 2 It Ball 5 Napoleon, Precise. Kath. Gray 29173 H.deGee 51 f 1:08 fast G 10G 3 2 3 4l 592 R Ball 7 B.G. Belle, AimeeT., Kath.Grav 2M69 Saratoga 51 f l:08fast 8 104 C 0 G G 713 R Ball 7 Katenka, Storm Nymph, M.Odile 28378 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 1G-5 103 2 2 G 73 7s R Ball 8 Katenka, Pass. Fancy, C. Court 2S323 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 8 10G 1 1 1 11 21 R Ball 10 G. Bantam, Nashville, Katenka GLORINE, b. f, 2 109 By Glorificr Aurino Nassau Stablo. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 57-10 109 C 3 3 3l 2s G Byrne 12 Kath.Gray, B.G. Belle, Hnobala 292S2 H.deGee 5-8 1:02 slow 9-5 112 3 5 2 23 1- G Byrne 10 Velour, LadyBob, Melt.Moments 292GS H.deGee 51 f l:07fast 7 111 2 2 1 2 21 E Taplin 5 Brooklyn, Precise. M. Machree 29171 H.deGee 51 f 1:08 fast 350 112 G 7 7 6 5s R Ball 8 Admiration, G. Rod. S. Nymph 27038 Latonia 41 f 57mud S3 108 8 8 8 8" II Alex S Bour.Lass, Gin.Quill. Lit.Spider 26932 Latonia 41 f 55 fast fid 111 10 7 C"k CJ H Alex 11 Innocentlnez, GingerQuill, Clare PONCE BE LEON, b. c, 2 108 By Ballot Chum A. R. Joplin. 29G47 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 24 113 7 5 4 4 2l R Troxler li: Reprobate, Scylla, Hastv Cora 294S3 H.deGee 5-S 1:03 slow 23-1G 110 1 3 2 1 l3 R Troxler 9 Flare, Melt.Moments, RoseFinn 29339 H.deGee 5-S l:02fast 12-5115 2 4 4 3 31 R Troxler G Lady Bob. Supernal, Chelsea 28995 Belmont 3-4 l:15fast 5 110 5 4 2 41 41 R Troxler 5 Sandal, Glanaginty, Felucca 2SS44 Belmont 3-4 st l:13fast 21 10SJ 4 4 4 4 43i R Troxler S Intriguer, Run.Shot. Glanaginty 2SS08 Belmont 3-4 st l:12fast 15 115 4 5 4 4 4i R Troxler 8 Milkman, Harvest King, Onwa AIMEE T., ch. f. 2 107 By Garry Herrmann Ostra C. N. Darke. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast 29-5 109 10 9 7 51 63 E Taplin 12 Kath.Gray, Glorine, B. G. Belle 29401 H.deGco 51 f 1:0S fast 51-10 10S 3 2 2 23 l1 J Metcalf S Sky, Reprobate, Mclia 292S4 ILdeGce 3-4 l:15slow 8 105 5 4 4 3l 21 M Buxton 7 Chatterbox, Sandal. Sky 29173 H.deGee 51 f 1:08 fast 29-5 105 2 1 1 2 21 L Mink 7 R. G. Belle, Kath.Gray. Tootsie 29093 H.deGce 51 f l:0Sfast 18 10G 4 3 6 6 51 G Byrne S Yclstone. Greentree, B.G. Belle 29036 H.deGce 51 f l:0Sfast 17-10 111 1 1 2 23 2a F Keogh 7 Fantam Bala, Tootsie, Flare GLORY BELLE, ch. f, 2 107 By Glorifier Cara Belle T. J. Smith. 29008 Laurel 51 f l:0Sfast 29-10 10G 2 2 2 11 I1 L Mink 12 Kilts, GeartDolly, Melt.Moments 29401 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 7G 11G 1 5 5 Gl 6i L Mink 8 Aimee T. Sky, Reprobate 29320 H.deGce 5-S l:01fast 24 115 7 7 7 7 73 L Mink 7 Senest, Q.oftheWater, B.Witch 29240 H.deGce 51 f 1:09 fast 9-5 107 1 2 1 1i l3 L Mink 5 Tootsie, Run. Shot, Stal. Van 29171 H.deGce 51 f 1:0S fast 140 112 2 6 G 7u Ca L Mink S Admiration, G. Rod. S. Nvmph 29150 ILdeGce 51 f 1:09 good 300 112 4 7 7 S S10 L Mink 10 TopotheWave, Monoy, G.Rod HANOBALA, ch. c. 2 105 By Olambala Mexoana R. T. Wilson. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 2G-5 112 12 12 11 S 43J J McTagt 12 Kath.Gray, Glorine, B. G. Belle 29284 H.deGce 3-4 l:15slov 3-2 110 3 3 3 41 632 J McTagt 7 Chatterbox, Aimee T., S indal 29246 H.deGce 5-8 l:01fast 3 112 3 4 4 4 31 J McTagt 0 Val. West, ReproDate, T.Crown 28S75 Belmont 51 f st l:04fast 2 112 2 4 3 I 1 J McTagt G Aimee T., Triple Crown. Precise 28473 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 15 107 8 7 7 5 43i J McTagt 9 G.Gus, Pass.Fancy, Yellowstone 2S405 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 fast 15 118 4 5 5 43 4" J McTagt 7 Nashville, Riverdale, Old Miss CRUCES, ch. g, 2 98 By Voorhees Chiffie E. J. McGraw. 2S941 Kenilwh 5-S l:0Ghvy SO 1051 5 5 71 62 T Nolan S Valerie West, Wat, Riposta 2S759 Connht 51 f l:14slop 78 105 2 6 4 3a 31 A Pickens 10 Regreso. Hazelnut, Great Dolly 2SG9S Connht 51 f l:07fast 45 99 7 7 7 7 581 T Buckles 7 Fox Trot. Rhymer, KathrynGray 28634 Mt. Royal 51 f l:0Gfast 10 101 7 8 81 S73 J Howard 9 Solveig, Q.oftheSea, .T.Thummell 25863 Pimlico 1-2 49 fast 232 114 7 10 10 10 M Buxton 11 Gold. Bantam, Y.Sally, LucileP. 25735 H.deGco 41 f 5G good 31 112 5 4 3 3 3i J McTagrt C Lucile P., Rey Ennis, Doc Meals MEDDLING MISS, ch. f, 2 109 By Tonev Bonero Busy Miss O. E. Pons. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 41 109 S G S 9 9" T Parton 12 Kath.Grav. Glorine, B. G. Rolle 291C4 Wdbine 3-4 l:15slow 29-10 107 2 5 5 4 2 W Crump 7 Rhymer, Hastv Cora, Comacho 29290 Wdbine 3-4 l:13fast 10 107 1 4 G Gl 471 F Merimee 7 Arravan, Easter Lily, Cadillac 291C3 Dorval 51 f l:13hvy 21 99 1 2 3 3" 1 F Merimee 7 SwiftFox. Has.Cora, Wishaway 29047 Dorval 51 f 1:08 fast 19 111 3 2 3 5 G C Dishmon 8 Ophelia W., G. Gus, EsterLilv 2SSG5 BlueBon. 51 f l:09hvy 1G 10S 2 11 lt 2" a Pickens 9 Rhymer, Kath. Gray, Silk Rustle KENTUCKY BOY, ch. c. 2 108 By Toddington My Fair Kentucky W. W. Loney 29421 H.deGco 51 f lrtSandfnst 10 107 2 5 5 5l 2 A Schugr S M. Machree, Old Drury, Lobelia ru318 H.deGco 51 f 1:09 fast 52 103 5 4 4 4 45 P Lowder 7 Reprobate, Tootsie, Burbank 29097 H.deGco 5-8 l:01fast 70 115 4 G G 7 7IG J Metcalf 7 Mannehen, Kilts. Deckmate 27275 Hamton 5-8 l:02fast 40 107 8 S 8 6 52 J DminicklO OldMiss, S.ThanSugar. Posltano 27178 Ham ton 5-8 l:01fast f Id 10S 11 9 9 11 11 T Parton 12 Incog, Valerie West, Bon Otis 2G92G Connht 5-8 l:04fast 42 101 9 9 9 9 S3 T Parton 9 G. Bantam, EasterLily, Burbank 2G270 Wdbine 41 f 5Ghvy 11-5112 5 6 51 45i T Parton S Lady Moll, B.andEarlv, Freshet 2G195 Wdbine 5-8 1:03 good 20 107 8 3 7 7 7lu T Parton 11 Yel.Sally, Blue G. Girl, Cadillac GOLD BOND, ch. g, 2 108 By Dick Welles Miss Lida W. Smith. 294G4 AVdbino 3-4 l:15slow 44-5 10S 1 0 4 5 G9J T Rice 7 Rhymer, Med. Miss, Hasty Cora 293S1 Wdbino 3-4 1:15 good 91 110 7 C 7 71 o3i T Rice 10 Eas.Lily, Hazelnut. HastvCor. 28911 BlueBon. 51 f l:09good27-10 109 5 5 4 4 l"t t Rice 9 B.Spot, B. and Early, S.T.Sugar 2S79G Connht 51 f l:llhvy 13 113 G 6 5 3 3 T Rice 8 Sea Gull, Regrepo, Statim 8759 Connht 51 f l:14slop 12 111 6 3 7 C"fc 55J T Rice 10 Regreso, Hazelnut, Cruces 28509 Windsor 51 f l:0Sfast 1G-5 107 4 2 3 31 l1! L Gentry 12 Mab, Honey Shuck, PrincessFay MIRZA. b. c, 2 106 By Masctto Ocanya R. D. Earle. 29401 ILdeGce 51 f 1:0S fast 8 10S S 8 8 S 85i G Byrne 8 Aimee T., Sky, Reprobate 29281 ILdeGco 3-4 l:15slow 31 107 7 7 7 7 72 P Lowder 7 Chatterbox, Aimee T., Sandal 2909S H.deGce 51 f l:0Sfast 21 109 8 8 5 53 4s J McTagt 8 Yclstone, Greentree. B.G. Belle 2SS75 Belmont 51 f st l:04fast 13-5116 6 6 6 5l 52 H H Plips G Hanobala, AimeeT., TripleCrown 2SS2S Belmont 51 f st l:08good 41 107 5 4 4 31 2i H H Plips 5 Yellowstone, T. Crown, AimeeT. 