Latest Importations from England: Many Representatives of Englands Best Breeding Arrive in Safety, Daily Racing Form, 1916-10-10


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LATEST IMPORTATIONS FROM ENGLAND. Many Representatives of Englands Best Breeding Arrive in Safety. New York, October 9. The Atlantic transport liner Minnehaha brought thoroughbreds from England for George D. Widcncr. Jr.. Kenneth Alexander of Kentucky, Frederick Johnson of New York, George W. Wingfield of Nevada, J. II. Ros-siter of San Francisco and Howard Oots of Kentucky. The thoroughbreds imported by Mr. Widener are as follows: Candacraig, b. m, by Onnc Risby sister to Lackford. by Juggler. Martigohl, b. in, by Martagon Queen Marigold. Messaliua, b. m, by Cicero Raindrop, by Flori-zcl II. Rice Bird, b. m, by Missel Thrush Trousseau. Ciiugleam, b. m, by Ardoon Sunburst. Sunshine Girl, by Sundridgc Battels. Weanling bay filly by St. Amnnt Messalina. Weanling chestnut filly by Willonyx Marigold. Weanling bay colt by Roi Herode Candacraig. Grant Hugh Browne had one remarkably good-looking yearling on board the Minnehaha. This is a large and rangy chestnut colt of fine length and substance, well ballanced and liberally marked witli white. He is by the Derby winner, Sunstar Merry Margot, sister to Merry Mabel. This colt cost Mr. Browne 020 guineas at Newmarket. For Kenneth Alexander came the chestnut colt Trevisco by Tredeiinis The Test. He raced in Ireland, where he was rated a topnotchcr, having won the Baldoyle Foal Stakes. For Frederick Johnson came two broodmares and one weanling. One is the brown mare French Essex by Volodyovski Luscious grandatu of Omar Khaymnn. She has a fine weanling foal by Llaugwm. The other is the chestnut mare Fairy Ray, by Radium Seraph, by St. Fmsquin. Mr. Johnson intends to mate this Radium mare with Cock o the Walk. Fairy Bay is in foal to the good race horse and highly-bred sire Adam Bede. George II. Strate of California is here in the interest of George M. Wingfield of Nevada and .1. H. Rossiter of San Francisco, who have several valuable animals on board the Minnehaha. Their consignment is made up as follows: Brown colt, yearling, by Mauvezin Bernice. Agnes Valasquez, broodmare, by Valosquez Agnes Calliard. This mare is the dam of Volta, by Valcns, and she now is in foal to the same popular sire. Bcrrells Choice, b. f, 3, by Berrcll Sunny South. Bcrrells Image, b. f, 3, by Berrell Proud Beauty. Santa Malta, broodmare, by Sanctuary, out of a daughter of Knight of Malta. This mare is accompanied by a weanling foal. Black colt, yearling, by Mauvezin Bernice. Yearling colt by Grey Leg Bernina. Weanling filly by Squire Jack Santa Malta. The names and pedigrees of fifteen yearlings consigned to Howard Oots, were published recently.

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