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GERMAN FOAL LIST DWINDLES BADLY. "Deutscher Sport" is lamenting over the poor foaling returns from a number of the German breeding studs this year, aud attributes the paucity of foals to the bad feeding of the mares owing to the war. Mention is made of several prominent studs in that connection. Of twenty-two brood mares belonging to Freiher von Munchausen only seven had foals to live; seven mares were barren, four slipped foal, and the produce of the others soon died. Prince Hohenlohes twelve mares among them produced only six foals. Another stud, that of the Herren Utzschneider, only had four foals from eleven mares, and Herr G. Beit had only three from eight mares. For a total of 53 mares to have only twenty foals surviving is certainly a poor return, being, roughly, only four foals from every ten mares, and if the returns given are a fair sample of the whole of the German breeding studs, it is evident that the blockade is making itsel? badly felt. The foaling returns for the United Kingdom for the current year are as yet unpublished, but in 1915, according to the Stud Book Supplement, there were, roughly, seven foals per ten mares, while in 1914 there were between six and seven. London Sportsman of December 4.