28745 Belmont 51 f stl:OGfast 7 110 7 7 6 4J 2 H Hoffmn 7 Phantom, FantamBala, Comrade NAPOLEON, ch. c, 2 114 By Glorifier Sallie Washington G. C. Walsh. 29G0G Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 3G 112 4 5 4 G Gi L Mink 5 D. Long Legs, DeerTrap, Lively 291G0 H.deGco 51 f l:09mud 31-5 11G G 4 5 4 21 L Mink 5 Beaut. Morn, Vixen. Kath.Grat 29244 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast 27-10 1031 5 5 5 41 l1 L Mink 5 Chatterbox, Precise. Kath.Gray 2S741 Belmont 51 f st l:06fast 30 115 15 9 9 9l ll18 T Davlea 15 Skeptic. Vivid. Kittenish DOUGLASS S., b. c. 2 110 By Sir Huon Victoria B. C. W. Gasser. 29559 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast fid 112 5 4 G 71 51 E Haynes 12 Kath.Grav, Glorine. B. G. Belle 29403 Kempton 51 f l:llgood 3 114 7 6 51 3 C Miller 7 Out, LittleSpider, MollyMaguire 2S9GS BlueBon. 3-4 l:17good 11-5 110 5 2 1 l1 1 A Pickens r Starter, Out. Kestrel 28SG5 BlueBon. 51 f l:09Uvy 33 113 7 6 5 7 510 F Hopkins 9 Rhymer, Med. Miss, Kath. Gray 2SG84 Mt-Royal 51 f 1:03 fast 8-5 112 4 1 1 1 D Bols-nd S Starter, Dirgible, Little Wonder 28444 Saratoga 3-4 1:16 fast 40 112 10 8 10 S1 101 F Hopkinsll King Baggot, Chieftain, Idolita SECOND RACE About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Oct. 4, 191G 3:40 7 130. EARLY LIGHT, b. g, 6 138 By Peep oDay Wantage H. G. Bedwell. 28G40 Saratoga Ab 2 4:34 fast 13-10 13S 2 2 3 FelL H Boylo 3 Bill Dudley, Raccoon 8503 Saratoga Ab 2 4:29 fast 13-5 143 2 2 3 3 23 21 P Kelleher 3 Knight of Merci, Ollie Bvrne 28285 Hamton Ab 2 4:02fast 21 158 4 4 3 2 2t 2 H Boyle 5 In. Arrow, N. Haven, JoeGaiety 28202 Hamton Ab 2 4:0Sfast 27-10 154 2 2 1 1 1 ll H Boyle G N.Haven, Tropaeolum, In.Arrow 2725G Hamton Ab 2 4:24fast 37-20 150 2 G 4 4 3 33J H Boyle 0 Tropaeolum, Morpeth. N. Haven 2G994 Connht Ab 2 4:13hvy 3-4 150 4 4 2 2 2l 2f H Boyle 5 Tropaeolum, Bhbroom, Cnosure SUN KING, b. g. 6 156 By Fair Play Souveraine A. D. Parr. 29G07 Laurel Ab 2 3:4Gfast 17-10 1GG 6 6 G 5 4 3" F Willms G LightArms, NewIIaven, T.Horn 29493 Wdbine 21 5:00rast 9-10 162 1 4 3 2 4 4" N Brooks G Robt.Oliver, Cnosure, N.Haven 28914 BlueBon. Ab21 5:25 goodl3-20 165 1 33 1 1 1 N Brooks 3 Battery, Indian Arrow 28516 Saratoga Ab 2 4:32 fast 7-10 160 1 3 3 2 3 2 F Willms 3 Martian, Duke of Duluth 2C831 BlueBon. Ab 2 4 :20hvy 21-20155 6 5 3 1 l1 1 F Willms G New Haven, S. River, O. Krora 26400 Wdbine Ab21 5:26 fast 1-2 152 6 4 4 4 l5 l5 F Willms G Shan. River. N.Haven, H.ofOak QUEL BONHEUR, b. g, 4 147 By Turbine Fragilite E. A. Burke. 28993 Belmont Ab2J 5:28 fast 11-10 13S 4 3 3 3 25 2 W Allen 4 DofDnluth, Bill Dudley, Pebeto 28929 Belmont Ab 2 4:16 fast 7 140 7 3 4 3 3o 1J W Allen 8 Bill Dudley, Faker. Vilir 28827 Belmont Ab 2 4:16 good 3 13". ,6 5 5 5 5 5 F Willms r, Shannon River, Viflr, Skibbereen 28409 Saratoga 1 3-16 l:59fast 100 120 5 4 7 7 7 7" E Haynes 7 Fernrock, The Finn, Polronm 8292 Saratoga Ab 2 4:30 fast 10 143 2 G 5 6 5 5" T Tuckey 9 L. Foyle. Stonewood, Footlights Colwall Park 2 6-5 157 210 Hartigan 4 Nab, Mdowcroft, Golden Horde . THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Annapolis Stakes. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Oct. 2, 1914 1:120114. HOURLESS. br. c, 2 125 By Negofol Hour Glass II. A. Eelmont. 29 ISG H.deGco 3-4 1:14 slow 21-10 127 3 5 1 l3 P J Butwell 12 Woodtrap, Wistrul. Jock Scot 29022 Belmont 3-4 1:11 fast 11-20 127 3 3 2 4 In iM Buxton 4 S. Forward, Vivid, Koh-i-noor 2S559 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 13-5125 6 3 1 1 11 J McTagt 7 Rickety, T.MTaggart. Nashville 2S14t Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 51 122 3 2 2 21 31 M Buxton G Camplire, T.McTggart. Tumbler 275S9 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 21 127 7 4 4 4 3J J McTagt 7 Ticket, Stargazer. Dunga Din 2i409 Aq duct 5-S 1:00 fast 41 127 7 9 9 51 51 B Haynes 9 Camplire. Ivory Black. Ticket 26452 Belmont 5-S st 59fast 15 112 7 7 7 4i P E Haynes 9 IvoryBlack. Julialeon. M.Powell n TOM McTAGGART, b. c. 2 115 By Chuctanunda Toplash W. S.- Kilmer. 25559 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 6 123 2 1 2 21 31 T McTagt 7 Hourless, Rickety, Nashville 2S.0j Saratoga 3-4 lSfast S-5 120 5 4 3 3 31 J Loftus 12 Crank. Deer Trap. Sun Flash 284 1G Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 20 122 2 3 3 3 2 J Loftus G Camplire, Hourless, Tumbler 2S3G;, Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 2 122 3 2 3 23 2 R Hoffmn 7 Tumbler, Basil, Meteorite 25003 Empire Ab3-4 l:12slop 9-5 112 5 4 1 l3 in E Taplin 7 Ticket, Philippic, Ballad Sm5ire 5i f 107fast 9-20 118 1 3 2 23 1 E Taplin G T.Knocker, C.Court. D.LngTgs 27S17 Empire 5-S l:00fast 11-5 112 4 2 3 11 ll E Taplin S Wdtrap. Q.of theWer. Edlloche 2c15 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 11-10 112 2 11 1 ll E Taplin 5 Merchant. Nashville. Jock Scot 27234 Aqduct 5-8 l:01good 21 115 12 7 6 C 3 E Taplin 12 Itally, Killdee, Friendless TICKET, b. c, 2 122 By Ballot Princess Orna A. Miller. S5?2 Jf-VS1, 3"4 1:13 fast 21-10 120 1 4 3 32 3" G Bvrne I5""J S. Forward. Bondage 234andG H.deGce 3-4 1:14 slow 29-10 119 1 11 11 11 10" F Keogh 12 Hourless, Woodtrap, Wistful 29272 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast C3-10 126 5 7 7 C 42 F Keogh 8 Mauokin, Koh-i-noor, Y. Witch 28142 Empire 51 f l:09hvy 7-10127 1 1 1 1 1 J Butwell 3 Jock Scot, Killdee 2MX3 Empire Ab3-4 l:12slop 31 127 1 2 2 3 21 J Butwell 7 T. McTaggart, Philippic Ballad 27778 Empire 51 f l:07fast 5 127 7 6 6 4 32 J Butwell 7 Harry Kelly, D.Trap. Friendless 27589 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 2 107 6 2 2 1 1 J Butwell 7 Stargazer, Hourless, Dunga Diu WOODTRAP. ch. c, 2 110 By Trap Rock Woodvino A. Belmont. 