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DEVONSHIRE PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Appientice allowance. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 0, 19101:015755112. Todays Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 29003s Talebearer 101 1:00 4 109 X 725 29G42S Viler 102 1:00 7 105X720 29G03 Utelus 99 1:07 4 112X720 29083 The Wolf 110 1:07 9 104X715 29505 Lola 110 1:07 3 102X710 29041 Rosemary ......... 10S 1:05 0 100. .710 2S083 Mack B. Eubanks. .112 1:05 7 100X710 29520 Ellen Smyth ......103 1:07 3 102X705 29083 Mex 94 1:05 4 100X705 29045 Electric 109 1:08 7 103X700 29552 Test ..102 1:08 3 102X 090 29553 Clara Boots M .. 99 1:08 3 102.. 085 Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched. 29085 Ruth Strickland ..10S 1:07 3 99X705. 29085 Violet 103 1:00 3 99X715 29000 Mater 107 .1:00 " 98X705 Talebearer seems coming to himself. i of , ; e Second Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 4, 1910 1:12 1111. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 295001 Souvenir 97 1:12 3 10-1X725 20043s Nellie It 102 1:13 3 107X720 29041 Quid Nunc 112 1:12 7 109X720 29505 Rebecca Moses 100 1:14 4 112X720 29523 Black Frost Ill 1:14 3 107X715 290S0 Jerry 100 1:14 3 104X710 29504 Medford Boy .110 1:13 5 109X710 29041 Ethan Allen 105 1:13 4 104 X 705 27933 Stellata 107 1:13 5 109X705 290SO Rhodes Ill 1:13 4 112X705 29510 Star Rose 105 1:13 7 109X090 29080s Anxiety 103 1:13 4 109 X 090 Also eligible to start in order named should any above be scratched. 29079 Anavri 115 1:12 9 109X710 2USS Sliaban 100 1:13 3 10-1X705 290S0 Dash SS 1:12 3 107X710 An open race. Third Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 4, 19101:128109. 29001 CHR1STOPIIINE . 95 1:42 5 103X715. 290S0 London Girl 102 1:42 4 107X705 29044s School for Scandal. 94 1:43 3 95x090 29041 Kazan 103 1:45 4 10SX090 29599 Eleanor 3 10S..090 290S4 Earlv Riser 4 110.. 090 29ii81 Dorothy Carlin 3 99..0S0 29041 Perugino 3 103.. 080 290S5 Glomer 105 1:44 3 100X0S0 Cliristophine has less to beat than recently. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Claiming Handicap. Track record: Oct. 4, 19101:12 1111. 29002s Miss Kruter 100 1:12 5 100X725 29555 Korfhage 102 1:12 5 114X720 290U2 Foxv Grift Ill 1:12 4 112X720 29043 Raoul 112 1:12 5 108X715 29003s Outlook 103 1:13 4 102.. 710 29040 Bon Otis 9111:13 2 85.. 705 29003 Swift Fox 108 1:14 2 90X705 29003 Early Sight 100 1:13 3 98X705 Miss Kruters last race should have put her on edge. Fifth Race 1 1-1C Miles. 3-ycar-oIds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Oct. 4, 1915 1:47 7 113. 29522 Christie 110 1:10 4 118X735 29550s Star of Love 10S 1:47 4 110X730 29490 Monocacy 113 1:10 0 114X730 29555 Little String 92 1:40 4 109X725 29004s King Box 105 1:40 0 100X720 29004 Cliristophine 112 1:40 5 95X715 29001 Greenwood 3 90X710 29004 s Likens M 4 94X710 Christie is clearly best. Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 3, 19115 1:45 5 105. 29001 Mud Sill 107 1:43 S 112X725 29044s Herbert Temple .. 95 l:50h 4 109X720 29043 Impression 107 1:44 7 110X715 29001s King Box 115 1:43 0 112X715 29005 Luzzi 3 100.. 710 29129 Supreme 104 1:40 5 103X710 29041s Boneros First ... 3 97X705 29581 Prince Philsthorpo.109 1:4S 7 103X705 29004 Greenwood 98 1:42 3 105X705 295015 Princess Industry.. 92 1:45 S 100X 090 Mud Sill again is in good form. Seventh Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. No track record. 290S0 Dengro 109 1:47 4 104 X 720 29005s Bogart 105 1:41 7 104X715 29509 Euterpe 105 1:40 5 110X715 29043 Paymaster 97 1:40 3 100X710 29040 Clara Morgan 101 1:40 3 99X705 29045s Pin Money -.. 4 102X705 29545 Cuttyhuuk 100 1:40 8 104 X 705 29040 York Lad 105 1:42, 7 1020700 290S3 Rusty Coat 109 1:42 8 104X090 29552 Charles I! 107 1:43 5 104.. 090 29045s Nellie Boots M.. 97 1:42 4 104.. 190 29545 Mimico 107 1:44 4 104.. 085 Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched. 29599 Gallant Boy 10711:42 5 104X700 29001 Marianao 107 1:40 3 105X725 29002 Boxer Ill 1:41 4 107X705 Mud Sill is again in good form.