234S6 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 slow 21-10 105 9 4 3 3 23 L Mink 12 Hourless. Wistrul, Jock Scot i9323 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 21-5 113 7 4 3 3 2i J McTagt S Arnold, Daddv Long Legs Bally 29210 H.deGce 51 f l:08slow 16-5 115 3 2 3 2 1 J McTagt 9 Greentree, Warsaw. Beau Morn 29152 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 good 14-5122 2 3 3 31 35 T McTagt 4 Wistful, Killdee, -ujiiomii Manokin 28001 Belmont 7-S st l:23fast 41 110 2 2 2 2 21 J McTagt 2 Vivid 28S49 Belmont 51 fstl:0G fast 8 108 4 3 4 43 42 M Buxton 7 Jack Mount. Milkman Jock Scot 28770 Belmont 51 f st 1:06 fast 8 112 2 3 3 31 31 E Haynes 5 Nebraska, Burlesque StarOnch 2S642 Saratoga 3-4 l:14sIop 15 100 2 2 2 24 21 J McTagt 5 Ultimatum, Tragedy, Basil YANKEE WITCH, b. f. 2 115 By Ogdon Event Glen Riddle Farms. SSI S-?eGce Gi l:07fast 31-10 124 1 2 2 1 3i G Byrne 8 Manokin, Koh-I-noor. Ticket Belmont 3-4 st l:12fast 6 121 2 2 2 2 l1 A Schugr G Milkman, Harv. King Tr-meAr 28294 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 18-5113 4 2 3 33 l T Davies 17 Koh-i-noor, Tragedy MarieOd lie F4 Aflduct c"8 59 st 4 113 2 1 3 2 2" J Butwell 8 Bon. Witch, Kittenish K N 27007 Jamaica 5-S l:01slow 13-5 104 1 1 1 1 l3 A Schugr 0 Wistful, Artemis Cheer 2GS77 Belmont 41 f st 53 fast 13-5 10S 5 5 2 11 T Davies 10 Alvord, Arnold Ballv Belmont 41 f st 54mud 2-9 112 1 11 1 1" T Davies 4 Fan.Bala, Namesake M Murnv .11 5e mont 4i f st 52 fast 112 4 3 1 11 21 T Davies y Columbine. Priscilla. Id e IlouV 2G112 Belmont 41 f st 54 fast 8 110 3 2 2 11 21 L Allen G Cheer, Meliora, Cockleshell or?,A? br c 2. 115 By Ogden Lady Vincent Ottawa Stable. 29491 Wdbine 1 1:11 fast 2G-5 114 3 3 4 4 4s 3 T Rice 7 Arravan, Cadillac Bondiiro 29350 Wdbine 3-4 l:13fast 23-10 IIS 5 4 4 4 2nk T Rice 10 Gloomv Cm Eiw " andn. 29010 BlueBon. 7-8 l:27fast 7-5 115 1 4 4 4 31 l1 F Robson 7 B.Foxf c"d iliac I ttewwrtJliII IS879 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGslow 3-2 115 1 8 G 4 4:1 F Robson S Incog, Q. of the Sea Blue Fox Connht 3-4 1:14 fast 9 116 4 2 3 3" 23 J Metcalf 9 Incog Savilla, Quee:! of the Sea SortI?ie 5"s 1:02 fast S 10 9 9 71 7"i T Rice 11 Bondage, Manokin Sft Fox ?,?,3.onht 5-8 1:08hvy 2:5-5 120 3 2 2 1 2- G Byrne 7 Bondage Manokin, Q of the Sea 2G707 BlueBon. 5-S l:01good 41 108 4 4 4 1 1 F Robinsnl2 Manokin! Yel. Saliy, Lady Moll V??IUI" ch f 2 112 By Star Shoot Witfull J. Butler. S?rS Se.C0 MVU sIow,8i-10"0 I 0 7 41 33 E Haynes 12 Hourless, Woodtrap, Jock Scot fi MACG C? 51 f BOod 1 . 3 2 2 23 13 J Loftus 4 Killdee, Woodtrap. .Manokin 2SG8 Belmont 3-4 o st 1:12 fast 3-4 115 4 3 3 3 3 A Schugr 4 Jack Mount, FairyWand Killdee 2SC92 Saratoga 51 f 1:09 slow 2 115 1 1 1 11 li T Davies 4 S.Forward, T.othewive B if r.l aratfa Ci f l:07fast 8-5 122 3 4 5 5i 51 J Loftus 7 Burlesque, Berlin, Killdee 27G98 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 3-2 107 2 1 1 1 1 H Shilling 4 S. Forward. Genesis JackMonnt 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 16-5 113 2 2 2 1 1 F Keogh G Riverdale! . Basil, Fairy E?2,"?1015 2 115 By Broomstick Bonnio Star H. P. Whitnev 294SG H.deGce 3-4 1:14 slow 77-10 116 6 2 4 S1 ll19 J Notter 12 Hourless Woofhrni. wi.Vf.,i 32??-??GCe 5-Si:01fast 2-5 122 5 G 1 1 32 J Notter 7 Serenest, Q. ofthcvnteV Melia Aq duct 5-8 59 fast 9-5 105 3 2 1 1 14 L Mink 8 Yank. Witch Kittenish, 27409 Aqduct 5-8 1:00 fast 30 101 8 7 2 3 4 L Mink 9 Campflre, Ivory "lack Ticket ?.NB ch f 2 107 By star Shoot Countess Wanda G. A. Cochranl 9110 H.deGco 5-8 l:01mua 9-10 10S 2 2 1 1 l3 R Troxler 5 Spectre vannis Tuttf? , 2S7GS Belmont 3-1 st 1:12 fast 3i 109 2 2 2 23 2 R Troxler 4 J ck Monn? WHtful K il doe 28 107 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 8 107 4 3 4 41 3 J McCahey 7 Itiokotv ritimnfiim ir , . Saratoga 5-S l:00faSt 15 107 4 4 4 3lS J McCaheylS Co 2lll ?mPir 5-S l:01fast 5 112 1 11 ll 1 J McCahey S Hussr, Storm Nymph Scylla 2755aAq duct 5-8 1:00 fast 12 105 5 5 4 43 in A Schugr G Wisthd RiverdiUe iqsil 27409 Aqduct 5-8 1:00 fast 20 104 5 6 8 9" 9 J McCahey 9 cVmpHre, Ivory Btack Ticket oo,??AGE, ch CU 2 , , , 115 By Ogden Fair Atalanta J. Arthur. 29G49 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 21 114 4 6 6 5 41 F Robson 5 Bally, Strai-htForwir.1 Tloct 29lW Ibine 11:41 fast 27-10 114 4 4 6 5 G 4i W Waron 7 Arravan W lac v litaJ1 dbine 51 lt 37-51i310 9 1 51 3!iW WaronlO GlomyGus. W.ukeagS SSS01"1, 3-4 1:16 good27-10 101 1 5 5 53 6" R McDott G Water Ladv. Tlalan Keupwi 2 gr 0 E I J:SZ tast 9"5 115 7 57 3 33 w Waron 8 Savilla. Gold". Bantam Manoki i Ul rtMre 5A 1:25 fast 2S"5 111 6 10 10 43 lh L McAtee 11 Manokin, Swift Fox, Lynette 2744o Srt?ie M ,1:E,sIow 21 108 3 9 9 82 4" L Atee 9 Incog. Fan G., Queen of theSe-i 27219 Hamton 5-S l:01fast 3 113 7 6 8 61 2 L McAtee 13 GohLBantam. Lynette, BlueFox E!ET?:RL:.SS b c 2 110 By Superman Luckless L. C. Smith. inr S-? H 1:14, slow 37 11012 12 10 01 9,5 D Stewards Hourless, Woodtrap AVistfnl SSH1-060 00 -r-S l:01fast 23-5115 1 2 2 1 1and D Stewards Kilts, Swoon Ni--I it Owl S-de,G ce,5oii:02low21-20"5 2 1 1 21 3lCFbther 8 Battle. I eckn a e I We ll 2S002 Empire Ab3-4 l:12slop 10 107 4 3 3 2i 5" R Ball 7 T. Mcfag-art T ckf-t V hillnnl,. 27778 Empire 51 f l:07andfast 20 107 4 2 2 3 l 42 R Ball 7 Harry Kelly, Deer p, Sit BATTLE b. f, 2 107 By Hastings Claudia P. A. Clark. S-!02!ce 5-S l:02slow 41-10 112 1 2 2 ll 1 R Troxler 8 Deckmate, Friend ess Drcie II 29110 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 tf.mud 29-5 1031 5 5 5 5 4 J McTast !i Fairv Wi nd S ioX , i 29034 H.deGce . 5-S l:01fast 21 112 3 113- Cn R Troxler 8 DLXegs, Aduation. S. Nympu t.,,-01,?-?-401- 1 1-15 Miles- Baltimoro Handicap. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Oct. 1 1914 ll4o3 o lit. SPUR, b. c, 3 118 By King James Auntio Mum J. Butler a2S5 H..leGce 1 1-S l:52slow 14-5 1171 4 6 6 4 41 2l J Loftus 8 The Finn, Borrow Stromboli 2S992 Belmont 1 1-2 2:32fast 8-5 12G 1 4 3 3 2 22 J Loftus 5 Star H wk Crimner Tin , 2SS2G Belmont 1 1:39 goodll-10 130 3 5 4 1 lJ lk J Loftus 8 Crimped UrJl an D!Mli 2SG13 Saratoga 13-16 l:5Sfast 7-10 130 3 2 2 1 l3 1 J Loftus 3Fr S.!ldy 2S47G Saratoga 1 1:38 fast 13-10 127 8 7 6 4 43 2l J Loftus 9 Dodge Tea Cad dr Kntl.W,, 28335 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:05 fast 5 129 2 3 3 2 2 m J Loftus 4 Star Hawk Fr nnklin Te-Caddv 2S217 Empire 1 1:39 fast 5 114 3 3 2 2 3 33 E Taplin 5 1it uemmer 2S109 Empire 1 l:42hvy 3-4 128 2 3 3 1 1 1 J Loftua 4 D. Williams Celandria Vermont 25004 Empire 11-8 1:56 slop 17-20111 2 4 2 2 21 22 II Shilling 4 Roamer? Ed Crmnp. D.Ii"e BOOTS, b. g, 5 116 By Hessian Littlo Flower 0. Lewisohnl 2S32S FortErio 1 1-4 2:02fast 3-2 114 1 2 2 2 23 ll C F"bther G RanTher, Borrow AH Smile, 2S217 Empire 1 1:39 fast 21 104X 4 4 4 4 21 11 R Hoffman 5 He V I Spur Roamer 27SS7 Empire 1 l:3Sfast 11-5110 4 3 2 1 in li C F-bther 5 SunGod, Gunbearer KkennvRov 2G204 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:45fast 30 106 8 8 7 5 6 331 C Fblher 10 Capra, The T Fini Short GrTsn NewmktEng. li 2:0Ssoft 21 123 21 Wing 9 Dcnison, Truth? Fortyfoot STROMBOLI, ch. g, 5 125 By Fair Play St. PriscUla A, Belmont. 292S5 H.deGce 1 1-8 l:52y5sIow 77-10 123 7 4 4 3 3J 41 J McTagt S The Finn Srmr IJorro-r 29151 H.deGco 11-16 l:45good 42-5126 7 5 4 3 3l 3 J McTagt S The Finn, Roamer ll0lmLr Short a"rt Griss l.rass 2S847 Belmont 1 1-2 2:39y5fast 3-2 123 1 2 2 2 2 1 J McTagt 2 Roamer 28743 Belmont 1 1-S 1:52 fast 7-5 122 4 3 2 2 1and 1 J McTagt 4 Capra, Frizzle Short Grisq 25560 Saratoga 13-16 1:58 fast 3 122 4 2 2 2 31 41 J McTagt 5 The Finn, Ed Crump Roamer 2S447 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:52fast 13-5 123 2 2 2 2 21 21 J McTagt 4 The Finn Pennant, Short G?ass 2S3C6 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 41 125 4 4 4 4 33 2 J Loftus G Pennant, Ed Crump T byJurv 2S252 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:05;fast 18-5 121 7 2 3 3 ll ll J McTagt 8 Ed Crump, Friar RockTs. GraS SHORT GRASS, b. h. 8 124 Ry Laveno Outburst E. Herz 295G2 Laurel 1 l:3S5fast 6-5 126 6 7 7 5 3J 1 F Keogh 7 Flittergold. Capra nauberk 29395 H.deGce lm70yl:43fast 23-10 117 5 5 5 5 4 1 F Keogh i"5 Borrow Malachite n! 29285 H.deGco 1 1-S l:52V5Siow 73-10 US S 7 S 7 S 71 F Keogh 8 The Finn, Spur Borrow 29151 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:45good 12 120 8 8 S 6 53 4s F Keogh 8 The Finn, Roamer Stromboli ES92S Belmont 1 l:39fast 11-5 12S 5 4 4 3 3 2 F Keogh 5 The Finn, Jacoba FmZk 2S7S1 Belmont 3-4 st l:13yDfast 3 135 3 3 3 3 2h F Keogh 3 Mont dOr II Hidden i Star 28743 Belmont 1 1-S 1:52 fast 17-10 123 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 F Keogh 4 Stromboli, Capra, Frizzle CRIMPER, ch. c. 3 110 By Maintonon Frizette R. Parr. 29537 Laurel 1 1:39 fast 1-2 97 4 1 1 1 in 2n E Forehd 8 Chiclet, D.s Choice Half Rock 2SD92 Belmont 1 1-2 2:32fast 8-5 111 2 2 2 2 3 3 J McTagt 5 Star Hawk Spur Air Man 2SS2G Belmont 11:39 good 41 120 7 4 5 5 4 2t J Butwell 8 Spur, Air Man Daddvs Choice 2SG11 Saratoga 1 1:39 fast 1-S 113 2 2 1 1 1 1 J McTagt 4 Polroma, Dorcas Alberta True 2S43G Saratoga 1 1:40 fast 9-20 10S 3 2 2 1 lh 2a F Murphy S Hendrie. Blind Ba"-ige Tetan 2S29G Saratoga 3-4 l:13Vfast 5 110 7 5 2 2 11 F Murhpy 15 Xylon. Hubbub Hendrie NewketEng. 3-4 1:14 firm 6 119 5 M McGee IS Tele.Girl. Fifinella. F bvPericles NewketEng. 5-S l:01soft 20 126 3 M McGee 18 Marcus. Figaro, Nassovian FERNROCK, ch. c. 3 102 By Rock Sand Ferment A. Belmont. 2939G H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 107 1 3 2 21 2n J McTagt 5 High Noon Ei"le Back Bar 292S7 H.deGce 3-4 l:13slow 47-10 ICG 4 4 3 31 l1 J McTagt 5 Pce of Como, Eagle LenaMisha 29242 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 23 112 9 10 10 10 9 L Mink 11 Sand Marsh, Im Frank na 2 29020 Belmont 7-8 1:27 fast 3 111 3 3 3 3 -2nt 21 G Byrne 5 Hanson, Xylon Ilaiiberk 28928 Belmont 1 l:39fast 17-5 112 4 3 3 6 43 4 M Buxton 5 The Finn. Short On ss Jacoha 28409 Saratoga 1 3-16 l:59fast 11-10 110 1 1 1 2 l1 13 L Lykes 7 The Finn. Polroma i Sn i God 28322 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12 103 7 5 4 4 2 21 L Lykes 12 Hank ODay. Gainer Chiclet 27885 Empire lm70y 1:43 fast 8 100 1 1 2 3 11 11 L Lykes 4 T. by Jury, holy, Hank ODay TRACTION, b. g, 3 95 By Transvaal Resignation J. White. 29112 H.deGce 3-4 l:15mud 45 103 1 5 5 5 5 L Mink G Lena Misha, Hanson. Fairflelen 26535 Douglas lm70y l:44andfast 3 105 2 1 1 1 lh 11 D Connllyll C. Rces, Sansyming J W Klein 25929 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slow 34S 100 1 2 4 C 6" L McAtee 8 Achievement, Clandria. Bernice 229S3 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 fast 40 114 10 10 10 10 ll"y Mclntyrelt Remembrance, Wizard. O. Prince 2131S Latonia 5-S l:04hvy 33-10 112 7 7 6 4h 3i F Keogh 7 P. Handle. S. Rock. J.J.Murdock 23209 Latonia 41 f 54fast 10 112 4 2 21 33 W W Tlorl2 J. C. Welch, MissAtkin. L.Stono ROAMER. b. g. 5 124 By Knight Ernnt Rose Treo n. A. Miller. 29265 H.deGce 1 1-S l:52ysslow 21-5 120 3 3 7 5 5 51 T Davies 8 The Finn, Spur Borrow 29151 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:45goodl9-10 126 4 4 3 4 2h 2 J Loftus 8 The Finn. Stromboli S Grass 28817 Belmont 1 1-2 2:39fast 3-5 124 2 1 1 1 11 21 J Butwell 2 Stromboli 2S707 Saratoga 1 3-4 3:03 good 41 127 1 1 3 2 23 2 J Butwell S Friar Rock. The Finn 2S5G0 Saratoga 1 3-1G 1:58 fast 6-5 127 1 1 1 1 21 3 J Butwell 5 The Finn. Ed Crump. Stromboli 28217 Empire 11:39 fast 11-10 130 2 2 3 3 4 s 41 J Butwell 5 Boots, He Will, Spur 2S004 Empire 1 1-8 1:56 slop 4 127 111 1 l1 12 J Butwell 4 Spur. Ed Crump, Daddys Choice 27699 Empire 1 1-8 l:51fast 7-5 129 4 5 6 3 lh 2l J Butwell 9 Short Grass, Spur, Stromboli BORROW, b. g. 8 121 By Hamburg Forget H. P. Whitney. 29398 H.dcGcc lm70yl:43fast 11-10 123 3 2 2 2 2i 2 J Notter 5 Short Grass, Malachite. Gnat 29285 H.deGco 1 1-8 l:52slow 17 118 1 1 1 2 21 3i J Notter 8 The Finn, Spur, stromDol! 29151 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:45good 12 121 5 3 6 8 8 71 E Ambrose 8 The Finn, Roamer. Stromlmli 2S635 Windsor 1 l:40Vfcgoodl3-10 122 5 4 2 1 1 ll T Rice 5 Arriet. Col. Vennie, Gip. George 2S49S Windsor 11-16 l:47slow 3-10 126 111 1 2 2 F Keogh 4 All Smiles, Col. Vennie, Rimes 28440 FortErie 1 1-16 1:44 fast 9-20 126 2 1 1 1 1 1 p Robson 4 Pif Jr., King Gorin. Thornhill 2832S FortErie 1 1-4 2:02fast 37-10 124 3 1 1 1 Ink 31 J Notter G Boots, Rancher, All Smiles FLITTERGOLD, ch. h. 5 103 By Hastings Fairy Gold G. A. Mullerj. 295G2 Laurel 1 l:3Sfast 22-5 114 2 3 2 1 1 2 E Ambrose 7 Short Grass, Capra. nauberk 29321 H.deGce lm70yl:44?ifast 9-10 119 4 4 4 2 1 ll E Ambrose 7 Venetia, Wooden Shoes, AirMan 29099 H.deGco lm70yl:45 fast 9-20 126 1 2 3 2 1 E Ambrose 4 Dad.sChoice, Sangallo, AirMan 2S903 Belmont 1 l:39ffast 9-5 126 1 4 4 1 2 2 E Ambrose G Chiclet, Fellowship, R. Maiden 28806 Belmont 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 112 2 3 3 3 3 21 E Ambrose 3 Star Hawk. Rhine Maiden 2S46 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 20 115 5 3 2 2 2 21 T Davies 5 Regret, Polroma. Tetan 28475 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 7 132 8 9 9 81 V C Fbther 9 Pan Maid. Con. Tower, nauberk 26544 Belmont 1 l:39fast 3-4 114 4 2 1 1 1 1 R Ball 5 Magnet, Woodward, Ghetto Girl EAGLE, b. g, 4 100 By Yankee Misi Kearnoy E. Herz. 295.".6 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 25 100 11 11 10 S Gl F Hopkinsl2 Lchares, S.Edgar, T.othMing 29396 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 61-10 100 6 6 6 5 31 P Lowder 0 High Noon, Fernrock, BackBay 29287 H.deGco 3-4 l:13slow 13 10S 5, 5 4 4 3J F Keogh 5 Fernrock, P. of Como, L. Misha 29209 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Sslow 3-2 105 2 2 3 2 2 H P Lowder 4 Sangallo. Malachite. Sand Mark 2SS73 Belmont 3-4 1:14 fast 15 114 7 6 6 7 62 F Keogh 8 P. Whack. Frizzle, L. Hillington 2G714 Belmont 1 l:39fast 41 99 1 4 4 5 5 5 M Garner G Sharpshooter. Mustard, Roly 26413 Belmont 51 f st 1:05 fast 60 120 5 4 6 G 6" E Graves 5 Comely, Phosphor, Half Rock 25321 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:45fast 2J 114 5 3 3 2 2h 41 F Keogh 8 Brynlimah, Grumpy, Dr.Carmen FIFTH RACE 3-4 Milo. 3-year-olds and upward. Sailing. Oct. 2, 1914 1:12 G 114. MASSE HENRY, br. c. 3 118 By Ben Brush Nuns Cloth J. Smith. 277G0 Empire Ab3-4 l:145sfast 11-20 109 4 2 2 2 2 FJ Taplin 4 P. of Como. J. J. Lillis, Othello 27370 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 117 6 2 3 43 4 A Schugr 7 Startling. R. Maiden, Kewessa 27175 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 5 110 2 1 1 1 21 E Taplin 10 Old Kocnig, Startling. II. Shaw 27047 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 mud 11-5112 5 2 1 23 2k E Taplin 5 Ormesdalo. Hanson. HarryShaw 2G902 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 6 113 7 4 2 21 2 M Garner 8 Bay.Candle. D.Maiden. Phosphor 26712 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 6 120 2 2 2 2i 3 M Garner 8 WhiteHackle. M.Fuzzle. H.Star POST LIGHT, b. g, 3 114 By Hamburg Morningside W. P. Orr. 20269 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 13-20 11C 3 1 1 1 lJE Haynes 8 King Worth. Squeeier. Pullux 2SS23 Belmont 3-4 1:14 good 9-5 122 3 2 2 2- 32 J McTagt 0 T.asSteel. Gnat, SirAV.Johnson 2S610 Saratoga 3-4 3:32Tiiast 10 1 07 2 2 1 li 31 A Schugrin Silica. ISlanrhita, SirW.Johnson 2S448 Saratoga 7-8 1:25fast 3-2 112 111 1 21 5 A Schugr 7 I. Frank. S.AV.Johnson, Vermont 28363 Saratoga 3-4 l:12sfast 31 117 6 6 7 3 V Murphy 11 Gnat, SirWni.Johnson. Aerniont 28141 Empire Ab3-4 I:i3hvy 9-5 110 1 11 1 .21 J McTagt 5 Kewessa, Sprint, Paddy Whack 2S002 Empire Ab3-4 l:12slop 11-10 112 1 1 1 Is l1 J McTagt 3 Pockiehoo, Paddy Whack TRUE AS STEEL, b. g. 5 115 By Broomstick Loyal P. S. P. Randolph. 2S927 Belmont 7-S l:25fast 10 110 1 1 1 1 lu 33 E Haynes 7 Fenmouse, Virile, Hauberk 28S23 Belmont 3-4 1:14 good 7 113 1 1 1 1 1 E Haynes C Gn:it, Port Light. SirW. Johnson 1 28249 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 8 120 7 6 7 81 712 E Haynes 13 Silica, Ima Frank. Naushon 2S037 Empire Ab3-4 1:11 slow 11-5 125 4 2 2 21 2and J Loftus 10 Plumose, Sir. Specs, Dervish 27845 Empire Ab3-4 l:10fast 11-10 113 4 3 3 S 3i E Campbl 9 Gloaming. Dervish, Ting-a-Ling 27556 Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast 36-5 123 4 2 2 2s 21 J Loftus 12 Kings Oak, Urooks. Ting-a-Ling 27471 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 12 111 1 2 2 4l Gi A Schugr 7 Hauberk, Sdmanll., Fenmouse PULLUX, b. g, 4 11C Bv Astronomer Helen OC J. Whalen. 29423 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 71-10 IIS 1 4 4 32 31 C Fbther ! Squeeler, 5Iurph-, Corsican 29209 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 15 US 5 G 4 4s 4s B Kleeger 8 Port Light. K. Worth. Squeolor 28372 FortErie 3-4 3:32fast 13 111 6 COG CS C Fbther 0 Kewessj, Iesky, Etruscan 27925 Empire Ab3-4 l:09fast 6 10S 3 5 6 5s 5s G Fbther G Miss Puzzle, Hauberk, C. Tower 27456 Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 0 133 5 5 5 4 32 331 C Fbther G KilkyBoy, Saratoga, Spearhead 27129 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 4 112 1 4 2 3i 21 C Fbther 9 Corsican, J. J. Lillis, Andes 2CS76 Belmont Gl f 1:21 fast 11-5115 2 4 5 42 32 C Fbther S S.W.Jnson, Corsican, Nephthys PADDY WHACK, b. g. 3 116 By Celt Network J. Butler. 29535 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 3-4 119 4 2 3 21 23 A Schugr 7 Estimable, Bet. Us. Fair Heler. ."9321 H.deGce lm70yl:44fast 26-5 110 2 1 1 1 3 C3h A Schugr 7 Fttergold, Venetia, Wood.Shoes 292C4 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 12 114 4 3 2 2 2"k 331 p Keogh 4 Malacliite, B.Thistle, Fenmouse 28904 Belmont Ci f l:20fast 5 120 5 3 6 B Gls A Schugr Ormesdle, L.Hington, Whimsy 28873 Belmont 3-4 1:14 fast 10 119 4 4 4 4 In A Schugr S Frizzle. L. Hillington, Solar Star 28379 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 10 10S 5 6 3 41 783 H Shilling 11 Startling, P.ofComo, B. Baggage SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, ch. g. 5 116 Bv Isidor La Tosca II. V. J. Anderson. 29C51 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 93 117 7 4 4 51 5C1 S Petroff 9 Gnat, Pan Maid. Hanson 28S23 Belmont 3-4 1:14 good 21 112 2 4 4 4 4 R Ball G T. as Steel, Gnat, Port Light 2804S Saratoga 1 l:42mud 18-5 106 1 1 1 2 22 21 H Shilling 4 Blue Thistle, Jesse Jr., L.Teresa 28610 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 15 114 3 4 4 4s 481 S Petroff 10 Port Light. Silica. Blanchita 2S478 Saratoga 1 1:40 fast 5 309 2 1 1 1 22 33 S Petroff 0 Corsican, Blue Thistle. Gold.Boy 2844S Saratoga 7-S l:25fast 4 110 7 3 3 3 3s 2s S Petroff 7 Ima Frank. Vermont. Julia L. 28363 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 25 123 7 7 G 31 25 S Petroff 11 Gnat, Port Light. Vermont BETWEEN US. b. g. 4 111 By Golden Maxim Spanish Match fJ. Lumsden. 29535 Laurel 3-4 3:33fast 71 US 2 4 2 32 31 C Dishmon 7 Kstimble, Pad.Whack. F.Helet. 29386 Wdbine 3-4 l:32good 10 107 2 3 3 55 4-i C Dishmon 8 Wise Man, W. Lady. T.-a-Ling 29289 Wdbine 3-4 3:33rast 37-10 112 6 8 6 4k 3s W -Obert 11 Yorkville. Ting-a-Ling, F.Kiley 28953 BlueBon. 7-8 3:31hvy 14-5 116 5 4 4 4 52 51 W Obert G S.of Pleasure, Harbard, 8. Beach 2SS53 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14slow 17-20 116 5 1 1 21 4!!W Obert 9 Harbjrd, SeaBach. S.ofPleasure 28799 Connht 3-4 1:17 hvy 18-5 105 2 3 3 3 2s AV Obert 4 T.Msuuerader. Celto, Greenwood 28513 Windsor 51 f l:00fast 31-5 112 6 8 5 C1 1 J Metcalf 12 MarsCssidy, Dimitri, Astrologer KING WORTH, br. g. 5 116 Bv Knilworth Mitten R. O. Eganl. 29G30 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 13-5114 3 2 3 32 321 R Troxler 7 Y.Notions, F.IIelen, Sramouch 29458 H.deGce 3-4 l:10mud 4-5 127 2 2 2 32 ll R Troxler 9 Piquette. Wodan. Estimable 292CU H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 29 122 1 2 2 21 21 R Troxler 8 Port Light, Squeeler, Pullux 28888 Kenllwh 3-4 l:13fast 31-5 11G 1 3 3 31 432 L Gaugel 7 Yorkville. Anita, Marianao 28701 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast C 122 2 1 1 l1 l1 AV War on S Sea Beach. Flying Flora, Ratinn 28C2S Mt.Royal 51 f 1:06 fast 2 122 4 2 4s 33 J Howard 5 NellieB., Thesieres, CauonBridge 28578 5It.Royal 53 f l:06fast 3-2 121 2 1 11 l1 J Howard 8 NellieB., RoyalTea, RoseJliette ESTIMABLE, br. f, 4 113 By Peep oDay Estimate J. O. Talbott. 295155 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast 11 112 1 11 ll 13 E Taplin 7 Pad. Whack,, Fairnelen 29458 H.deGce 3-4 l:lGmud 83-10 111 4 4 4 5" 4s R C Watts 9 King Worth, Piquette, Wodan 292C9 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 15 113 4 3 5 5l C" E Taplin S Port Light, K.Worth, Squeeler 2SSC2 Kenllwh 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 110 1 2 2 21 11 L Lykes 10 Commensia. Tlebearcr. Freeman 28423 Saratoga 1 l:41fast S-5 100 5 1 1 1 42 715 II Shilling 13 Juliet, Q.ofParadise. Bobs Olga 28215 Empire Ab3-4 l:10fnst 3 116 5 2 2 21 23 J Butwell 12 Mr. Specs, Alberta True, B. Shot 27407 Aqduct 3-4 1:15 fast 9-5 111 5 4 3 ll ink H Shilling G Lily Heavens, Keziah, Dolina MURPHY, b. c, 3 116 By McGec Intrigue C. K. Moore. 29423 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 12 115 2 12 21 31 W Kelsay 9 Pullux. Squeeler. Corsican 292G7 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 67-10 117 4 2 3 31 4si E Haynes S Pan Maid, Kegtna, Anita 2914S H.deGce 3-4 l:14good 11 123 1 11 U 21 51 AndsonlO Y.Nrttions, Gaming. Ilminator 29032 H.dcGco 3-4 1:14 fast 33-20 331 3 1 1 ll l1 B WrschrlO Plumose, Ambrose, Virginia W. 2851S Saratoga 1 1:40 fast 6 109 4 1 1 4 6 621 H H Plips G Sprint, 5Iiss Puzzle, Kings Oak 2S470 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 20 108 4 1 1 4 9 921 R Holfmn 9 Hank OD.iy, Chiclet, Dorcas 27925 Empiro Ab3-4 l:09fast 3 109 2 3 5 6 6 L Lykes 6 5iss Puzzle, Hauberk, C. Towei BUCK SHOT. b. g, 3 108 By Joe Carey Sain Shot F. W. Spiers. 29110 H.deGce 3-4 1:10 mud 11 1091 4 1 1 Is l2 J Hanover 7 Naushon, SteUrina, Iluiliation 28557 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast S 116 7 5 G 102 1012 J Hanover35 Brizz. Cash on Delivery, Plumose 28215 Empire Ab3-4 l:10fast 2 107 12 7 4 51 432 J McTagt 12 5Ir. Specs, Estimable, Alb. True 27452 Aqduct 5-S 59fast S 103 8 7 4 3and 33 A Collins 14 T.asSteel. 5Ir. Specs, KingsOak 27209 Aiiduct 3-4 l:14fast 41 101 C 4 3 21 23 A Collins 10 Hanworth, N.Simplex, Hliatlon 27192 Aqduct 3-4 l:14fast S 9S 10 9 0S5 S9i A Collins 11 T.oth51ing, Puinption, Bvale BRAVE CUNARDER. br. h. 5 111 Bv Cunard Grail H. G. Bedwell. 28103 Hthorne 3-4 1:14 fast 25 112 4 4 4 41 4S1 A Claver 7 Kinney, Hocnir. Hawthorn 2GS50 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15 slow 71-10 114 1 5 6 51 51 F Robinsn G Scaramouch, K.Worth, Pontefrt 20399 Wdbine 1 1:41 fast 11-5 114 2 3 3 3 11 21 J Smyth G Cadenza, Obolus. G. 51. 5Iiller 26311 Wdbine 1 1-8 l:52fast fid 110 3 3 3 6 S2 7G J Smyth 12 Runes, Uncle Bryn, F.5r0ntague 26196 Wdbine 1 1-10 l:4Sgood33-10 10S 7 7 5 3 32.33JT Rice 11 Hocnir, Eddie Henrv, Ask 51a 2C049 Pimlico 1 l:41fast 27-5 115 4 5 4 3 31 21 E Taplin 8 Yodeling. Black Pine, Gloaming 259S4 Pimlico 3-4 1:10 fast 16 112 10 10 9 6" 3t E Taplin 11 Eddie Henry, Vermont, Tiajan SCARAMOUCH, b. g. 4 106 By Hamburg Lady Privoles W. Stormont. 29C10 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 17 1C4 6 3 4 41 4H J 5IcTagt 7 Y. Notions, F. Helen, K. Worth 293S7 AVdbine 3-4 1:14 good 12-5 114 0 4 5 4J CSP Robson 8 Yorkville, Man Slaver, S.Beach 29291 Wdbine 3-4 l:13Vsfast fid 109 4 2 2 u2 6oi T parton 12 S.ofPlesure, Wise5Ian. Dignltj 27952 Windsor 3-4 l:13fast 41 103 1 3 3 35 22 J Dminick ! Etruscnn. Back Bay, Uncle Bryn 27914 Windsor 3-4 1:14 fast 51-10 IIS 1 3 2 21! 21 J Domink 8 Top othMorn., Ktenay, P.Petal 27G5C FortErio 3-4 1:13 fast 23 103 7 8 7 7 31 W Schorn S Siueeler, W. Lady. B. and Stars 27461 FortErie 51 f l:07fast 27-10 112 1 3 3 3s 2l J DminicklO Outlook, Souvenir, Yorkville FAVOUR, b. f, 3 103 By Duke of Ormonde Compensate D. S. Dryer. 29G50 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 75 ICS 5 5 6 Cl 7a3 L 5Iink 9 T.othe5Iing, W.iran, T.Madei 29423 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 19 10G 5 3 3 51 65J J 5IcTagt 9 Pullusr. Squeeler, 5Iurphv 29267 H.deGce 15 f 1:07 fast 13 106 2 3 2 41 Ci G Byrne S Pan JIaid. Keginn, Anita 2SCO Saratoga 51 f l:0Gfast 12 106 4 3 4 5l S F 5Iurphy S Kathleen, ImaFrank, 5I.Puzzle 28379 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 20 105 1 4 5 10 10H F 5Iurphy 11 Startling, P.ofComo. If. Baggage 282G5 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 13-5 111 1 11 11 321 B Campbl G Hidden Star. Bon. Tess. L.Sands 239S2 Bowie 61 f l:21ifast 39-5 107 2 1 1 l4 ll C Turner 10 Caudle, Broomvale, Dancer SHERWOOD, b. g, 9 111 By Allan-a-Dale Monarka I. M. Hedrick. 29535 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 254 112 7 7 7 7 720 C Hughes 7 Estimable, Pad.Whack. Bet.Ub 29489 H.deGce 51 f l:08slow 205 105 G 8 S 8 S2 J Gartner S Thesieres, Striker, Palanquin 2945S H.deGce 3-4 l:lGmud 104 111 5 6 6 63 610 J Gartner 9 King Worth, Piquette. AVodan 29423 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 450 107 7 9 9 9 928 J Gartner 9 Pullux, Squeeler. 5Iurphy 29263 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast fid 10S 12 11 11 121 1215 C Hughes 15 Plumose. Preston Lynn. Tie Pin 291G9 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 300 110 6 7 7 7 71T C Hughes 8 Palanquin, Plumose, Far Away SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Oct. 30, 1911 1:433 4 10G. VERMONT, b. g. 3 103 By Broomstick Yankee Girl J. O. Talbott. 29113 H.deGce 11-161:50 mud 29-10 110 111 1 11 21 R Troxler 5 B. Thistle, N.Simplex E Henrv 2S900 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 11-10 110 2 1 1 1 l2 l2 J Butwell 3 Old Broom, Juliet 28520 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 9-B 106 2 2 1 2 3 4" L Lykes G Sky Pilot, Sasin, Old Broom 28448 Saratoga 7-8 l:2ofast 4 103 4 5 5 G 41 3J1 H Shilling 7 I.Frank. S.W.Johnson, JuliaL. 283C3 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 9-10 10G 1 2 2 2 4 R Ball 11 Gnat, SirW.Jolinson, Port Light TING-A-LING, ch. g, 3 106 By Star Shoot Lady Vincent S. J. Baiocclii. 2938G AVdbine 3-4 l:12good 39 99 a 2 2 2l 3ak A Collins S AVise 5Ian, AVatorLady, Bet Us 292S9 WMbine 3-4 l:13fast fid 102 2 2 2 22 22 A Collins 11 Yorkville, Bet. Us. FatherBiley 290S6 Dorval 3-4 1:14 fast 32-5 109 3 1 2 2"t 31 A Collins 10 T.Bnsvbody, Korfhage, Ykville 29000 BlueBon. 3-4 1:14 fast 30 105 2 1 1 l2 21 A Collins 10 L.5Iexican. Igabibble. 5I.Gavle 28478 Saratoga 1 1:40 fast 40 97 6 5 5 4 71 S15 A Collins 9 Corsican, B.Tiiistle. S.W.Jhnsou 2S295 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 20 106 1 2 2 7 S8 S18 A Collins 9 Shyness, Nephthys, Republican 27845 Empire Ab3-4 l:10Mifast 8 1131 2 1 4 42 4s C Bgame 9 Gloaming, Dervish, T. as Steel VIRILE, ch. g. 6 118 By Stalwart Cherubim S. Stajcr. 29424 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 11-5 119 5- G 4 5 5 33 G Byrne 5 G.Roy, S.Charlcote, Republican 29271 H.deGce lm70yl:44fast 19-20 10S 5 G 4 3 32 41 F Keogh G L.Teresa. Gold.Boy, N.Simplex 28927 Belmont 7-S l:25fast 0 111 6 6 5 5 4J 22 F Keogh 7 Fenmouse, T .as Steel, Hauberk 2SG92 Saratoga 1 l:42s!ow 3-2 122 G 5 1 1 l3 121 T 5IcTagt G Jesse Jr., Brizz, Bigtodo 27371 Aqduct 1 5-16-2 :14rast 7 122 5 5 5 5 5 411 E Haynes 5 Shyness, Pandean, Jem 2719G Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 15 115 10 10 8 8 7l 10 T 5IcTagtll Kil. Boy, Saratoga, Woodward JEM, ch. gr, 4 105 By Ogdon Fair Catherino G. A. Muller. 29539 Laurel 1 l:40fast 1-2 107 2 1 1 1 H 121 R Ball S Eddie Henry. Transit, Wodan 29342 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:47tfast 79-10 112 4 4 3 1 21 22 C Bgame 8 5I.Hrmann, L.Nearer, E.Henry 2S742 Belmont 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 11-10 103 2 2 2 2 22 22 R Ball 5 Republican, Skv Pilot, IdaClaire 28253 Saratoga 1 l:40andfast 3 104 5 3 2 1 l2 l2 R Ball 7 Gold. Boy. ClirfField. Beethoven 27371 Aqduct 1 5-1G 2:14fast 3 103 3 3 4 4 33 3" R Ball 5 Shyness, Pandean, Virile 209S9 Jamaica 1 1-8 1:54 good G-5 103 1 2 2 2 1 11 R Ball 5 Gallop, Stal. Helen, Menlo Park SEA BEACH, b. c, 3 103 By Marta Santa Sea Spray H. Rites. 20G12 Laurel lm70y l:447fast S7-10 104 2 2 2 2 2i 431 AV Obert 9 Success. Lit.Nearer, iLsChoice 23387 AVdbine 3-4 1:14 good 9 10S 1 2 2 22 3l A Pickens 8 Yorkville, 5Ian Slayer, Dignitv 292S9 AVdbine 3-4 l:13fast 13 108 5 5 4 C 5" AV Ward 11 Yorkville, Ting-a-Ling, Bet. Us. 29145 Dorval 3-4 1:23 hvy 6 110 3 1 3 32 C Dishmon G AVodan. Yorkville. Progressive 2904S Dorval 3-4 l:13fast 65 103 4 G 4 45 41 TV AVard 5 T.oth5Ining, Arriet, Kowessa 28953 BlueBon. 7-S l:31hvy 27-10 111 G 3 3 3 33 31 F Robson G S.ofPasure, Harbard, Pmastei SAM McMEEKIN, b. c, 4 110 By McGoo Gunrod Marrone Stable. 29148 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 good 41-5 123 10 10 9 Si 51 G Byrne 12 Y. Notions. 5Iurphy, Gloaming 2S47S Saratoga 1 1:40 fast 10 116 5 5 9 9 9 711 L, 5Iink 9 Corsican, B.Thistle, S.AV.Jhnson 27884 Empire 1 1:39 fast 2 112 G 3 3 2 2 1J H. Ball 7 Saratoga, Fair Count. Andes 27G9G Empire 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 6-5 111 5 4 2 2 1 23 L Lykes G AVoodward, Gallop, Fair Count 27196 Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 13-5 11G 4 5 C 7 81 83 E Haynes 11 Kilk. Boy, Saratoga, Woodward 270S7 Jamaica 11-10 1:48 good 9-20118 2 2 2 2 Ink 1 E Haynes 4 SirAV.Jhnson. Nephthys. Napier MAXIMS CHOICE, b. g. 5 109 By Golden Maxim Leonalla H. G. Bedwell. 29G12 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 17-5 10S 1 1 1 1 1 3! E Taplin 9 Success, Lit. Nearer, SeaBeach 29427 H.deGce lm70yl:45fefast 7-5 114 2 2 2 2 l3 1 J Butwell 7 Star Gaze, Alb. True, Day Day 29211 ILdeGce 1 1-16 l:49slow 17-5 118 7 G 6 7 61 77J E Haynes S 51. Park, DaingerHeld, Eddie Jt. 29111 H.deGce lm70yl:49mud 31 116 1 3 3 3 2n 21! J 5IcTagt G E. Kcnna, Balfron, Daingerfleld 2SG38 Windsor 1 1-1G l:48good 2 107 8 3 3 2 21 4s F RobsonlO Aolant, AnnaBrazel, Sepherdess 28543 Windsor 1. 1-4 2:07fast 13-5105 2 3 G 4 4l 421 F Robson 9 Birka, Anna Brazel, FirstDegrce 28374 FortErie lm70yl:45andfast 2 106 2 3 3 3 21 Ink f RobsonlO Waterproof, Injury, Volant HUMILIATION, ch. g. 5 101 By Aeronaut Millie A. R. Newman. 294G1 H.deGce lm70yl:49.:;mud 8-5 104 4 2 2 2 2 ll 51 Andson S Borax. Altamnha, Dav Day 2.324 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 29 103 4 2 2 2 2h 3J 51 Andson 8 Flag Day, Ambrose, Eddie T. 2911G H.deGce 3-4 1:16 mud G7-10 114 1 2 3 4s 413 R Ball 7 Buck Shot, Naushon, Stellarina 29090 ILdeGce 3-4 l:13fast fid 117 1 4 5 41 51 R Ball 12 LittleDipper, Shoddy, Palanquin 2S990 Belmont 3-4 st l:13good 10 111 3 8 9 92 918 R. Ball 10 Yan.Notions. Striker, 5fr.Specs 27964 Empire Ab3-4 l:llmud 3 110 3 2 2 42 3J R Ball 13 R.Interest, N.Simplex, Ristible OBOLUS. b. g. 4 103 By Oddfellow Konmoro Queen W. Stormont. 29429 AVdbine 1 1-1G l:49good21-10 107 1 4 3 3 21 l C Dishmonll Fairly, AVeyanoke, Amazement 29331 AArdbine 1 1-1G l:48fast 21 114 4 3 4 3 31 423 T Parton S Alhena, King Box, Billie Baker 292S9 Wdbine 3-4 l:13fast 89 10S 10 10 10 71 GJ J Willlamsll Ykville, Ting-a-Ling, BetenUs 28917 BlueBon. 1 1-S 1:58 good S-5 112 5 5 5 3 3 If AV AVaron 7 L.Btertly, Requiram, M. Waters 28856 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1:56 slow 37-10 109 G 5 3 6 G3 22 R 5IcDott 9 5Ionocacy. Zodiac, L. Butterlly 2SS02 Connht lm70y l:50hvy 11-10115 5 4 3 2 2 2l A Pickens 5 Euterpe, Stir Up, Jabot fDlsqualified for foul. DOLINA, ch. f. 3 107 By Sir Huon Bonnie Kate fC. W. Gasser. 29G52 Laurel lm20y 1:43 fast 73-10 110 4 3 3 3 3a 3J3 E Haynes 8 Q.ofPadise, B.Arund, E.Kenna 29305 Kempton 1 l:49hvy 4 101 1 2 32 2n F Hopkins S Q. Sabe, B. Culbcrtson, Zodiac 29237 Dorval 1 1-S l:5SVgood 17 104 3 1 1 1 2nfc 421 F Hopkins 5 C.Gtelius, P.Ptliorpc, Cadenza 291G8 Dorval lm20y l:51hvy 31-10 111 4 2 2 3 31 351 F Hopkins 7 B.Cbertson, B.Frost, Pmaster 2908G Dorval 3-4 1:14 fast 11 109 9 9 9 71 7C1 A Pickens 10 T. Bybody. Kfhage, T.-a-Ling 28882 BlueBon. 3-4 l:16slow 43-5 114 8 6 3 32 32 F Hopkinsl3 Dr. Charcot, Paymaster, B.Corn 2SG29 5It.Royal 1 l:40fast 7-5 103 5 1 l3 ll F Hopkins 8 Zodiac, D. of Dunbar, EddieMott OLD BROOM, b. gr. 4 111 By Broomstick Rose of Dawn G. W. Glick. 9342 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:47andfast S9-10 109 5 6 C 7 71 V L 5Ilnk S 5L Herrmann. Jem, Lit. Nearer 29172 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:47 fast 61 114 7 6 6 6 6l 581 G W Carl 7 L.Tcresa, N.Simplex, S.Crleote 29062 H.deGce lm70yl:4Gfast 11-10 113 2 2 4 4 42 431 G W Carl C Rae B., Republican, Success 28965 Belmont 1 1-8 l:53slop 11-5 100 1 1 1 1 l1 l1! G W Carl 3 Republican. Cliff Field 28900 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 4-5 117 1 2 2 2 2 22 G W Carl 3 Vermont, Juliet 2S520 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 7 112 6 5 4 4 4 31 H H Plips G Sky Pilot, Sasln, Vermont RAY OLIGHT, ch. gr, 5 109 By Peep oDay Frayja S. Louis. 2859G AVnidsor 1 1-1G l:47fast 29-5111 1 4 4 1 l2 11 F -Robsonl3 No5Ianager, 5Ionocacy, L.Bigger 2824G Ham ton 1 1-16 1:48 fast 41-10 110 2 11 1 Ink 31 F Robson 5 Wodan, Obolus, Buzz Around 281G9 Hamton 1 1:42 fast 89-10 110 2 2 2 2 3l ! G Alexdra 8 Zodiac, Erin, Scorpii 27836 AVindsor lm20yl:43fast 27 107 3 2 2 1 22 in J Sloan 9 Chad Buford, ATork Lad. Fairly 27805 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 94 105 3 5 8 9 Sl 710 G Alexdra 9 Buzz Around, Obolus. Aristocrat 27591 Aaduct 1 l:39fast 100 107 3 6 7 7 7 51 G Alexdra 1 Kil. Boy, Sandmnn II.. Saratoga 27342 Aaduct 1 1:40 fast 30 109 1 6 6 4 4,1 4t0 J McTagt 7 AlBloch, Hulliation, G.M.MiUer FORD MAI. br. er. 6 106 By Clifford Mai G. P. Sherman. iY,flb,ne lml0: Al ".ast 60 m 7 4 5 c 65 7" W Ward 7 FlyingFlora, Drtworth, Repton Jo ?i S01, , 3,"2 4hvy 50 114 8 7 s 41 41 w Ward 9 Shaban, Bon.s First, WillCash 2S417 FortErie lm70yl:43fast S9 102 6 S 9 10 10 10" AV 5IcKzlelO Fenrock, Book. Bill, AnnaBrazel 28260 Ham ton 1 lMSfast 173 103 6 7 7 7 7 fi7i AV Ward 9 Progressive, Seorpii, Benael 28169 Hamton 1 1:42 fast 231 109 S 8 8 S 8 SJ J 5Ietcalt S Kay oLight, Zodiac. Erin 2S030 Hamton 3-4 l:13andfast fid 102 10 10 9 9 92 AV Arard 10 T.oth51ing, P.Sight, 5Iarlanac MACCABEE, br. f, 3 97 By Mcclick Dona Hamilton C. W. Otwell. -JGU Laurel 1 1-1G l:47-" GG3 9G S 5 S S 8 S2 1 Rowan S Borax, Jabot, Little England 42l H.deGce lm70yl:194mud 1090 W S S S S 8 S" 51 Andson S Eddie T., Ed AAeiss, CliDTHaven 29427 H.deGce lm70yl:45andfast 363 11121 5 4 7 7 7 7" 51 Andson 7 5I.Choice, S.Gaze, AlbertaTrue 2920G H.deGce lm70yl:4G fast 1S7 99 3 4 5 5 5 G25 B Wrschr 6 Eddie T., Flag Day, AirciniaAV. 29245 H.deGce lm70yl:47fast 150 107 10 8 9 9 9 9" 51 AndsonlO FarAway. CarltonG., Scorpii 2S93G Timium Ab5-S 59 fast 3-2 107 1 E Taplin 7 KinderLou, Beni5Iora, BarFrost WOODFAIR, ch. g, 4 10G By Fair Play Woodvine I. M. Hedrick. 2PG12 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 505 100 6 7 8 S S S3 C Hughes 9 Success. Lit.Nearer, 5I.sChoicfc 29529 Laurel 1 l:40fast 479 10S 1 S S 7 7 715 C Hughes S Jem. Eddie Henry. Transit 29457 H.deGce lm70yl:49mud 1247 114 6 4 4 4 2U 410 J Gartner 8 Eddie T., Ed AVeiss, ClifTHaveu 59400 H.deGce lm70yl:4Gy5fast 105 110 4 4 4 4 4 423 J Gartner 4 Pres. Lynn. Borax. Illuminator iS222 H.deGce 51 f l:0SVfast fid 107 12 12 12 12101215 J Gartner 13 AVizard. Tantivy, Alberta True 9288 ILdeGce lm70yl:47slow 78 112 1 3 3 4 41 415 J Gartner 5 Keziah, Juliet, 5Ienlo Park SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Oct. 10, 1914 2:03 C 103. CLIFF HAVEN, ch. g. 4 102 By Clifford Aldermans Daughter Crown Stable. 29457 H.deGce lm70yl:49iimud 89-10 109 7 0 S 5 43 3 C AVatson 8 Eddie T., Ed Weiss, Woodfah- 29273 H.deGce 1 1-S 1:50 rast 9-10 112 2 3 3 2 2nk 22 F Keogh .1 H. Tide, Day Day. Daingernelo. 29102 H.deGce Im70yl:471Efast 27-5 102 4 4 3 3 22 11 C AVatson 5 Ambrose. F.AVuzzy, SLHrmann 29037 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:48fcfast 11-10 1021 0 3 3 3 2 22 C AVatson 7 D.Fish. Daingerfleld. L.England 2S92G Belmont 1 l:41good G 105 3 5 4 3 33 31 C AAatson . Fuzzy Wuzzy, Gloaming. 5Iaifon 27273 Aqduct 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 10 102 4 3 1 1 B 22 C AAatson C LittleNearer, G.M.5IilIer, Aiiara G. M. 5IILLER. b. h. 9. 115 By Lissak Subdue R. F. Carman. 29G12 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 23-5112 3 3 5 5 51 51 E Ambrose 9 Success. Lit.Nearer. 5LsChoict 29009 BlueBon. 1 l:3Sfast 14 103 G 4 4 4 31 4" R Shilling 7 R.Bradley, Trnhill, S.ofPsure 2S708 Saratoga 1 l:41good 3-5 112 3 2 2 2 11 l1 J Butwell 4 Alberta True. Jesse Jr.. Soldier 28472 Saratoga 11-8 1:55 fast 3 112 2 2 1 2 21 25 J Butwell 8 Cliff Field, Nephthys, Star Gaze 2S3S0 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:53fast 10 109 3 3 2 1 l2 1 51 Buxton 4 Jesse Jr., Transit, Nephthys 27554 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 8 113 12 13 11 13 9 10" E Taplin 14 Rae B., Wenonah, Jesse Jr. CAPTAIN PARR. b. g. 4 115 By Ogden Ocean Tide R. Parr. 29052 Dorval 1 1-S l:54andfast 11 307 5 3 3 3 21 2" F Robson 9 5Ionocacy, Cadenza, 5hid Sill 2SS5G BlueBon. 1 1-S 1:50 slow 41-5 115 S 8 7 7 61 G12 T Rice 9 5Ionocacy, Obolus, Zodiac 28576 5It.Royl 1 1-16 l:44fast 4 114 5 5 4 43l.S Wolstm 5 Gunbearer, Grumpy, 51ud Sill 2S430 FortErie 1 3-10 2:02slop 17-5 113 6 2 3 2 22 1" F Robson 7 AAaterproof. Injury. 5IissWaters 28206 Hamton 1 lMlrast 2 115 1 4 4 4 21 in F Robson 9 Obolus. Bendel. Galeswinthe 28099 Hamton 1 1-8 1:54 fast 21 109 3 2 2 2 3 l 23 J Williams 7 H. Lauder, 51. Waters, Handfull GOLDY, ch. g. 6 110 By Nasturtium Gold Lady A. J. Karr. 2J5G5 Laurel 1 1-1G l:47fast IS 110 0 6 6 G G G2 B Wrschr 0 Eddie T., Flag Day. Star Gaze 2SSC3 Kenllwh 11-4 2:10 fast 31-10111 2 6 8 2 21 21 J DeaVpt S Thanksgiving, Peg, Little Bigger 28815 Kenllwh lm20yl:43fast 10 112 11" R Watts 12 B.Lvnch, NoMager, Tnksgivlng 28596 AVindsor 1 1-16 l:47fast 91-10 101 2 1112 13 13 12" T Parton 13 R.oLight. No5Inager, 5ronocacy 2li3JL FortErie 1 3-16 2:02slop 2 114 1 4 2 3 G2 52 R Shilling 7 Capt. Parr, AAaterproof. Injury 2S362 FortErie 1 1-4 2:06fast 31 111 6 6 6 5 4nk 22 R Shilling G 5Ionocacy, F. Degree, 51. Waters SLUMBERER, ch. g, 4 108 By Peep oDay Janet Gray Mrs. J. W. Dayton. 29611 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast IS 111 7 8 7 7 710 C12 R Troxler 8 Borax, Jabot, Little England 29345 H.deGce 1 1-8 l:55fast 13-5 112 2 2 2 2 3 21 J 5Ietcalf H Shepherdess, Day Day, FirbaP 29273 H.deGce 1 1-S 1:56 fast IS 109 5 4 5 5 5 53 .T Dennlsn 5 High Tide, CliffHaven, DavDaj 29175 ILdeGce lm70yl:4Gfast 75 116 7 S 8 S 8 822 J Dennlsn 8 Virg. AV., Orotund, L. England 29037 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 12 111 3 6 7 7 7 7" J Dennisn 7 DevilFish, C.Haven, Dingerfield 27o46 FortErie 1 3-1G 2:02 fast 16 103 3 3 3 3 3 1 T Rice 6 Goldy, Fenrock, Lohengrin PRIME MOVER, b. c, 4 305 By Ildrim Pagoda J. Barry. 29469 AVdbine 1 1-1G l:50slow 97-10 313 2 2 0 8 72 6J2 D HoffmnlO Tnksgiving, F.Orient, T.Regan 29347 Ardbine 1 1-16 l:48fast 40-5106 7 7 4 3 71 910 D HoffmnlO Drvad, Stir Up, Buzz Around 2S954 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:13hvy 2 101 2 1 1 2 31 4" AV 5IcKzie 5 5Ionocacy, Nan. 5IcDee, R.King 28S70 BlueBon. 1 1-8 2:00 hvy 13-10110 5 6 6 4 4 31 K Weathy G Fairly, Judge Sale, Afterglow 2S764 Connht 1 l:47J5slop 13 10S 2 5 6 5 42 33 T Buckles 7 St. Cliarlcote, Obolus, Alliena PEACOCK, ch. g, 5 107 By Glorifier Albertola S. Pinkerton. 2SG93 Saratoga 1 l:42slow 30 103 0 0 G 6 6 G22 AAr Doyle G Virile, Jesse Jr., Brizz 2S507 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:54fast 20 113 10 5 5 8 S1 Sl W Doyle 10 Ahara, G. Counsel, Q.ofParadise 28449 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:08 fast 20 107 7 7 S 7 6 515 AV Doyle S Killanna, Sam Slick. Juliet 2S0GG Empire 1 1-S l:58mud 10 114 7 6 6 G 5 48 W Doyle 7 Transit, S. Helen, Daingerneld 27963 Empire 1 1-8 1:59 mud 13-5 106 3 3 2 2 2s 23 AV Doyle 4 Jesse Jr., Napier, First Degree 2G574 5Ilboro Ab7-S 1:31 good 2 114 41 R Watts 7 HedgeRose, P.algee, PageAVhite